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Jun 11, 2008
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu-hen (4941) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).

Death Note was a fantastic manga and anime series--sometimes, in the entertainment industry, really successful works get the creators thinking: "So many people liked this. What can we do to keep making profit off the fans?" This usually spawns a sequel, but a general rule of movies/books/etc. is that sequels for profit just don't work. Death Note is one of the latest victims of this, with a one-shot "follow-up" that leaves the readers wondering what was the point.

Story: This is Death Note, after all. ...
May 21, 2008
Black Cat (Manga) add
Black Cat at its worst is a typical action manga chock-full of unoriginal characters and plot devices, but at its best an enjoyable series in which those unoriginal characters are endearing, the plot devices are familiar enough to seem almost nostalgic, and the story as a whole flows well (for the most part).

Story: The core story is quite interesting, though it often takes the shonen staples of "I'm gonna fight you just to prove myself" and "I suddenly got so much more powerful" and "I'm the only one that can stop the bad guy." The story is fun and even suspenseful beyond those occasional nuisances. ...
Apr 24, 2008
Mixed Feelings
Unfortunately, the movie that introduced 'mainstream' America to Miyazaki is not as good as it has been advertised.

Story: The story itself is rather underwhelming; a small spoiled brat is 'spirited away' to, well, the spirit world, her life as she knows it is suddenly in danger, and she has to overcome her selfishness in order to get back to her world, all the time helping and being helped by an attractive young male spirit who is actually a dragon...did you catch all the cliches in there?

Art: This is the movie's one saving grace. Miyazaki was always known for his fantastic animation, and Spirited Away is ...
Apr 15, 2008
Blood+ (Anime) add
Story: Any vampire fans would appreciate the story; the ever-reusable (and reused) vampire legend gets a new spin here. From the very first episode, the main character Saya is unwittingly thrown into a fight for humanity that only she can put an end to. Accompanied by her (sexy) cellist guardian who has some link to her, she sets out to rid the world of the vampire-like chiropterans plaguing the earth. Fortunately for us, the story is quite a bit more complex than that. Very soon into the series, the story becomes deeper, with many twists revealed about Saya and her dark past.

Art: From what ...
Apr 5, 2008
Eight years later, Final Fantasy VII finally got a sequel. Under tight scrutiny by Cloud fans everywhere, here's how it measures up:

Story: I won't lie; unless you're a Final Fantasy VII fan, you won't appreciate the story for what it really is. (You probably won't even understand it, for that matter.) The film references story elements from the original game heavily. Though there is a short recap at the beginning, it doesn't go as in-depth as it really needs to. This is the story's one major setback; a few more explanations was all it would have taken to hook a few more FFVII fans. For ...
Mar 27, 2008
Story: Ouran's storyline is surprisingly unique. It manages to poke fun at typical shoujo "cliches," yet still take itself seriously in places. Most episodes are stand-alone which would allow the viewer to watch any random episode and still get the general idea of the series.

Art: Typical of shoujo art, the characters are undeniably cute-looking, each with their own distinct style unless intended otherwise (the twins, for example). The scenery is beautiful as well, with a happy, bright atmosphere throughout.

Sound: Ouran is accompanied by a charming soundtrack, full of mostly classical style music that perfectly matches the show's setting and fun themes. The voice actors ...

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