JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable
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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Diamond Is Not Crash, Dai 4 Bu: Higashikata Jousuke
Japanese: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない
English: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 18
Chapters: 174
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 21, 1992 to Nov 21, 1995
Genres: Action Action, Supernatural Supernatural
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Shounen Jump (Weekly)
Authors: Araki, Hirohiko (Story & Art)


Score: 8.571 (scored by 6441164,411 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #1112
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #134
Members: 107,700
Favorites: 6,503



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Jan 24, 2015
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is, as of writing, 28 years old, and save for a gap year between Stone Ocean and Steel Ball Run it has been running the entire time. As such, this is one of the most enduring franchises in the entirety of manga. In a big way, it owes this to the way it is split up into parts - each new part introducing a new JoJo, a new main cast, and a new setting - but perhaps both the least obvious thing AND the most important thing that changes is the genre. Whilst it remains a battle shonen manga throughout, it merges ...
Jun 3, 2009
Part 4 of one of manga's longest running series gets off to a rocky start but with each volume gets better, funnier, more creative with battles and character abilities and culminating in re-establishing JoJo's Bizarre Adventure as one of, if not the, greatest shonen manga franchise ever.

Diamond Is Unbreakable's story begins with a few missteps, that of focusing on an illegitimate son thus almost rendering Joseph Joestar's courageous mission in the previous volume moot and making him look like a jerk (although this is played for laughs), and also more importantly slightly retconning the evil granny character of Enya by having her be a source ...
Apr 22, 2015
In a controversial shift, Araki succeeds his immensely action shounen series after Stardust Crusaders with a slow paced slice of life comedy/murder mystery. And you know what? It works. Diamond is Unbreakable is one of the greatest accomplishments in Araki's career.

STORY: 9/10
Diamond is Unbreakable takes place 11 years after Stardust Crusaders. Jotaro discovers Joseph had an affair with a woman in a small town in Japan called Morioh, giving birth to Josuke Higashikata, the 4th Jojo. He travels to meet him to investigate recent Stand activity in the town and get to know his new uncle and eventually aids him and Josuke's interesting friends ...
Jul 24, 2015
Quick thoughts on Diamond is Unbreakable:

After the epic journey of Jotaro Kujo and his friends in Stardust Crusaders, Jojo Part 4 transports us to the much more "tedious" Morioh, a small town where Josuke Higashikata, the user of the stand Crazy Diamond, and many other stand users live. Due to the fact that stand users attract each other, the city suddenly becomes flooded of people with the most assorted types of abilities; one of them being a killer, that's been terrorizing the city for a long time.
That way, Diamond is Unbreakable sets its mystery tone right from the start; but even though the pacing of ...
Nov 22, 2010
As Hirohiko Araki always does with new Parts of JoJo, Diamond is Unbreakable has a whole new, a bit more lighthearted tone to it compared to the earlier chapters. This time the adventure and traveling are cast aside for a murder mystery in the small quiet town of Morioh Cho but as always JoJo and his friends are up against an ever so bizarre cast of dangerous Stand-users as they chase the mysterious serial killer and reveal the secret behind the origin of the Stand-powers.

The story starts out somewhat slow and in the beginning it might feel like one of the weaker parts of JJBA ...
Sep 2, 2014
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a very long-running franchise; it's been around for well over 2 decades. However to me the biggest challenge in getting into the series is not necessarily its length, but how long it takes for it to get legitimately good.

Make no mistake; the first three parts are entertaining in their own ways, however they are noticeably dated and lackluster in characterization and storytelling nowadays. While experiencing the first 3 parts, I was entertained certainly, but I wasn't that emotionally invested.

Then comes part 4 and it actually manages to catch me by surprise at how much better the writing becomes.

Part 4 takes place ...
Mar 15, 2019
DISCLAIMER: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a currently ongoing series with (at the moment of writing), 7 complete parts and one ongoing one. It's important to first make the distinction that this is NOT one ongoing story split into parts, but rather 8 stories in the same universe following the Joestar bloodline, that share similar elements, plot points, and even motivations in some cases.
Due to that, this and my other JoJo reviews will follow an unique JoJo rating system, since in my opinion it cannot be easily compared to other manga, done in a beginner-friendly way so as to illustrate whether or not it is worth ...
Jul 7, 2016
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure was originally intended as a trilogy, ending with Part III, and that makes total sense. The way Part III ended had a sort of finality to it. However, when you're one of the best selling and most popular manga, the business won't let you go that easily. Araki started work on another part, which could very well have ended up terribly, but somehow, Part IV, Diamond is Unbreakable, turned out to be my 2nd favorite Jojo part, and was my favorite for some time.


Part III had a major sense of scope to it that none of the other parts had. While it ...
Dec 3, 2015
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai Review

Story (9/10) Great
More Specifically (9.15/10) Great

The Story for Part 4 was great and it's quite surprising, it shows me that I still enjoy small set pieces of mini arcs and episodic like story arcs as long as they come into play down the road. Part 4 links together it's mini arcs a lot better than I think Part 3 did as in Part 3 once they defeated an enemy most of the time you never heard of that enemy again not including the enemies that eventually become allies of the crew. Although there are certain ...
Apr 26, 2020
JoJo part 4 is extremely overrated amongst the JoJo community and while it isn't a bad part it certainly doesn't deserve to be constantly jerked off. Having a good villain and fantastic artwork doesn't make JoJo part 4 Diamond is Unbreakable a Masterpiece. This doesn't mean I hated everything and I enjoyed part 4 for the most part but a lot of the love for this part in particular seems unwarranted. But even so there are still some pretty awesome things about this part.

The story of Diamond is Unbreakable starts of pretty damn slow Were first introduced to Jotaro. The JoJo of part 3 who ...
Sep 26, 2009
To those who were planning to read JoJo only until the part 3 to get to know these series, and get disappointed with Josuke attitude on the start, I ask you; KEEP READING. Josuke is a character that grows at a humongous speed once he starts fighting seriously, and part 4 get more and more interesting by each chapter you read.

The main difference between the part 3 and 4 is the way that they use their stands. they are not used only for direct combat, so the battles are way more complex as they were on the previous series. The characters really outstand in this ...
Jun 23, 2014
Diamond is Unbreakable is the continuation of the jojos bizarre adventure series and a great one at that. The story all happens in one town, which also makes it all that more amazing. The art is amazing as always, but this time I think it really stands out as great. I won't spoil much about the story but it is a very unique and cool one. The character designs are very cool and actually prove you can relate to some of them since most of them are high school students. Lots of cool stand abilities and characters and I enjoyed this maybe more than a ...
Dec 24, 2020
After reading part 3, which I personally didn't like at all, my patience was rewarded with one of my favorite parts of Jojo, and one of the best mangas in general.

My biggest problems with Stardust Crusaders are the flat characters, poor pacing, and the so-so stands. Diamond is Unbreakable shatters those weaknesses. While only two or three characters really go through any real, continuous arc, I enjoy all of them here, and they have clear personalities. While I don't like Yoshikage Kira as much as others, he's a great villain, and the minor villains are alright too. Jotaro feels more natural as the mentor who ...
Mar 1, 2022
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 4
Diamond is Unbreakable
Story: This time rather than having buff men save the world from blooding monster, we have High schoolers trying to find a hand-fetish serial killer. This time the story was totally different from the other parts. This rather like a collection of short stories though its superb.
Art: Araki-sensei changed his artstyle this time. Though some people really like it, on the other hand some people hate it to death but still I think Araki-sensei did a good job doing the art of this part.
Characters: The characters of this part in particular are really colourful. The antagonist this, Yoshikage Kira ...
Nov 2, 2020
Jojo Part 4 is (in my opinion) one of the best JJBA Parts with a similar build-up like Phantom Blood, and an incredibly similar style that Stardust Crusaders had.

I love the main cast of characters, Josuke is a chad, Joseph is well, Joseph, Koichi is an amazing well-written shy and nervous character that can get really pissed off and can be on a rampage. Okuyasu was that character who I never thought of as that "dumb" character, he's been my favorite character when he joined the crew. it was nice seeing Jotaro mature a bit, thought still traumatized from the events of Stardust Crusaders.

The art-style ...
Nov 19, 2017
The one thing that fascinates me the most about the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure franchise as a whole, is how the division of each part manages to focus on a different theme, all relating to its time and period.

Diamond is Unbreabakle is the fourth instalment, and while it doesn't have the thematic cohesion of Phantom Blood, the charisma of Vento Aureo, or the overall quality of Steel Ball Run, it remains my favorite, mostly because of how it treats is themes, especially in the second half.

The setting is Morioh, a small town that's apparently peaceful. As the stands threat starts to desolate the place, we ...
Oct 3, 2015
Part 4 is my favorite part of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and brought along my favorite Jojo. The story is great and the fact that Part 4 doesn't have really strong characters like Kars and DIO, but instead it has a murderer who just wants a quiet life. Seeing Joseph even older than he is in Stardust Crusaders is great, but Jotaro looks no different than he did in Stardust Crusaders as the only thing that changes is his clothes(I still can't tell where his hat starts and where his hair ends).

Koichi one of my new favorites and the fact he is in a relationship with ...
Feb 4, 2023
This is a different part from the previous jojo parts where we go on an adventure, but in this part we don't travel anywhere but we are in morioh city where the fate would take its action and the stand users will be drawn to each other.

Josuke is a normal high school student( normal with a stand), he can be a nice friend but his life is changed when a certain personality comes over to his place and he is drawn to the action which follows.

​A serial killer is on the loose and nobody can trace anything about him for past 15 or more so ...
Mar 5, 2022
The Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable was an amazing read.

The part 3: Stardust Crusaders was a perfect battle shonen. One battle after another but here in part 4, Araki improved over that with more super natural elements and a serial killer stand user main villain. Part 4 was still a battle shonen but it had more story rather than just one battle after another contiunity.

Gore level was fine, not something you can achive with a shonen manga today. Today's parental control has an alot stronger grip on the neck of mangakas. HA HA

It was 1999 at Morioh Town of ...
Jun 10, 2024
In the small town of Morioh, located in Japan, things are quaint. The people go to work, the children go to school, and life is normal. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Nothing, that is, except for one person: a broadshouldered gigachad named Jotaro Kujo arrives. And from there, the town gets a little more... Bizarre.

The general plot structure of Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable follows the structure of Stardust Crusaders. Groups of chapters cover encounters with other Stand users. The thing that sets these encounters apart is that, instead of seeming like the minions of the main villain are hunting down the heroes, a ...