As we move closer and closer to the next decade, it seems like we keep on getting farther and farther away from amazing samurai stories. With possibly the recent exemption of Samurai Champloo and Gintama (which, to be fair, aren't your typical Meiji era samurai story, there seems like an apparent lack of new series that features your traditional Japanese samurai. Well, new series that are actually entertaining and interesting to read. The mid-90's and the turn of the century saw the unveiling of many great series (most still ongoing) like Vagabond and Blade of the Immortal, which truly define and really
sets the standards of your traditional samurai story, though not your typical mainstream stuff. That is where Rurouni Kenshin comes into play. Nobuhiro Watsuki has really defined the standard of this genre, since his story was arguably the most mainstream and popular of the three. With the anime receiving mixed reviews because of the mistreatment of its final season (which were all fillers), its important to go back to the original manga counterpart and review what exactly sets apart Rurouni Kenshin from other manga and anime, and really, why when people hear the name of this series, have the tendency to group it with the elite of japanese work.
We begin with the story. Himura Kenshin, whose character is loosely based off a real life samurai during the Japanese Revolution back in the mid-1800's, is known as the dreaded Hitokiri Battousai and for some reason, he left the revolution halfway with a cross-shaped scar on his left cheek, a reverse-blade sword and a vow never to kill again. Simply with this much information that is revealed at the beginning of the story, we get a sense that Kenshin's past must have been full of strife, hardship and events which turned him away from the life of a hitokiri to that of a wanderer (rurouni). And simply put, that is where the broad story feeds off of. As you begin to read the manga, you are unfolded to events which will reveal his past to you, all the way up to the final chapter. Not only does this keep everything interesting, but it really gives you a chance to dive into the mind of Himura Kenshin and actually feel what he has felt, see what he has seen, and literally, witness Kenshin's developing character from start to finish. Watsuki has almost flawlessly done this as advertised, with three main arcs to his story - the Tokyo arc, the Kyoto arc and the Jinchuu (Revenge) arc - the latter two really the main players in defining this series.
Another feature that gets easily overlooked in Watsuki's legendary story is the art. I feel when people look at manga as a whole, they look at all the obvious elements of plot, character, etc., but a major categoy that is a factor in the enjoyment score is how well has the series been drawn. Is it consistent? How detailed? And most importantly, do I actually know what the hell is going on, especially during battles? Each of these questions are answered positively in the art as the character models and designs do stay consistent with the mid-1800 feel and culture. The environments, though not intricately as designed as other series, do hold up in its own right, but prevent that "outsanding" score. And the nice part with Rurouni Kenshin is that Watsuki has done a decent good job in drawing the flow of battles to the point where you're not questioning yourself what just happened. Although, some of the sword techniques some characters have will make you stare at the page and be like, "is that even physically possible?"
The character development of Himura Kenshin really comes alive through his dialogue and interactions with the other characters. Well, one might think, "of course this would be the case," but the fact of the matter is that most of the characters that you witness this kind of relationship all have some vendetta or hatred against the Battousai, which makes it all the more interesting to see how Kenshin goes about putting to rest not only these characters, but also his inner hitokiri self. And for as much as these characters bring out the worst in him, it is evenly balanced with his daily, ever growing relationship with Kaoru Kamiya. These interesting character relations and interactions are augmented prodigiously during the Kyoto and Jinchuu arcs, where you get to see the other, more deadly, side of Kenshin for the first time. I will say that some of the characters will make you question what exactly was the manga-ka thinking when he created them, but after watching them in battle, it'll be a simply afterthought.
Witnessing Kenshin go through all these ordeals is what really makes the manga so interesting. With his belief and vow of never to kill again, you really wonder sometimes if he is able to keep it, as there are many circumstances which really push Kenshin's psyche to the limit and even at times, his hitokiri side is unveiled. This is really, in my eyes, what makes the story so enjoyable to read. Every avenue of Kenshin's past, present and future is explored in heavy detail, leaving you with a fulfilled story, an actual complete ending and a truly satisfied feeling of nirvana (okay, maybe I'm stretching it a little bit), but you get the point. To say the least, the story is captivating, especially if japanese samurai, traditional sword-style battles that don't drag on, are things you are looking for in a manga.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Samurai X, Sengoku no Mikazuki, Crescent Moon in the Warring States, Crescent Moon Over a Country At War, Meteor Strike Japanese: るろうに剣心 -明治剣客浪漫譚- More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 28
Chapters: 259
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 12, 1994 to Sep 21, 1999
Shounen Jump (Weekly) Authors:
Watsuki, Nobuhiro (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #1292 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #147
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Your Feelings Categories Mar 8, 2008
As we move closer and closer to the next decade, it seems like we keep on getting farther and farther away from amazing samurai stories. With possibly the recent exemption of Samurai Champloo and Gintama (which, to be fair, aren't your typical Meiji era samurai story, there seems like an apparent lack of new series that features your traditional Japanese samurai. Well, new series that are actually entertaining and interesting to read. The mid-90's and the turn of the century saw the unveiling of many great series (most still ongoing) like Vagabond and Blade of the Immortal, which truly define and really
Jan 23, 2009
Summary - Great manga with good action, great characters and an excellent plot.
Action - the swordsmanship scenes are well-drawn and the fights are pretty exciting. The reasoning behind the techniques is also explained and it kinda makes sense, at least in the context of a manga where the characters can leap many times their own height into the air. Characters - wow, almost all the characters are well-developed and have a good back story to them. There is almost no one who is genuinely good or evil - everyone has a reason they developed the way they did. This is one of the ... Aug 7, 2013
Rurouni Kenshin is a series I've just recently read and enjoyed a lot so I thought I'd give it a shot! My overall rating for the manga is a 9/10, and here is why:
Story (8/10): The story might not have been the most original but I believe Watsuki made the best of it. The manga is separated into 2 main arcs. Personally I prefer the first one. The characters are more interesting to me and I think it was developed better. However, the 2nd arc is a lot of fun to read as well. What I don't like about the first arc is that the end feels like ... Jul 16, 2015
Rurouni Kenshin is a well-paced, high quality shounen series with a plethora of interesting themes and organically developed characters that stands among the best of its demographic.
The story of Rurouni Kenshin, set in Japan at the beginning of the Meiji period towards that end of the 1800s, begins following a rurouni named Kenshin and his time at the dojo of Kaoru, a female instructor whom he assisted. Initially, the story is engaging but episodic, with the focus being on the slowly expanding cast and their small-scale battles against individual threats to their safety. Though the more relaxed first quarter of the story doesn’t quite have ... Nov 30, 2011
I mean sure i kinda like kenshin at first but as the story progresses he becomes increasingly annoying and unrealistic as he continues his wow not to kill people. I mean you could massacre all of his friendly honoured opponents with a machine gun, laugh in his face about smuggling opium, kidnap his loved one to help him make opium and he still wouldnt kill your ass for it. I hate him for that because it makes him seem weak, there is always a line that you dont cross and if you do cross it you are supposed to get killed for it. When someone
Feb 21, 2019
Rurouni Kenshin is undoubtedly one of the best things I've ever laid hands upon. I have severe ADHD making my attention spam absolute crap; it took me a month to finish a 2-hour long movie (I kept watching it in fragments) and it took me 3 years to finish an anime with 10 episodes (no exaggeration), so I struggle profoundly with finishing series but I do finish them eventually.
Rurouni Kenshin is a different case, I straight up nailed this son of a gun in 10 days flat cause damn, it was a good read. I've never once in my life thought that still pictures ... Mar 25, 2015
A story that views the Japanese history (Meiji era) in a really fun, exciting and entertaining way…as anime&manga fans we always think of Japan as a dreamy land but in this story it shows you some of the dark sides of this country back in the 19th century, even though this manga has a historical background that non-Japanese readers wouldn't understand completely…it doesn't really mean that you won't enjoy reading it.
Rurouni Kenshin did start and end in the golden decade (the 90th) so I think those the of the same age as me will really enjoy reading this manga, the anime&manga world ... Feb 22, 2012
My absolute favorite manga so far! And it was the 2nd manga I ever read. It didn't take me more than about 1 and a half year to collect all 28 books.
- The story is outstanding! I really love it. And thus I rated it 10. - Watsuki's drawings are among the best, and it changes from very detailed in the beginning, and ends up quite plain in the end. However, it is still the same characters and they never changed because of his style. Even if it ended up more simple than it used to be, it still looks very beautiful! I rate ... Nov 25, 2008
Ok really i HATE to do this but i did rate everything a ten. I cant find a reason not to there is something about this manga that stands out in everything that i have to give it that. I have never rated an anime having more than four 10s, so this is a big moment for me.
The story is just incredible. It has so much historical references that its like how can a manga be that much in depth. Really its nothing like the other shonen mangas where this random teenager gets this crazy power and fights random guys that are somehow doing something ... Jul 7, 2012
Manga in Japan not only performs the function of entertainment, rather, it is not so much as function, call it so, upbringing and education. And Kenshin — it is not fighting and screaming, it's not rubilovka and ninjas, it's not Japanese swords and other branchy cranberry, and a very serious story about a human duty and destiny, sin and redemption. And inscribed (and very carefully!) In the historical reality of post-revolutionary Japan. Author manga, Watsuki Nobuhiro, has built into its story many real people, known in Japan about the same as ours — those who overthrew the monarchy in the 17th year. And in a
Apr 30, 2015
This review is from the point of view of somebody who is indifferent to, and rarely indulges in the "Shonen Battle Series" genre. While it is true that long-time devotees of a genre have undeniable value in judging works within that genre, I believe the perspective of an outsider is valuable as well. If a newcomer doesn't 'get' or 'like' something, it's something to be considered, especially if a genre wants to attract new fans. Now down to business with this manga classic...
"Rurouni Kenshin" is licensed in the US by Viz Media. -Story- I typically ignore Shonen Battle series for the same reason I ignore American superhero ... Jul 27, 2015
I love this manga/anime, because unlike many stories like this, the main character is a total enigma when the story starts and we have to wait for the layers of the mystery to be pealed back before we can fully know him.
What I also love is that Rurouni Kenshin has a bit of everything in it: action, comedy, drama, romance and tragedy. All of these things fit seamlessly together to create a deep and very satisfying story. The characters themselves are all well developed, even those who don't play a large part. Nobody feels one dimensional in this. These all seem like people that ... Dec 20, 2008
Amazing. amazing, AMAZING!!! This manga was absolutely fantastic- from the deep rooted history of feudal Japan, to the spectacular swordsmenship. This story (for those who don't know, where the hell have you been?) follows the life of a rurouni (wanderer), Kenshin Himura, and tells of the epic battles, forgotten romance, and struggling times of Japan during the 1800's. This manga is for him and her- while it is mostly action, there are plenty of romance scenes to make both happy. My only criticism is that I wish the final few chapters (with Enishi) were done better, almost seems like it was an after thought- like
Aug 7, 2017
This manga is a masterpiece, period. Watsuki-sensei created an epic rollercoaster of emotions as the main conflicts and story arcs weave and develop. No other manga has such a cast of loyal and honorable character as Rurouni Kenshin. You feel for these characters, they are human with flaws and defects but they stand tall and rise above it to inspire you to be a better person. The Kyoto Arc is the greatest story arc in any shonen manga ever! And the arc that follows is nothing to scoff about!
It starts a little slow but that's because the author wants you to get intimate with ... May 16, 2011
From a series similar to Inuyasha, I grew very quite fond with this series. Not only it took place in feudal Japan, it also took up great shape with the genre. Not too much romance, but action and humor will come out to play. All the characters hold their own personality and each has an important place in the story.
Rurouni Kenshin is not the type to bore your mind, it will want you to keep reading more and more after every chapter. All the action and excitement will keep you wondering what will happen next. The plot of the story is somewhat similar to Inuyasha's ... Dec 2, 2008
Rurouni kenshin tells the story of a sowrdsman (not a samurai) who doesn't want to kill any more. Thel context lets you understand more about the history of japan, since the historical facts are very well explained (sometimes the problen is to difference facts and fantasy, anyway).
This manga will keep you entertained from the begining to the end, being very dynamic and quick (not "That" quick, but quick enough). It's onl weakness are some minor characters, who sometimes don't really fit in an hitorical manga. Finally, Rurouni Kenshin has a plausible end, not like the anime, allowing you to declare satisfied once you finish reading. Apr 10, 2016
Love you Kenshin! One of the noblest characters in Manga. Possibly my all time favorite character. Back in the day, before online reading, I would go to my local bookstore and read-then reread- Rurouni Kenshin. I started off watching a couple of episodes of the anime with my Dad, then moved to the Manga when I needed more! When I think of the noble warrior, I think of Kenshin. This story surrounds a warrior who has given up killing, and started wielding a sword with the blunt edge in front, instead of the sharp edge. His travels as he finds love and protects his friends will ... Feb 25, 2023
Rurouni Kenshin follows a young red haired man with a cross scar on his face named Kenshin Himura who is a "Rurouni" or a masterless samurai. He stumbles into Kaoru Kamiya who is the owner of the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu dojo after her father left. Not long after, her dojo gets attacked by former students of the dojo who has a grudge on her father only to be swiftly defeated by Kenshin who we find out used to be the Manslayer who killed many of his enemies during the revolution and is planning to change his ways.
The tale of redemption is masterfully executed with how ... Mar 30, 2020
Story (8): I loved how the story as a whole was solely about Kenshin's redemption and personal struggle about his past. It also gave enough time to give shining moments and backgrounds to other characters but did not get lost in it. I do wish that there could've been more time dedicated to character interactions outside of high tension plot events or in the midst of battle. This was one reason that I felt some romance was really forced and not natural at all.
Art(7): Action scenes were drawn so fluidly and over-all the art was good. A very large portion of characters had spiky hair ... Nov 4, 2024
The Manga overall was great.
I love Watsukis art and his paneling/page layout is uniquely exceptional. The flow of the manga is really smooth and there are never moments where I feel a fight drags on too long. Some of the action pannels are sometimes hard to follow, but nothing is completely incomprehensible. He also uses a lot of Ink Splatters when Kenshin hits people but kenshin never actually cuts anyone so why would there be blood splatters? It's something I had to just accept as a stylistic choice, but it did break the immersion for me at first. Although the story is fairly historically realistic, ... |