Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
This was a very fun, short read. If you're a fan of death note in general I highly recommend it. The overarching themes present throughout the original series are ingrained into this one-shot. It presents an interesting take on how owning a death note would look in modern times. The art is as good as ever and the characters, both old and new, are given adequate development, as much as you could expect for something this short. Also included some unexpected political messaging
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Death Note: Tokubetsu-hen, C Kira-hen, C-Kira, Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri, a Kira-hen, a-Kira, L: Day One, L: The Wammy's House, Death Note ni Rakugaki 4-koma, Death Note Four-Panel Comics, Kagami Tarou-hen, Taro Kagami, Death Note Pilot, Death Note: L FILE No. 15, Death Note 13: How to Read - Shinsou, Death Note: Special One-Shot, Death Note Episode 0 Japanese: DEATH NOTE短編集 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 6
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 4, 2003 to Feb 4, 2020
Shounen Jump (Weekly) Statistics Ranked: #48762 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #151
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Your Feelings Categories Feb 13, 2008
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu-hen (4941) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
First of all, I want any readers to keep this in mind while reading my (short) review of this single "oneshot" (pun) chapter. 1) I rated a 10 for story because I thought the story of Death Note as a whole was magnificent, and truly original. 2) I rated character mediocre, because there was no N/A option. Now, onwards! This is going to be extremely brief since the chapter is, well, brief. Some fans would go to say that this chapter is completely unnecessary as any addition to ... Jul 16, 2012
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note 13: How to Read - Shinsou (3645) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
Original review: July 16th, 2012 Last updated: February 18th, 2023 It has been more than a decade since I had revisited this encyclopedia, even granted that it was for one of my favorite series. The main reason would probably be that I was roughly 16 when I first read through it and needed to do so online, unable to buy retail manga on my own. Over a decade later and having dived into numerous other series in the meantime, I've finally ... Feb 3, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
All out this is a perfectly decent One-Shot for the Death Note series. It doesn't intrude on the original significantly and works as a nice little mini story to be appreciated. While it isn't nearly as fun as the original manga, it gets the story across with a decent ending. The ending did involve some bending of some rules and involved me being willing to accept certain previously unstated things. But the result was worthwhile enough for me to enjoy it. It also helped ... Feb 3, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
As a Death Note fan, I've been waiting for it since the day it was announced. Let me tell you one thing - I does not disappoint. There are some aspects that could have been improved but overall, taking into account that it's just a one-shot and not a full-length story, it was executed nearly perfectly. It was long enough to deliver point across and re-introduce mind-games aspect of the original Death Note and short enough to fit the one-shot standards. It was nice ... Sep 4, 2009
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu-hen (4941) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
Ah, well, I seriously just finished reading this, so this is what I have to say about it: I saw this and I had never known that it was created, so of course I was going to jump straight into it. Now, let me just tell you now, ever since the second arc of the actual Death Note, I've hated Near with a burning passion. And I mean HATE. I've rooted for Mello since the beginning. So when I saw that this was based around ... Jun 11, 2008
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu-hen (4941) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
Death Note was a fantastic manga and anime series--sometimes, in the entertainment industry, really successful works get the creators thinking: "So many people liked this. What can we do to keep making profit off the fans?" This usually spawns a sequel, but a general rule of movies/books/etc. is that sequels for profit just don't work. Death Note is one of the latest victims of this, with a one-shot "follow-up" that leaves the readers wondering what was the point. Story: This is Death Note, after all. ... Dec 8, 2011
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu-hen (4941) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
Story: 7 I think it was good but they should have made it a little longer. Art: 9 The art was great because it was very detailed. (Card towers, Shinigami world and the Japanese streets) Characters: 9 Some Originals, so it was great to see what happened to them after the original. ... Feb 3, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
This was a very good one shot to the magnificent death note series, I will be honest I didn't expect much and I was predicting that it would simple be another Light rip off character with the same type of plot, but this was a big surprise as the main character in this one shot wasn't actually smart in terms of book smart, but he sure was clever, the fact that this was so entertaining/interesting without the death note actually being used ... Nov 7, 2014
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: L FILE No. 15 (70815) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
Apparently this is just two basic short stories concerning the Ultimate Detective : L This one is not my most anticipated Chapters or "Files" of Death Note for sure, but i liked it We go through: A Normal Day of L's life in the first story and, A small Reference of L's past as a child(First day at the Wammy's House) Story: Watari is present in in both stories and he seems to narrate both of them. You get at least interesting ... Feb 11, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
'Death Note' carries the distinction of being the "gateway" anime for scores of western adolescents and young-adults. In fact, if not for 'Death Note' and 'Gurren Lagann,' I'm not sure I would have given the medium much of a chance. Sure. I grew up on 'Pokemon,' 'Dragon Ball Z,' and 'Yu-Gi-Oh!'. But those shows were geared toward a younger audience whom would purchase gobs of merchandise every time Goku changed his hair color. Seriously, though. Kim Kardashian (Freiza) ... Aug 19, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
To be honest it just straight up garbage🤬. Nothing good or interesting about this story compared to the original. I advise you not to read it, it might change your perspective of Kira to a horrible one, one who's just damn greedy... The best thing I just to stick to the original and never acknowledge this ever happened. The only thing that’s good about is it's art style that is still just normal manga style nothing special bout it.😑 The best way I can put ... May 31, 2024
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
For clarity, I used to be a fan of Death Note. Not a big fan but a regular one: read the manga, watched the anime, watched the live-action movie. However, I remember very little from the original Death Note. A quick summary about this: Ryuk, the Death God/Shinigami that helped the original protagonist: Light, continues to seek out his new "Kira" (the alias used by the original protagonist) for fun. Ryuk meets with Minoru (the current progonist) and he comes up with a different ... Feb 7, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
The story was really boring even for a one-shot and i was very dissapointed the notebook wasnt used. Even though it makes sense for him not to use it, because Near would probably find out, and he only wanted to live a happy life. That changed with the new rule introduced which made me reconsider the plus i mentioned earlier. I dont think this manga is worthy of having the "Death Note" in name. Also, Near was useless, and i hate his new ... Mar 7, 2023
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
The top review states that this is apparently a very good read if you're a "Death Note fan". I, respectfully, disagree. This short story is absolutely not something I'd recommend to a "Death Note fan" with excitement. Is it Death Note? Sure, yeah I suppose it is and has that similar charm to it, but it's kind of like going from L to Near in the original run. It feels underwhelming, less interesting and overall not as enjoyable and these feelings are only ... Feb 4, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
ENG: NOTE: This opinion contains SPOILERS Death Note Justice or Evil for me was a very good read, once the protagonist got out of the usual cliché work using DeathNote to kill people or for vengeful purposes. And also for approaching how the world looked like after the L's fall. Yagami, apart from the way he dealt with, by not being tracked by the FBI, INTERPOL and other groups, as much the technology in the world has advanced so much. But I particularly tought the ending TOO ... Feb 5, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
The new Death Note One-Shot does not disappoint, it brings new elements and perspectives to the world of Death Note while being a great standalone story with its own unique twist. Quite some time passes between the end of the original series and this chapter. That means we get to see what the world thinks of Kira and his actions after the events of the main series. The advancement in technology raises an interesting question: How would Kira execute his plans today? This aspect ... Jun 26, 2021
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note 13: How to Read - Shinsou (3645) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
The concept of Death Note without anything of what makes the actual DN manga good. I wasn't expecting great things of this one shot, I didn't even knew this existed but got to read it because I stumbled upon it while wanting to read the actual Death Note manga. Characters are super bland and generic, the plot is nothing interesting, it does not have any of the interesting detective play of the actual series. The only thing I can salvage from ... Sep 23, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
An unnecessary new Manga for Death Note, but still an enjoyable experience. To all Death Note fans out there, just read it and have fun with it. The story is pretty good but it has some problems. [Spoiler]: Near aka (L) has nothing to do in the story, he is some sort of an extra character, and for the first time ever he admits that he's defeated. But let's be honest the story really got me at the end, it has a very good writing. ... Jan 3, 2022
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
SPOILER AHEAD This one shot is very good. [Art] Nohing to say about the art, good but not amazing. Charadesign is cool [Character] Minoru Tanaka is a well-written character, I liked the parallel with Light, Minoru uses a different technic to use the Death Note, for differents goal, different moral, different ethic. [Story] Using the death note in a different way than Light is a clever idea. At first, Minoru looks smarter than Light. Because he's careful and know about Kira's story. So he's ... |