Prison School
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Prison School

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Kangoku Gakuen
Japanese: 監獄学園〈プリズンスクール〉
English: Prison School
French: Prison school
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 28
Chapters: 278
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 7, 2011 to Dec 25, 2017
Genres: Award Winning Award Winning, Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance, Ecchi Ecchi
Themes: Gag Humor Gag Humor, School School
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Authors: Hiramoto, Akira (Story & Art)


Score: 7.481 (scored by 6357263,572 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #31662
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #90
Members: 141,832
Favorites: 5,263

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Grand Blue is basically a less raunchy version of Prison School. Both manga share the same comedic style and ridiculous humor; the use of exaggerated and over the top reactions, dialogues, and facial expressions in a wide variety of situations. Yet despite having no similarity in the storyline and setting, the two showcase the male camaraderie and bonds among the cast with a little hint of romance here and there. The art work of both manga also have the similar style and vibe-- clean, proportional, and detailed for the most part. I highly recommend these two especially if you're a comedy manga enthusiast. 
reportRecommended by Impala
Both of these serialisations feature a group of extremely perverted male characters and their interactions with a group of females. 
reportRecommended by radiantfire
Both are comedies where a simple situation is taken and blown up to much larger than necessary proportions because of misunderstandings and huge jumps in logic. I found both very funny because of that, but they both also share the fact that there are actually quite a interpersonal side links of character relationships which are subtly developed and make a difference over time. For example, both have series where side characters kind of team up or end up working against the main protagonist at times. Both series also share the fact that enemies team up. The main difference is probably that Angel Densetsu has a much more  read more 
reportRecommended by Dragon
Fanservice focused mangas, with a lot of ecchi. The stories are completely different in tone and themes, but in both cases I was attracted by the art and character design. 
reportRecommended by BolachaWaifu
Although Prison School realies a lot more on comedy and ecchi, while Bokutachi ga Yarimashita deals with some heavier themes, the comedy style is pretty similar, as is the cast and dynamic relationship of its main characters, being a group of good for nothing boys who have a deep bond but are ready to betray one another whenever necessary. 
reportRecommended by BolachaWaifu
Both manga have some very perverted humor. If you're easily offended it's your loss because they're both amazing manga! Each manga has an actual overall story and surprisingly some intense drama that will probably make you want to read as many chapters as you can in one go. In both manga the main characters also have partners in crime. The premise of each manga is definitely absurd but strangely it works and they're both some of the most entertaining manga I've read in quite a while. I haven't read a lot of manga but both titles felt very original to me so if you're looking for something new I  read more 
reportRecommended by Jackson_H
Most of the story features the insane interactions between a bunch of loser friends while the main protagonist tries to get into a relationship. 
reportRecommended by NeoRinTinTin
Same author, same amazing art, same amazing humour Raw Hero might be even crazier than Kangoku Gakuen. 
reportRecommended by SteelingMax
Both manga share obvious similarities in the humor, topic and setting. Both are very funny and Shimoneta feels like an obvious choice if you want more Prison School. 
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
Oretama and Prison School are known for their fan service but also plot elements especially on storybuilding. In both series, the male characters gets involved in many events that causes controversy with their peers. Oretama's themes also involve supernatural phenomenons that breaks the natural order of limitations. On the other hand, Prison School's themes crosses paths on the wrong side of the law. Recommended for fans of unorthodox humor. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Much BDSM in both manga. Kangoku gakuen is farcical and has a realistic art style, albeit super ecchi. Compared to Nana, which is all ecchi/borderline hentai.  
reportRecommended by reluctantbeeswax
Its seem that both manga; is around guys trying to talk to female but are very poor at doing so but Kangoku Gakuen has more ecchi and Need a Girl is more of a slice of life and both are very funny but in different ways than one 
reportRecommended by AkatsukiUlquiora
With similar set up and character design, Destiny Lover is likely a homage for Prison School. 
reportRecommended by Deago
The sheer nonsense in Prison School and the whole atmosphere are pretty much the same as in Plastic Nee-san. So if you liked Plastic Nee-san and want something similiar, read Prison School. You won't be disappointed 
reportRecommended by DustMono
Sadism, submission, violent girls, completely batshit characters, homoeroticism, yeah, they’re pretty similar.  
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
Extremely funny things going on due to people's perversions. What more do you need?! Minna! Esper da yo isn't as good as Prison School obviously, but what is? 
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
Apart from having a similar name, Mission! School has many of the same themes, like overpowered violent school girls, sadomasochism, silly faces and lame jokes. Obviously it’s much cruder than it’s preceder but still quite funny.  
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
You can read prison school in two ways, either as an ecchi harem manga with lots of semi arousing events, or you can read it as a very humorous coming of age story where the whole ecchiness is a kind of meta comment on how it feels to enter the until then forbidden world of sexuality. It does of course not have to be a dichotomy, but understanding this might explain some of this series popularity. Schoolgirl Landlord Honoka on the other hand, about a young landlord who's getting harassed in funny ways by the other residents, contain alot of the same humor, and similar  read more 
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
Prison School and Devil Ecstasy have the similar amount of nudity and over-the-top humor. Prison School is more clever and Devil Ecstasy are cruder, but if you enjoy the humor of Prison School you should be able to laugh at Devil Ecstasy as well. Both are extremely funny. 
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
Both take extremely crazy settings and make the protagonists act 100% serious through them. SHGD is so serious that the for the first four chapters you believe you're reading a lame battle shounen. If you took Prison School, turned the underground student council into delinquents and gave them horribly stupid shounen superpowers (that rivals One Piece), and they killed each other in gruesome (but funny) ways, you're pretty close SHGD. Oh yeah, both are extremely funny and have a fetish for body fluids. 
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
Prison School paved way for a whole new genre, the "adventure ecchi" (name subject to change), where the main characters challenges are to be found in the domain of the sexual realms. It's obviously done before, but Prison School took this to a whole new level. From the five first chapters of Saseyo Eroica, it's clear that the author aim to do something similar,both in terms of humor, art and "graphicness". I'd say it's a great change from the "oops I tripped on your boobies"-ecchi that's been dominating the scene. Needless to say Saseyo Eroica is very funny as well.  
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
"Battle of minds" type of manga where a group of people plan to defeat an evil organization 
reportRecommended by MichaelJackson
Both manga focus on a group of pervert friends that hang out together in various situations, and often land in comedical ecchi situations. 
reportRecommended by xShinigami3125
Both are manga that revel in the over the top rauchyness involved that make them hilarious to read, and it's guarenteed that if you liked one, you'd like the other. The humor between the two series is rather similar if not the same. 
reportRecommended by OnyxSaiyan
If you're an assman both these manga will appeal to you. Prison School has the chairman who's the self-declared assman. Keijo features a sport in which girls are supposed to use their chests and hips (no limbs) to knock people off a platform into a pool. But, most of its techniques are based on the ass, with moves called "ass hurricane" and "ass cannon". 
reportRecommended by saedo
Same non-sensical comedy style that makes it's characters look like a bunch of morons, and i love it; Kangoku Gakuen is more focused on sex jokes, some cute but often strange characters and the ridiculous escalation of the funniest situations ever put to manga; Hiramoto Akira is a genius; Under Hero takes it's overly retarded characters to the highest of highs in absurd situations and they might actually be skilled ninjas. 
reportRecommended by SteelingMax
If you look beyond the obvious similarities where Prison school have a prison at school and the students of Kyoaku Gakuen should be in prison, you'll find striking similarities in both the art, the funny but silly humor and the main character as well.  
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
Both of them had similar awkward sexual content that makes you laugh and get a boner at the same time, good character design and easy to dig story. 
reportRecommended by tr1ckst3r
Prison School and Debusen contains the same exaggerated and over the top humor which parodies school life and fighting shounen manga.  
reportRecommended by txrxgxu
They have the same sort of humor: Everything is exaggerated to the max. Student council members are like the big bosses that rule the school. If you break school rules you're basically dead. Kangoku Gakuen is, however, much more graphic and daring. TL;DR Same kind of humor, Kangoku Gakuen is just much more hardcore in every way.  
reportRecommended by cupc
They both have a group of teenager male protagonists that are very likable and unique. And they are both in prisions of a kind that both try to get out of. However they differ from being a drama and a comedy.  
reportRecommended by reluctantbeeswax
Very similar art styles for the characters. Kangoku and nozoki are both very ecchi and get into a lot of awkward sexual moments which are incredibly hilarious .  
reportRecommended by reluctantbeeswax
Disturbing, absurdist and brutal comedies with a special love for hardcore and dirty jokes. 
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
Well both are kinda similar with the teens being lock up and being ecchi but the difference is very high I recommend one then the other but you'll have to decide which one so enjoy both. 
reportRecommended by AkatsukiUlquiora
Both stories take place in an all-girls-school, but they allowed boys into the school. The genre is quite similar, aside from the action genre and a few others that are included in Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism. and the different is that in Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism the guys are suppose to dress like girls and the female hold real weapons 
reportRecommended by AkatsukiUlquiora
The innocence of youth, (implied) perversion within human nature, as well as the purity of life, with more than just a hint of salt. 
reportRecommended by mwp
The similarity of these two manga is about teens being incarcerate one manga is on the funny side and they other is in the kinda horror side I recommend both if you haven't yet they're fun to read. 
reportRecommended by AkatsukiUlquiora
Both stories take place in an all-girls-school but in prison school they now allow some boys to attend. both manga a very similar despite the part where the girl in Shomin Sample are all rich I recommend both manga if you like stories that make you laugh and has the concept of an all girl school scenario. 
reportRecommended by AkatsukiUlquiora
They are self-parodies and deconstructive mangas. Both try to being serious but that make them even more funny.  
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
-Both have schools with ~99% of pupils being girls. -'fathers' in both series = best characters thus far. -Females in both series kick ass too.  
reportRecommended by jugann
Both contains sexual acts (not the actual 'thing') and are funny scenes. Kangoku Gakuen have a male protagonist while Bousou Shojo has a female. 
reportRecommended by ExplodingGirl
Both are super funny. So much you have to pause because you're laughing so hard. Both have epic facial expressions. Both have detailed and realistic art. Spitting image of Nitta and Shingo. Kangoku Gakuen is geared more to ecchi while Hinamatsuri is geared more to slice of life with some supernatural. 
reportRecommended by ExplodingGirl
Both have funny and sexy hot scenes. Kangoku Gakuen is funnier but Blade Play contains actual 'action'. Both are mature rated and not suitable for young audiences. 
reportRecommended by ExplodingGirl
Completely different manga and style. However, same mangaka. It is very interesting to see how his style differs between the two. Prison School is an interesting read to see how the author went in a completely different direction. You can see subtleties he carried over between the two like the dynamic camera angles and use of perspective. The nicely rendered environments and facial reactions too. I thoroughly enjoy them both and I feel like I appreciate one more for having read the other.  
reportRecommended by Danish
Both main characters find themselves in custody by busty arrogant women who have hidden motives for keeping them under lock & key. Both manga have interesting stories and great art work with good detailing on the male and female characters. Both manga have comedy, romance, and H-rated content . 
reportRecommended by Obeythealfa
Sora no Otoshimono and Prison School are both slap-stick comedy manga that are so fun because their style portray mundane everyday scenes with exaggerated effects, using over-the-top reactions and inner thoughts, etc. These manga also belong to soft harem category. While it is clear that multiple girls have feelings for the protagonist, the romantic subplot is never taken seriously and used more for, again, comedic effect. 
reportRecommended by bunny1ov3r
The humor is really similar for both series. It's all about a guy getting into really stupid ecchi situations but taking it super seriously (with crazy detailed expressions). 
reportRecommended by flomu
-both have the same Ecchi-like comedy and some nude shots -both have great art -both have action whereas Sen-Ken Rock has more serious action and mafia business 
reportRecommended by -Anokata