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May 26, 2021
I wouldn't say I am a huge fan Godzilla but I have watched many of the movies and I have a basic understanding of him. But what I like about this, the story, as of episode 10 we've been greeted with a great story here. But it's a lot of science so I understand if others are not as easily interested in that aspect. But this is what makes this Godzilla adaptation so much more impressive. That they can elaborate and explain to use all this science stuff which at least for me makes absolute sense. Yes there are elements of the unknown, but justified.
that is the story, a lot of talking and you have to be a fast reader for the subtitles. The art and sound are good, nothing too striking. Bad CGI monsters but it strangely works. Character development is lacking the most, they are mainly there for the exposition so you don't get to deep into them. Nothing revolutionary at least.
But my enjoyment is what counts the most here and with the latest episode I have gotten hyped. All around the anime is what you'd expect, but a lot of hard to understand concepts which may deter some. But if you understand all of that, it makes the show far more enjoyable and makes a lot of sense if you have a understanding of Quantum Mechanics. I would suggest this if you enjoyed Steins; Gate. Not as gripping as that, but very informative.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 2, 2019
Four episodes in and the story is already not making any sense, and yes, I have watched Alicization and even that is better compared to what we've gotten in the past 4 episodes of this, this is slated to be 12 episodes? Well that's a surprise, but a good one because it's not faring well so far.
The story is summarized by bad guy tries to take Alice cause she's the building blocks of the entire VR world they are in apparently. Though it all falls apart now that we know that the bad guy is absolutely insane. Think of all previous SAO baddies up till
now. This current one is about 5x that and it's just the same sex fiend bad guy that the previous ones where. Only he wants to kill you at the same time for his high.
So, that's the story and characters so far, as Kirito and Alice haven't had much of an roll so far, and Asuna remains on the sidelines. It amazes me to think SAO has gone on for this long with the same generic bad guy at the end of each season. And when so many plot holes and deus ex moments fill it.
Art is probably the best thing about this anime, and sound a close second, it can still get me pumped at the right moments, but those moments are tiresome when the rest isn't all that good to watch which is why I'm questioning myself watching it.
Overall enjoyment is null. There is none, but it passes the time and there are still worse things to watch that wouldn't get me as frustrated as something that could be good would. I do not suggest watching this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 28, 2019
I had to drop this, the story line is more or less a cluster of random plots with very little tying them together with the rest of the over arcing story or lack there of. Every plot is predictable, every twist is mute and the mystery is null as the characters themselves are going off of a hunch off of what someone misheard.
The art is it's only saving grace, it has great art direction, much like AoT, but like AoT the story and overall plot falls flat. I can't say I enjoyed this. It's one of the poorest attempts I've seen with a decently high
budget to give it that good art direction.
As for the characters, they all fit their trope perfectly. You got the silent girl who isn't very silent once she comes out of her shell. The annoying tsundere girl. Over reactive jock. Edgy cool Guy, cool Guy. Silent Nerdy Guy. Cute sister girl who gets into trouble randomly. A it he/she thing, and lastly the memory loss girl who's too cheerful because reasons.
Yah, can say this is a great train wreck to watch, but if you're looking for a story and decent plot, look elsewhere.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 28, 2019
I'm dropping this, and I can't believe I stuck with it as long as I did. Overall there is NO story that I can tell. The story is mismatch together with no coherent knowledge of any of the subject matters it explores.
We'll be a fantasy with elves, nope, then it becomes time travel, and that's it's main thing, although it has the MC jumping time lines, yet a "hard reset" happens after he gets an item when yeets himself out of that timeline, and leaving each timeline without him, it makes absolutely no sense when you consider how time travel works.
It soon becomes a futuristic
story and that's where I stopped. Again it makes no sense what so ever.
Sound and Art or more or less the same, mediocre with plenty of reused backdrops and settings as if they rushed an already rushed story. Why it's getting 26 episodes when it doesn't even deserve that is beyond me.
Character: Well the MC is all about those women and protecting them and flirting with each and everyone of them, including the teachers. He doesn't even try to hid it. There are no note worthy characters in this anime as the plot for each is shallow and strung together but some "logic".
I can't even say I enjoyed it, usually with time travel story, you have a mystery going for it, something the MC learns and goes though, well he does that, but the hard reset starts him from the beginning and he chose a different path without any concerns over the previous ones or even referring back to them.
Overall, this is a waste of your time to watch, and a waste of the animators effort into a story that isn't even worth the time nor money it took to make. You can find better sub par stories than this that have a slight bit more of plot and enthusiasm to it's story else where.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 3, 2018
I feel compelled to write this review as Hanebado! is a mix bag of probably the best of somethings--such as great animation during the badminton scenes, and the worst of everything else.
As far at the story goes, there isn't much flow between one thing to the next, I mean in one episode we see a character enter the story, yet next mentioned throughout the next episode. This is just one example. But the story goes from some flow, to none at all as the story is trying to be super edgy and depressed while never having a real need to. It never makes a big
enough impact on you to have that edginess or that depression. And things come from random encounters and random scenes that give very little in both body language or dialogue to have you really understand what is going on.
So Art and Sound go hand in hand here, as they are both equally good when the scene calls for it. The Badminton must have been done by watching real badmintoners as it's very crispy and fluent and when the music is right, it does a great job of what's needed of it, but as I said with the story above, there are unnecessary times when it's building a mood that isn't there and feels out of place at best.
Characters suffer from the story as well as they are sporadic. The core cast is overall fine, but than we have two out of place badminton players which are there purely it seems to cause harm or hate on the main character. And she is somehow traumatized by it all. I understand how someone can be so engrossed into a sport, but I've seen that done far better in other anime's than this one.
So really all that is keeping me watching this at this point is the fluent animation of the badminton and the very few hints that the story is good here and there. But it doesn't flow at all. And my enjoyment is at best dull to what could have been a great series to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 26, 2018
What can I say other than Darling in the FranXX isn't a mecha anime which it tries so hard to be. It would be better suited as a psychological coming of age story, separated between the 5 pairings, each having their own story told though a few episodes each with interconnecting plots. Along with the foreboding nature of the city they live within or outside of. I won't give away any spoilers cause that's actually the only aspect keeping me watching this series.
When it began I was thinking all great, another return to roots mecha anime from Trigger, Kill la Kill was great, Gurren Lagann
was great, but this took it's turn for the worst almost from the beginning which I have to blame solely on A1 Pictures. I feel the boardroom meeting when with A1 Pictures discussing the story and saying, you know what would be great, lets get Trigger to animate it all, yet have no influence on the actual story. Kiznaiver which I consider to be one of Trigger poorer titles was still great and fun to watch. Darling in the FranXX isn't all that fun to watch, nor all that entertaining considering there really isn't any good flow from one episode to the next and the flow within each episode is out of place to.
Well lets go down the list, Story wise I think I explained well above. Art, again seems to have been solely by Trigger and is not their best quality but art that I enjoy watching none the less.
Sound is reminiscent of Gurren Lagann but doesn't have that same impact over the top feeling which it's predecessors had.
Characters by far are the most shallow I've seen in any anime, then again they are also cliche types and maybe its just how bad the plot is being developed that that cliche shines though ever more that it's annoying almost.
Really there is very little enjoyment I get out of it, but I am hanging into to either see the whole wreckage or to see some great turn around. Which my vote is for the latter at this point. That being said, overall I don't think Darling in the FranXX deserves anything over a 6, but some reviews are downright brutal with giving it 1's or 3's, I mean there are far worst animes then this, give it a bit of slack.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 15, 2018
Unfortunately there are too many flaws to give Violet Evergarden an honest 10. Mainly in the story department because they are hit or misses and some could be longer, I just feel the 14 episodes are a hindrances, if they had a full season maybe the few stories that felt rushed could have been elaborated on. The two I can name are when Violet was apart of the school for a short time to learn to be a doll, that all began and wrapped up in a single episode. It was still good, I just felt more could be done even though the ending did
hit home.
The other was the night of the comet, a few episodes in, I think it was episode 5, they spent some time talking about loneliness and I felt they could of done so much more to define and heighten that though both Violet and the person she was working with.
Moving on to the rest of the review, art is outstanding and I am surprised that Kyoto Animation hasn't tried more serious adaptations with their art style. I was just looking and all there stuff is cutesy moe stuff, which isn't bad but to see such a drastic change to something more serious. The animation is flawless.
Sound/Music: These are key to any series. Or at least one that you are trying to be serous with. The OST of Violet Evergarden is comparable to that of CLANNAD, which coincidentally Kyoto Animation did. Every note during the sad portions of the anime hit home. Again, flawless.
And lastly we end with Characters. A bit lack luster but still great, and since Violet is the main focus, the others arne't necessarily important but provide enough support that they fill their roll, I mean Violet Evergarden is a story to story series, each episode being a story in of it self with a few sprawling more and of course the over arcing story. Still the characters are all good, just don't expect to see much of anyone besides Violet.
Overall, like I said, it's not enough to warrant a 10 and being this far in, after watching 10 episodes, I doubt 4 more will change my opinion on upping my rating to a 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 25, 2017
Where do I begin with the mess that this manga's story is? As a person who doesn't like survival games, yet I have read a fair bit of Btoom...not sure if that is it's correct spelling or not, but I do not see any story in Dead Tube. Btoom is the only other survival game manga I have read which had a story. Dead Tube has a plot, but that is all it has. The plot being film gruesome scenes and get the most views. It's a good idea as a plot point, but not as a story.
And the "story" is hardly held together by
the two main characters who at 33 chapters in haven't displayed any real kind of development aside from some dull moments of forced emotional distress. Adding to this, we also gain quite a few one off characters which are introduced during the arc and subsequently killed off in the same arc. Few characters have hung around long enough to see the next arc, but still no development even from them.
Even the villans hang around just long enough for their roll and then they die.
The point here is explaining why there is no story to this manga and why all the characters are more or less side characters and not main. There is no over arcing plot, unless you count the psycho girls backstory which we've gotten already. What is the point of Dead Tube? Seems it would be better suited as a case by case story, each chapter/arc being a new set of characters.
Now I've stray from the review a bit but only to show that this plot can be part of a good story, it's just horribly handle in this authors hands.
There are one or two interesting arc's within the manga but they are poorly done as I mentioned prior. Not to mention easily predictable. But if you are one for blood, gore, and lots of nakedness--as well as other bodily fluids that has decent art. Then this is the manga for you, just don't expect a story. It's just a bunch of killing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jun 3, 2017
Probably my 4th review, and boy did this anime become a let down quickly. Don't get me wrong, the premise is a great idea, but the execution is poor with Re: Creators. Episode 1 is promising, but from there it falls into cliche valley.
What began it's descent from a really, really good anime, which I saw a different review suggestion this could be a classic--which I find a joke--is I think the second episode which provided us a theory as to why everything is happening.
This theory was poorly placed because the characters from the anime worlds were just introduced and with no evidence supporting the
theory, yet with all logical reasoning behind it, I couldn't accept it. A few episodes later we do get that evidence but it's already ruined my immersion.
Another aspect where it falls short is the random introductions, and the sudden stops in fights when the fights are possibly the best parts of the anime, paired with the music, it's all but flawless, but they are stopped for no reason other then the theory which provide the reason but to avoid spoilers I won't get into it.
If the theory came about correctly, after evidence was provided, I could accept it, but there's more that plagues this anime. And it could be personal preferences but that's for you to decide.
The main character--I don't know if it's a culture thing, but he is weak. Sota later hides stuff, and it feels like a plot point drawing out, but there is no reason other then his own pride or something that he's hiding the information when it's need. That's why I say it's a plot point, just something to drag the plot on. It's not suspenseful if that is what they are trying for, it's just poor writing.
Going along with that, the characters are also pretty sub par, and paired with the rather great dialogue, it's ironic that they want to try to have a good story, but are unable to.
Overall, it's a nice anime to watch, but not a good one, and nowhere near a classic. I'll give it credit where it's good but if a story is bad, it's not going to be good. Art is great, Sound is fantastic, the rest, poor. See it as you'd like but know that I find this series lacking.
Update Note: Began episode 9 and it just made a mess of itself. No point for me to continue to watch it and I probably should have dropped it long before now.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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May 12, 2017
I will note that I am not the best at writing reviews, and that this is only my second or third time writing one. It may not be objective and fair, but these are my honest thoughts on this anime.
I decide to give this a fair try, and I'll be watching it till the end, my friend suggested it to me and that is why I am continuing to watch it otherwise I would have dropped it the first episode. He claims it picks up but I have yet to see that.
The story is one of the weakest aspect of this show, careful because I
might spoil a few things within the episodes I have already watched. The story goes as follow; random robot or android made of gears falls on some random kids home--the kid is noted to be unable to fix anything that has to do with gears, yet he can hear gears and is able to fix the android which hasn't been fixable in 200 years.
That's just the first episode but no need to go further, over all it doesn't pick up and is unable to keep what tension there is by including poorly placed jokes to lighten things up.
We move to the characters, the main character which I described in the second paragraph doesn't have any redeeming quality's other then liking gears and there is so much that could come from a series all about gears, but it doesn't seem like the gears are the main focus, just an after thought. Honestly the characters are non existent in their form in the anime, just generic personality you would expect. Naoto Miura is the happy go lucky one track mind pervert who loves his gears and won't do anything that doesn't involve gears. And Marie Bell Bregute is constantly looking to be the best that she can be and fix everything. There really is no personality here.
Am I enjoying this series, no, I am watching because I'm expecting it to get better but I am not seeing that. So in conclusion it's not a series I would suggest but others seem to enjoy it, and if you enjoy it, good for you, it's just something I would have dropped long ago if not for my friend. I gave it a 4 and if it does pick up I am open to changing that number but for now, it remains.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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