Plot- The story revolves around Bi Kwang who is the 6th disciple of the most powerful master of the dark clan,Despite this Han Bi Kwang has no desire to learn martial arts and only wants women and live a peaceful life, but little did he know he is actually a genius. He is a true martial artist that is born only once per thousand years, out on the road he meets an extraordinary swordfighter Hwa-Rin (main female lead of the series) who is searching for a legendary master warrior.
- Reading this gem from last 2 days non-stop. Finally, I am at chapter
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Burning Blood Kangho, Yul Hyul Gang Ho, Yul Hyul Kang Ho, Yulgang, Sabre & Dragon, Yeolhyeol Gangho Japanese: 열혈강호 More titlesInformationType: Manhwa
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: 1995 to ?
Martial Arts
Young Champ Statistics Ranked: #8862 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #2554
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Filtered Results: 7 / 7
Your Feelings Categories May 20, 2015
Let me preface this with the fact that I was very optomistic going into this read. I read and waited, but grew so frustrated with the work that I had to put it down never to be read again.
Pros: The MC is refreshing and amusing. He's very real as a character. The art style is reflective of when it was made, but seriously improves as the chapters progress. The characters are pretty believable to some extent. The original premise of the plot is actually pretty good. ... Aug 22, 2013
Surprised their are no reviews yet for this manhwa considering it's being updated with 148 chapters already released, but no matter cause here is MY review.
Story - Ruler of the Land is about Han Bi Kwang the 6th disciple of the most powerful master of the dark clan. Despite this Han Bi Kwang has no desire to learn martial arts and only wants to find a wife and live a peaceful life. The story is quite good despite there not being any overall plot like becoming the strongest or taking over the world or anything like that. Mostly you just follow Han Bi ... Sep 11, 2013
The Ruler of the land is pretty entertaining, I quickly read through the scanlated chapters and it left me wanting more.
The story: 8/10: The story is a bit cliche, but since this manhwa was made back in the 90s I can forgive it. It is an adventure type story where the main character just goes in whichever direction his penis is pointing. Quite different from the usual main characters that are too scared to look at women. The art: 7/10: The art isn't too spectacular, but it is still good and the way the panels are managed made the actions and martial arts the characters ... Nov 14, 2014
This anime reminds me of Stars wars a little but in medieval Chinese times, the war between the dark force and the light force makes it even more enjoyable, there are so many guilds/clans whatever you want to call them and they have their own masters and disciples which are all pretty strong, also it gets better their are another 4 kingdoms who are called the neutral force who do not want to get involved in the conflict between the two main forces, the main characters is similar to Goku from Dragonballz the way he looks and how after every battle his power just increases
Dec 18, 2013
Probably one of the most underrated manhwa I've yet found, but there is a very good reason it's been running for over 430 chapters in Korea! It's AWESOME!
This manhwa has great battles, martial arts, comedy, sexual innuendo, angst, romance, blood and gore, a lead character who grows and matures over the life of the story and LOTS of chapters that are finally getting translated into English! Han Bi Kwang is an engaging, brash but very lovable scoundrel who'd rather run from a fight than engage in it. His head is easily turned by a pretty face but because he has no finesse when it ... Jan 19, 2014
Ruler of the Land is quite old, and when you look at the art reminds me of Hajime no Ippo for it's old-like art, that you can really tell the difference from it and more recent mangas or manhwas for this matter. It can also resemble the story of Dragon Ball, because the main character doesn't have a real goal in life like many other mangas focus on, so the story is almost like a monogatari style if you look at it, but the hilarious comedy kind of rules that off.
As I said just now the story is basically the main characters Han Bi Kwang ... |