Another trigger anime, what would i spect from them? Kill la kill, Little Witch Academia, basically good animation with terrible writing.
And yeah, cyberpunk edgerunners was that.
Characters 0/10
The characters are, cliche with bad motivation (protagonist and lucy) or the ones who died after appearing 10 minutes in screen (like rebecca or her brother).
Story 3/10
It's basically the protagonist with superpower to handle a lot of unhandleable mechanism, they gift him a waifu and a team, then becomes the cliche of the noob joining the team, then A FKING TIMESKIP because it was a good idea to rush even more, nice.
Art 7/10
The art is good, first 2 chapters
Mar 5, 2022
Another piece of art by our beloved duo nico tanigawa.
To begin, i think not every manga/anime can be judge by the MAL criteria, story, art, etc, so i would like to share some thoughts about it. A stupid girl trying to look intelligent, a guy who likes the stupid girl, and a guy with glasses who loves literature, add some watamote style/nico comedy and this really feels different. Something i really love is how the characters in the beginning doesn't care at all about literature except for the glasses and ended up reading books and sharing their thoughts about it. Aug 8, 2021
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Kimetsu no Yaiba, for some reason this anime have a highscore, i wouldn't say that this anime is so bad, but still, is bad
Story: 1 Is there something good at least? Not really. If you are interested about why, just search in youtube a good kimetsu no yaiba review, those who has like 30k dislikes, they are gonna say the same as me, just in a funny way. But here a summary, this anime don't risk in anything, and just go with the path that someone wrote years ago. Art: 10 One of the most beautiful animated animes that i have ever seen, these kind of animes are so ... Aug 8, 2021
Holo no Graffiti
This isn't a serie that you would criticize in base of "story art sound character", These criterias are the reason why this anime and others like this (comedies) are often badly scored.
First of all, you need to know that exist genres, these genres works so different that aplying the same criteria would be wrong. A good example is comparing a shonen with character development vs some SoL comedy, someone would score 10/10 story in the shonen, but 0/10 in a SoL comedy because there isn't a plot in first place, although the shonen could be just another hero isekai and the SoL was something that innovated ... May 26, 2021
I saw the argument, it was interesting, like Plastic Memories (i hoped they don't commit the same mistakes) so watched the first chapter, i though they could do something interesting, but at the same time, they could ruin everything, and that's what they did.
The series start something like Violet, episodic, i though they will connect this stories to make something bigger, but after the third chapter everything changes, it was bad already, but after the 4 chapter is just horrible. I'm giving it one point, because some topics were ... Dec 10, 2020
The anime brainwashed me and got stuck in my head for months, was too good, and ended in the best part, when was just the begining.
Afters months of constaly remembering the anime because i'm not someone who reads manga easily, i decided to read it, i just didn't expect that, this series could become my favorite of all time. The way in the manga tells the story, their interactions, the themes treated, the tomoko development, the characters, etc. I fell in love with this manga, even more than the anime, this isn't a normal SoL with yuri bait, this is a treasure forgotten and undervalued. Aug 23, 2020
Some, or, a lot of spoiler (Although i was spoiled, i REALLY enjoyed the anime, reason incoming) this short review have spoilers too.
At first glance, this is just a anime moe bait, and becomes a zombie horror anime with cute girls, after this, the anime is suppose to suck a lot because the main plot twist have been set, but no, the best of this anime is not the bait/plot twist that they made in the first chapter, but rather what is going to happen after that. Just one thing i need to say, i don't like the way that they show us somethings, like the ... Jun 9, 2020
Ping Pong the Animation
Hero? Do you believe in heroes? Those who arrives when you call them, the hero comes, the hero comes, the hero comes Chant these words in your mind, and I'll surely come to you...
After i got in mind that the sport genre = gay, this anime changed my mind forever, the masterpiece of the genre, i have never tought that an anime about ping pong would be so interesting. Just fast commentaries, this anime will make feel like if you were a kid, the innocent believe in heroes, the heroes with no weaks, the heroes who saves you when you call them. Two characters totally different ... Jun 8, 2020
Just a fast commentary about this anime
After the success of the moe that animes like k-on did,the SoL genre is nothing more than girls with their friends doing cute things, everything is beautiful and there is no loneliness But what if... This is the other face of the SoL genre, Watamote When i started watching this anime, i was with the idea that "oh, this girl is alone, in the chapter 2 they will add a friend, in 3 one more and boom SoL with beach episode moe moe moe" BUT NO, Tomoko is totally alone Watamote is a anime, in someway "realistic", not everyone has the oportunity to ... May 21, 2020
I have watched a lot SoL comedy animes like Chuunibyou, Yuruyuri, etc. When i watched this, in simple words, just, a masterpiece of the genre (The best SoL comedy i have ever seen)
Cute characters, amazing comedy, KyoAni animated, Aki Toyosaki as Yui, and a lot, BUT A LOT GOOD MUSIC. I don't know why this show about girls drinking tea after the school has a better animation than a generic shonen, a better comedy than a romantic comedy or better characters than any drama in general. The studio, that deserve a lot of the succes of the series, Kyoto Animation adapted a singular manga 4-koma made ... |