Noragami: Stray God
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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Stray Gods
Japanese: ノラガミ
English: Noragami: Stray God
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 27
Chapters: 109
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 6, 2010 to Jan 6, 2024
Genres: Action Action, Fantasy Fantasy
Theme: Mythology Mythology
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Authors: Adachitoka (Story & Art)


Score: 8.361 (scored by 6669466,694 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #2532
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #46
Members: 190,473
Favorites: 12,394

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They're both set with a focus on the the supernatural world where the two heroines get involved with the ayakashi/supernaturals that are not usually seen by humans, and become a being stuck between the human and supernatural worlds. They share some emotional backstories and good humour, and ofc great art. 
reportRecommended by kaagerou
They both are based on japaneese mithology and have a lot of similar arcs.  
reportRecommended by leksawillin
In a world where supernatural beings lie, Soul Eater and Noragami delivers an experience associated with them and the characters involved. If you're into stylish battles featuring characters that can transform into weapons, then these two series might spark your interest. Along with that gimmick, there's also a decent amount of comedy, plot development, and character relationships. Throughout both series, we see how the main characters develop through their experience with other characters, flashbacks, and the conflict they deal with in the present and future. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
There's a familiar mood when reading Donten ni Warau and Noragami. Although they take place in different type of settings, both series crafts a story that involves supernatural forces. There's also the cases of exorcism and phenomenons that breaks the natural order of law. Both series also focuses a decent amount of time in relationship building and exploring the past of the main characters. Recommended for fans of supernatural fantasy. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Both have a girl who lose her body and became a ghost and a supernatural guy who helps her. 
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
Ao no Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) and Noragami takes place in a modern setting with supernatural themes. The main male protagonist possesses special abilities as well as a connection to a past that is explored in both series. Throughout their story, they battle against supernatural foe in the form of spirits, ghosts, and occasionally their own personal demons. Comedy throughout both series are generally lighthearted. Do note that Noragami has some subtle romance while Ao no Exorcist's relationship building has more friendship/parental themes. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Noragami and Kyoukai no Rinne takes place in a modern setting but with fantasy/supernatural elements involving the events of their perspective stories. In particular, the main male character possesses a special gift that enables them to fight against spirits/apparitions. And throughout the series, they encounter powerful foes. At the same time, they also get acquainted with a young girl whom he develops an interesting relationship with. Both series adapts characters' role very well to fits with their personalities. There is also background stories that ties to the origins of the characters. Both series are also no stranger to comedy and always keep its timing and  read more 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Well, the mangaka for this manga is the same duo that drew Alive, so if you like the artwork here you'll like it there. (Alive has some wicked eyes). Besides that, they're connected only broadly in the fact that there's supernatural fights and such. Alive is more gory though (but that's a given). 
reportRecommended by cas-karas
They have a person that come in contact with gods and is able to come out from his body to fight some supernatural creatures. 
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
Both involve Ayakashi/Youkai and also the system of keeping and giving back the name of Youkai in Natsume Yuujinchou is very similar to the system of the Shinki in Noragami.  
reportRecommended by Blattsee111
Noragami is Rurouni Kenshin with spirits and gods instead of samurai. There are many parallels, such as a the vow not to "kill" anymore. I loved both, and since the artwork is completely different, Noragami reads like an updated version of RK. It is not plagiarism at all, it is a honest, appreciative nod to a classic. 
reportRecommended by Tetragon
Both stories are about humans interacting with the god/ghost world, the leads in both are a stupid boy entity and a girl with unusual abilites. There's a lot of fighting with other gods/entities and a budding romance, that is not heavily touched. While Gwisin is more shounenish, Noragami has better art.  
reportRecommended by nachtregen
Strong combinations of supernatural action, drama, and romance. They also involve certain types of creatures (phantoms and bugs) that feed off of people's negative emotions to strengthen. There are comedic elements here and there dispersed between heavier arcs, and as they go on both stories involve other factions and reveal the characters' pasts. 
reportRecommended by Sparkletopia
Fun and beautifully drawn urban fantasy shounen that have a slightly softer feel than the gigantic Jump battle titles. Two of the three main characters are a good looking but boorish bastard with a heart of gold and a girl who stumbles into the supernatural at the start of the series. Phantom Seer's future is still undecided, but at least the premises and the respective styles feel very much in the same vein. 
reportRecommended by Papa_Gen
Fistly, the art is really stunning, the character design is pure beauty and the scenarios are quite similar. Secondly, both have that morally grey protagonist fighting to proove something; mysterious villains in the shadows and, so far, i can say you'll be counting on a plot twist. 
reportRecommended by chasevee
Both have sidekick that represents shikigami, and have a troubled past too. I forgot to mention that both sidekick have a pretty similar appearances and a little in attitude. 
reportRecommended by w33zy5
Noragami and Shaman King are both supernatural action manga and both of the main protagonists (Yato and Yoh) are pretty similar. Noragami (from what I’ve read so far) doesn’t have any tournaments, but the feeling of both manga are very similar. 
reportRecommended by SebCyrSC2000
Personified gods with a high schooler who meet the main weird-blue-eyed-guy and gets some sort of supernatural powers. Sad backstories and underlying plot.  
reportRecommended by thefluffyotaku
Both feature some sort of deity that rids people of evil spirits Main characters share similar "pranksterish and trashy"personalities.  
reportRecommended by Kenmiauw
Both focus on comedy and action. Both have stories that involve spiritual beings. Both have cool fights. Both have engaging and charismatic characters. And both have a strange air! 
reportRecommended by DMXIII
Yato and Souma have similar personalities: poor, yearning to be rich and famous for their job but not wanting to work hard for it, and mooching off their friends, but can be perceptive and serious when needed. Hiyori and Kanoko, the female leads, usually have to whip them back into shape before their laziness overtakes them. Both have fantastical elements, Noragami being an urban fantasy and Usotoki Rheotric a historical one.  
reportRecommended by xxxATiON
The main protagonist from both series has not only supernatural abilities but also a lack of common sense on social context. Both series has great comedy with a colorful cast of characters. In addition, the main male character sets themselves with a task that earns them profit for a living. There is also a fine degree of character relationship. As both series' story progresses, there is even evident romance that blooms between certain characters. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Both are about interactions between humans and gods. Inari is more focused on romance while Noragami on action and drama. 
reportRecommended by BlindNoldor
The main premise shares some similarity between the two stories. Both series' main protagonist gains the unique ability to see supernatural life forms. They get into a conflict that has been ongoing for generations. And as such, their life changes dramatically after they learn the truth. Both series focuses a great degree on history, origins, and background stories. There are also relationship developments among the main cast as they learn more about the truth and secrets that unfold. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
The main characters in both are gods who are somehow disgraced. They both have a history of violent actions, and both want to change. Yato is more sympathetic than Myojin, however. 
reportRecommended by Kaiko
Both stories give off the same feeling. They are action packed with likeable characters. Friendship and humane values seem to be a main theme in both titles.  
reportRecommended by LyraScience
Noragami and Otome Youkai Zakuro are similar in a few ways. Both series involves forces of supernatural including spirits and youkai. The main male protagonist have clever personalities and develops a peculiar relationship with the main female character. There is a strong degree of characterization that reveals much about the characters' backgrounds and past while connecting their roles in the present story. Both series adapts romance at a subtle pace as well that expands over the course of the story. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Both Noragami and Berserk are amazing stories, stories where god(s) can do no wrong. Both stories are able to convey hope and despair. 
reportRecommended by absolutevirtue
I'm surprised that no one has recommended these two, because they have a lot in common. They're both about a person who was a badass in his mysterious past (Gintoki and Yato) who now runs around with two kids (Shinpachi and Kagura, Yukine and Hiyori) doing any job for money. Both are a great combination of action and comedy, although (in my opinion) Gintama is more comedy-oriented and Noragami has more drama. 
reportRecommended by toblynaruto
I can't believe no one has recommended this one. If you like Noragami, I'm pretty sure you'll like Inu x Boku SS or vice versa. Both manga deal with supernatural elements like demons and spirits. Also, there's some romance between the two main characters. However, there's a bit more romance in Inu x Boku than Noragami. They both also have great art. Sadly, the artist and creator of Inu x Boku passed away without ever finishing the manga. 
reportRecommended by Reineko