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Jan 23, 2018
Quick review: If i had to describe it with one sentence: "Waste of a a good idea" The artwork is ok enough, especially the colouring, character are kinda bland, the story process is little boring but the climax is a cutely really good but a little too short.
Two new manga artists joined the Jump family with a really unique manga for shonen jump. Personally i am all about movie and a manga based on that makes me hyped. But this may not be the one i was waiting
Story: Its about typical as it can get, a decent start for a first manga.
It start with a narration like any other manga you ever saw in your life and the its goes as normal as you can get. For manga based on acting i was expecting more and you can tell towards the climax of the story how much more you can have but for a reason it doesn't want to take you there in the first minute. You have some funny moments but they feel force most of the time. This would be a better chapter if they did the climax in the start too. Show me more challenging acting and draw my attention! don't save it at the end. And the is still going on and on with exposition and dialogues and less acting parts.Reader are too judgmental in the first 5 pages so don't just save the good stuff in the end, do more of that.
Character: They seem so one note colour for the moment. Every manga I've redd im like "why do you have that other characters don't have" and beside the main chapter can cry willingly there is nothing much else. You have some many colourful directors in Hollywood, take something from that. Don't shoe all this series unenthusiastic guys. Characters are the soul of the manga. If you character are bland you manga will feel bland.
Art: There is not really much to say about it, its pretty simple and feels like "this is my first manga in a magazine". The weakest think is the backgrounds. There are so few you can't really tell where you are. I think the artist hate drawing them but for start its okay, you will get some assistants to do your work will be fine as long you actually put someone to do backgrounds. Also the line are kind too thick and not so pleasant some times.
As weird it may sound i did enjoyed it a little, at least the first chapter, mainly cause of the climax of the first chapter. I only wish they give me more of the and more colourful characters to cheer. For now it feels like its going to have 2 volumes or something
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jan 17, 2018
( review to be update in chapter 8 )
Bozebeats, Here is the Quick review: take Mowgli from jungle book and add some machine gun holding monks that wipe out demons. Pretty metal premise and witch I'm totally in but their are things that take me out of it. MC is kinda weak, overall it doesn't feel new, art work is great, the monk guy from CH1 is cool, the action is "ok" creative.
(6)Story: Like i said, Mowgli from jungle book ( yeah that what ill call the main character atm, his name is Tamaki actually, cool name in my opinion ) raised by wolfs
, was found by a demon slaying monk, told his name, found a demon, demon kills mama wolf ( spoilers but then again its the first chapter) monk kills demon, Mowgli has some unknown power, monk casts a spell, mowgli becomes a monk. Its fine story but structure its little week. For example, in the panel where the mama wolf dies its not clearly and when i went to the next page im like "oh? she dead? kk" and thats where the stories falls. The panel work of this manga doesn't compliment the story at all, when the mama wolf dies it should be a big moment but it doesn't feel like it. When we first see the protagonist his in the water remembering a random girl and fade out and the we cut to the mama wow take him as his child. That could been removed and be replaced, oh i don't know, a whole page with the mama wolf dead. Shock the reader a little, you have a great art work man, you can do it.
(9)Art: This may be one the main factors of the existence of the series "kid draws great you are in!" and indeed his drawing a really good, especially the colouring, its in a pro level and its really promising. For example the monster design if you break it down it nothing special but the artwork compliments it a lot and suddenly looks great. The action is also getting better and more creative, for example there is a fight on a plane which is pretty rare in a manga. But as i said in the story part, there are some odd panel choices. It may be neap-peaking but still great art work.
(6)Characters: The MC has a mysterious past and he knows nothing and thats pretty much it. As the story goes he wants to be a member of those monks (BOZE) to take revenge i guess but there is no more layer to it atm . As i said before his more like a Mowgli character and that okay, not the first time there is a spin in well know characters. I really liked the fact that he couldn't read and he always had his name tag and the the monk tell him his name, great idea. No more build up for now and reader are not that petitioned. The monk form the fist chapter is actually more interesting. He may be the very first vegetarian male character in a shounen manga ever. Thats unique, im in to it. Then you have the main character sempai who has a GANTZ like weapon and thats the only characteristic i can point out, But in the end there is nothing that really got me connect or really interested in it.
Did I enjoyed it? well it is pretty to look, the action is kinda fun, but over all it doesn't feel new or something that jump reader will get in to. For a rookie its good start but i feel like it could be better. We will see how its goes but for know it feels like its going to have only 3 volumes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 19, 2017
By the time I'm writing this review, the movie is already the most hight-grousing film Japan surpassing even Spirited Away, this movie is a phenomenon and one of the most praised animated films in recent history, so obviously I would have high expectations about this movie and the worst think about it is it had the potential to be what everyone is saying -A masterpiece-. But no its not, it may be the most Overrated movie I ever watched. Now that doesn't make it bad, its just okay but again, it had the potential.
Okay the start of the movie is
one of the best starts and well paced starts i ever watched (for the most part). It explores cultures, the daily life and psychology of the main characters in a way so well made that you get immediately drawn in (not invested tho) by simply saying "what if this 2 change body every next day" .
This is good, no i take it back this is brilliant, its not 1 time, its every next day, and not only that, both of them know they have to live with it so the make rules to protect its others personal life and in the same time making it better for each other, immanent the possibilities you can do with this. Also there is this whole thing about "musubi" ( 結び )which is really interesting and connects okay with the story nd pretty much give the deeper meaning, at least that tries to do.
I hope you like what i said because after that throws its self from a high mounted and splashes it to a million pieces.
I dont want to get to spoilers but to put it simply the climax (which it start when Taki goes to the girls home town in person) has nothing to do with the build up we had by now. The stakes changes and take a whole diffident direction and almost ruins the film. Anyone who saw this movie n reading this review ask yourselves " did we really want THIS climax?". Personally I believe " as long as the characters are interesting you don't need a great story" ( Deadpool for example). Which bring me to the second problem of the movie.
Okay lets just say Mitsuha is well made and flawless, I can believe that, but what about Taki? He seem so invested towards to Mitsuha but you don't really feel it, in fact ( miner spoiler) he fells in love with here and you don't even see that happening, hr friend says " oh you're in love" and that how we know he's in love with her. This won't be a real problem if his main motivation wasn't that and the side characters where actually well made. Seriously! there just there, helping the friend in need no questions ask, no juice, not taste what so ever. There feel plain and cliché (heck! there is ever the most typical stereotype of bully in). Don't even make me mention the climax again.
Never the less, the things that are good a really good, (which it the idea) and it may not be that big waste of time in the end but i don't believe this i a movie you want to see over and over ( Its pretty forgettable actually).
People, I know you love this movie and i can see why but let me ask you something. Do you like to have the most gourmet and expansive sea food with the cheapest red wine? RED!! That what the movie does. Give your high exceptions, a brilliant idea, and then ruins it with red wine. RED WINE
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 9, 2015
A new manga published in Mac-Garden very similar to Mahoutsukai no yome( Ancient Mangus Bride) if u like Mahoutsukai no yome you gonna like this.
Slow pace and kinda magical. If you think long and hard, your will find out I've seen this type of story before but not in a manga. Feels like a classic fairytale in a manga form and feels really original. There is a lot of suspense with the whole "curse" its going and that because the story doesn't give you what you want but only what you need to know.
This is the best part about the manga. This is
not your classic manga art with big eye cute girls. Its simple, a few touches of screen tone and it feels old n rusty and European. And thats great. The art compliments perfectly the story and all the feel of this manga, makes it a more unique of an experience and makes you want to read more. No other art style is more feating than this right here.
Nothing really ground breaking about them, the cursed characters are pretty mysterious. The human character and really human like character. They fear the outside world, trying to defend their selfs from the curse. The little girl is a normal little girl. That actually fine. I thing the point of this manga is not to get attached with the characters but to experience the whole thing.
I enjoyed a lot. Its an easy read and take you in to a big journey in a small scale world. If you like fantasy and unique art this is the perfect manga for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 26, 2015
Omg yes! Something that its no like the other and its based in Physics ??!! I fucking love Phisics YEAH!!! Science Bitch!!
The crater is a rookie and the one shot of the manga got awarded . Wait. A ROOKIE MADE THIS SHIT!!! WOW!!!!
Omg can't w8 to read the . . . next . . . chapter…. *reads the manga got cancel throw low ranking
Why?? Why Shounen jump??? You used to be cool, bringing cool series and sh*t. Why you cancel hungry joker???
Oh Yeah the review.
Well its kind of hard to review a canceled series, its like:
"hey this series
is really good, go check it out, get hyped and then NEVER LEARN WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPED CAUSE ITS CANCELED!! "
In one word: Unique
I mean all the characters are great, colourful ,fun and awesome and i love the main character, he is sarcastic and full of curiosity towards the thing around him.
The supporting character are pretty unique. There is this guy who acts really cool and looks really cool and then you call to his thoughts and his is all panicking and tries to keep his cool. There's also this girly dressed guy who is really fabulous and kinda attracted to the main character who is a lot of fun too. if i had to say something negative about the supporting characters is the heroin is a little weak but in my opinion you can overlook it. All the fun stuff is with Haichi and his intonation with other characters.
The world building/ story its kinda formal-ish, "we need to get that thing, here is a education back-story, go to a new place, make new nakama, fight the bad guy, merge Haichis powers with new character, win, get something, memories, powers whatever" there a been many formula based stories like Inuyasha, Fairy tale, the ancient magus pride etc, and i find it kinda unique. I can't think of other series with this formula, other people may not get to it, but for a shonen manga i think is awesome.
-But why a 9?? did you see how it ends thats not good.
Yeah but lets not forget is a cancels series. When a series is meant to be cancelled a guy come ups to the creator and says.
"Your manga sucks, you have 7 more chapter to draw"
I give it a 9 cause the potential it had, fresh and good. The artwork is also one of a kind, the characters are fun, the battles are awesome.
The creator decides to no give an actual ending but to show the readers the potential that could have and I'm all for it, who know he may get back to it.
And this manga had a lot of potential to be great like other great Shoune Jump manga before it. When this shit started everyone was f*king hyped ! Youtubers spent time to review every chapter every week and if you google image of it you will see som fun art. Get this?? people actually spent time to review it and make fun art. That sh*t is good!
Then this happened. Its got canceled.Jump readers didn't like it lovely, i think if it was on Sunday or Magazine it may do better.
I feel if this manga was meant to be voted by from people out of japan, it would get the love that it deserves and the ending that it deserved.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 26, 2015
Ok, lets start by saying I'm not a big fun of Shojo manga for obvious reasons.
Tho every time the Nana Subject comes around people say its really good.
So why not I'm going to check it out.
And let me say its f*king Brilliant !!!!
Its not the story that makes it so good, but its the way it is presented. Which makes me find it Brilliant.
The story its about 2 grown-ass woman that the meet in a train, that goes to Tokyo to make they believe a good life. They a-part and then they HAPPENED to meet in the same mansion which thy looking to
They are the opposite of of the other yet so similar.They share the same name "Nana", they're both are 20 years old. The antithesis between the 2 main-characters is one of the bases of the story, quite rare in anime yet it can have good results
Every episode starts and ends with a monolog towards "Nana"
-Yeah but which one of them mr??
Exactly !! This is the brilliants of this anime. They have the same name. . . THEY HAVE THE FUKING SAME NAME!!!! HOW MANY TIME YOU SEE THAT IN A F*king anime that ?? Huh????!!!!
Look, talking towards "Nana" could mean: talking to her selfs or her Friend "Nana". Also the monolog gives you the feel that you listening to the persons story and with few words give the feel ''Holly Sh*t!! I wonder what happened".
That monolog builds expectation, builds the character builds everything towards the story and the viewer. Thats good STRUCTURE
You don't need to be a fan of Shojo to enjoy this anime, the presentation of the story make everything invalid.
There is cliché on the proses of the story but its invalid cause it lets you know that "its gonna happened. . . Its gonna happened. . . OH f*k it happened " .
A cliché can be easily spot on a story but if you have a F*KING GENUIS WRITHER like Nana's wright you can use it on your favour to draw the viewer/reader attention and not say "I don't know whats gonna happen" but say "How its gonna happen".
Now thats brilliant.
Don't take my word for it, go check by your self.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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