Simply put, Ashita no Joe is nothing short of a timeless masterpiece of a manga. This really is likely to be one of the greatest manga creations that has ever been created as well as one of the greatest that will ever be created. In every single medium, whether it be in literature, film or anything else for that matter, there are a select few creations that manage to transcend the media in and off itself and become something truly epic, truly beautiful and truly classic. Ashita no Joe manages to pull of this staggering feat. It manages to go far beyond being just another
inspirational story about one scrappy young lad's rise to the top of his particular sport. Ashita no Joe is a grand story about the entire life of it's main character, poignantly detailing all of the excruciating pain and suffering, expressing every thought and every action with moving and genuinely emotional realism. It is for this reason that anyone with even a modicum of admiration to the thing that we call manga owes it to themselves to check out this series at one point or another.
It wouldn't exactly be wrong to say that the story of Ashita no Joe starts out in a fairly cliche way. The protagonist of this sports manga starts life as some no name punk who wanders around the streets as he has no place to belong but then that all changes when he comes across Danpei Tange who is a failed boxing coach turned drunkard who spots Joe's innate boxing talent and proclaims that with his training Joe's fists will someday conquer the boxing world. While this may sound similar to things you may have seen in other series it must be remembered that Ashita no Joe is one of the pioneers for the genre and that most of those other series are actually just inspired in one way or another by this series.
This being a sporting based series the plot has that tendency to progress in a very predictable manner. There's a fight announced, a rivalry develops, the two rivals finally square of in the ring and after the fight ends the cycle begins once more, but I would just like to say that the plot in the series is really anything but conventional. There are many unexpected plot twists and I can guarantee that certain events in this story will simply leave your mouth agape and you'll find yourself nearly paralyzed by the shock of what you've just read, yes really, things really are that intense in this manga.
Unlike many other manga series that come under the category of sports, Ashita no Joe is not exactly a cheerful or uplifting series. At points it's very brooding, the atmosphere is dark and serious and often sombre and melancholic. This series takes itself seriously and the story of Ashita no Joe is a very serious one. The heavy tone of this series separates it from others and is very important in getting across the importance of the story and the severity of life as a boxer as well as life in general.
While structurally speaking the story of Ashita no Joe may be described as being simplistic the delivery of said story is terrific, the plot is rock solid, the interactions between characters is deep, insightful and meaningful and the progression of the story is without a single flaw. But what I really think sets Ashita no Joe apart from other similar series is how the writer's message transcends the sport of boxing entirely. This is a story about one man's life and his struggles and this is what makes the core of the story and it's the messages that can be found within that makes this story nothing short of masterful.
Moving on to the thing that connects everything and brings the story to life for the readers; the characters. The characters in Ashita no Joe are spectacular to say the least. Let's begin with the main character, the wild brawler Joe Yabuki. Joe starts life as little more than a piece of human garbage drifting through the slums of Tokyo. Nothing but a wretched orphan that cares for nothing but himself, a prankster that gets his kicks from making the lives of those around him a misery, a rebel that goes against everything that modern society stands for. A directionless punk with no prospects, Joe would have simply wasted away if it wasn't for the interference of the stubborn Tange who would do literally anything within his power to turn Joe into a boxer. Joe's life as a street punk eventually comes to an end when his actions finally catch up to him and he's thrown into juvie. Within the confined space Joe's only salvation was the boxing training he received from Tange that kept him going.
Joe's passion for boxing was then finally ignited once and for all once he met his greatest rival, Rikiishi. Riikishi, while also spending time in the correctional facility was the complete opposite of Joe. He was a fine upstanding man that was destined to become a great boxer. And well it's at this point that you could say the story really starts. From this point Joe Yabuki, the wild beast that defies the very logic of the world of boxing begins to charge forward recklessly, never letting anyone interfere, never letting anyone stand in his way, never once compromising, never going against his principles as a man, even if it would lead to his own destruction, Joe lashes out against his opponent who stands on the other side of the ring.
There are many characters in this series that I'd like to talk about in depth but I feel as though I shouldn't because I feel like I'd be spoiling things for those who've yet to read the series, so I'm just going to tell you flat, the cast of characters in this series are magnificent and are one of the many, many things that make the series so great.
Now, I suppose many people who are thinking about reading this are probably being put off because it's too old and the artwork may not be up to the standard of more modern series. But frankly speaking the artwork is great. Granted the designs of the characters are outdated but the actual level of expression in the faces surpasses many modern series and also the level of detail put into the background goes far beyond most anything you see these days. Also the fight scenes are all brilliant to read. While initially the artwork may be a tad polarizing, all you need to do is get accustomed to it, so just give it a chance.
The enjoyment factor in this series is a little difficult to sum up. This story is very heavy and it doesn't hold any punches. At times it is very emotive and at times you'll just feel bad and depressed once you finished a volume but that is really the strongest point of the series. It never set out to be a happy story in the first place. It's an emotive story that will take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride. And it's exactly because of the nature of this story that it is just so much more impactful than damn near anything I've ever read.
So if you are still wondering whether or not you should read Ashita no Joe then let me just say yes definitely. I mean don't even finish this review, just go read it right now. If you're worried about not having enough knowledge about boxing then that really isn't a problem. Personally I only watch boxing a couple of times a year. I'm definitely no expert and yet I had no difficulty with this series.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Rocky Joe, Tomorrow's Joe Japanese: あしたのジョー More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 20
Chapters: 171
Status: Finished
Published: Jan 1, 1968 to May 13, 1973
Combat Sports
Shounen Magazine (Weekly) Statistics Ranked: #182 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #307
Members: 57,117
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Your Feelings Categories Aug 10, 2014
Simply put, Ashita no Joe is nothing short of a timeless masterpiece of a manga. This really is likely to be one of the greatest manga creations that has ever been created as well as one of the greatest that will ever be created. In every single medium, whether it be in literature, film or anything else for that matter, there are a select few creations that manage to transcend the media in and off itself and become something truly epic, truly beautiful and truly classic. Ashita no Joe manages to pull of this staggering feat. It manages to go far beyond being just another
Aug 21, 2012
In a corner of Tokyo there is a place where the garbage flies with the wind, where the stink of the river is intolerable and the outcasts overwhelmed by alcohol go home destroyed by their working day, but not all are abandoned to themselves, not everyone is cut down despite adversity, among them there are those who aim high.
Story: The story follow the life of Joe Yabuki, a rude boy without parents that grows thanks to wins and losses. However Ashita no Joe is not only the story of Joe, it represents the post-war Japan, its economic and social condition and the vision of a defeated ... Sep 20, 2016
The intense aura of a wild groan overwhelmed the whole hall, as the two gladiators standed between each other in unsteady gaze. The coach pushed your back, as the 10th round got started, by the decisive ring of the bell, crucial for recognizing the winner during the next 3 minutes. This local hall never felt such big applaud, yet couldn’t predict, that someday it would hold a world title match for their local hero. You can’t recognize anything from these mutters. As a matter of fact, you can not feel anything anyway. There is no fear, no strategy, no meaningless thoughts. Just pure descent into
Jun 5, 2023
I considered not writing a review for Ashita no Joe, as I didn't finish it. I didn't finish JoJo's Bizzare Adventure and don't feel I can meaningfully review it at this time. But for Ashita no Joe, if I can assist one person in making a decision on this manga, maybe that'll be worth it.
I came into this manga because many people bring it up when discussing Hajime No Ippo, but after trying to read it, I'm just so disappointed in the series, that I wonder why the comparisons are made. There's two big problems I have with Ashita no Joe that ... Oct 12, 2015
There are so many manga easily available that as a reader it is hard to decide which one to read. Many are just good, some are very good and sometimes we start reading something that we don't want to finish. Rarely we come across a manga that transcends time and brings joy and tears to the reader. Such a manga can be called a Masterpiece. Ashita no Joe is one such manga.
This is the story of a boy who became a great boxer. If I write like this I won't be able to convey my feelings and anyways the summary has been provided. Many a ... Jul 28, 2023
Read Ashita no Joe, they said. It's one of those recommendations that say absolutely nothing... And holy shit. Truth be told, this was tougher to read than Berserk.
It certainly doesn't feel that way at first, owing to its classical cartoonish style and setup. You couldn't guess how deep this goes on first glance. On second glance. On third glance, because Joe just keeps going. Because unlike Berserk, which requires a good attachment to the cast in addition to its bountiful artwork, Ashita no Joe does not care about your feelings. It only requires you to keep reading, to keep watching Joe in the same way ... Oct 30, 2020
word's can't describe how much I love Ashita No Joe. I completed it in 2015, but I want to write a Review right now idk why haha.
Manga that inspired many mangakas, created the epic era, Joe yabuki who inspired Kamina from Gurren Laggan, Joseph joestar from Jojo, sendo from Hajime no Ippo even whole rocky franchise! and there's even more! Manga is really great, one of the best of the bests... It needs more attention! if you love Tragic, drama, boxing, a slice of life, and want to FEEL manga, then it's for you. Joe Yabuki meets Tange danpei, a retired boxer, and trainer, who became ... Dec 9, 2015
Before I begin my review, I want to say that I am not the most serious critic. I only state my opinions in my reviews, and I don't shove false facts down peoples throats saying the show is bad. With that out of the way, let me start the review.
Woah. This series is... something. This is really something. Ashtia no Joe filled my expectations to the max, not even that. Probably past the max. Ashita no Joe will probably make me read more manga series, to find a manga series as great as it. Hajime no Ippo is probably the new era's Ashita no ... May 22, 2020
Story- The story is truly amazing!Form the unknown Joe to the Joe that gonna fight the world champ.Very exciting and cant guess what gonna happen next,like they said ,anything can happen in a boxing fight.I had feel surprised about few times like 3 ~4 times.Like while Riikishi died,and when Joe died. 9.5/10
Art- The art may feel old but after a few chapter,I can read it normal and feel it is not very bad,but it is a classic art style.And the art style had improve much after some arc.The fighting scenes is very clear,and don't have any trouble while reading it. 9/10 Character- The characters deign is ... Sep 4, 2014
Most people haven't read this, which is a shame, because its simply amazing. Its impact and influence on manga is so incredibly massive, that the number of anime and manga that reference it or pay homage to it cannot be counted. That being said, it is referenced and paid homage to so many times that many people will already know the ending despite having never read it. For example, the ending of ashita no joe is a recurring theme and symbolism throughout Bakuman, but I wont say the ending because I dont wanna spoil.
STORY The story was great, following Joe Yabuki taking up boxing in ... Sep 1, 2021
ashita no joe is one of my favourite sports manga ever. when we think about boxing we think about stuff like hajime no ippo,rikudou and other boxing mangas. most of these mangas are inspired by ashita no joe and it also inspired other fighting manga as well. while hajime no ippo follows ippo being stronger through training and boxing with different people ashita no joe is a more character driven story that shows the consequences of fighting through life and death manages to be something more than just a young kids rise to the top of the world.joe yabuki isnt like other shounen protagonists
Jul 11, 2022
Ashita no Joe is the first manga I've ever finished. No other manga has gripped me to read 20 chapters, let alone 20 𝘷𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘮𝘦𝘴. The struggle, rise and end of Joe Yabuki alongside Danpei Tange is legendary in short.
The brutality of each punch delivered by and to Joe is a masterpiece of art, sprinkled with perfectly drawn serene moments. Characters are also done exquisitely by the ink. Aging with each volume, and not just by a switch of clothes. Even though it's a story that revolves around the sport of boxing, it's true focus is the heart of the boxers. About every main and supporting character ... Sep 18, 2016
Ashita no Joe/Tomorrow's Joe is without a doubt one of the greatest and most powerful manga ever made, and its ending alone sets it among the most amazing stories there is...but it is old, and time has hurt it a bit.
Story: 8 : Some punk ass teenager who packs a serious punch and has a severe inferiority complex meets an old drunken and retired boxer who decides to teach him how to make a living through his craft. This setup might seem like the buildup to a powerful relationship between future student and master, but it really, really isn't. One of the first things Joe's future trainer, ... Jun 8, 2016
Ashita no Joe is simple the best ''sports" series
but i think for a microsecond and this IS NOT ABOUT SPORTS is a story of his characters STORY- as i said the story of ashita no joe is about there characters growing don't confuse that is a slice of life because also has boxing story is a decoration (a good one) the boxing only supports the story CHARACTERS the main character Joe is simple amazing is no special or have great ability he is a jerk but finish in a recognized boxer the experience of the ... Nov 18, 2021
Ashita no Joe
A timeless masterpiece that is amazing in nearly every regard. This is not going to be an in depth analysis nor an essay , this is just going to be me talking about things I love in a manga that I love. Plot The plot is consistent with the logic applied. It progresses consistently , never coming to a standstill where the story feels stagnated , and never rushing through the story that could have been enjoyed slower. It is not too complex , and is pretty simple to understand. It isn't too predictable , and the set ups and pay offs work very well. It also captures both ... Nov 29, 2019
//Somewhat spoilers ahead, be caution
//Also, I wouldn't say this is a proper review, but just some thoughts I needed to get down somewhere. Some of my favorite quotes from final chapter are: "Is Joe Tabuki not afraid at all of dying or becoming crippled? Does he have no one... to weep for him?" and "I haven't turned completely white yet." I love Yabuki Joe. His tenacity, stubbornness, his selfishness, his character design, and plot armor (lol) all made for an incredible combo. His dialogue was always on point. His actions made sense for his character. His personality, despite some changes, was so natural and ... Apr 26, 2022
Ashita no Joe is considered a classic. I'm always cautious when a series is called a classic, because people tend to view it differently compared to more modern series ,while using the phrase ''for its time''.For instance they will say that a series was great for its time.That thing kinda annoys me not gonna lie ,due to the fact that a classic should keep being great no matter the era the reader lives in and Ashita no Joe proved to be a classic among classics indeed.
I won't analyse the story or the characters ,as I'm sure that hundreds of people already did that and better ... Oct 16, 2016
Simply put this manga is amazing and aside from a few pretty inconsequential problems I had with it this is gonna be nothing but praise.
At the core Ashita no Joe is a character driven drama about Joe himself, people around him and they they go through their difficult lives. As such I don't you can't talk about story without talking about characters and you can't talk much about characters without spoiling manga. What I can say though is that impressive how much nuance the main cast has. Aside from some supporting characters that don't play a large part in the story everyone has a very ... Mar 23, 2025
Ashita no Joe is a manga I have re-read many times since I first stumbled across it a few years ago.
It's a manga about boxing, of course, but you can take away so much more from it, as with many other pieces of art. To me, Ashita no Joe is about the struggle for meaning. For finding something, anything, to grab onto, to achieve; a goal to fulfill, no matter what the cost; something people can point to if they ever talk about you, and say, "that's what their life was about; they did something." For Joe, this is boxing, the sport he can ... |