Sep 14, 2014
Sword Art Online
Let's make this quick and painless, shall we? Sword art online is an anime centered around the game, well, Sword art online. Kirito (Our main bland character) is a beta tester in the vrmmorpg (Virtual reality mmo rpg) Sao (shortened for the sake of whats left of my sanity) gets stuck with all the rest of the players in the just released live game, here's the kicker! if the helmet used to simulate the game (think of it like an Oculus Rift but as a helmet and better and with real pain) is taken off, it will fry your brain. So this makes Kitty toes
Sep 14, 2014
I personally love Watamote (It's not my fault I'm not popular!). The main character Tomoko Kuroki is very relate able. The story is much like Nichijou, not following a linear story path but keeping some aspects from older chapters intact. I love this manga, this can be a hit and miss from time to time ( like Space Dandy) but overall gives a better interpretation of high school than any other manga i've read thus far.