Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen
Alive: The Final Evolution
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Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Alive: Last Evolutionary Boy
Japanese: アライブ 最終進化的少年
English: Alive: The Final Evolution
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 21
Chapters: 83
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 5, 2003 to Feb 6, 2010
Genres: Adventure Adventure, Sci-Fi Sci-Fi, Supernatural Supernatural
Theme: Survival Survival
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Authors: Kawashima, Tadashi (Story), Adachitoka (Art)


Score: 7.771 (scored by 99049,904 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #14622
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #728
Members: 26,573
Favorites: 545

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They're both more mature in style, development and art than the typical shounen with a good story. I highly recommend both. 
reportRecommended by Rodaa
It has a very familiar feel to it. While Alive:The final evolution is more sci-fi, Zetsuen no Tempest has a more "fantasy" background. The art style is similar and it involves 2 boys who fight for, with and against each other for a girl and their friendship (this makes more sense once you read them both to the end) Not a very good explanation but I feel that if you enjoyed one you'll definitely enjoy the other! 
reportRecommended by otakureese
The story aren't that similar, but both stories have this 'killed or be killed' twist to them. The characters have to always be on the lookout for people who try to kill them on daily basis. 
reportRecommended by YumiKirei
Male character that is against most of his kind The enemy is also similar to each other Death Both great mangas But Alive: the final evolution doesn’t have an anime adaptation  
reportRecommended by Mingus2712
Well, the mangaka for this manga is the same duo that drew Alive, so if you like the artwork here you'll like it there. (Alive has some wicked eyes). Besides that, they're connected only broadly in the fact that there's supernatural fights and such. Alive is more gory though (but that's a given). 
reportRecommended by cas-karas
Mysterious disease spreads around the world. Those who are infected develop supernatural powers and an urge to kill. However, one person uses his power to protect mankind. 
reportRecommended by rijntje
Both involve a select number of people who gain superpowers due to certain circumstances. And similarly, the antagonists of the series want to create a new world, in which only those with power can live; whereas the protagonists just want to protect it. 
reportRecommended by Grandia555
Friends...Comrades...Both manga are about a male who has to deal with something or someone trying to take over the world. In one story, it's about one of his childhood friends trying to brainwash everyone and in the other, it's about his friend who wants to make everyone disappear. Both are thrilling action/mysteries that are addictive and filled with serious topics and a moving plot. 
reportRecommended by Mayuka
Built on the foundation of supernatural powers and mysterious phenomenons, both series tell their stories with a similar sensation. The main characters acquire supernatural powers through strange means and throughout both series, we learn more about their origins. Their story also contains many mysteries and secrets that unfold as we learn about startling revelations. At the same time, there is also relationship building and characterization especially with the main male protagonists. Do note that Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen occasionally relies on mature themes while Zettai Karen Children has lighthearted comedy. 
reportRecommended by Stark700
Many readers probably don't think the same, but there is some very crucial similarities with Alive and Hikago. 1 is feeling, 2 is the ultimate meaning of the manga. Both mangas trick you into thinking it's a generic shounen manga with a train, fight, train, fight equation and a slightly stupid and hot headed young MC. but in reality, both mangas are about life and they present it in such a unique and wonderful way. There is not many, if not, very little moments where we'll see the MC or other characters get powerups or training, of course they will gradually improve as they progress, but  read more 
reportRecommended by kuro-shiro-neko
Both in a kind of plot where there is a game, and you have to stay alive.  
reportRecommended by moonmommy5
Both MC are 2 boys and 1 girl , both "want" the girl. Both have special powers that most people dont have. Both have a virus or some Catastrophe happening. Both have fights and are horror  
reportRecommended by RafazCruz
Strategies, powers, friendship and adventure. These manga are very similar when compared (at least for me). 
reportRecommended by TyphSZ
ok the similarities are quite extreme, to the point where I suspect the undark author took direct inspiration from alive. both series are about some comet or cosmic thing, causing a huge cascade with children suddenly gaining psychic powers. both series start off with the protagonist suddenly experiencing powers and having their friend/sibling going mad with power after being granted it, then going off on a journey to search for their friend/sister, both series covers quite a few philosophical ideas about society and the meaning of life, in fact the protagonists in both series gets asked almost the exact question of what they wish for or  read more 
reportRecommended by Neostorm_Y
A kind of plague came out of nowhere and it causing the human at the brink of the extinction. Our MC is infected by it but they gained superpower. Both have a lot of action  
reportRecommended by Justamalayboy
They are both science fiction where there comes something from outer space Male protagonist and similar. Gets dragged into something bigger, than one might expect The military is involved in a similar way, where there are times when they are against each other and other times where they work together The situation gets bigger/better as the story goes on, but you might need a bit patience with Midori no Ou (Verdant lord) They both have a great mystery behind  
reportRecommended by Mingus2712
about surviving and there is a little drama and romance  
reportRecommended by zavelt
Despite the obvious difference between Alive which focused on preventing apocalypse with super power ability and Aku No Hana which more likely has the sense of bringing the apocalypse, but I found both of them to be dark and depressing yet tickling my curiousity .. and I hope you'd feel the same. 
reportRecommended by decembeardream
Started with deadly crisis and phenomenon, these two manga shares very similar atmosphere. Both feels intense and a bit mature than the usual shonen series. However, they're still shonen series, and is shown by the similarity of having an MC with full of spirit. The major difference is that Alive has a strong supernatural theme in it and the fights are more physical, whereas in Bloody Monday the fights are more mind battles. 
reportRecommended by Shirayukin
Trace and Alive both deal with characters that have supernatural powers. In Alive, the main character who has a special power has to fight others who have evolved and received other different powers, but are using theirs for evil. In Trace, the Trace have to fight the Troubles. 
reportRecommended by Redvines32
hello, apocalypse. the concept of human evolution plays a significant role in both manga, sprinkled with hints of supernatural beings at work. however, neuro tends to view the conflict from the mystery angle whereas alive does so from the adventure angle (ridiculously long bicycle rides will do that for you). they all have good action. 
reportRecommended by Jazze
People mysteriously start developing powers, and it turns into a struggle between different groups of power users. 
reportRecommended by AfterGlow
Aki and Kyouhei's friendship reminds me of Taisuke and Hirose's relationship, able to be with together but with powers within each other's grasp things head into a violent direction fast. 
reportRecommended by Aina-Chan
similar themes of a few kids falling into a strange, deathly, and hopeless situation with them against the world. 
reportRecommended by gaarasbff
Both stories open up to be very mysteries, which keeps you on the edge of your seat. They both involve sci-fi action. These two series just go together. 
reportRecommended by Scoe90
the world is ending! but not really -- the main characters with exceptional powers try to stop the world from being destroyed by the supernatural beings and those destructive humans. difference? ann cassandra has a rather small character cast and lacks as much focus on action (primarily because it is a small manga too) in comparison to alive. 
reportRecommended by Jazze
Both involve people, especially children, invoking fantastic powers to deal with their own weakness or to feed their own agendas. If you like one, you will definitely like the other. 
reportRecommended by generic_user
Both have special powers at ''normal school''. Somebody you used to protect turns up against you.  
reportRecommended by Lylaaz
I'm quite surprised Death Note hasn't been deemed as similar to this manga! The first thing I thought when I read it was: "Oh, it has quite the same atmosphere as Death Note and is very interesting too". But there's more to it. -They are about the same length -"Death" and "Those who deserve to die" are the principal themes. - They are both shonen - They both have some psychological, supernatural, and adventurous twist in it And of course, they are both very enjoyable! 
reportRecommended by forever777me
People with powers fight to change the world (actually these 2 manga series just strongly resemble each other). 
reportRecommended by R0LAN
The main protagonists are both thought of as lesser than those around them, both have seen death, both are being searched for by those with power, both have roles they will have to fulfill in the future that they are currently unaware of, both are kids, both are fighting things that are no longer human, both have a darker side, both have powers of a sort, and both have people helping them for unknown reasons. 
reportRecommended by blee2
Togari and Alive are very similar in the way the protagonist grows throughout the story and they also share many themes. Both series focus on human psychology and the darkness of the human mind. They also share a dark atmosphere, Togari being the darker of the two. I absolutely recommend reading both. In fact, Togari is one of my favorite manga ever.  
reportRecommended by generic_user
Who though dead would fun?, In Alive and Hoshi no Samidare, there are people chosen to change the world, either save it or destroy it. (And there is a Romantic subplot)  
reportRecommended by jour