Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Peach Girl: Change of Heart, Peach Girl: Authentic Japanese: ピーチガール More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 18
Chapters: 72
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 13, 1997 to Dec 13, 2003
Bessatsu Friend Authors:
Ueda, Miwa (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #51602 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1334
Members: 15,694
Favorites: 481 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 18 / 18
Your Feelings Categories Aug 18, 2007
This manga is a must read for all romance lovers! This manga has a fantastic story line and it is very compelling. You'll fall in love with the characters, and hate the others making it an amazing manga. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll want to punch Sae over and over again. The only thing I don't like about this manga is how the mouths are drawn, but that is no reason to not read this manga. So what are you waiting for go read this!
Jan 16, 2013
I remember the first time I read this manga, I was about 10 years old. I thought it was brilliant and hilarious, and loved every panel of it. But after reading it now, I can see so many flaws in not only the storyline, but also the characters.
The story itself is a unique idea, but is poorly executed. Most of the chapters consist of Momo complaining about how people view her as a slut and isolate her because of her tan skin. Not only is this highly unrealistic, but brought to the utmost extreme. Let me explain what I mean. Most people might think of her ... Apr 25, 2010
So.. Peach Girl's story is good, between good and very good. The good side in Peach Girl is the Momo's skin, very original for start, and the characters are good too. For art, is different for me, but is good and sometimes realist! ^^. The bad side is Momo... she's so dramaqueen... so much... and Touji believes so much, and the story sometimes is foreseeable. But, Peach Girl is very funny and your heart sometimes beat! ^-^ ( if don't is the SUPERDRAMASQUEENS SCENES from momo, seriously, sometimes you think: '' i hating this anime and i'll stop watching!'')
May 8, 2021
I've been slowly reading more shojo manga and Peach Girl was a title I've heard about for years because of its popularity. I can see why it was popular, but holy manga gods was this a frustrating read.
First off, this manga is manipulative. The characters in it are manipulative and the author is trying to manipulate the audience as much as possible. It was so frustrating reading the first few chapters because of how obvious the characters were about creating plot and tension that I hate read the first three or so volumes. Characters: There is definitely a problem with characters. What this manga does really well ... Mar 30, 2010
My reviews are horrible, so don't hold anything to me. I just want to point out my final thoughts on a manga when I review it.
This was a good story, had good art, and decent characters. But while I rate it high, I really didn't enjoy it too much. But that's because it's pretty dramatic the entire time, and when things are depressing, I feel depressed too. And the depressing portions of the story really outweigh the light-hearted moments. Though overall, based on the ending, you can call this Manga a Happy story. At least in the same way that the ... Oct 13, 2018
Man, this series was an emotional roller coaster.
The story was bearable. It wasn't special at all but I enjoyed it. Sometimes parts of it was disappointing. The art was pretty but can be improved upon. The panels are a bit all over the place. I gave the characters a low score because they weren't believable. Some characters did not change while some did. ( To be honest, Kairi was the most delusional character.) I gave Enjoyment a higher score because I actually liked it. I read this at the time when I was very lonely, and I could relate to some events. Overall, ... Feb 13, 2021
finally, i am free of this manga. i thought i'd develop ulcers after the amount of stress this gave me
the manga is so well drawn and I read it in one sitting. But oh my fucking god none of these characters have any common sense and the miscommunications between them were driving me up the wall. I usually drop mangas with annoying characters, and even though all of the characters were annoying, i couldn't stop reading and I don't reggret finishing it. Very mixed feelings towards this manga. I don't even know what to say anymore about it, other than that I don't want to put ... Aug 31, 2019
This is less of a review for others and more of a: >my< thoughts on Peach Girl.
So it DOES include spoilers!!!!! (but if you’re familiar with the TokyoPop version, you know about the titles. And if you know about the titles, I’m sure you can at least guess where I’m going at). ~INTRODUCTION~ Listen, Peach Girl means a lot to me. It was the first shoujo I ever read, the first manga I ever collected and the first manga that I bought completely “blind”: all of the other mangas I bought I had already watched the anime adaptation first and knew at least a little bit about ... Mar 14, 2021
Peach Girl is a nostalgic series for me, it is one of the first shojo series that I really got hooked onto. I loved the bold art style and the characters, the romance, the drama. I really related a lot to Momo, an outgoing but insecure girl that worries about her tanned skin and struggles with a manipulative and jealous friend, Sae.
This manga struck a chord with me particularly because of the duality between Momo and Sae. I knew a girl that was a lot like her when I was growing up, she always seemed to be changing to fit around other people. Every girl ... Jul 17, 2021
Convenient City of Peach Girl's manga
Extremely small population, anything anyone ever does never goes unnoticed. Phones constantly run out of batteries and there's never good reception. People do not know how to talk and they can't explain anything. Police is basically a modern myth. Love is RNG and changes with a strong wind. Rape, pregnancy, alcohol these are normal topics for high schoolers of Peach Girl's city. The biggest problem is of course the characters, they never explain anything that's going on and ALL of the problems with the manga could be fixed with a few words. Even though it should be a Shoujo manga, there's nothing ... Feb 18, 2021
I know it is a really old manga, but i just read it several days ago and i can say that i enjoy this manga.
Story (7/10) This is a really long manga and there are so many dramas. But i still think the story is okay since i still enjoy reading it (i can’t believe it i am not bored by this manga at all). The things that keep bothering me to give the story a better score is the fact that the author takes the dramas too far sometimes. (SPOILER) For example, momo, the main character, keep changing her partner between toji and kairi everytime ... Jan 19, 2022
Years ago I watched the anime, I was probably 15, and I remember being so absolutely addicted to it. Naturally since I'm a big shoujo fan, I'd eventually want to check out the manga.
Let me just say, I acknowledge that this series has issues, but it was just so much FUN! The melodramatic story really worked for me, and I think that comes down to two major components, enjoyable characters, and a fantastic execution of the story. Normally I have such a hard time reading longer series, usually I get burnt out halfway through and I have to force myself to finish or just give ... Sep 11, 2021
I first saw Peach Girl when I was 13 with one of my cousins and I absolutely loved it. There's a lot of anime/manga I saw/read when I was 13 that I absolutely loved, and after rewatching some of them as an older teen/young adult, I realized how shit some of them are. Given that there's been a bunch of series that I loved as a kid and then reintroduced myself to later in life and hated, I knew the same thing would happen if I ever rewatched the Peach Girl anime. So I didn't rewatch it. I read it. I've been on a nostalgia
Mar 30, 2023
I base my score not on any critical lense but purely on enjoyment. I don’t usually read Manga - but Peach Girl had me hooked (I inadvertently actually read Peach Girl Next First but somehow that made me enjoy all the foreshadowing in the original series more!!)(I got through both in a day).
The greatest assest of the series is it’s ability to make you CARE about the characters and what happens to them. You feel the agony and love and understand each thinking pattern - even if you don’t agree with it. By the end of the story you’ll definitely feel some ... Jan 18, 2024
I remember reading this manga a while ago, and it was a hot mess from start to finish! I will say that I personally liked Sae. Not as a person, because she was honestly trash. Though I did like her character. Her character made me angry because she was so messy and had so many schemes. That is what made this such a stressful hot mess, and I lived! lol. Sae would go through hell, just to be messy and scheme in Momo's life. Sae got her everlasting life from the misery of Momo, and I got
Jul 18, 2024
Peach Girl is the kind of story that can make you really hate it, but also still make you want to finish it. The drama is just that ridiculous, absurd, and engaging. This manga has its good points, but also has a lot of bad points, too.
As the plot summary describes, Momo is a girl who seems a bit misunderstood and is constantly targeted by her classmate Sae. All Momo wants is to have a normal high school experience and crush on boys, but jealous Sae is determined to prevent that. Sae is a character that every reader comes to hate, but that is her ... Jul 9, 2017
To be honest, I wanted to drop it after vol 15. I thoroughly read from the first volume, but I JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY. JUST WHY. Augh.
Anyway, it's your typical shoujo manga at first and all like that, but it got so dragging and I got so upset with the character development that I lost my fondness of it. I was hoping it could turn for the best but I just got disappointed near end (I even sacrificed sleep for this). But the good side for this manga would be are the tidbits lessons about love. But it still got overboard and the characters got ... Feb 19, 2019
Characters - 5.5/6
Momo Adachi's best trait is the fact that I have never seen a shoujo protag like her. She is very powerful but emotional, and she is a character the perfectly defines that everyone should have self-love. She is dark-skinned, and deals with sexual harassment. Sae Kashiwagi is a very evil girl; her character is terrible, but not in a bad way. Sae's character is very well written, and 100% relatable for people who have dealt with girls like her. On the complete other side of the spectrum, however, the male characters are TERRIBLE. Toji is ... |