JoJo part 5 Golden wind has started to garner a lot of Attention due to the release of the anime Which has made significant improvements to the original Source material and I recently took some time out of my life to go back and reread the manga and I have to say that the manga is so much worse in comparison to the anime. Which is rare not only for JoJo but anime in general. The original source material. Has rougher artwork compared to the anime and in general is much more confusing than the anime. The characters and my overall enjoyment of This part
have not changed at all and is still a fun mature action shonen series. Other than my issues with the story and some characters, AND the fact that theres a superior anime which there is no point in not watching.
The story of part 5 is by far its weakest aspect. We follow Giorno Giovanna the greatest walking talking meme of the 90's and also an incredibly bland and generic protagonist which I will talk about later. he wants to rule Italy and joins Bruno in his anti drug crusade and thus part 5's journey starts. Before we talk about what I disliked there are things about the story I liked.The setting of Italy is great it's by far the second best setting for a JoJo Part, each place feels alive and the places they go to really give of the 'Italy' vibe, compared to Italy in part 2 this is much better,. For once the best part of part 5 is the middle half of the story when bruno and the boi's are trying to protect Trish. There's an actual sense of weight to the Stakes and for the most part the action is fast paced high energy dumb fun and the extremely hilarious stuff they say makes it great to watch with a bunch of drunk people. Unfortunately For part 5 it's plagued by a lot of the same problems as part 4 and part 3 but to a much lesser extent. The first part link part 4 DRAGS, when I say drags I mean hella drags it's incredibly boring until after the fifth with green day and kraftwerks. Then the mid part. And then the Finale of part 5. The finale SUCKS, Giorno just goes full Deus EX MACHINA and gets GER requiem which is fucking overpowered and any sense of freight I felt for these characters fades away. Golden experience requiem is a really cool stand but I just kills the mood of the finale. Its by far Araki's biggest ass pull of all time. He created too much of an overpowered character so he had to make some insane bullshit to compensate. This is probably one of my most hated things about Araki as a writer, Since his entire manga is winged he always wrights himself into a corner and always makes insane coincidences baffling conveniences and stupid DEUS EX MACHINA'S like this.
Fortunately one of the saving graces of this part is the art work and Damn is it really good the character designs for starter are awesome. everyone has a distinct look to them and are easily recognisable from there silhouettes and are awesome. (except fugo, He looks stupid as fuck) The chapter art and volume covers are my favourite in the series and the shift from the masculine muscle men of part 1- 4 change to a more effeminate design choice which fits for the time it was made in as people perception of buff anime bros changed over the past 10 or so years.
The characters yes the character are pretty good with the exception of a few. GIORNO IS TRASH. he is the most overrated protagonist in all of JoJo and he really holds this part back by a landslide. People are always saying "Oh He'S InTEResTinG BeCausE He'S JonAthaN and DiO toGeTher" One thing I always liked about the JoJo protagonist's it that most of them aren't generically shonen and feel different from the norm but Giorno is so generically good that I ju8st can't take him seriousely. Giorno is a lot more boring than people say he is and for some reason everyone loves him. Fortunately for Giorno the main supporting cast of Bruno, Narancia, Abbachio, Especially Mista and fugo make up for Giorno. Bruno is awesome, easily one of the best jobro's in the anime. He's the stern straight man of the group looking out for the insane antics of the group. Narancia is Pretty fun he can be annoying but his stand is Pretty fucking great and the Aerosmith vs little feet is fucking great. Abbachio has the best Character arc in the part. His entire character comes into full circle by the his death. Mista is the best character in part 5, He makes up for most of the Comic relief and also has the best stand in JoJo period. Fugo is Ok, he would be better if only Araki didn't decide TO WRIGHT HIM OUT OF THE STORY, hilarious. One thing I loved about Part 5 is theres a genuine comradery amongst the group. They feel like actual friends rather then work partners, Whenever we indulge in there daily activities like Narancia Doing homework with Fugo, Mista Complaining about 4 cake or Bruno Cowing down on some delicious Pizza You get this sense that they all have lives outside of the manga. The villains of part 5 are pretty dope all of la squadra are awesome Especially Metallica. One off villains like Man in the mirror are awesome. Secco and ciocolatta are by far the best villains in part 5. The main villain Diavolo is Ok the whole Dual personality thing is pretty cool especially him when he's Doppio. Overall I have to say part 5's characters are an improvement from Part 4's but the best is still to come for the series.
Overall enjoyment of this part has not changed since viewing the anime, JoJo memes have and always will be obnoxious and stupid but the creativity and the stands are still always going to be great. The epic one liners are still there, Absurd naming scheme is still there hilarious battle cries and awesome abilities JoJo part 5 is a lot of fun and Overall is and always will be a great experience.
Story 6/10
Art 9/10
Character 7/10
Enjoyment 9/10
Overall 7/10
May 1, 2020
JoJo part 5 Golden wind has started to garner a lot of Attention due to the release of the anime Which has made significant improvements to the original Source material and I recently took some time out of my life to go back and reread the manga and I have to say that the manga is so much worse in comparison to the anime. Which is rare not only for JoJo but anime in general. The original source material. Has rougher artwork compared to the anime and in general is much more confusing than the anime. The characters and my overall enjoyment of This part
Apr 26, 2020
JoJo part 4 is extremely overrated amongst the JoJo community and while it isn't a bad part it certainly doesn't deserve to be constantly jerked off. Having a good villain and fantastic artwork doesn't make JoJo part 4 Diamond is Unbreakable a Masterpiece. This doesn't mean I hated everything and I enjoyed part 4 for the most part but a lot of the love for this part in particular seems unwarranted. But even so there are still some pretty awesome things about this part.
The story of Diamond is Unbreakable starts of pretty damn slow Were first introduced to Jotaro. The JoJo of part 3 who ... |