Peach Girl
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Peach Girl

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Peach Girl: Change of Heart, Peach Girl: Authentic
Japanese: ピーチガール
English: Peach Girl
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 18
Chapters: 72
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 13, 1997 to Dec 13, 2003
Genres: Award Winning Award Winning, Drama Drama, Romance Romance
Theme: School School
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: Bessatsu Friend
Authors: Ueda, Miwa (Story & Art)


Score: 7.291 (scored by 72417,241 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #49402
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #1330
Members: 15,654
Favorites: 480

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What can I say about these two mangas? Both Moe Kare and Peach girl have similar storylines. In both, the girls have a crush on a boy that they have known for a while, while the deep dark broading character secretly likes her. In addition, everything that happens in regards to these relationships are similar in their structure (I don't want to give away to much, but trust me on this one...), so if you liked how one series handled the relationships, you are bound to like the other. 
reportRecommended by Aarana
the main female character are confused about her true feelings .. which one of the two boys she really loves !  
reportRecommended by Niina-i
More soap opera-esque, but has the same enjoyable characters, strong girl protagonist and romantic ditherings that made ParaKiss so good. A lot of cute clothes in this one, too. 
reportRecommended by malefactress
They both center around a girl (Momo, Yaya) with insecurities about themselves who during their respective series become stronger individuals, learn more about themselves, and fall in love all while enduring a series of trials ranging from the dramatic to the far-out whackiest. Both are must reads for any fan of romance/shoujo comics~  
reportRecommended by the_seventh_l
Both stories are about a bullied school girl, two guys (one guy always smiling & open-hearted, one guy shy & restrained) who stand by her side and support her. Even some mean persons change through experiencing the protagonist. Both mangas deal with school life and romance.They both include a dramatic subcontext. Though, Akuma to Love Song is more dramatic.  
reportRecommended by Salvina
Lots of love drama between handsome men around our main lady who is unable to choose one. Peach Girl pace is slightly lighter than 100% Perfect Girl but the bittersweet drama is still always there. Main female attracts attention for good or bad reasons. Same feeling, structure, jealousy and misunderstandings. 
reportRecommended by automnesouriant
In both manga, the girl first loves one guy, but has this other one close to her that jeopordizes their relationship (both in different ways). After, they start going out, but it doesn't just end there. There are secrets that are created along the way and other people that may just pull them and their hearts apart from each other, or make them realize that their hearts weren't with each other in the first place. 
reportRecommended by angelabsun
In both series the main girl has an incredibly manipulative best friend who always gets her way and manages to always turn the situation around on the main girl. The main girl is ostracized and bullied but meets a guy who believes her and inspires her to stand up for herself. They have very similar feels when reading. The only difference is that NK takes place in a middle school and is more "cutesy" while PG is in high school and has a lot of darker/more serious themes. 
reportRecommended by MeNaK
Although Peach Girl had a lot more drama and it's more complex, there's definetely a similarity between the romances (ai-so/momo-kiley) and the characters (especially so/kiley). Both have a triangle with one good guy and one plaboy kind of guy and in both the couples face similar kind of trials. Peach girl is a slightly more enjoyable read but there's a good chance that you will like Doubt if you liked Peach Girl. 
reportRecommended by KimikoKosh
In both series the good- natured and kind light hair colored protagonist is reacting and surviving to the schemes of a particular individual with no ther purpose in lifeq aside from making the mc's life a living hell... In Peach Girl you get the package in shoujo format, while in Guilty, it is in a josei format. 
reportRecommended by ani147
One of the characters u will be introduced to in the series reminds of Sai. She ruins things like relationships and plans solely for her own interest. She even try’s to work with the guy who wants the mc, Remind u of anything….? Also she’s one of the main characters btw if u were wondering. 
reportRecommended by Pinkgirl_123
They're totally far from being the same because of the flow of the story. But I'm halfway through reading Kare wa Tomodachi when I suddenly remembered its resemblance to Peach Girl. The similarities in that rollercoaster love triangle (maybe square?) is evident and even that annoying antagonist girl in both stories is present. Well, Kare wa Tomodachi is more mature of a shoujo manga. 
reportRecommended by Yoshaaa
Not exactly the same plot at all, but there's definitely the same sense of drama between girls who like the same boy, fighting included. 
reportRecommended by pinnipedpal
Technically these series are nothing alike, but Short Cake Cake's Riku kept reminding me of Kairi from Peach Girl, except that Riku isn't a player. Although if Riku = Kairi, I do hope the end couple in Short Cake Cake is like Peach Girl.  
reportRecommended by FluffyFish
The female lead in both series is misunderstood as promiscuous and having lots of experience with men, but in reality is rather shy and innocent. They also both have a female "friend" who plays a similar role in both manga. There is a dramatic atmosphere when reading both of them, but PG is much darker and more heavy. Both series also have prominent love triangles. 
reportRecommended by MeNaK
Both almost same, simular plot. -main girl characters in both manga, Adachi, Momo and Choi, Ida same personality almost. -Both have an evil character who just always tries to ruin everything and are bratty. -Both main character guys contain simular personalities. -Both have a guy chasing after the girl 
reportRecommended by iNinjeek
Both have complicated love triangles that have a similar themes of using anther person to forget about a past relationship Koishitagari no Blue is less perverted and doesn't really have a true antagonist...where in Peach Girl all the trouble can be more or less can blamed on to one person 
reportRecommended by Karchan
Not an obvious choice, this is not very similiar to the main plot, besides the whole love triangle thing (though peach girl is all over the place not only in a triangle). BUT it is shoujo AND the relationship between the main character and her "friend" is VERY similar.  
reportRecommended by Princess_syrup
If you liked Peach Girl's extraordinary story might like this series as well. Made by the same mangaka as Peach Girl. Both series contained manipulative antagonists, and love triangles, and it gives that same feeling of hate, sadness and likeness whenever you read it. 
reportRecommended by FukuWija
The two main female characters are both teased for their appearance, and have a popular, pretty 'friend' that tries everything to ruin their lives.  
reportRecommended by nijuu
Both series have kind of 'harlequin romance' approaches to love stories, with lots of drama and backstabbing. The stories are pretty different, but if you're interested in an unusually high drama quotient, both series have you covered. 
reportRecommended by lithiumflower
Strobe Edge reminds me of peach girl. It is not the same, but the beginnings are a little bit same, along with a love triangle, and playboys. 
reportRecommended by maoneechan
One is a shoujo and one is a josei, but they reminded me of each other. A girl/woman (Momo from Peach Girl / Sumire from Kimi wa Pet) is very annoyed at how others are falsely judging her based on appearances. She is the victim of a lot of unfairness. She is caught in a love triangle between an immature and perverted guy who fools around all the time (Kairi from PG / Momo from KwP [Hey, another Momo]) who's in love with her, and a very mature guy who she has been in love with for a while (Touji from PG / Hasumi from KwP).  read more 
reportRecommended by MeNaK
Pretty much the same story, Girl tries to help a friend, friend back stabs them over a guy, and then turns around and tells the whole school a lying story making them out to be the bad guy and then bullies them until they see fit.  
reportRecommended by huruki
Both mangas have a love traingle and deals with first love and betrayal. 
reportRecommended by tarms_shani
A boy and a girl who at first are friends later they fall in love  
reportRecommended by doorotka
Sunadokei spans across a much longer time frame (childhood-adulthood) than Peach girl (high school only), and Peach girl is a bit more focused on "relationship issues" than "life issues" in comparison to Sunaodkei, although both topics are present in each. However, both are "classic" shoujo manga from the early 2000s that centre around love triangles and a "will they, won't they" dynamic that can be frustrating but also keeps you reading on.  
reportRecommended by MeNaK