Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!
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Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: WataMote, Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!, It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular!
Japanese: 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!
English: No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular!
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Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Aug 4, 2011 to ?
Genre: Comedy Comedy
Themes: Otaku Culture Otaku Culture, School School
Serialization: Gangan Online
Authors: Tanigawa, Nico (Story & Art)


Score: 7.731 (scored by 1940319,403 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #16092
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #302
Members: 57,565
Favorites: 3,343

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Preliminary Spoiler
Nov 24, 2011
Preliminary (15/? chp)
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!, (Shortened to Watashi ga Motenai for the sake of reviewing), is a manga about an antisocial girl named Tomoko Kuroki whose only desire is to cut loose of her shut in ways and become popular so she can get a boyfriend,but that's easier said than done... Especially when you're too socially awkward to talk to a boy, let alone an actual human being.

Now on the surface this manga doesn't look remotely entertaining but it slowly,but surely, sucks you into it and days later you'll find yourself thinking "Gee, I wonder how she's going to embarrass ...
Feb 1, 2017
Preliminary (109/? chp)
Disclaimer: I only picked this manga back up recently after a long period of time. My memory may not be perfect.

WataMote is a manga not to be taken lightly; if you've already been through high school or currently going through it, you'll probably have a harrowing experience. All the embarrassing situations, self-deprecation, you'll going to be reminded of. It's a comedy at heart, so don't expect any kind of drama at all.

I'm not going to go through everything in this review, instead, I'm going to concentrate on one aspect the previous reviews have skipped (due to they were written in a different time period): this ...
Mar 12, 2012
Preliminary (13/? chp)
When it comes to popularity and being the talk of the student body, I wouldn't know, but when it comes to anime, video games and manga, then hey, conversation topics can never end, Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaerea ga Warui features a high school girl who's both of those characteristics, even though the former is a delusion of embarrassing proportions.
The series revolves around a shut in girl who's never actually had social interactions with anyone (Save for her friend in middle school and occasional reply when someone asks or need something from her), Kuroki Tomoko (Think of her as Konata from ...
Apr 27, 2021
Preliminary (190/? chp)
its 2021, i have just watched the anime and decided its time for the manga. Picking up where i left off maybe chapter 30 or some. And for some time it was really enojayble. Enojoyable to a point i really liked this manga, however as you continue, it just gets worse and worse and bad.

Let me remind you, this manga has 190 chapters last updated today. And i do not think it is going to stop soon.

And another reminder, this manga has been going for 10 YEARS.

Let me give you a quick rundown of what happens.

First we meet tomoki, the mc. She os ...
Apr 9, 2015
Preliminary (Unknown/? chp)
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui! (or Watamote for short) is a slice of life anime about a high school girl named Tomoko Kuroki. If you think that you're socially awkward, wait until you read the story of Tomoko. She has such a hard time with even the most basic conversations that she almost brings herself to vomiting. She praises her skill with romance games as being equal to real-life experience yet she can't even say two words to people.

Tomoko spends the duration of the story trying different quirky things that are supposed to help her make friends but ...
Dec 27, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (214/? chp)
Worth reading up until the 100th ish chapters. Watamote has been going on for over a decade since 2011. At some point, the series decided to forget what it was about and took a 180 on what made it special and unique from others in the genre. Thus it has been on a gradual downhill with no hope of returning to it's former glory.

If you're like me and just finished watching the anime, you know what you're in for. Tomoko is relatable, she does stupid shit and that's the entire premise. The characters introduced before the decline were fun and memorable, they work well off ...
Dec 10, 2020
Preliminary (185/? chp)
The anime brainwashed me and got stuck in my head for months, was too good, and ended in the best part, when was just the beginning.
After months of constanly remembering the anime because i'm not someone who reads manga easily, i decided to read it, i just didn't expect that, this series would become my favorite of all time.
The way the manga tells the story, their interactions, the themes treated, tomoko development, the characters, etc.
I fell in love with this manga, even more than the anime, this isn't a normal SoL with yuri bait, this is a treasure forgotten and undervalued.
Apr 15, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (150/? chp)
Wasted potential :( The first 12 volumes are fantastic. Tomoko is such a popular character because she's relatable, duh. But on top of that, to see such an unabashedly disgusting loser painted so earnestly was really refreshing. Much of the comedy came from the misunderstandings and awkward situations she would find herself in, giving the manga endless fuel to create comedic situations. You felt for her as she navigated through this world while clearly suffering from mental illness. It had a simultaneously tragic and comedic tone while never compromising one over the other.

Sadly, the manga loses serious steam around 12 volumes in. The story ...
May 27, 2013
Preliminary (40/? chp)
Its one great manga. It strays from the "put lovers everywhere" attitude most manga are appealing to and instead centers on the single goal of making the life of a single girl one major hell on earth. A refresh is that finally the fail is not on the boy, but on the girl depicted. Certainly not the most original take ever published on manga but well executed nonetheless.

One thing of note however is that this manga could benefit of a different format. Since the reader already knows that Tomoko is a major screw up it gets tiring to read only the small details. There are ...
May 19, 2019
Preliminary (156/? chp)
I will start off by saying that I originally hated Watamote, which is why it is so surprising that here I am completely advocating people to read it.

Way back when the anime first started airing I took an interest, but quickly lost it when the secondhand embarrassment became too much for me to handle. So instead I tried the manga, which while not as bad as the anime, still was painful to read through. Ultimately I shelves the couple of volumes I had and gave up on going any further than that.

Fast forward to a couple of months ago when one of my friends very ...
May 10, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (168/? chp)
The first 12 volumes were great and I would say its one of my favorite mangas.
A very funny and a worthwhile read.
The main character and the first characters that got introduced and appeared often were very good and played off each other. While intresting and funny situations that happened made it a very enjoyable and funny read.
I could relate to the main character and I found my self laughing at a lot of the jokes and enjoyed nearly every page.
In later volumes some new characters had gotten introduced and even tho I didn't like most of the new characters it didn't matter too much since ...
May 22, 2017
Preliminary (114/? chp)
I'll start this review with this phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover", or rather in Watamote's case "Don't judge a manga by its first 40 chapters". The reason for this is because the first 40 chapters are somewhat of an introductory storyline where you essentially learn about the MC Tomoko and her socially awkward, and somewhat petty personality. Although it does get monotonous throughout that, and I'd recommend you just skim through those parts if you don't want to be bothered.

But after that, the manga slowly starts to take a shift in tone. It all starts as Tomoko tries to reconnect with her ...
Oct 5, 2021
Preliminary (161/? chp)
I watched the anime a couple of years ago and I went in expecting cringe and maybe some relatable stuff. I got what I was expecting and then some. While I think the anime adaptation was good, I chose not to read the manga as well because, I thought, there was so much cringe I can stomach.

A couple of days ago I ended up picking up the manga as well and I am still glued to it. I saw that the anime did a pretty good job adapting the manga. The cringe factor was the same, but reading the story further than the point where ...
Mar 8, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (165/? chp)
Good up until after the field trip arc, then it seriously declines in quality. I loved watamote before then, it was one of my favorite mangas, I loved the komi-san introduction arc, tomoko's inner monologues and how many of the characters played off each other (BEFORE the huge expansion of the cast post field trip) For a while it seemed like watamote was moving in a direction where tomoko would self improve and grow as a person, basically escaping her genre. Although tomoko does become more social while still remaining an introvert, that's not quite what happens. Basically she near spontaneously gains a clique that ...
Jul 15, 2020
Preliminary (10/? chp)
Tomoko Kuroki strikes me as a very excellent character in the hands of a poor author.

She's a hopeless NEET and if you don't know what that term means then you wont be the kind of person who relates to Tomoko.

But she's not really hopeless, a lot of the manga starts with Tomoko declaring her intent to achieve some small often meaningless goal to try and improve her social life. Then the author shoves her back into her NEET box and punishes her for wanting to improve herself.

Tomoko is a character cursed with self awareness, she knows everything she's doing is wrong and how its ...
Sep 14, 2014
Preliminary (Unknown/? chp)
I personally love Watamote (It's not my fault I'm not popular!). The main character Tomoko Kuroki is very relate able. The story is much like Nichijou, not following a linear story path but keeping some aspects from older chapters intact. I love this manga, this can be a hit and miss from time to time ( like Space Dandy) but overall gives a better interpretation of high school than any other manga i've read thus far.
Feb 26, 2019
Preliminary (150/? chp)
It's weird coming back to this series years after watching the cringe riddled anime series, only to be pleasantly surprised about the slice of life direction the manga has taken in the latter half of it.

I think it's a testament to how much character development was given to Tomoko, and how it completely contradicts the title of the series, as Tomoko manages to make a harem of female friends and thus a whole bunch of fluff and yuri undertones.

If you liked Watamote purely for the cringe value of it, then you probably won't wanna stick around after around chapter 50.

I enjoyed reading it, it has ...
Aug 3, 2018
Preliminary (138/? chp)
If you're like me, then most of the reason you read manga, is because you like to see the development of relationships and characters. This series does that really well in my opinion. I think the development of Kuroki (the main character) is done very well. It doesn't feel rushed like I've seen in other stories. She and the other characters are also much more human feeling. She's kind of a terrible, petty person but it makes her more relatable, interesting and in a strange way very likeable. Her sort of delusional views of people and situations make for some extremely funny moments that had ...
Sep 19, 2021
Preliminary (197/? chp)
Tomoko is iconic. Weird to say, but people who have never watched this anime or picked up a single chapter of this manga know Tomoko. They are a meme. And that meme is usually centered on a complete loser.

Watamote (shorthand of the much longer title) is fantastic. Yes it has a major shift at some point in the series, yes it is not the same lately, but I think this is a deliberate choice in showing growth. This manga has been going on for a few years, people who related to Tomoko probably graduated before she did (or rather, will seeing as she is ...
May 22, 2018
Preliminary (134/? chp)
Out of 100 Nobles watching...
80 were impressed!
10 found something to be desired in character designs and expressions.
5 got sick of Tomoko's perpetual terribleness.
5 are angry they can't describe what's happened in this dang manga without people looking at them weird.

Because I'm not popular, I'll write a review.
"Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!" or as everyone calls it for short "Watamote" is a story about an unpopular girls high school debut and the beginning of her own personal quest to combat her extreme social anxiety in an attempt to not be a loner.

The story itself is extremely unique in it's absurdity ...