"Dungeons & Artifacts" is an exciting and engaging manhwa that offers a unique take on the dungeon-crawling genre. The story follows the adventurer Stetch Atelier, who is betrayed by a prince during a dungeon-guiding gig and is cursed to die. However, Stetch is resurrected by a sentient artifact that offers him a deal to get his revenge. To hold up his end of the bargain, Stetch embarks on a journey of raiding dungeons, slaying monsters, and making new enemies and friends along the way.
The story is well-crafted and the pacing is spot on, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. The characters are also well-written,
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Dungeon Ssibeo Meongneun Artifact Japanese: 던전 씹어먹는 아티팩트 More titlesInformationType: Manhwa
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: 149
Status: Finished
Published: Nov 17, 2020 to Dec 13, 2023
Naver Webtoon Statistics Ranked: #98922 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #4670
Members: 4,640
Favorites: 11 Available AtResources | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Jun 7, 2024
Dull and forgettable series. It's the bare minimum for this genre with no originality whatsoever. MC wanders around aimlessly as he looks for dungeons and punches monsters. MC's personality is generic and boring which makes following him around a chore. There is some story development in later chapters, but it's so convoluted it feels like an afterthought. Overall the series is 95% action and 5% talking about action which is a problem since it gets repetitive. The world-building here is non existent. Characters are teleporting from area to area with no sense of location or distance. This series is just way too safe to stand