At first this manga might not have the most original concept or story. However, the way in which it is executed is excellent. There are no such things as 'black and white' in this manga.
Each important character has proper development and significance to the story, and none of them are there just for the sake of them being there, nor are they useless. The characters have realistic personalities, and none of them are just 'good' or 'bad'. Each character is well developed and continue to develop and none of them are completely innocent just like how it is in real life.
I appreciated the fact
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Toukyou Kushu Japanese: 東京喰種トーキョーグール More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 14
Chapters: 144
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 8, 2011 to Sep 18, 2014
Young Jump Authors:
Ishida, Sui (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #1402 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #6
Members: 530,197
Favorites: 47,424 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 131 / 146
Your Feelings Categories Jul 14, 2014
Before I start this review please note that this is an ongoing manga with chapter 135 being the most recent one (the translations are not caught up) and i have read all 135 current chapters, opinions may change later on.
Story= 9/10. It's hard to pin down the specific story if someone where to ask me what tokyo ghoul is about just because of everything is going on. We have our main protagonist being practically forced to live a new and dangerous life (much like Shinji Ikari). But if I were to try to sum up Tokyo Ghoul's plot in one sentence, it would be about the ... May 26, 2014
Tokyo Ghoul/Toukyou Kushu - A grotesque and melancholic journey into the psychology of "Ghouls": humans that eat other humans. Also contains some excellent fight scenes and characterization. The more recent chapters (60~66) are some of the best manga work I've ever seen and the author's creepy (in a good way) art style compliments the content in a magnificent way; It gives it a strange finesse. Very highly recommended.
Dec 19, 2014
This is my first review on MAL and I'm pretty excited that it's about my probably favorite finished manga of 2014!
Let's start! Story - 10 Ken Kaneki, your average shy and bookloving collegestudent gets plunged into the world of the creatures called ghouls - who feed on humans. He learns of the life as a ghoul and being the kind and righteous guy he is, he cannot ignore nor accept the fact that they kill humans to devour them. But little does he know what it feels like to be driven to insanity by your own hunger, and little does he know of what it ... Dec 22, 2014
Despite the manga's popularity, it wasn't until the anime aired this year that Tokyo Ghoul exploded in sales and became one of the top five best-selling manga in Japan (beating Kuroko's Basketball, Naruto and Magi).
So what is it about this series that attracted such popularity? It’s by no means a perfect series, that's for sure; but it gets a lot of things right. The story begins by introducing readers to the timid protagonist; Kaneki Ken. Kaneki is an average college student that is forced to come to terms with living as a ghoul after a freak accident results in a ghoul's organs being transplanted into his ... Apr 28, 2016
Tokyo Ghoul is a seinen manga series serialized in Young Jump, the most prestigious and well-known seinen magazine in Japan. Around 2014, when the anime had started, the fandom increased rapidly and endless screams of the internet community were heard about the "superb" quality and characters of the series. So, being a fan of seinen manga (Berserk, Kingdom, etc.) myself I decided to dig in.
There are MINOR SPOILERS in the following review What I expected? Maturity, epicness and quality violent fight scenes What I got? Well..., the above in pretty SMALL proportions, a feeling of pseudo-darkness and worst of all a taste of ... Jun 1, 2014
Story: 9/10
Tokyo Ghoul is about a college freshmen, Ken Kaneki becoming a ghoul due to being the recipient of an organ transplant from the notorious ghoul dubbed "Binge Eater." Becoming a ghoul leads to a series of meeting other ghouls and in some circumstances, getting in difficult situation because of them. Tokyo Ghoul started out slowly with having short arcs as starters, but quickly began to pick up pace. Bits of information is slowly revealed to you, which is nice compared to when a mass of it is given at once. The tone of the story is serious and has few comedic moments. It is kept ... Sep 13, 2014
It makes me cry when I think that something as mediocre and generic as this gets so much attention, whilst TRUE seinen gems are ignored.
Not only is the plot hackneyed and the characters hopelessly dull, but the ART...jesus christ, can it even be called art? It seriously looks like a trashy doujinshi. The characters, expressions, anatomy, backgrounds are SOOOO SHIT. Admittedly the anime is better. But, avoid this crap. Okay, so I guess you wanna know whether this is just a "troll" or whether it truly is as bad as all that. Here is a breakdown...the WHY of it. Story This is a shounen manga disguised as a seinen ... Oct 7, 2017
Sorry fangirls, Tokyo Ghoul is bad. Really bad.
The characters are boring, motivations are often unexplained, after the first few arcs there is no tension at all, it has problems with pacing, the drawings are muddy and unclear, there is a Deus Ex Machna lurking behind every corner, plot twists aren't surprising or satisfying, nothing gets done or finished... God I can list for hours! Really, if you have to, watch the anime and decide if you want to read after that. But in my opinion the source material is weak. But it's egdy enough to attrack moody teenagers, so it's popular now, somehow... Sep 29, 2021
There's not such thing as something that is for everyone and this is just not for me.
The plot does not follow not a clear path and it frequently makes a lot of jumps in focus, introducing new characters until the very last chapter. Because of reading this in an almost weekly manner, many times I lost track of who's who or why some character is behaving in a certain way. The art is fine, but inconsistent. It sometimes borders on the abstract and I had to look at some pages more than once to understand what was going on. I got hooked in some story arcs but ... May 24, 2015
Tokyo Ghoul is really something -- I haven't been so in love with a series in a long time. When the original series (this one) ended, and it wasn't clear that there would be a sequel, I was legitimately distressed. When the sequel was announced, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief and excitement. That's how emotionally invested I have gotten with this manga. I don't want to raise a potential reader's expectations to the point where it will be impossible for TG to live up to them, but I have a long list of good things to say about it, so that's going to
Oct 12, 2014
When I first started reading Tokyo Ghoul, I was expecting just another typical action/battle manga with the typical tropes and cliches we've all seen before. Now that I've finished it, I can safely and gladly say that this manga has completely exceeded all my expectations.
Story - 9/10 Tokyo Ghoul has a very character-driven story, centred around the protagonist Kaneki Ken. However, as more events start unravelling in his life, the story starts to develop in several different directions and more mysteries are introduced. The plot is a bit slow at the start, but quickly builds up into a tense story of twists that will keep you ... May 18, 2015
"I’m not the protagonist of a novel or anything…I’m a college student who likes to read, like you could find anywhere. But… if, for argument’s sake, you were to write a story with me in the lead role, it would certainly be… a tragedy."
~Ken Kaneki Story: === The story of Tokyo Ghoul is a mystery, a tragic mystery. the story pretty much goes like this : Tokyo is filled with man-eating people called 'Ghouls'. The main character Ken Kaneki finds himself in a difficult situation when he encounters a ghoul. That is when he finds himself immersed in the fine line between Ghouls and Humans. Thus, the tragedy ... Apr 12, 2015
Oh Boy OH BOY. Tokyo Ghoul...... Where the hell do I begin. I didn't even know anything about Tokyo ghoul before Season 1 was released. After I watched Episode 1 Season 1 I was hooked to know what happened next so I read the manga. I was expecting a full horror and gore which I got but the story didn't kept me reading so I stopped around Chapter 18. That was my biggest mistake I have ever made in my entire life.
After weeks I've heard people talking about tokyo ghoul and they described it as "Epic" "Tragic" and "Really fucking Cool", I was very confused ... Sep 13, 2014
Tokyo Ghoul is a worthwhile read because of the fact that the reader becomes so involved with the individual characters emotionally, and struggles to discern which side of the conflict is fighting for the right reasons. For me this was exceptional because it is synonymous with conflicts in the real world; nothing is black and white. We just have varying shades of gray.
The story is dark one, and may not be for the feint of heart. The art expands upon the story as a whole does a great job of adding another dimension for the reader's enjoyment because it truly resounds with the mood of ... Feb 12, 2015
This is my first review.So don't be so harsh on me
Story The story starts off with our main protagonist Ken Kaneki an average collage student who loves reading books.His life changes when he is involved in a tragic accident and is forced to to exchange organs with a ghoul(A species that eats humans and only humans).This changes his life forever. The real main theme of the story is about Kaneki's struggle to cling to his human side and as the story progresses we see changes within him that make him question his humanity and his ghoul side. Art The art is decent and as the series progresses the ... Jun 18, 2017
And so I commence with my unpopular opinion of this extremely popular manga.
Obviously, Tokyo Ghoul gets on quite well with the darker portion of anime/manga fans, and I am definitely part of that darker portion. Due to several other people's knowledge of this (both online and in real life), Tokyo Ghoul was heavily suggested to me, the manga over the anime because of how drastically the anime strayed from the manga during the second season. I decided it couldn't hurt to give the manga a try. For a long time, I wasn't sure what to think of Tokyo Ghoul. I kind of liked it, ... Sep 13, 2014
"If for argument's sake you where to write a story with me in the lead role. It would certainly be...a tragedy."
Tokyo ghoul is a masterpiece even with its flaws and short comings. It is a dark and gruesome world, where the light can still be found, but it is fleeting. For in a world that is wrong can you really do anything to change it. Story=10 I am not going to bother with a synopsis since that is available already and I will try avoid as many spoilers as possible but i do have to spoil some events so i can talk about them just giving a ... Sep 23, 2015
First off, I have to say, this manga is not my cup of tea. I probably would have never read this, but some friends convinced me to. Since it's also a manga that recently got very popular, I decided to give this a shot hoping it was actually gonna be the masterpiece everyone says it is. Boy, I was so wrong. Now, where do I begin...
Story First off, let's start with the story. I have to say, the story is pretty generic, the kind edgy teens to crazy for. Have some Shinji Ikari-type teenage wimp become a human-eating ghoul and then start writing about his dilemmas ... Jul 27, 2014
One might find themselves picking this up because of the anime adaptation that has recently started airing. I am no exception when it comes to this. With that mentioned, I am excited to share my review with you all for this totally awesome and unique story.
Let's get into it, shall we? I'll keep this spoiler free, so don't hesitate to continue reading! I'm going to refrain from mentioning actual content (since the synopsis covers it rather well), and instead focus more on the general quality of everything. Story: 10/10 Tokyo Ghoul / Toukyou Kushu takes place in a world where "ghouls" (flesh-eating monsters who resemble humans at ... |