Disappointing. Despite a very promising premise, the execution gets stonewalled and trapped in Mystery Plot that wastes the entire runtime of the season. Wouldn't recommend wasting your time.
The setting is very promising, a kind of Medieval MesoAmerican civilization world. The Story concept plays out in, what I would call, a Seven Samurai kind of theme. Where 7, mostly stranger, warriors are called to arms to defend the world from Demons. Except instead of waiting in a single town to repel bandits, they are going out themselves to face the bandits.
And the characters are more or less similar in execution as
Dec 8, 2010
Warau Kangofu
This is, honestly, one of the best H-mangas I've read. I've read it a few times over as well. The stories are great, but it's the artwork that is really amazing.
I can't really review it any better than this without spoilers. But for the most part, half the book is about elder women taking advantage of younger men. But eventually get the tables turned on them. And the other half is pretty much just great sex. Incest stories. And amazing fapping material. Happy reading! Apr 4, 2010
Little Little
This story is just adorable. There is no dialogue, and there is little background story, but that leaves it to your imagination.
The Story is very simple, and this is also part of my imagination as well, as there is no background. I see it as a little girl who probably has Tuberculosis, or something along those lines. She has no friends because she can't leave home often, and meets a cute little "furry". And they become best friends. And That's basically all the story. I really enjoyed it, and only took about 10 minutes of slow page turning to ... Mar 30, 2010
Peach Girl
My reviews are horrible, so don't hold anything to me. I just want to point out my final thoughts on a manga when I review it.
This was a good story, had good art, and decent characters. But while I rate it high, I really didn't enjoy it too much. But that's because it's pretty dramatic the entire time, and when things are depressing, I feel depressed too. And the depressing portions of the story really outweigh the light-hearted moments. Though overall, based on the ending, you can call this Manga a Happy story. At least in the same way that the ... Mar 25, 2010
Kimi ni Todoke
I'll keep this short. The anime follows the manga almost mirrored perfect. And I like that. But I won't comment on much, except that which I want.
This anime has fantastic music and sound. The Intro Theme is beautiful, and the ending theme is great. That is the only real comment I want to share in this review, because things regarding the story can be found in the manga. Mar 20, 2010
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun
Futuristic Utopia in the modern world, where 'Super Powers' exist. Of course, with great power comes great responsibility. Or in the case of some, Great Greed. And the stories main antagonists are usually bringing the city near Dystruction for the sake of selfish ambitions.
But like any good 'superhero' story, the heroes attempt to stop them, and bring everything back to peace. I like to keep my reviews short, so I'll end with the relation to 'Toaru Majutsu no Index', which is a Same Setting story, that happens prior-to, and possibly during, the events of Railgun. Railgun's story has more impact on the ... Mar 19, 2010
Hanjuku Joshi
Yuri Manga. About Yuri Love. When I saw that it was, I wasn't too interested, but I read it anyway. It was short. BUT, it has pretty good characters, and overall, it really showcases Girls Love quite well; In a way that's natural.
Contains nudity, and 'softcore' material. And there is no obscene language.(yay) But these aren't the real focus, though if you didn't pay attention, it would seem that way. (^o^). Overall,I enjoyed it. It brought me some memories of some of my friends who have 'yuri' tendencies. And I think some more understanding ... |