Creator: Let's make a school romance series like all the rest, but make the main couple lesbian.
Me: Yes.
Creator: Let's make it take place in all girls school.
Me: No.
Creator: Yes. And all the girls there are lesbians. Also all the girls who don't go there are lesbians.
Me: No.
Creator: Yes. And let's make all the men in it assholes, women beaters and one-dimensional losers.
Me: No.
Creator: Yes. And the main couple in it will be sisters.
Me: No.
Creator: Yes. And the other one will sexually assualt the another sister on a daily basis.
Me: No.
Creator: Yes. And let's blame men for her behavior. The assaulting sister is the real victim here.
Me: No.
Creator: Yes. And the main couple will be super inconsistent. Like in every other chapter they kiss and love and then the next one they be like "why don't you go bang some other lesbian and die."
No: Me. Me. No. What?
Creator: Yes. And it will have at least two love triangles around both main characters.
Me: No.
Creator: Oh, and did I mention all of these love triangles will consists of just girls? No guys will be present.
Me: .... I kinda guessed.
Citrus is the worst lesbian series I have yet read. It constantly rubs the lesbian into reader's face in a same manner as ecchi series shove boob jiggling down the throat. This would be great of course if the characters weren't so full of shit. The other girl pretty much looks like the hoe at your local high school who trades sex for cigarettes. The another is exponentially worse. If she was a he, this series would be tagged as a pro-rape propaganda and tumblr would have to expand its server capacity.
The inconsistent romance in this is not pretty to watch. Whenever the sexually assaulting sister is not in the mood for kissing and boob fondling, she is in angst, and every bit of her dialogue during these moments could be replaced with "yes, I do have a licence to drive a truck" and the conversation had would still make as much sense.
The pacing is terribad and the series so long only because the characters are idiots who ponder over the same questions for half the eternity, only to choose the most obvious outcome without changing much at all as characters during the run. Apparently, all of their bs can be excluded completely by making a vow. Who needs character development and believability when implied happily ever after is an option, too. The story is nothing but an excuse for our characters to act like the clowns they are.
The art is rather boring. Outside the mediocre characters, not much is often even drawn on the panels. Background art is either a myth or otherwise nonexistent 50% of the time. I rather suggest reading the cute and 2pure5thisworld lesbian romances, such as "Stretch" and "Tamen De Gushi". Or alternatively cute with passionate sex, such as "Prism" and skip this nonsense.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: citrus More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 10
Chapters: 50
Status: Finished
Published: Nov 17, 2012 to Aug 18, 2018
Comic Yuri Hime Authors:
Saburouta (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #178
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Filtered Results: 45 / 48
Your Feelings Categories Aug 19, 2018
Creator: Let's make a school romance series like all the rest, but make the main couple lesbian.
Me: Yes. Creator: Let's make it take place in all girls school. Me: No. Creator: Yes. And all the girls there are lesbians. Also all the girls who don't go there are lesbians. ... Dec 27, 2013
This is my first review, hope it will be useful ^^
About the manga The manga began airing in 2012 and is coming out every two months. When I am writing this review, there are 7 chapters out. About the artist.. well he's not that well-known and his works are mainly made in shoujo, drama and romantic genre. Out of his works, this is the greatest. The story Aihara Yuzuko is a fashionable, typical city-girl whose starting to attend a new school because her mother recently remarried. Yuzuko's goal is to fill in the school and finally find love. What she doesn't know is that the school is not ... Aug 18, 2018
Citrus was a trip to my heart, and in the end, I am delighted to have the opportunity to read it.
Citrus manga and anime are not for all the tastes. Sadly, most of the readers will divide themselves into yuri lovers and yuri detractors. However, Citrus is more profound, a mere comparison of being or not a yuri manga would not be fair with a love story that could transcend in the heart of any open reader. The moral of the story “Love does not have boundaries.” You cannot throw the manga away for being a lesbian story, but it is not for all the ... Aug 8, 2014
I feel this manga should be more acknowledged among readers. It truly is a well-made manga through the works of Saburouta.
As far as this goes, i will try to make a semi in-depth analysis on this manga. As many of you are all aware, yuri manga are not quite as popular as other genres. Thus, making it quite rare to come across a well-rounded manga such as this one. Before we begin, i'd also like to mention that i will not be discussing much about the characters and their summaries, but rather an analysis of the portrayal and execution that the manga has, i'd ... Aug 21, 2018
Citrus is one of the popular Yuri Manga and I can somewhat understand the hype surrounding it because it's actually pretty damn good. Now I read the Manga after watching the Anime and honestly the chapters after the point where the Anime ended were much better and way less Ecchi.
Story: I don't think I need to go into details since you'll already know the story for this. Yuzu, a girl who is all in for fashion and romance goes into highschool which turned out "All girls" where she encountered a girl named Mei which later was revealed as her new "sister", not blood-realeted of ... Jul 20, 2015
This will be a spoiler-free review. Citrus by Saburouta is a yuri manga that comes out once every two months (the 18th of every odd number month, ie, the most recent chapter 17 came out on July 18). It is a psuedo-incest series because the two main characters are step-sisters. But don't be scared by the word "incest," because they did not even know each other before they became sisters; they are basically strangers. As of the latest chapter, nothing too graphic happens (like sex), despite the provocative cover picture. On the contrary, it is very pure in a way.
Story: 8 The story isn't that ... Jun 17, 2014
This is my first review. I don't write reviews but, I really love this manga(this is actually my favorite). Usually I don't wait for mangas but i'd rather read mangas which is already Finished. But this manga is something. Especially if you're a Yuri lover.
First of all, the art is really something which will capture your eyes immediately and make you all curious and excited. Second, the story line is perfect and unique! I might say, "Every page is a treasure!" and a pleasure in the eye! Btw, the story is about step sisters which is soooo different to each other. Yuzu, the elder but immature ... Aug 18, 2018
This is my review for Citrus. I'll be referring to the characters by what they are most commonly called in the manga. Please note that this review is structured around how I personally felt about the manga; objectively, it deserves an overall rating of 6 (individual ratings being 5/10/4 for story, art, and character, respectively), but subjectively, I give it a 7.
Story: 5/10 Citrus does not have a very extravagant plot. However, due to the fact it falls in the yuri genre, it doesn't need to have one. This isn't to say that every yuri manga does not have a great plot; a reader does not ... Dec 29, 2017
When putting Citrus as one of the manga I had read on my manga list, I had wondered why I had dropped it in the manner that I did all those months ago. Looking at the reviews posted by users under Citrus reminded me why. Citrus is an unfortunately bland story that repeats itself constantly over the course of it's relatively short serialization. Many of the small conflicts revolve around a new character, or situation, being introduced that gets in the way of the two main character's relationship, only to return to the status quo after the problem has been resolved, rendering any quarrels that
Dec 1, 2020
This is my first time writing a review since it's not something I usually do, but this manga was just so appalling to the point I decided to write one. I'll try to keep this review as spoiler free as possible.
Sadly this was the first yuri manga I read, I was recommended it and I decided why not, what harm could it do? I was told it gets better which isn't true since I read this thing from beginning to end and hated it more and more. This whole manga feels like just fetishization of wlw relationships. It's disgusting, this is not a nice, light ... Mar 22, 2023
To date, I struggle to understand why Citrus is as popular as it is. There are so many better yuri. It is average at best and weirdly gross at worst.
In terms of positives, there are a few. Citrus has nice art, the character designs are extremely cute. Yuzu and Mei look cute together, at least aesthetically. Yuzu is an alright protagonist who is fun to root for. That is about where the praise ends; everything else is pretty bad. Mei, in particular, is one of the worst written characters in recent memory. She treats Yuzu quite terribly and is rather abusive at times. The fact that ... Jan 25, 2017
Are you here for Yuri? Well, this is the emotionally cathartic kind, juicy in terms of drama rather than in the bed. Honestly, the blonde chick - Yuzu is a great reactive protagonist who goes to any lengths for her convictions. In some ways she reminds me of Great Teacher Onizuka as to how recklessly earnest her actions are, ideals you respect and fight for, instead of sitting idly by. In turn, the Kuudere love interest - Mei relentlessly follows her own convictions in a cold, pragmatic fashion, an introvert with no care to anyone but herself, at first glance. This is the romantic duo,
Jul 25, 2014
This is my very first review ever so I hope I described this manga good enough to be read! ^
Story: The story is pretty typical when you first read it because it's set in a highschool background and the love story is pretty common too if you look at it in a simpler form. But as you keep reading, you discover things in addition to the story that weren't really expected and I guess that's how my score for this category came up to a 9 :D Art: The art is BEAUTIFUL! Every page I turn to, I feel like screenshotting the screen because I just love the ... Jul 18, 2017
This is my first review so I thought I'd start with one of the first Mangas I ever read. This review is going under the assumption you've read the synopsis and have a basic idea of what the story is about. Also as of writing I've read all available 28 chapters but the story is not yet completed. Hope this helps some of you out!
********* Story - 10 One of the strong points of Citrus is definitely its strong storyline. It skips between the lines of heartwarming to heartbreaking with such grace, allowing the reader to really feel the highs the main characters have in their ... Oct 11, 2016
If you're reading this then, welcome to the wonderful world of yuri!
Who it's for: This is a story for the reader who isn't looking for anything too deep. If you're looking for a relatively light story to pass some time with, then this is the series for you! But honestly, if you're looking to get into yuri it's a must read -- even if it looks like something you wouldn't usually pick up. Story: As I mentioned above, reading this is mostly for those who are in the mood for some easy reading. No second guessing, no confusion. Just good old-fashioned linear plot. The story is ... Feb 19, 2020
What you should know before reading this manga:
1. It is very fast-paced compared to yuri which starts slow and a relationship grows but in this, it just jumps right into it 2. DISCLAIMER: They are step-sisters even though they don't look like it! If you don't enjoy this genre then i really don't think this is your jam 3. once you jump into this yuri you cannot escape... Good luck! My review of this story: VERY entertaining! Reading this was very fun and made me fangirl at least 1M times! I enjoyed watching Yuzu and Mei get closer! I cannot say I am really a big fan of Mei's ... Mar 19, 2021
Creator: Let's make a school romance series like all the rest, but make the main couple lesbian.
Me: Yes. Creator: Let's make it take place in all girls school. Me: Yes! Creator: Yes. And all the girls there are lesbians. Also all the girls who don't go there are lesbians. ... Oct 2, 2017
Found out that an anime adaptation is happening and the premise intrigued me so much that I just had to take a look at the source material. (Also because i was bored) Couldn't put it down once i started and caught up to the series (Volume 8 as of writing this) within a day. Let's review.
Story (8) New school, new sister, new friends, new experiences. It's a setting used a multitude of times in various works and it's nothing too special. Citrus is at its core a drama with many typical drama moments that caused my eyes to roll. But it was also filled with moments ... Feb 8, 2020
I'll start by saying this is the first Yuri series I have ever decided to pick up. I'm usually a shounen kind of guy who doesn't really watch/read slice of life or romance anime/manga but I found this series highly enjoyable. After finishing the anime, I wanted to know if there was more Citrus out there and I was happy to find out there were plenty more chapters left so I quickly binged the rest of it. Why a second season hasn't been adapted yet is beyond me because the series deserves the justice, even if I enjoyed reading the manga a bit more.
I ... Feb 19, 2019
It was honestly interesting at first and man it kept you wanting to read more and more. Wondering "will she ever confess her love for she!?" or "Omigod another cliffhanger, What happens next REEEEEEE!!!" BUT sadly; The creators didn't seem to have the patience of finishing the series slowly, instead they decided to speed it up and ended it quickly. I had high hopes for this manga. I was loving it but the way how they finished it was a bummer...So I say this.
The first few chapters were very interesting and enjoyable but around chapter (40 and up went bleh) I love the art work ... |