Love in the Mask
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Love in the Mask

Alternative Titles

Japanese: 가면속의 사랑


Type: Manhwa
Volumes: 32
Chapters: 134
Status: Finished
Published: Not available
Genres: Action Action, Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance, Slice of Life Slice of Life
Theme: Crossdressing Crossdressing
Demographic: Shoujo Shoujo
Serialization: None
Authors: Han, Yu-Rang (Story & Art)


Score: 7.771 (scored by 50165,016 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #14702
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #2129
Members: 10,157
Favorites: 305


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Preliminary Spoiler
Nov 24, 2010
Preliminary (85/134 chp)
A love to hate manga, not because it's so horrible but because the characters really piss you off.

Do the characters have their bad qualities? Yes, but at this point I think their qualities are essential to the drama and its unfolding.

[Mild Spoilers but very little]

Suh Hyun-bin. She’s had a rough start in life. Watched her little brother die in her arms without being able to do anything. Was later picked up by a wealthy man who needed a bodyguard for his granddaughter. It was either be a guy forever or be on the streets. She chose what anyone would have chosen. Used and abused by ...
Apr 16, 2010
Preliminary (Unknown/134 chp)
I absolutely love this manhwa because it really goes in detail of the characters from their childhood to their adulthood. The story is about a girl who is an orphan, but live amongst street gangsters. She conceals the fact that she's a girl so that she can survive. One day she's taken in by a rich family and becomes the family's granddaughter's bodyguard. The owner of the house tells her to conceal the fact that she's a girl to everyone and concentrate on training and protecting the weak granddaughter. Hyunbin is the name that is given to the heroine. She lives her life as a ...
Apr 22, 2015
Let's see.

-Really long, going on circles (I love him, can't reveal, I love him, can't reveal, I love him...). Would have worked way better as 30ch series.

-Art is awful. It is hard to describe, but the art is very crude except for hair.

- Plot is bad and unrealistic, every single character is unlikeable.

Unless you are 12-13 years old and female, I'd stay away from this. There are so many better series.

Dec 5, 2016
I've never written a review here before but after spending however many hours reading and completing this manhwa, I felt the need to write something, cause oh boy was it all over the place.

I'll keep it brief:

The characters are all pretty unlikable and many are just plain annoying.

The story is dragged out and seems to just go in circles, basically nothing happens in the first half that means anything.

I can't say much to avoid spoilers but I got quite annoyed at the ending, not to mention the lead up to it, Hyun-Bin's motivations completely change in a matter of chapters and the conclusion is just ...
Nov 4, 2014
I don't really usually rate something I watched or read, but this manhwa was an exception. This really is one of the best manhwa I have ever read! I strongly suggest many to read it, but if you are as sensitive as I am, be prepared for a lot of tissues xD

Love in the Mask is about an orphaned girl, Suh Hyun Bin, who was forced to live as a guy in order to survive. She isn't just your typical protagonist who lived a horrible life and then just magically becomes one who lives a perfect life. It is way much more than that. This ...
Mar 16, 2012
Mixed Feelings
This manwha... Just yikes.

I honestly was in love when I started this manwha. It has so much heart and the heroine is strong in the face of tragedy. The two leads gradually begin to have feelings for each other despite the fact that our heroine is believed to be male.

Then things just took a downward spiral. Don't get me wrong. It was great for a while, but soon things just got so dragged out to the point where it seemed as though these romantic conflicts wouldn't conclude. And then of course as we need the end soap opera-like occurrences begin to pop up ...
Jan 9, 2012
Mixed Feelings
If you're looking for a simple manga without any unnecessary complications, look somewhere else.

Plot (8)
When you read the synopsis first, you may think it's pretty simple, but it totally complicated. The story focuses on the dark side of life: Death, orphanhood, lonliness, crimes and more. You will see unmoral actions (which will influence some of the characters. Even a character who doesn't look hurmful at the beginning, may reveal its darker side).
The story in the beginning pulls to certain direction, and as it goes on, the relationships are changing as well as the feeling of the characters (and even their mental condition).

Characters (8)
In one word: ...
Nov 27, 2015
Mixed Feelings
This manwha was a mess.

It was all over the place. The story started out very interesting with the introduction of characters and all. I also liked the main female lead very much because she was a tough girl and was able to fight and defend herself.

However, then the author started introducing more characters and unnecessary drama. Half the time, I could not even understand the whole vengeful situation and interactions between Chairman Kim Pil Joong and Chairman Yun (I think this was their names. I also couldn't keep up with all the names because there were just that many characters) whose relationship actually instigates ...
Jun 23, 2017
This is the longest manhwa/manga I've read that is completed. Overall I rate it a 7 even though I enjoyed the story and the fact that it's reverse harem.

Storyline: As mentioned already, our female lead has a pretty rough life as child and is saved by a rich powerful man. In exchanged for her survival she's to obey their orders and pretty much live as a robot without feelings and opinions while acting as a bodyguard to the family's only granddaughter. Eventually she meets multiple men that puts her through a whole lot of emotional and mental roller coasters. Despite having feelings for ...
Feb 16, 2013
The manga is a good gender bender. It has lots of action, drama and romance.
But what I did not like was the fact that Hyun-Bin is a girl, she was beaten almost all the chapters. It is cruel and inhumane to take a woman like that.A woman would never have sufficient physical strength to beat several men at the same time, take both. It was part of the fantasy author
Nov 26, 2011
Let me begin by saying I loved this manwha all the way until chapter 127. I liked the characters and although I got a little annoyed with all the self sacrifice (and there is a lot of it) I liked seeing what was gonna happen next and waited anxiously.
The reason it wound up with an 8 from me is because the ending was completely rushed. Its like waiting 2 hours for a really short and uneventful ride at an amusement park. The majority of it is awesome keeps you interested and shows a lot of longing, emotional stress, and the true value of relationships and ...
Apr 15, 2011
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (104/134 chp)
The first thing I did when reading this manga was cry. This manga was for me heart-wrenching and very depressing. This poor girl has had unfortunate upon unfortunate thrown upon her. Her little brother died in her arms then she had to become a heartless body guard. After 9 years of trying of what I can only describe as a half-hearted darkness she falls in love but she can't reveal it. Then to top it all off the has to spend another 9 years as a heartless gangster all the while having to pretend to be a boy.

I read this manga thinking it would be ...
May 18, 2022
I've never written a review before here but I feel like I need to write about this or I am going to die.

Anyways! This manhwa was AWFUL, but I'll start with the good.

Ever since I was a kid, I've always really enjoyed older shoujo, which this series captures the feeling of perfectly. The artwork is very off in some places, but the the style is very nostalgic and similar to some other manga I've seen, so I didn't really mind.

The story, if not anything else, was VERY interesting. I actually finished it all in around 3 or 4 days, which is a good indicator of ...
Apr 8, 2023
Mixed Feelings
I initially read this because the basic plot of "girl is trained into being a boy" seemed interesting and I like those kinds of stories, however my expectations were veeeeeery low as they are with most korean manhwa. As expected, I believe only the first ten chapters were salvageable, out of almost 140 chapters. As most sunjeong (korean shoujo) this is an exasperating, badly constructed story where romance and fighting over annoying boy characters is at the forefront and any kind of thoughtful progression is thrown out the window. Only like three characters are somehow likeable, but again, since they're moved around by the brainless ...
Jul 22, 2012
I've been following this manga since it started till it finished and I absolutely love it.
The only thing that urks me is the fact there are so many time skips like 7 years later, 2 months later =-= Also, two of the girls just won't accept the fact their love doesn't like them-after years as well==" *spoiler warning* One even goes as far to sleep with the guy when he is drunk and has his kid-but it helps the plot so I can accept that.
I love the fact the main girl and the main guy falls in love and no matter what happens, they ...
Jul 2, 2011
Preliminary (Unknown/134 chp)
One might say that the plot enchants with its beautiful simplicity, yet it's very colourful and enjoyable. The characters have interesting and moving past and the way they act is very interesting, but the thing that I like the most in this manga are those simple, yet beautiful scenes where the characters show something about their deepest feelings, dreams, for example, where Hyun-Bin thinks about her life and the things she can't do, it's so sad and touching and somehow very hard to express. But in my opinion this story is truly amazing and beautiful.
Apr 28, 2016
How do i say... The story isn't bad, in fact the plot s actually pretty good, something that will sound dramtic and enjoyable if a friend was discribing it to you, however, the set up was not very good. It is a great plot but not well executed.
I originally planned a 6 but taking the good parts like the plot in consideration i guess it is more deserving for a 7. Giving a grade score, 60% would be too low for it and 70% sounds about right, a C.
The art was not very good, the eyes were really large and shimmery looking and ...
Feb 21, 2012
This is an absolutely fantastic manga.

It shares a concept of cross dressing and having males falling in love with them, but the concept has been taken to a new level.

This manga will have you wanting more and put in twists you'll never have expected.

WARNING: This manga has some males that have taken their love to a different love. Some say that they have become obsessed, or very possessive. It also involves gangs, abuse, alcoholic abuse, and the yukuza.
Sep 20, 2020
i have read a ton of shoujo manga, but only a few manhwa, especially the black and white one ( which i think better than the color one ). First of all, i wanna tell you that, to be honest, i really want to give this manhwa a 9, but my heart telling me to not, so be it.

The story is about a girl who has to hide her identity and act as a boy for a very long time ( you can read the plot ). The story is great for me, but there are several part that is still lacking and ...
Jan 12, 2023
I red this during my highschool or college days.

Im 30 now and i still can't forget about this manga. This is the only one who made a mark on me.

It's a roller coaster ride of emotions ! From beginning to end.

I love this genre story.
Art styles are good.
All characters are in their own way.
Bi-rak is my favourite here . I felt sad when he died.