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Oct 26, 2009
Hm... what to say about Saikano... well, I guess the best way to start is to say this: I dropped it. Yes, kill me, curse me, all of it. It actually was a pretty good anime, but it just... it just didn't catch my attention. It started out so well, with so much potential, but I just didn't feel like it went in the right direction. All together, I gave it a six, but when I broke it down, it came out to a seven. So I'll review it based on my seven.
Story (7): I loved the first couple of episodes. I saw this going
in the right direction and I saw a great tragedy unfold. But then it just started getting a bit... I don't know what. But it just changed. I didn't like it. It may have gotten better throughout it, but I just couldn't watch it.
Art (8): From what I can remember, the art in this was very good. It wasn't anything special, but it wasn't anything horrible. Very nicely drawn and not a pain to look at.
Sound (8): Again, from what I can remember (I watched this about a month and a half ago), the sound was nice, too. Nothing special, but nothing awful. About all I can say for it.
Character (8): I did like these characters. I think that one of the things that turned me off of this was Chise. She just got annoying after a while. She couldn't decide on one thing to stay with, and I couldn't stand it. Then she told the guy to shoot her, and I'm just sitting here, like, 'Okay... wtf?'. And that's pretty much when I gave it up. But other than that, the characters were enjoyable enough.
Enjoyment (7): I enjoyed it in the beginning. I really did! But... my interest just kept dwindling down as it continued. It just drag out as it went on. The episodes felt like they got longer as it went. It became more boring than sad. I mean, I'm just watching this, wondering when the tragedy would strike.
Overall (7): Okay, I'm being generous with this rating. Seriously, I would like to bring it back down to a six. But, seeing as it was just bursting with angst, I guess that I will keep it at a seven. (I'm a mad angst lover)
So, this might be for you, it might not be. I don't know. Some people love it, some people hate it. It makes me think of Inuyasha, almost... anyway, watch it, don't watch it, but I actually would suggest that you try it. Who knows, you might find something you like. xD
Keep watching!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 12, 2009
I feel like I must redeem Gravitation Lyrics of Love from past reviews. So here we go!
Story (8): Okay, just saying now. If you've seen the anime, I suggest it. If you've only read the manga, not so much. It won't make as much sense. But I really enjoyed the story behind this. I liked the first episode more than the second episode, though, because it made me cry. (I love angst...) It doesn't really have anything to do with the actual anime, but it's still an enjoyable little thing for Gravitation fans.
Art (7): Eh... it's a lot different from Gravitations art style. It's not
as good or clean or bright. It's definitly not as bright. Even Shuichi's hair is a darker pink, which kinda disappointed me. Although I gotta say that it matches the art in the manga better. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't as good as the original art.
Sound (9): This would have gotten a lower score for reasons I will explain later. I feel like they changed Shuichi's voice. But maybe that's just me. It sounded different and more high pitched, especially when he's doing the looong screaming scenes. It hurt my ears a little. But, of course, the music redeems it up to a nine. I had bought the CD before watching this, so I could sing along to every song. Spicy Marmalade and Shining Collection are my songs, so I was really excited to hear them. Especially the duet with Shining Collection with Ryuichi and Shuichi in the end. I watched it six times...
Character (10): Well, they're all the original characters. There aren't any new ones, as far as I can remember. Although... K's character changed a little from his badass self. He seemed less badass. But, I can ignore that as long as he's still shooting people in the face.
Enjoyment (9): This is probably more along a nine and a half... it was brought down for the many long high pitched screaming scenes I mentioned earlier. But I can overlook them for the greater good of the anime.
Overall (8): I really did enjoy this. I'm going to watch it a couple more times before I send it back to Netflix, so that's always a good sign. So, hardcore fans like me, if you love Gravitation, go pick this up. ^_^
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 6, 2009
This review is for Kigeki (Comedy).
This is a very, very unique OVA. I was very surprised I enjoyed this as much as I did, but there was no denying that I loved every minute of it. Well, considering it was only nine minutes long, that isn't very hard... but that's not the point.
Story (10): Well, you don't understand a lot of the story, it seems like. It's just sorta... there. Take it. This is all we're going to give you, so be happy with it. But I still really liked it. You started to understand what was going on gradually, and the whole time, things
just start to click. It's kind of hard to explain...
Art (9): I loved the character designs for this! Although there were a few things I wish I could tweak, it was still amazing. Very slow, dark, pretty scenes throughout the whole thing. Not an eyesore like some OVAs I've seen...
Sound (10): There was pretty much only one voice through the whole thing, the main girl narrating it, except for two lines where the Swordsman actually said something. I was happy that they didn't have an annoying girl voice, like most girl voices tend to be.
Character (10): If I could, I would marry the Swordsman. I'm serious. He's so awesome. And the five year old girl is just so adorable! They are pretty much the only characters in this whole thing, so there isn't a lot to criticise.
Enjoyment (10): I enjoyed this so much. Since it was only less than ten minutes long, it was very easy to stay with it the whole time. There were scenes that made me sad, ones that made me laugh (specifically when she throws the rock at him and he kicks her in the face xD), and ones that just made me happy.
Overall (10): I suggest that you go watch it. Like, right now. Seriously, it's one of the shortest things ever (besides Hetalia) and is very interesting. The ending was a little surprising, but very enjoyable. Big recommendation!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 4, 2009
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu-hen (4941) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
Ah, well, I seriously just finished reading this, so this is what I have to say about it:
I saw this and I had never known that it was created, so of course I was going to jump straight into it. Now, let me just tell you now, ever since the second arc of the actual Death Note, I've hated Near with a burning passion. And I mean HATE. I've rooted for Mello since the beginning. So when I saw that this was based around
Near, I got a little nervous. But I went ahead and read it. So, this is my opinion on it:
Story (7): Well, since it's Death Note, I can't really give it that low of a scoring. Because, well, it's Death Note! But the oneshot as a whole (which isn't a lot) wasn't all that great. It was a little upsetting, because it didn't really have anything to do with Death Note, except to just give the Death Note fans 46 more pages of Death Note goodness. But I think that it kind of failed. The best part about the whole thing was the Wammy flashback, when I about had a panic attack when I saw young Matt and Mello off to the side. (I seriously love them that much... XD) So, yeah. This is a long paragraph, so I'm gonna move on now.
Art (7): Now the art made me kinda mad, because all of a sudden, it was supposed to be three years, yet Near and Lidner looked really different. Either they were trying to give the look of time passing, or it had just been too long since Death Note had been written that they lost the touch of the Death Note look.
Character (6): Like I said, they featured two of my least favorite characters throughout the whole thing: Near and Lidner. I never liked them, and I never will. The only reason it's getting a six is because of the Wammy flashback and it had the kickass characters that everyone loves. (Except for the crazy people that really do like Near... no offense. =P)
Enjoyment (6): I enjoyed it, I guess. Although it could have been a lot better. There were times where I just plain skipped a few pages, because they bored me half to death.
Overall (6): This could have been a lot better than it was. It didn't really feel like the Death Note that we love, because there was none of that amazing suspence that Death Note is famous for. There wasn't really a point to this thing, except for maybe trying to make a bit more money off of the Death Note franchise. So, overall, I say just skip it. Read it or don't, 46 pages of random won't really change anything, except you might lose a little bit of respect for Tsugumi Ohba like I did.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 31, 2009
Well, what can I say... I don't really know! Because, even though I've watched it, I still don't really understand it... so let's see how this review goes!
Story (9): It's... a strange one, I'll give it that. I must thank the people that directed me to that, because it really is awesome. Confusing, but awesome. I can't really tell you what the story is about, because I don't undertand it... but it's about two cats, which I think that the older sister cat lost her soul or something because she drowned. Most of the humans are replaced with cats, but it's interesting. There wasn't one
point in the whole thing where I wasn't going WHAT THE FUCK?!?
Art (10): The art in this is so cute! I just love it all! Some of the characters looked so strange that it just made it even more enjoyable. Most of the time, the strange characters were the few humans in this.
Sound (10): Well, I can't criticise the voice actors, because there weren't any... talk about saving money on the cast. =P Any time there was talking, it was in a bubble. The background music was usually very pretty, which made it confusing as to why it was in there, but it somehow fit.
Character (9): Since there was no character development in this, and there wasn't meant to be, I can't really criticise that, either. But other than that, the characters were pretty awesome. Don't know a whole lot about them, though...
Enjoyment (9): There were times where I actually had to stop watching for a minute, because I was trying to figure things out, which never worked... and I found the part when they were at the circus kind of boring. But other than that, it was really fun to watch.
Overall (9): My rating of the anime altogether is actually a seven, but if I break it down like this, then it comes out to be a nine (which doesn't really make sense.) There isn't much that you could bash in this, except for maybe the fact that you can't understand ANYTHING, but I think that that was the point of this anime. It's just fun to watch!
If you have half an hour to waste, I suggest you go find this. It is just... psychologically fucked up. It's seriously hard to explain if you've never seen it before. It's not long, and it's just interesting. I suggest it, as long as you don't mind seeing some really messed up stuff. I think that it scarred me for life... in a good way, though! ^-^ (I love demention, if you couldn't tell.)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 30, 2009
Ah, .hack//SIGN. I might not be finished with it yet, but I am enjoying this series sooo much. It is my top priority right now, along with Sukisho and Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro, to watch this, I just love it that much.
Story (9): This is basically about a video game called The World and the characters that play this game. It's focused around Tsukasa, a male character that can't log out of the game. There are some things that have happened in the beginning that I still don't understand, but it's things that I can overlook. I find the story to be quite original, because
I haven't seen anything like this yet. The first four episodes, I thought, 'Yeah, this is alright, I guess.' Thankfully I ordered the next four episodes of it, because that was when it caught me. The whole thing just makes me wonder what's going to happen next.
Art (8): Hmmm... I've seen some points in the anime where the art just gets kind of ugly. Don't get me wrong, it's got good art, but it's not the greatest that I've seen.
Sound (9): I refuse to watch dubbed when subbed is an option, so I can't tell you much about the dubbed, but the subbed voices are, in my opinion, phenomenal. The voices fit perfectly with the characters. But there's one voice that I can't stand sometimes: Bear. I like the voice, but sometimes it gets annoying.
Character (9): Oh, how I love some of these characters... I'm a pretty big Tsukasa fan, because he just, in one word, pwns. XD Sora is one of my favorite characters, too, because he's just so funny at times! He's a jerk in a happy-go-lucky kind of way. (He makes me think of Sakamochi from Battle Royale at points.) All of these characters, with the acception of one: Subaru. I really don't like her. I don't really know why... There actually is some character development! It's amazing! You never see character development anymore...
Enjoyment (9): This keeps my attention pretty well. There are some boring parts mixed in there with a bunch of talking with Subaru. But that usually stops pretty soon and goes back to the interesting stuff. I really do enjoy this anime.
Overall (9): I could quite possibly give this a ten, but I don't feel like I would be being honest. I will very rarely give a ten. So a nine is a big compliment, along with the fact I'm actually reviewing. .hack//SIGN is a great anime, but I feel like you will either love it or hate it. I happen to love it. It's interesting and actually surprises me at some points.
So go watch it. Right now. ^-^
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 23, 2009
Oh, Gravitation. What can I say about you in this small review that can express my feelings about you? Let us see:
Honestly, I don't understand why people don't enjoy this like I do. I can't expect everyone to like everything I do, but this one seemed like it could reach out to a lot of different people. I mean, it has a whole lot of comedy, but it still has its serious moments. My friends that like anime have read the manga and watched the anime, and we all LOVED it.
Gravitation is, in my mind, one of the greatest things ever made. It's about a
singer named Shuichi Shindou who is in a band called Bad Luck with his best friend who plays the guitar named Hiro. He loses the lyrics to a new song and a mysterious man picks them up, and literally tells him that he sucks and that he has no talent.
Later on, you find out that the man is Eiri Yuki, a famous novelist who is very popular with the ladies. And it just sorta takes off from there.
At times, this whole show doesn't seem very realistic, but it's an anime. Who says it has to be realistic?
Story: (9) This has some of the funniest stuff I have ever read in it. It gets really crude at times, but not as much as the manga. The story at times can get so random that it's hard to keep up, but in a good way.
Art: (7) Gravitation does not have the greatest art in it. Although at times, it somehow adds to the anime. It's not an eyesore, but it's no Code Geass or Death Note.
Sound: (10) Every song in this anime is in my top favorites. I bought the cd a while back, and I have every song memorized from beginning to end, especially Spicy Marmalade and Shining Collection.
Character: (8): I love a majority of these characters. Shuichi is so immature that it's adorable! Eiri Yuki has so many sides, and I love each and every one of them! Ryuichi Sakuma is definitly my favorite character. He makes you think of a five year old, with Kumagoro (Mr. Bear, if you're watching the dubbed). K is the most badass person ever on the face of the planet!
But some characters, I just want to stab in the neck with a knife, like, at first you might think you love Tohma, but then he's just a sick bastard that needs to die. Ayaka is just a bitch. That's all there is to it. (I was gonna say more, but this is really long!)
Enjoyment: (10) I easily give this a ten. I have watched the anime five times in a row now, and I still cry from laughing so hard at most points. It's just so random and innocent, yet sad and emotional all at the same time. You will sit there with tears of sadness running down your face, and all of a sudden you fall over laughing.
Overall: (9) This has to be my favorite anime of all time (besides Death Note). It is just that amazing. If you don't like yaoi, then stay away. Especially from the manga. That is a lot more sexual than the anime. I highly recommend this, because it is just an anime that about everyone can get a good laugh from. ^.^
Thanks for reading! =3
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 13, 2009
Well, this is a hard anime to review, because your enjoyment all depends on your own take on this anime. But this is my take:
STORY: Yeah, this anime may have a hard plot to find. Hell, it might not even have one. But I still found it enjoyable. But then again, it's not that hard to keep me entertained (^.^). It's a dark and mysterious story about a twelve year old boy named Ritsuka and a twenty year old college student named Soubi. Yes, it suggests a few things, they kiss a couple of times, and let's just say that Soubi, in my eyes, is
about the definition of pervert. I don't really know why they classify this under yaoi, but I guess after a while you see why.
ART: I really loved the character designs in this! They all looked so smooth and beautiful to me.
SOUND: The subbed voices, in my opinion, matched the character designs very nicely. The only thing I couldn't stand was Yuiko's voice. After about eight episodes, I wanted to hurt her. But then again, that might be just due to her annoying character (Imagine Misa Amane from Death Note, only not THAT bad).
CHARACTER: These characters practically made me fall in love. They grabbed me and made me happy, sad, mad, and all those emotions that anime usually can't do to me. I yelled at my TV at times, I will admit...
ENJOYMENT: Somewhere in this incredibly long review, I must have said something about my enjoyment with this anime, so I guess that it's kinda self explanitory.
OVERALL: This anime could have easily been given a ten, BUT! I didn't reach the ending! I won't spoil anything, since when people spoil things I want to stab their eyes out, so don't worry. Let me just say that there had better be a sequel to the anime, because this was REALLY incomplete. They left a lot of things open, like who Septimal Moon is, which really bugged me. And something else, but I feel like that would be ruining something. But besides the ending, this anime, in my eyes, isn't really a MUST WATCH RIGHT FREAKING NOW, but a watch for one of those days where you have nothing to do, you could watch this.
Like I said in the beginning, I can already tell that some people are going to yell STATUATORY RAPE after watching the first episode, but really don't listen to them. There's really nothing that wrong with it.
All I can say is that if you liked Gravitation, you most likely will like this. ^.^
Thanks for reading! =3
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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