Übel Blatt
Ubel Blatt
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Übel Blatt

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Evil Blade
Japanese: Übel Blatt ~ユーベルブラット~
English: Ubel Blatt
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 23
Chapters: 167
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 3, 2004 to Mar 25, 2019
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure, Fantasy Fantasy
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Big Gangan
Authors: Shiono, Etorouji (Story & Art)


Score: 7.601 (scored by 1950419,504 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #23062
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #290
Members: 59,509
Favorites: 1,374

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Ubel Blatt is essentially a "newer" version of Berserk. It shares many general themes with Berserk, such as a dark fantasy setting, swordfighting, sex and the theme of a lone hero betrayed by his friends and is out to get revenge. However, the mangaka of Ubel Blatt is no Miura; the art is of a more typical manga style than the extremely detailed drawings you'll find in Berserk. Consequently, the character design looks similarly generic. This difference is rather apparent when you compare Koinzell, the main character who looks like a scarred version of Link and is indeed an Elf/Fairy thing, to Guts who is pretty  read more 
reportRecommended by Eej
Similar premise, in that the "Hero" is labeled a criminal and needs to defeat the corrupt "good guys". 
reportRecommended by Shiken
In both story, a main character was misunderstood to be the bad guy. They also had to undergo a lot of hardship for revenge. There's also a lot of blood and gore, action scenes, quite a bit of sexual theme, and gorgeous characters. 
reportRecommended by iyok
Good looking main character (who are incredibly overpowered), similar fantasy worlds, lots of wars and fighting, and dramatic pasts (with betrayal and deceptions!). However, Ubel Blatt is a lot bloodier and contains more death and despair. 
reportRecommended by MortalMelancholy
-Dark atmosphere,dark fantasy medieval setting, dark and messy art -Incredibly powerful character who was basically reincarnated -Character wants revenge on a group of powerful people -MC vs the world 
reportRecommended by LaukNLoad
Both are set in Western fantasy settings, and have revenge as a main theme. The fight scenes are also focused around swordsmanship, much like Claymore. However, Ubel Blatt has many more mature scenes with full frontal sex. 
reportRecommended by Cheesyhoboe
Both protagonists have a tragic past, which you are introduced to in flashbacks as the story profresses. They were once powerful heroes who fought in wars for their country, against armies of evil and twisted beings. However, they were betrayed by people they trusted, and journey through their respective countries that have now fallen to ruin, seeking revenge. Both of these heroes had lost strength they once had, but Koinzell from Ubel Blatt returns with new powers and is able to use his own power to fight. Munsu from Shin Angyo Onshi suffers from a disease that permanently weakens him, and later relies mostly on  read more 
reportRecommended by MortalMelancholy
The protagonists are almost identical. Even their past seems similar. 
reportRecommended by superdarkmario
A twist a fate leads a hero down the path of vengeance. How will they redeem themselves after being thrown off the right path? 
reportRecommended by -Kazu
While Ubel Blatt is a the pursuit of revenge and Drifters the pursuit of domination of honour, both acquire the sense of individually powerful characters that need to group together. In both, the protagonist is at the peak of his power and would not progress very much further independently. Also, the settings and the mythological setting of both stories appeals and contrasts the very modern ideals held by the characters themselves. 
reportRecommended by zerokill
The two stories are similar in the aspect that the themes collide. Stories about characters done wrong by friends and others around them. Because of such upbringing, the two protagonist will go on a never ending spree of vengeance. Delivering it to those that done them wrong, one by one. Both acting as villains of the stories, and slightly similar plot wise, the two differ in setting. One takes place in a school environment, followed by a teen in her miserable youth. While the other takes place in a fantasy environment, followed by a warrior who went through betrayal seeking retribution! 
reportRecommended by lonefish
Eden No Ori may not have the same style or story but it does have an adventure to behold with lot's of violence and nudity(sorta)  
reportRecommended by TamaleFox
*WARNING* - Übel Blatt has smutty themes. Both are set in a fantasy-like world. Both MC are OP. "Übel Blatt" is more off a smutty revenge tale, while "Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta!: Kokuyoku no Haou" is about a guy getting stuck in a game world as his female character. 
reportRecommended by popcorncoral
The fantasy genre,plus they're both about fighting.Only Superior is about the demon queen with a bit romance,and Ubel Blatt is mostly about fighting.Anyway,I think they're both awesome.I surely recommend Ubel Blatt,it's awesome 
reportRecommended by Raddan
Both are set in a fantasy world. *WARNING* - Übel Blatt has smutty themes. "Übel Blatt" is more off a smutty revenge tale. "Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami" is about a girl getting reborn into an Otome Game as the villianess and avoids her fate and uses her old world knowledge to better the land her father hands to her. 
reportRecommended by popcorncoral
I like to think of Ubel Blatt as a Germanic counterpart to Vagabond - both series have a similar tone most of the time. However, Vagabond has more of a historic element than Ubel Blatt, and Ubel Blatt has a lot more sex than Vagabond. 
reportRecommended by RoarkTenjouin
Very similar anti-hero themes, easily capable of killing and has a straight forward goal. Although in Yakushoku Distpiari it is much less oriented on a revenge but defeating the demon lord. Ubel Blatt, Koinzell learns to feel emotion to a degree, Truza is heartless in the beginning (You will see why in the first few chapters). Ubel Blatt is now around 150-200 chapters and going, Yokushoku Dispiari is still developing in the 6-20 chapter stage. As they are both Seinen Manga it is filled with blood, gore and body parts flying off. If you like one you will almost certainly like the other. 
reportRecommended by aMarshmallowMan
You could say that they are both bastard children of Berserk. Both Manga are dark fantasy story, Grimdark, Sword and Sorcery... 
reportRecommended by Rust_Cohle
The stories about a few kingdom with MC want to take over a kingdom. Have a similliar stories with some politics and ancient setting 
reportRecommended by Darksteros
Apart from striking similarities between main characters like - struggle with troublesome past (or rather it affect on the present - more would be a spoiler), design of ultimate weapon, persistence (of mind and body) - I notice less alike such as - VERY dark themes, above avarage elements of art (details in Übel Blatt and appeling colors in Fairytale) and uncertainty between heroes/villains (maybe not for the readers in Übel Blatt, but still). Despite having great chapters intertwined with terrilbe ones I can rank them as very good, I have been immersed deeply in both while reading them. Be prepared though, while Übel Blatt is  read more 
reportRecommended by Steelinq
Both are action manga with a focus on the redemption and vinasse of the main character against an organization or group. Their action is well designed and well thought out. 
reportRecommended by DMXIII
Both manga are about revenge story and the MC has some unique power and exceptionally good at combat. The MC is treated unjustly and suffer horrible fate(either himself or someone close to him). However, Ubel Blatt sets up the story better than Hametsu no Oukoku(Or Kingdoms of Ruin). You can end up rooting for Ubel Blatt MC (Koinzell) even though both he and Adonis (Kingdoms of Ruin MC) are genociders. It is hard to root for Adonis. I would like to tell about Ubel Blatt more, but it will spoil a good story for you. Just some warning: There are some graphic violence, dismemberment and such in Ubel Blatt. 
reportRecommended by fierysun
Now these are very, VERY different series, one being an edgy action series and the other a relaxed travel series, however, there are a number of similarities between the two. Both: - Exist in a high fantasy setting inspired by Germany(everything has a name that is or sounds like German!) - Have a main character with pointy ears that's much older than they look who can do magic - "Last member of the party" aspect As I said, quite different, however, I'd reccomend it. 
reportRecommended by InfinityPizza
Ubel blatt got the same feeling as Ares. It got the same genres too, like adventure and action. Sword play is really imporant in both of them.  
reportRecommended by Megan20
Protagonist is trying to get revenge against traitors. In both mangas traitors are powerfull lords 
reportRecommended by ELinkA
The biggest similarity is the Hot Blonde Elfy main character (except in Ubel Blatt it is in fact a hot blonde elf, not a girl on a computer game pretending) who loves fighting and uses a sword and whatnot and becomes known in their respective world as 'That Hot Blonde Elf Thing Who Is Epic At Fighting' (way more complecated than that in Ubel Blatt but thats the basic jist i guess). Both are in fantasy worlds. Ubel Blatt is a lot more violent and has some explicit sex stuff, and has a more complicated story line and characters. I guess a way more seinen-y version  read more 
reportRecommended by Esstong
Ubel Blatt is about a man seeking revenge against those who have destroyed his life and forced him to take a new body similar to how Kyo seeks revenge against Kyoshiro 
reportRecommended by Inu_Youkai
1. Both titles share a very similar setting (Medieval High-fantasy) 2. Both titles have similar action sequences with plenty of blood and gore 3. Both titles have almost identical art style 4. Both titles have the same swords and sorcery theme to them If you're looking for a good ol fashion Medieval fantasy action series, both titles are a good choice especially if you're still waiting for the next chapter of Berserk to come out. They also lets you reminisce on the golden days of the classic fantasy JRPGs that we all grew up loving during the 1980's - early 2000's 
reportRecommended by kuglefang
Incredibly strong main characters who have a hidden power to them and are great swordsman. Both mangas have betrayals to them and have battles that fight other kingdoms or bigger forces. 
reportRecommended by spineslayer
Same style of art, battles and characters. Both of their plots revolve about a big lie which causes the people to hate the main character, while he is just a victim. They're extremely similar in every way. 
reportRecommended by Win32error
Both have a fantasy setting with a corrupt government. They are quite gory and don't have a overly clear separation of good and evil. 
reportRecommended by Xiob
Ubel Blatt and Majeh contains dark fantasy themes as a main protagonist who has developed a reputation in their world. Both series has tons of action and we learn a lot more about their background story later on. The world fiction of both series is also vast and has many supernatural elements that defies the laws of logic. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Dark Air and Ubel Blatt takes place in a fantasy world where there's magic and mysterious powers. The main protagonist possesses unique gifts but finds themselves at odds with powerful enemies that lies in their journey. Their goal differ but both seeks to accomplish what they believe in at no matter the cost after their tragic loss. There is mature content in both series with dark fantasy themes and secrets that waits to be discovered. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
main protagonist, that was once among the ranks of the rulers but was betrayed by his greedy peers, tries exact revenge against them. main differences: -Ubel Blatt's antagonist are actually weak but they have the people's believe with them (deceived people) and Code Geass's antagonists are actually powerful and rule over the people -Ubel Blatt is more action knights and Code Geass is like chess with mecha (strategic)  
reportRecommended by that_dude650
They are both set in a fantasy world. They got both a great story and art, with enough action. Ubel blatt is a more mature manga then saver, but even so it's got a lot to offer. It got the same genres as Ubel blatt and gives the same feeling, only a bit less mature.  
reportRecommended by Megan20
This contains spoilers! Both stories have revered hero(es). The protagonist found that the hero wasn't as honorable as everyone believed. Everyone tried to stop the protagonist from disclosing such secret, for fear of destroying the long peaceful era. 
reportRecommended by iyok
there is a lot of blood and violence which shows an exceess amount of blood as well as inhume battles styles 
reportRecommended by ilovemangaz