Nothing about this is fun, meaningful, sweet, or tragic.
The main plot setting is that humans are irrationally, wildly racist against vampires to an extent that is unfathomably unrealistic. The "love interest" is a pushy stalker. The main character is a gutless, bland loser. Since the art is average, it leaves the work with no redeeming factors.
This could have been an interesting work despite the flawed premise if any of the characters were particularly fun or unique, but nobody offers anything. Instead it is nothing but a slow paced abomination. "OMG being vampire is suffering" is not an interesting story.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: 오렌지 마말레이드 InformationType: Manhwa
Volumes: 8
Chapters: 66
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 12, 2011 to Dec 29, 2013
Naver Webtoon Authors:
Jung, Seok Woo (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #12662 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #430
Members: 42,594
Favorites: 857 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 20 / 21
Your Feelings Categories Jun 30, 2014
On the surface this seems like your typical high school vampire romance—and make no mistake, it is true to its shoujo nature, but the execution of the plot is utterly flawless. Orange Marmalade plays out like a simple but effective allegory, dealing with the unfair treatment and oppression of vampires, who have now turned to pig blood rather than human blood to try to acclimate and adjust to modern human society. Despite their efforts and a three-hundred year peace treaty, vampires have been forced to hide their true nature lest they face discrimination and harassment by their human neighbors.
What is so exceptional about this series ... Jul 12, 2013
I can really only say one thing about this manhwa and that is; "wow".
It's not that the idea behind the plot is particularly original or anything, in fact I tend to avoid vamp-human-love-stories ever since the Twilight-fever, but somehow this story just swept me of my feet. Two chapters into Orange Marmalade and I was completely sold. The characters are really believable, the female lead, Baek Mari struggling with loneliness and her distrust for humans after being shunned by them, and Jae min, the former Misogynist with an unexpectedly dark past and a Mother complex, trying to win her over. The whole thing is just ... Dec 25, 2014
Vampire romances are from rare, so what makes Orange Marmalade so good? The execution. In vampire shoujos, more often than not, the vampires are perceived as cool or alluring by the humans. Orange Marmalade, on the other hand, decides to take a realistic shot at the relationship between vampires and humans. When reality is suddenly invaded by the supernatural, you shouldn't be thinking along the lines of "Oh, he's so cool" or "Dude, I wanna be the friend of that vampire/werewolf/ghost." The characters of Orange Marmalade act just like how we would; we follow stereotypes and don't take action when others are ostracized due ... Sep 7, 2014
ok,this is my first review here so yay congratulations for me :) and it's probably gonna be weird but whatever let's get back to the review i really like the plot put i wish things have gone different because it's really really boring when the girl ends up with the guy she is supposed to end up with right from the first chapter it was really easy to guess what was gonna happen next and my guessing was always right which made it really boring i wish that the manga was a little more unpredictable a lot actually and i totally hate the ending it's
Jul 27, 2021
This is overall a pretty fun read; although there's a really interesting premise it doesn't feel like the manhwa completely convinced itself of its own world-building until the later chapters, which were the more interesting ones in my opinion.
There were also some really annoying character moments and the middle dragged out a bit because it was almost all just Mari being wishy-washy. I understand the reasoning for it, but it felt like not much moved forwards and even then there was a lot of questionable decision-making. I also thought that side characters could have been fleshed out more; it really felt as though they were just ... Feb 1, 2022
To be honest, most of the manwha is hit or miss romance fare. But when the emotional beats of the story hit, most of them hit hard. There are certain highlights here and there in the overall story, but I've re-read the last 20 or so chapters more times than I can count. The climax and ending of this manwha is what elevates it for me above most other romance stories, and if you don't want to read the whole manwha, I recommend the beginning and end for anyone interested.
I would go into more detail, especially in regards to how well the main character's friendships ... Feb 6, 2021
This is my first review and I'm only compelled to write this out of pure disgust for this manhwa. This won't be a very long write-up since I dropped this trash pretty early on but if you want to save yourself a read here's the TLDR: Stay away from the supposed "romance" manhwa unless you really enjoy abusive men.
This story starts out well enough; aloof girl, stuck-up guy - you know, the standard fare for a lot of romance stories in this medium, but after just a few chapters things take a turn for the infuriating. The male lead seems to have no comprehension of ... Jan 16, 2014
A near perfect comic to read. I'm not going to talk about why the manga is so good, instead I will talk about why it is not a perfect manga. In my time while reading this comic I started to focus on the character of the entire comic. There were a few characters that of had a bit more character development. The blonde girl at the end of the novel that still hates her for being a vampire, The teacher, and the love interest father. Though it is a pretty awesome manga recommended by me.
Feb 12, 2017
The truth is, I'm extremely conflicted on this one. In execution, this manhwa is so close to perfect, but where it counts, it misses the mark. Let me elaborate.
First of all, if you're looking for a cute romance, I highly recommend you look somewhere else. While their relationship is a huge part of the story, it's less the Ma Ri and Jae Min story, more the Ma Ri story. Less a love story, more a story about a teenage girl doing her best to cope in a highly discriminatory world. And this is done extraordinarily well. In theory it sounds stupid, a world where vampires ... Oct 25, 2020
I agree. I agree with both the reviews that give it a 2 and the reviews that give it a 9, as I hated the manhwa as much as I loved it. Therefore, I have never ever had such time reviewing a manga/manhwa/manhua, and I would suggest that you stop reading the reviews even my one and just read it because it's worth it.
If you are curious though bare with me while I explain what is so good and bad with this manhwa. The best thing about the manga are the characters combined with good storytelling. It is rare to have such 3D in depth ... May 11, 2015
This is not your typical high school, romance, drama, slice of life...this webtoon is all over the place.
It is fabulously intriguing hooking us in with an interesting look upon the vampiric condition. It continues to keep us there with solid well rounded characters, that make us simply want to break down and hug them. These characters are so human, that it makes it almost possible to reach out and touch them. The art is fabulous, and like many webtoons, is in full colour! It brings out so many emotions, happy and sad, laughing and tears, heartbreak, and that warm fuzzy feeling that can only be brought ... May 29, 2017
***This is a somewhat spoiler free review***
What do you get when you have a decent cast that do decent things but then get a rushed ending? Orange Marmalade. Story: 5/10 I'll say that the whole vampire hiding in society thing was actually pretty well done. The basic premise of this Manhwa is that we follow the main protagonist as she fights her way through having a somewhat normal high school experience. Too bad she has some really hot guy all over her and has many friends that care for her. But noooooo she doesn't want any of that; well not at first. One thing I really liked ... Jul 28, 2019
The funny (or interresting) thing about this manwa is that you can just replace the word "vampire" with "black", "asian", "caucasian", "gay", "muslim", "catholic", "jewish" or any other kind of minority in the place where you live and it still does makes sense. The author didn't intent that kind of thing but sadly it does work.
It's a boring read most of the time especially the first 30 chapters could be tuned down in ~3-5 chapters, because everything just repeats again and again. If this was cut down to a ~ 40-50 chapter manwa it would certainly be for the better. The main characters are both nothing ... Aug 29, 2016
Right so this is my first review on this site so go easy on me, Ok so Orange Marmalade where should I begin... This is one of those extremely rare instances where I found a Manga I enjoyed so much it got me emotional.
So heres why. The reason this particular Manga was so great in my opinion is due to multiple factors first I would like to mention the story, the story in this is so unique its surprising what I mean by this is that Orange Marmalade focuses heavily on its world building which is weird for a romance Manga but wow does ... Mar 30, 2016
One of the best romance manhwa I've read. Plot progression is just right- there are occasional chapters that SEEM like fillers but end up contributing to the plot, and the pacing is great.
Character: Just about all the cast develop some way or another. No spoilers but by all the cast I mean ALL, even Basic Bitch #1 and Deliberately Antagonistic Antagonist change throughout the manhwa. Only reason I gave it a 9 is because from start to finish there's 2 characters who are added for seemingly no purpose but for one joke somewhere in the middle then kept on for the sake of it, never ... Jan 9, 2018
I really enjoyed this work especially in its somewhat nuanced portrayal of vampires and their interaction with human society. The art felt plain but enhanced by the style in key moments. For the most part the characters felt realistic and their growth seemed natural except for one problem which I blame on the story structure and not the writing of the characters.
My biggest problem with this story is the sheer irrationality that is displayed in the context of the humans hatred of vampires. It doesn't feel in any way justifies especially when we learn later in the story that no vampire has killed a human ... Oct 5, 2019
I've been into webtoons lately, and I think this is my very first one to complete from start to finish. This is also one of my first romance comic involving vampires. I am typically not a big fan of the whole vampire thing, but this one was quite a pleasant surprise in how they utilize the vampire drama.
Let's start with the first category: story (8/10) The story focuses on the ice princess, Mari Baek. She is a beautiful, lonely girl who transferred into a different high school. Because vampires aren't accepted into the human society, she isolated herself from her classmates in order to ... Oct 7, 2015
Picking manga at random is interesting as you can stumble upon some very interesting reading material. Reading through the short summary I did not think this was going to be any good as reading a romance manga involving vampires seemed like a chore but after reading a few chapters I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at just how good of a read this was.
In contemporary Korean society vampires are living among normal people having found pig’s blood is a adequate replacement for human blood, but the people are still harbouring hatred towards them, so they have to hide their identity. We are introduced ... May 12, 2014
This is my first time writing a review so..... yep
This manga is about a girl who is a vampire and attends school and trys to live a "normal" life. She has no friends and no boyfriend. It is know that there are vampires and they all called "monsters" because they have to drink blood to live. This manga was really good and i think everyone who enjoys romance mangas should read it. EVERY1 SHOULD READ THIS MANGA |