The Breaker: New Waves
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The Breaker: New Waves

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: The Breaker 2, The Breaker: NW, The Breaker: Part 2, The Breaker: Martial Arts City
Japanese: 브레이커NW
German: The Breaker - New Waves
French: The Breaker. New Waves
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Type: Manhwa
Volumes: 20
Chapters: 203
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 8, 2010 to May 8, 2015
Genres: Action Action, Comedy Comedy, Drama Drama, Romance Romance
Themes: Martial Arts Martial Arts, School School
Serialization: Daum Webtoon
Authors: Park, Jin-Hwan (Art), Jeon, Geuk-jin (Story)


Score: 8.371 (scored by 5212452,124 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #2482
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #160
Members: 95,410
Favorites: 4,245

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Preliminary Spoiler
Nov 30, 2014
Preliminary (173/203 chp)
~This series just keeps on getting better and better from the very first chapter. Now, this MANHWA (korean manga) is at a point that it is on my fav. list. Before, I start reviewing I need to say 2 things.

1. This is a sequel so make sure to read "The Breaker" its prequel before reading this.
2. I will try to be less plot revealing and make it more temptating, so you guys can read it.

Plot 10/10- If you thought the prequel was good then the sequel is just even more awesome. I mean just name even 10 stories where sequels were good as or ...
Dec 15, 2015
Mixed Feelings
The Breaker will be considered the prequel and New Waves the sequel.

Martial arts has always been intriguing and looking at stories where characters who are weak, wanting to get stronger is a journey of self discovery. In some ways, media that projects this topic is relateable to viewers because most of us want to follow our bliss and find a path that truly fits us. For The Breaker, Shi-Woon is the young boy we follow to search for his path of self discovery. This review reflects the series as a whole rather than just this sequel.

I'll do my best without spoilers for the prequel ...
May 12, 2015
So I was surprised when I went to my manga reading site to find that this manga, sequel to one of the my favorite manga's ever, had a 'Completed' tag. As a loyal fan that read the weekly release I feel a sense of duty to review the sequel, having already done the first entry.

(*DISCLAIMER*I HIGHLY recommend that you read the prequel 'The Breaker' to have all the necessary knowledge going into this one.)

The short version:
(+)The majority of the characters are well done.
(+)Story leads in well with the prequel.
(+)Fight scenes are the best of they're kind.
(+)Arts gives great emotion weights when it's needed.
(-)The MC ...
May 5, 2012
Preliminary (69/203 chp)
(Edited as of 8/23/2013)

Okay decided to edit my whole review after updating myself with it (haven't read it for more than a year)

I did say New Waves kinda disappointed me abit compared to the first one. I really really love The Breaker so I was expecting something really good with this one. At first I think the story kinda drifted off from what I was expecting but after reading it up to the latest chapter, I can say that "Finally! This is getting good." Thrilling factor is still there of course.

Art is very good. For me I think it improved alot. In the The Breaker, ...
Sep 22, 2015
I'll keep this short and simple.

The premise of the story is amusing, very unique and enjoyable. It surpassed my expectations, at first it was really annoying how Shi-Woon (MC) was defenseless, naive and weak; I thought it would be Tokyo Ghoul-esque battles all over again. However, Geuk-jin brings back focus on Shi-Woon again with him being somewhat competent in the series.

The art was satisfactory for the most part. While detailed and attractive to the eye, the only problem is that it's monochromatic. I haven't read much manhwa, but the ones I've been exposed to have been poly-chromatic. Doesn't hurt the manhwa itself but the ...
Feb 5, 2015
Preliminary (189/203 chp)
The Breaker NW is a Korean manga or manhwa and if you're unlucky like me and read the mal description before finishing the original then you're probably really curious about this one.
well NW isn't over yet at the time of writing but it looks like its heading towards a conclusion and thought id just write some stuff i had to say about it, (ill probably update this once the series is over) so lets jump right in:

Story: when i had only started reading NW i had somewhat mixed feelings about it, the original ended very well in my opinion but at the same time it ...
May 30, 2011
Preliminary (31/203 chp)
Updated ( 10/6/2013)

A lot has changed since my previous review of New Waves. Let's get started.

Story 8/10
The story of New Waves is that Shioon, after the events of The Breaker, has to cope with life without martial arts. However he is still be targeted for being NAD's ( Nine Arts Dragon) disciple. During one of these encounters Shioon meets the fiery red head Jenee, who is ordered to protect him by the people of the Sunwoo clan. Later it is revealed that the Sunwoo clan wants Shioon to be their new leader, and thus begins the story of New Waves.

The overarcing plot of New Waves ...
Jul 28, 2012
Preliminary (80/203 chp)
First you must read THE BREAKER as this contains a lot of information that will help you understand the problems Shioon is facing. I accidentally read this one first and had to go back because A) slightly confused on what was happening & B) THE BREAKER was a great read and gave me new insight and info on the sequel.
The story is fine but all it really is about is Shioon having to relearn to use his powers though it has taken an interesting turn as he may have found a way to fix his broken core. Kinda takes a History's Strongest Disciple ...
Jul 20, 2015
Hello this is my first review so please give me pointers because this review will probably be trash.

Story 10/10

Where do I begin nothing I say can do this masterpiece justice. This manga or manhwa is the pinnacle of story telling I don't want to spoil anything but let me tell you this much this story is a thrill ride from start to finish and I just could not get enough of it.

Art 10/10

The art in this manhwa was stunning. It is the first time that from just looking at the art I could tell how the characters felt without looking at their facial expressions. ...
Sep 27, 2013
Preliminary (129/203 chp)
(Read The Breaker before moving on to this) - 129 Chapters as of writing.
*TL;DR versions underneath the long ones :P

After I finished The Breaker in about a week and loving it I moved onto New Waves with a hopeful expectation it would live up to the original story. For me, it's done more than that.

Story - 10

The story carries on directly from The Breaker, with Shi-Woon losing his Ki Centre (allowing him to control the flow of his Ki, allowing him to use Murim-esque abilities).

After Goomoonryong's departure Shioon is trying to adjust to a normal life once more, although due ...
Apr 6, 2014
Preliminary (Unknown/203 chp)
I just going to put it out there... New Waves is not as good as it should be
No, I was not held back by my expectations, i read eagarly through 150 chapters in a sitting, but i felt that Shi-Woon was just a punching bag for about 100 of those chapters...
In terms of his progression as a character, he hasn't gone far. He is still the strong willed fighter, nevering giving up.
However, when he becomes teh elader of teh Sunwoo clan he seems to have attained leadership qualities. BUt to me it just seems like cockiness. Also his "brave" "leadership" traits are wasted when he ...
May 23, 2018
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (53/203 chp)
Story 5: Breaker: New Waves' biggest downfall is in this regard, where the prequel, The Breaker featured a unique and strong narrative format this one...doesn't. It kind of meanders about, without much direction until a sudden, almost out of no where plot development appears progressing the narrative for all of half a chapter before meandering again. Whats bizarre is how little the story actually develops over a long period, its to the point where a large portion feels like filler, which really hurts the series as a whole.

Art 8: The strongest point of the manwha, the art is absolutely on point. Where its predecessor had ...
Jan 10, 2014
Preliminary (143/203 chp)
The Masterpiece is back...

The Breaker: New Waves is a sequel to the manhwa "The Breaker", and is in my opinion even better than its father manhwa.

A good warning to everyone, there might be some spoilers in this review, so if you haven't read The Breaker, i recommend that you stop reading this review right now, you have been warned.

The Breaker: New Waves keeps following our old main character, Yi Shi-Woon now with his Ki-center broken by is own master, in what seems to be Yi Shi-Woon back to his every day ordinary life... But ofcourse having the great Nine Arts Dragon, the strongest and most ...
Nov 25, 2012
Preliminary (94/203 chp)
Though "The Breaker", that is the prequel to this series, was way better, being to me a great manhwa, "The Breaker - New Waves" is still worth reading. You may get bothered by the story pace, that is sometimes slow, there's also and the novel about the girls around the main character and how you never know if he likes any of them or who he really likes. Other than that, the action and fighting scenes are great, and the relations between the organizations envolved in the plot are really convincing. Therefore, if you didnt read "The Breaker" I would not recommend this manga at ...
May 26, 2014
Preliminary (162/203 chp)
The manga as a whole is very interesting. With some interesting twists but to understand the situation of the main character you have to read the The Breaker. Read the first manga to get a feel of the situation that Shi-Woon is facing. At first it starts off with the main character as helpless as ever having lost his fighting ability. So he decides to live a normal life. But problems arise and he dragged back into the world he was thrown out of. Having to fix himself to enter back in the world. He sets out to make himself stronger. In a different status ...
Dec 31, 2022
I really wanted to like this one...

The Breaker: New Waves is the sequel to The Breaker launched in 2010, the same year the latter ended. I'll be blunt: it under-delivers. It's bad. There isn't much I feel for it next to apathy. Majority of its ups stem from my appreciation for the first breaker; the very same appreciation I got robbed of when finishing New Waves.

It does deserve a few compliments. Thou slow, the beginning and its premise are good. Once you step into Murim you are part of Murim, simple as that. It's also a throwback to one seemingly insignificant, but in hindsight very ...
Feb 17, 2018
So, the Breaker Part 2. I binged the first one and this one in a week. That alone should tell you it is good. But it annoyed me a lot as well. Let's get into things:

Story (8): The story is well written, suspenseful, intense, dramatic, and overall well done. But it only gets a 8, because I didn't enjoy the story it told. To elaborate, Breaker 1 was fun action and drama, and really intense. But New Waves forgot to include one of those: the fun.

The main character grows as a character, beats villains, and occasionally you get a good rush of fun from a ...
Oct 3, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (198/203 chp)
way to ruin a good story . tbh when i read the prequel i was so intrigued(I completed first part in 1day and other in 1 and half day) and had my expectations up but what i got was just slow ass shit . in first 100 chapters mc was nothing but sand bag . then something happened (spoiler) i thought thhe past 100 ch as the build up everything was going good for nearly 25 chapters but after then nothing happened seriously nothin . they ruined the good characters and killed good characters for nothing . just what can i even say ...
Oct 7, 2023
I know the plot from this one better than the back of my hand. Five times. I've been stuck here, waiting, expecting for the new part to arrive someday. How does it fair after the last read I'll give it?

Masterpiece. No other words, or adjectives, to describe it. As the second part of the series, it chronicles a new beginning for every character. If the beginning was an intense ride or die situation, this one feels much more like the consequences. It couldn't be the same, not after our main character became the most infamous human being to grace this particular action world. So much ...
Feb 6, 2018
Unlike the other reviewer who only read 1/10th of the series(21/201 chapters). My review is based off the entire series(2nd Season-New Waves). Spoilers from here on.


Shi-oon is now a clan head. Then he eventually gets his Ki center restored and is stronger than ever. Fights S.U.C. which is like minions under the Nine Arts Dragon(NAD), fights some of the lieutenants, fight a sub-boss then his master. Bunch of masters die. Then the next cliff hanger which won't be resolved till 2017 at the earliest Shi-ho wakes up.

Now short manga reviews are also too short to be allowed so here we go again. OMFG these reviews ...