After reading Hitoshi Iwaaki's 'Parasite', i had to read Historie, and i got to say, my personal opinions on this series is that it is pretty damn good.
the plot itself revolves around Eumenes, and his childhood, who would later in his life grow up to be the secretary and general to Alexander the Great.
Yes, it is a 'Historical' manga, but its actually very interesting, although i will admit it starts off a bit rough, but if you give it a chance and read more and more, it becomes very, very enjoyable.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: ヒストリエ More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Jan 25, 2003 to ?
Afternoon Authors:
Iwaaki, Hitoshi (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #4512 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #734
Members: 26,439
Favorites: 514 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 12 / 12
Your Feelings Categories Jan 7, 2009
Alright, let's make Historie.
Haha. Oh, wow, bad pun. STORY: If your a true fan of historical manga, then you'll most likely enjoy this for it's content. Especially if your into ancient greek/persian history. The story at the beginning lacks a little something that I like to call complexity, and it continues on that way until some things happen that cause Eumenes to leave his hometown. ART: As with all of Iwaaki's work, there will be some that find the art a little plain or too sketchy for them. This is definitely not art that would be pleasing to those who are fans of shiny, glittering bishonens from a hardcore ... Sep 29, 2011
There were only two reviews of this manga, and thus I decided to give my own review. Remember, this review may contain spoilers.
Historie's setup is the same as the popular seinen manga Berserk. We start out with a future view of the main character. Then it goes into a flashback mode, to see what has all led up to that point. The story of Historie follows Greek/Macedonian/Persian history. Though this should not be viewed as educative, since not all history aspects of this manga are correct. It stays fiction after all. We start out with Eumenes, a scythian boy who grew up alongside Greeks, even believing he ... Feb 11, 2016
When it comes to historical themed works, most are adjusted and tweaked upon to create an arguably more fascinating story behind such setting. Historie is no exception, and although it is based on a real person by the name of Eumenes, Iwaaki Hitoshi was able to take an artistical approach on it as that person's past is shrouded in mystery. The author of this work managed to create a fascinating story in which people familiar with the greek history will find themselves pleasantly entertained. However, there are some issues with the manga, being the inconsistent jumps in timelines as well as its direction the biggest
Jun 14, 2013
‘Alexander the Great as written by the author of Parasyte’ was my entire knowledge of Historie going in. In my mind I had the image of Rider from Fate/Zero stabbing parasitic aliens that eat your face with his spear, but sadly twas not the reality. Historie is actually about a secretary of Alexander the Great, an orphan who goes on many adventures before becoming Alexander’s aid.
At least, that’s what the back of the books promise. There are seven volumes out and Alexander is still a kid and hasn’t recruited any secretaries yet. This might sound like the plot moves really slowly, but that isn’t really ... Aug 27, 2015
This is "MANGA"! This is "IWAAKI"!
Iwaaki Hitoshi is mostly known for his series Parasyte, but only recently it got the popularity that the fans sought for the series. It was by most positively received, because it offered something both for veterans and new faces regarding this medium. Be it from the ideas, to its theme exploration, to body horror, to high paced fights, but what was most important was its revival and how positively it was received overall in the industry. As such I was really looking forward to watching the series, and the most important question was if it will meet my expectations. ... May 15, 2018
The manga is a little slow but if you can make it past the first few chapters then you are in for quite a ride.
The art is simple yet complex due to some of the crowd scenes. It compliments the story and never seems to overtake the overall message. The author draws some good battle scenes and adds a little humor once in a while. Eumenes is a wonderfully written character that does through a lot of character development within the 104 chapters that I've read. His journey is a harsh but prepares him for the rocky life under King Philip. He doesn't have ... Sep 20, 2013
This under-rated manga is quite enjoyable. It contains action, violence, drama, suspense, betrayal, and is thought provoking in a 'hisorically' unique way.
I didn't exactly know what I was getting into when I first picked this up - I had never heard of it and thought it would be a boring and uneventful story, with a distracting illustration style, and perhaps drag-on a bit...I WAS WRONG! It didn't waste much time to have me completely enthralled in the characters, their surroundings, the plots, and it's intellengent vision. Very well liked! Mar 24, 2020
this has one of the sweetest main characters ive seen in a long long time ! , he is so precious to watch and see the story through his eyes , and also drawn to be likable .. props to the writer of the series for that .. not an easy thing to do .
youll go back in " hestorie " following some fictional story that this kid is living in and through the story you'll keep on digging more and more into his past . i highly recommend this series if you're looking for a powerful character study and emotional ride that has ... Mar 17, 2018
What a lovely series. I've found that this author's works are very calming and inoffensive; I always read these when I can't stomach anything else. This story matches the pace of real life much better than whatever else I've read: no emotional rollercoaster, no cheap drama to elicit false sympathy; no long drawn out shouting matches of feelings and relationships; no over-narration; no gratuitous violence, sex, sticky feelings, come to think of it, a good analogy is Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, but for adults with more politics and fewer gender jokes. If you like Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun but also like politics, you will like this.
Eumenes is ... Dec 28, 2024
Great , i like his story set up
the art at first is not good but it becames significatly better later on Eumenes is a good protagonist for the most part , but is obvius he has became a problem in later parts of hte manga as he deosnt have motivation for his advance in rank , something wich the real Eumenes ceirtenly had sadly the author didnt write that much and now it seems that he either ends it wothout an eneding even worse makes an alternative endidng ( wich seems thats where it is going ) , wich of course not only isnt ... Aug 13, 2015
Cpr during aristotle's time? Just wth was the mangaka thinking lol...
It's an o.k. manga. Nothing special tbh. Dont get me wrong, i enjoy manipulation or romanticization of history when done right, that's not the case here tho. Aristotle's characterization is not convincing. Plus weak lame-ass background as to how alexander developed his dual personality. My issue with this kind of manga is that when the main character is nearly perfect, it detracts from the enjoyment. What's so interesting about a prodigy who can do anything? (subaru is another manga that has this flaw). I would have rated this 7 if it weren't for that ridiculous cpr scene. |