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Alternative Titles

Japanese: BTOOOM!
English: Btooom!
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 27
Chapters: 125
Status: Finished
Published: Jul 3, 2009 to Aug 9, 2018
Genres: Action Action, Suspense Suspense
Themes: High Stakes Game High Stakes Game, Psychological Psychological, Survival Survival
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Comic@Bunch
Authors: Inoue, Junya (Story & Art)


Score: 7.471 (scored by 3334033,340 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #32212
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #197
Members: 83,060
Favorites: 1,996



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Preliminary Spoiler
Sep 29, 2011
Preliminary (31/125 chp)
BTOOOM! is a story about Sakamoto Ryuuta, a 22 year old unemployed person who lives with his mother and plays video games online everyday. Although nothing special in real life, he is a world ranked player of the video game BTOOOM! One day however, he awakes in a tropical island with a case containing what appears to be bombs with no memory of how he got there. .He realises that he is in a real life version of the video game BTOOOM! and he must survive long enough in the Battle Royale-esque battle.

That's a basic summary of the plot. Our main character, Sakamoto, isn't your ...
Aug 5, 2012
Preliminary (60/125 chp)
*Review Updated
Btooom! is one of those relatively not-well-known manga. Most people would probably not be interested in this manga just by seeing its cover page, which is in the format of a video game case. I know I almost did. Nevertheless, this manga has amazing plotline, characters, and artwork. If you would want to see what happens when a gamer-shut-in is thrown into a merciless game where a bunch of people hated by the society use bombs to kill each other, and this survival game just happens to be the same as the one he always plays. Furthermore, he meets a busty teenage girl who ...
Jun 12, 2020
Mixed Feelings

A quick note: this is my first review, so if it seems like I don't know how to write a review, it's because I don't.

I'm going to have to give this manga a 6 in all categories. If I were to rate the first half, I'd give it an 8, but the second half gets a 4 for me. Thus, it has an overall average score of 6. Because many have already written reviews on the first half of the manga, I will be focusing on the flaws of the second half (if you want to know why the first half was good, read ...
Dec 21, 2011
Preliminary (Unknown/125 chp)
Btoom! may have taken some ideas from Battle Royale in the sense that it's about a few people being transported into an island where the contestants have to kill each other to survive, however it is slightly different becaus the rules set are the same as those found in the popular online game Btoom.

Personally, I don't think it's a rip-off of Battle Royale because it is quite different. Battle Royale is still greater because it is more emotional and it is not ecchi, however Btoom! is a decent manga and deals pretty well with the problems dealt with the characters. Characterization is good so far, ...
Jan 27, 2021
This review contains light spoilers.

BTOOOM! has been a really wild ride. Admittedly it has its problems but you can get over them if you just suspense your disbelief for some of the things happening.
I know its not important to the review but I really want to mention that I had to wait two years for every chapter to come out then I looked for this manga everywhere and I almost thought it was lost media, but thanks to the (for now) only other reviewer of the btooom manga I found it. Note that those circumstances may make me biased toward liking it.

Art 8/10
An Interesting ...
Jun 30, 2014
Preliminary (66/125 chp)
The manga is mostly about survival and action.
It's a manga that I enjoy and still waiting to get to the next chapter.
The idea is that people are being sent to play a real-life game called BTOOOM! In which people really kill and die. I think it's good because the plot in where people get transferred into a game is getting mainstream. This one is real, and the weapons are logical.
I've always liked a survival manga like this. It also gives out some strategies on how to deal with the enemies, which is good.
The manga also holds some good meanings inside it. Which I think-- is ...
Feb 6, 2024
As the manga messiah its my goal and passion to take out the trash now lets begin the review

*slow clapping* I'm impressed. This was a slow cooker...
Coming into this (pause) I assumed it was going to be another generic thrown on a island survival manga but to my surprise it was a thrown on to a island by people that hate you instead *chefs kiss* ah plot.

Our main character is Sakamoto a 22 year old with no job or desire to get a job that games all day living with mommy that struggles to pay the bills. Hes the 10th best player worldwide on the ...
Mar 19, 2016
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (82/125 chp)
As it tends to happen, this is a manga that stands almost entirely on its premise. A battle royale situation with people of different ages and experiences sent to an island with certain weapons provided and not so clear rules to follow. Another review called it Battle Royale meets Xbox360 and that feels pretty accurate.

The main problem I had with it was that the rules (both general and the very specific functions of the few weapons provided) were presented as overly important when most of the strategy comes from external factors. The general way the characters "play" is much closer to how you'd act in ...
Oct 7, 2012
Preliminary (50/125 chp)
I don't easily give 10/10 to mangas or animes. Surely I can find elements that could have developed better or flaws that could be fixed, but that's not the case with Btooom! Why? Because it really outstands most of the animes/mangas that we have around, and reflects the best and the worst of human race in an extreme situation.
The plot is very straightforward: people have been selected for a death game based on a video game named Btooom! and they must fight ala Battle Royale to survive. Has this plot being used before? Yes, but it hasn't been developed as good as in Btooom! and ...
Mar 14, 2018
Preliminary (93/125 chp)
I didn't know about Btooom! until a friend recommended it to me and I found out that the anime adaptation was overshadowed by SAO's popularity a whole season before in 2012. I picked up the manga after watching the anime adaption and this manga is something on an entirely different level. The story, characters, and escalation with each chapter make this manga one of my favorites.

Despite the wide pool of anime that has the main character trapped in a video game, BTOOOM! separates itself from the other generic titles by really progressing through many hardships. The events happen simultaneously and there aren't any time skips ...
Feb 19, 2021
tl;dr: A manga with really good action, a messy but interesting cast, and really good art, though a really weak overarching story tying things together.

This manga is one primarily centered around people playing a combat-oriented game in real life, and the manga does a good job at using that for really good action. Everything literally being a game allows for the implementation of various game like mechanics to spice things up. The bombs used as weapons are clearly designed to have their own strengths and weaknesses. There’s a radar like system that can track players that has intentional limits placed on it for the sake ...
Dec 21, 2013
Preliminary (63/125 chp)
One of the best series I have ever watched!

This is similar to the battle manga such as Battle Royale. But I love the new twist which is only using Bombs! Amazing! The plot itself, is amazing, with charters to support it. The main character is brilliant, smart, clever, just enough good and bad. The supporting characters are interesting too. I really like the progression of the story, and how time passes by. I love that a lot of things are explained and don't just happen because it's manga.

The main supporting female character. She is cool, with a dark past that explains her ...
Jun 5, 2021
I greatly enjoyed this series form beginning to end, and like other seinen manga like Gantz and Battle Royale, I found it to be great in all the ways I like. Very Good+ art (not Gantz great, but VG+), multiple engaging characters, huge complex storyline, just enough fan service, and a protagonist that starts off misguided but grows into a great character.

I really liked Sakamoto and Himiko (I want figures!), and strangely identified with their conscience-driven nature throughout. The gaming parallels and adjustment to the real world made for some interesting commentary, and (almost) all the supporting characters had their stories fleshed out in ways ...
Mar 25, 2013
Preliminary (54/125 chp)
Manga is not something I can appreciate to a high extent, no matter how hard I try. That said, it's quite rare for me to run in to one that I can rely on to completely take me away from reality, and in that area Btooom! , for me was just amazing.

Story 9/10
The story is, I feel, the strongest point of the series. There was never a moment of boredom and if there's anything I can complain about, it's that it sometimes goes overboard with flashbacks.

Art 10/10
Everything is drawn near-perfectly from the background to the facial expressions and, obviously, the explosions.

Characters 9/10
Every character that ...
Apr 7, 2022
Mixed Feelings
I wasn't invested in this manga at first, but as the story started to ramp up, I became interested. I was starting to enjoy myself. I would go as far as to give this a high 8 or even a 9.
But then the ending happened, or, should I say, two endings.
I'm so conflicted, because the rest of the manga was good, but I cannot rate individual chapters, so I can't give this one a high grade
Just like Death Note, this manga was very interesting, and had a lot of potential. But man did they fuck this up

My advice? Read ...
May 9, 2022
Mixed Feelings
This review will be written in English and Portuguese [PT-BR]
Essa resenha será escrita em inglês e em português [PT-BR]

Btooom é uma alegoria ao nada que tenta disfarçar sua natureza vazia

Preguiça intelectual
Btooom é um mangá que foi escrito e desenhado por Inoue Junya, e não tenho muito mais a comentar sobre o autor em si, não fez nenhuma outra obra tão conhecida como Btooom, e pelo que pude ler dessa obra, pretendo não ler nada mais de Inoue tão cedo.

A experiência da estrutura narrativa de Btooom
Bem, em uma coisa preciso der sincero, Btooom, ao menos no começo não tenta ser algo que não é, ele se ...
Feb 7, 2018
Preliminary (89/125 chp)
Does Battle Royale ring any bells, but to be honest I've never read the mangas nor watched the anime but i did read the original book in '08 and watched the LA movie within the last 5 years, this is the exact same plot as the book. Damn near exact with slight variations very slight. As in all ages are here not just confined to high schoolers but most are pretty close, ~70% of people are high school/college age(14-23). "Oh, I don't want to play can't we get along/Kill others or you'll die" is also included. Boyfriend/Girlfriend let's join forces and live; predictable.

This predictability detracts ...
Feb 10, 2022
Mixed Feelings
WARNING! This review is written by person who usually only read/watch positive and lighthearted works. May not be well-versed in the genre.

*SPOILER FREE, really minor spoilers included*

Btooom! is a manga which you may not find very unique. We already have stories with very similar concepts, but I really enjoyed it and can recommend it!

Right before that I tried to read "Battle Royale" manga. One of the first if not the first works in this genre and it was a total absurd and grimdark mess. My main complaints were grotesque evil characters, exaggerated darkness of the whole story and overall "I don't believe in it = ...
Oct 28, 2022
This is something else. I really wanted to write a review about this, but I realized I cannot really write anything meaningful without spoiling something, but I tell you this. This is a meal what you will digest for a while, if you don't shy away from it's content. I mean, it's worldview is quite nihilistic, disillusioned and it shows the ugly face of our nature. So as a fair warning, if you would like to escape the reality don't read this.

Thus, I can only give you some random impressions without claiming completeness:
-Battle Royal with 32 despicable charaters (so keep in mind no self-insert here). ...
Feb 3, 2025
Mixed Feelings
The first Manga that I have ever read!
Just finished the whole Manga (26 volumes with 2 endings).
I would say that Btooom! is a fun Manga if you do not take it very serious. Although the Manga tries to take itself too serious at times, specially when introducing heavy dark themes, it's just that these themes never hit the mark in making you feel anything because of how ridiculous some plot directions are. So if you are gonna read it, just have fun with the action and anticipation, and do not take it too serious.
Finally, I wanna say that having two different endings a light one ...