(Spoilers Free) #ithink.
So far i have read a total of 6 chapters And only 3 letters stays pinpointed on my head. ~WTF~
Lets get down to Business , If you dislike heavy gore, extreme nudity and hate deaths in general, Then i would advise you to never ever read this manga. On the other hand if you enjoy them, then oh boy, you are in for a treat.
As the Synopsis shows "Distributing thrilling videos in secret! A school game that puts life and death on the line!". Along these lines i would really recommend adding the words "What","The" and "Fuck".
After laughing out loud on
Alternative TitlesJapanese: DEAD Tube ~デッドチューブ~ InformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Apr 19, 2014 to ?
Champion RED Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #241
Members: 69,419
Favorites: 1,593 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 54 / 57
Your Feelings Categories Oct 21, 2016
The story is really dumb. But if you're the type of person that will read this after being intrigued by the plot-line, then you might enjoy it. I read it because I like darker stuff, but rather than being pitch-black, this is more like a shit brown. The main girl is drawn really attractively so that kept me reading, plus the rest of the artwork is well done. But holy shit if this won't make you lose a few brain cells in the process of reading it.
I think I should reiterate that the only enjoyment I got out of this was that the ... Aug 5, 2016
[Semi Spoilers but only disclosing what happens in the first chapter so you better be not surprised]
=TL;DR WILL BE AT THE BOTTOM= You follow the main character Machiya Tomohiro, a cameraman working for the Film Research Club. The only thing he ever wants in life to to record and film. One day he bumps into a girl named Mashiro Mai, who asks him to record her daily life. Being the edgy man that Machiya is, he accepts and continues to film her for the next few days. One thing leads to another and suddenly Machiya finds that Mashiro is a crazy murdering bitch. Now, as someone who ... Nov 1, 2015
Story: it's quite unique in a way, overall for the genre, it starts on shockingly on hold but the director and teacher arc's do save the day
Art: stunning, refined and very ''beatifully made'' it will catch your eye Characters: impressive development during the so far published material, much more than you can count on at first glance Enjoyment: if you're into the genre or the story and characters interest you to keep on reading or you love series with many twists, it will definitely entertain you Overall: if you're not into a bit of gore and nudity then stay away however if you want something in the ... Jan 8, 2019
After I read the existing 44 chapters I can give my honest review about this shitshow:
DeadTube is way to fckd up and thats its problem. The scenes and storys connected to them are basicly always the same. They all rely on rape, nuditiy, gore and revenge. These things are a very cheap way of writing and also of presenting a story. The actions from almost every single character are not reasonable at all.They mostly "just do" for always the same reason. (money or fetish) I mean, its good if you want to lose some braincells. I cant imagine any1 really enjoying this bs unless you are ... Aug 3, 2022
What starts as an interesting horror manga about social media stars fighting each other to the death to gain fame and fortune quickly degrades into hackneyed, trope-ridden torture porn that appeals to exactly no one.
The characters: dull and bland, they each have one trait that gets old immediately. To serve the "plot," everyone and their mother are evil rapists who, just like the author, really, REALLY, hate women. The games: nonsensical. Stuff occurs because the editor thought it looked cool, or they had to fill the sex quota. The actual content: totally offensive in every way. Dead Tube seeks only to shock, in the most ... Nov 12, 2024
Deadtube is one of those manga that’s hard to stop reading once you start, but not because it’s good. Quite the opposite—it thrives on shock value, using graphic violence and disturbing themes like rape to unsettle the reader. And while it does succeed in creating discomfort upon first read the repetitive nature of these scenes quickly makes it feel stale. It’s like eating the same meal every day until the taste becomes overwhelming and unpleasant.
The characters in Deadtube are poorly written and lack any real depth or nuance. Most of them are portrayed as unreasonably evil and perverted. This is especially true for the ... Jul 25, 2017
Where do I begin with the mess that this manga's story is? As a person who doesn't like survival games, yet I have read a fair bit of Btoom...not sure if that is it's correct spelling or not, but I do not see any story in Dead Tube. Btoom is the only other survival game manga I have read which had a story. Dead Tube has a plot, but that is all it has. The plot being film gruesome scenes and get the most views. It's a good idea as a plot point, but not as a story.
And the "story" is hardly held together by ... Mar 16, 2021
Today is 8:10pm from where I am, and I just "ended" Dead Tube with Chapter 56, even if it was actually only an end an of a era, since as of today, 2 chapters are still serialized so the manga has not yet ended officially.
But now, since it ended a season for me, I want to talk about it as it is. The manga was so messed up along the way, just because there were characters that you didn't want to die were killed; while those who were pure were hurt the most, and because of that, it makes you empathize with the main character even ... Feb 26, 2022
Its just pure gore and rape. The only reason I'm still reading this is because the art is so damn good and cuz this manga is so 'unique'. The story is fine, but the author is pretty messed up... Almost every female introduced gets raped or killed eventually, including high-schoolers and middle-schoolers.
Art: 9/10. Some of the best gore i've seen, and the illustrator is worryingly good at drawing rape scenes. Story: 3/10. Some arcs actually had a story to them, and some even had decent conclusions with people continuing their lives. But then future arcs would bring that person back and have them gangraped ... Jul 26, 2020
I have never read Gore Mangas, but this is gonna be my first time reading one. Actually my curiosity brought me up from a Youtuber that shared and surfaced one of the disturbing Mangas in the internet. Dead tube is one. So at first, I was really in disbelief what they reviewed how f*ked up this series can be. But then i started off reading the manga, I honestly didn't bothered much about the Gore/Hentai stuffs than watching non-anime snuff films. This one caught my attention because there were a lot of entertaining scenes. I really liked how the plot goes, it has the ... Nov 8, 2020
Idk how to explain it but i feel this enjoyment while i was reading it the characters are awesome there are many unexpected scenes for me the genre are pretty good if your love yandere i recommend you to read this i hate reading long reviews so yeah just read it yourself =^= turns out i cant upload short review '-'.... I'll start again in the story, the story is about dead tube where they put different kind or videos it became popular to their school the thing is the more dangerous the video you uploaded the more people would be interested to watch them
Nov 30, 2020
i finished this manga in the span of 3 days.
honestly ,, i really found this manga interesting to read ,, im a fan of horror/gore type genre. i dont necessarily recommend this manga to anyone who is sensitive to T;W gore ,, sexual harrasment and such. viewer discretion is advised for this one. definately not for kids lol. the plot and story was quite good for me. a little bit more than decent. most of them had some what predictable plot twists ,, although that doesnt make it any less enjoyable. i enjoyed reading them and always had the urge to continue reading. the art was alright ,, it ... Jan 9, 2020
Essensially, this manga is for those who love gore, extreme nudility, and horror. If you can't take any of these things, stay away from this manga at all costs or you will have wierd images burned into your brain.
Story (6/10): I'll be honest, the plot isn't great. Once you get into it (around 25 chapters in) the story begins to get really repetitive. Outside of deadtube videos and events, the story of the characters in school (without the gore) is seriously medicore. Even Tomohiro Machiya's main goal in deadtube is really not written well (not explaining the goal due to spoilers but yeah). There ... Feb 21, 2023
I always loved weird stuff, because it is really pleasant to see author being truly free in their art, some may think that all the gore and sex violence is just "free " and in some way it is, but it's just great to see an author who really do not care if his art and idea will bother people or not.
Dead tube is a great manga, but not for every one, like many horror movie that get bad review because people can not stand to watch scary/gruesome stuff, wich i understand since i was like that before, i had really bad experience with some ... Oct 17, 2021
[Spoilers later in the review] (Will mark where spoilers begin)
Dead Tube is the manga that you hear about in high school from a friend because its super fucked up and it will traumatize you. The best analogy for this series is that it's the manga iteration of the darkweb site "Run the Gauntlet". For those that don't know run the gauntlet is a website found on the dark web where you watch increasing distrubing videos ranging from breaking bones to child dying and suicide tapes. To be honest only certain types of people can watch read this manga and those are people that ... Oct 22, 2018
So, I see this manga again after two years since I first read it in 2016, and I spent the last 2 days binging it and catching up to what is at the time of this post the latest chapter, chapter 44.
First off this isn't a manga that should be binged. It's just unbearable to read multiple chapters of this psychotic shitshow of a manga. At least not for me. As for the manga itself, I guess I'll start with story. The general synopsis is that there's this site called Deadtube and people upload basically very very bad boy stuff on there from rape to mutilation ... Oct 19, 2016
When was the last time you spend watching videos some people died in accidents brutally screwed up a bit..
Well If that's the cases we have here called a not so normal website when people tried to post some gruesome lowlife stock even talk about sex or death.. all over in the internet I mean seriously? What could be possibly wrong with that? Said that to a freaking sadist like me... The story isn't really that ordinary... If I remember correctly There's no way out, after you participate in some random stunt game.. You should Come up with some ideas in order to kill someone then ... Jan 11, 2021
I gave this manga a 3 but not because it's bad or anything but because it's the most fucked up shit I've ever read in my entire life. The author of this manga must have the most twisted mind possible to be able to come up with shit like this. In general the dead tube is a good horror manga it just lacks the realism of works such as the ones of junji ito. The characters in the manga were all probably just as twisted as the author himself and it was really nice seeing all these mentally ill characters interact with each other because
Oct 3, 2016
Before you read this manga you should know that it contains a lot of graphic nudity and violence. Including themes of rape, assault and murder. If any of this bothers you then i would not recommend this manga. For me personally the nudity in some places is used well for the story tone and plot but on a lot of cases is a little over the top. If you can look passed that then there is a nice manga underneath. From the first chapter one gets the impression that it is just a mindless fan service piece with little depth but as you read further