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May 26, 2021
I just picked it out randomly, just want to rest something short but damn, I found some good shit. I just want to relax my mind after reading something like Berserk or Vagabond and I found this relaxing manga.
I never thought this short chapter manga will be this good, it is so relaxing, your enjoyment will be fullest by putting on a soft piano cover and drinking some hot coffee while reading this manga.
If you want some rest after reading some heavy theme, long chapter manga or you just want to read casually and don't need to pay so much attention, then this manga is
the choice.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 8, 2021
Attack on titan's ending properly will not satisfy all the fans's expectation, but Isayama had did his best and gave us a proper ending. I knew many people will say like "the bad ending ruin the whole story!"or "person say that what is best are the journey not the ending are totally bullshit!" I get it, I get it, but to me , attack on titan can be considered as a modern masterpiece.
The whole story was designed from start to end, Isayama knew what he gonna draw when he started the series. Reading or watching Attack on titan feel like watching a movie, it
made you curious about the mysteries behind it and keep investing to the world that in Attack on titan. He also put a lot of thougth in order to keep the surprising us by the sudden turn of the plot. He built the world slowly but perfectly, let us joining and knowing the world better, like the system, the people, the daily lives of them.
For those readers that read the manga from chapter 1 or read the volume 0, you will knew how terrible Isayama's skill in drawing. The characters looking were weird but he kept improve his art while drawing the series. The art got better and better, the lines became his favourite, he liked to draw lines in all places, especially the characters' expression, you can truly the characters when they were terrified and sad. The body structure of the titan also got well, he must be studied a lot of muscle drawing and the movement of some fighters. The most amazing about his art was how he draw perspective since chapter 1. Although he art suck in the beginning, but his way of drawing perspective was so good, you can easily knew how the scouts will flying because it was so smooth and just like watching a movie.
About characters, it can said that all the characters had their own story and development. All of them were designed well by Iyasama and not some NPC. They like human like us, they will
controlled by their emotions , angry, sad, depression and happy. All the characters behaved like how their personality designed, there was not characters that suddenly changing his/her behaviour no reason. They will have their own principles to live and personality to behave. Isayama created them and just let them moved themselves like how their supposed to move.
What I enjoyed the most was messages and theme telling in the manga. About discrimination about races, about the stupidest war and the most I enjoy was the" there are not good or bad people , it is just everyone's perspective are different ". It tell us how important not to believe just in one sides, look at the both sides and put yourself into other's shoe and you will know why sometimes people have different opinions even you think it's the best thing, like this manga.
And some plus mark for Aot was the MEME. Who is the world don't like MEME, when seeing some reference in the tense plot, you cannot help yourself to laugh about it.
I'm very happy that I'm live until today to read a masterpiece, if you have some different opinions about this manga, feel free to discuss with me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 27, 2020
Although the it is a short story,but it is very a amazing manga!Just like the chapter of the manga ,it is short but it is better than some shit manga than have very long chapter.On curiosity, how can this short manga can got on top 50 ranking manga?And after reading it,
The story is very interesting topic and it is a topic that we can think and think bout it again & again. If U life can be equal with the value of the money ,how much will it be?The value is coz by the the person own
happiness ,helping other ppl become happiness,& achieves own dreams or wish,this also includes by the fame & wealth u later claim.If u later life is so success ,then it don't have any reason to sell your lifespan.But if u life is very miserable and pity,it is fine to sell it and take the money and just died later?
Everybody said that,the person that have little value can changed their lives,BUT you must know that,if the observer don't tell the person how bad he/she life will be going, the person probably will not take any actions that will changed he/she life.For example ,our MC he knew that he going to have a miserable life so he sold it coz he rather pity in life for short time instead of long time,and later because of this actions ,he released that he had just few months to life and decided to do anything he wants before his death,and coz he love the obeserver and his last 3month become more worth that the oberserver 3 years.Human is a very interesting being,they will only appreciate something after they lost it.& now is another Question,would you rather live a short less but always surrounded by happiness or live a long live but the whole journey is shit?
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 26, 2020
Story-The mangaka make it a very good sci-fri manga.He building it so good until us readers easily through into the world.The space ship,the ppl,the concept ,he took time to search the real shit out of it,so it can be logic ,but and the same time it is like very frictional.He just like bring us to the space, and it's incredible.Who never thought about travel to space?!LITERALLY EVERYONE had thought about it at least once when childhood.He just help us complete our little wish. 8.5/10
Art- The art is very good and can see the mangaka took effort to learn a lot of space things order to
draw the amazing manga.I meant the back ground,the spaceships, the characters ,all of them is very good!8.5/10
Characters-The characters is the most things I like in this manga.It don't focus on one characters, every one have it own problems ,own story & their own development.And it turns up every time ,we can learns about some lessons from them.9/10
Enjoyment-Literally EVERYONE will enjoy it coz WHO NEVER WANNA TRAVEL SPACE or CURIOUS ABOUT SPACE?The mainly reason I like it so much coz each characters of it like REALLY ALIVE,their will tell us what kind of problems they in,and mostly the problems is the most common one & the most difficult to slove one.Like
What is our purpose?Why we do that?Should I concentrate on work and let others things go?How Can I let go the past?Is it unnormal and strange it someone art like a child,and coz he/she just don't art like a "adult"that society what? 9/10
If U wanna find about this these things or have interesting bout it,then just read this piece of masterpiece.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 25, 2020
Story-Probably the best zombie manga I ever seen.The story started very slow,but it's a good things! Coz it is very detailed and it very claim to the climax it the middle ,and you will read & read ,can't stop read until to the end.The actual story is about "Hero"which is Hideo,and the zombies stuff is no the point,the whole manga is focus on Hideo, how he from a sidecharacter become a MC,so the ending is all about him and it is not bad.The mangaka is very kind enough to show us the other country situation and he had switched to others characters story.9/10
Art-The art
is magnificent! It's so detailed and the mangaka using a uniq way to show us which is many pages just using his art and less diaglong.The expression of each characters is so detailed like he can draw Hideo's cringe face goodly and us readers can feel it.When reading it ,is more likely watching it,he drew the manga very slowly ,and drew every movement the characters have ,and it is like watching a epic zombie movie rather than reading a manga.The background also is very beautiful and detailed.I personally very like when he drew Hideo fired the gun,it is just so beautiful!
Characters-The characters is deginsed very good,the feelings of them is so true like the things that ppl will do when some zombie virus explosive began.Some of them are ignored it,some of it take advantages like create a new religion, some of them relieved it is a true dangerous.It is show perfectly that how can human's stupidly worse the whole situation.The anger,jealously,greedily & others ugliness emotions showed up perfectly true in the each characters.The development of the characters ,mostly is the MC Is amazing,from a properly useless person to a person that will take responsibility. And I very like how the mangaka focused on the MC ,which is the "Hero" ,a hero that nobody see,and know.9/10
Enjoyment-I very enjoy this manga,when I picked up this manga,I just addicted to it and reading it as fast as I can .I love the whole manga,I means the WHOLE,the characters, art,story,coz it is so detailed and very interesting.I knew many ppl so pissed off and don't enjoy the end of the manga coz it is like a downfall when the manga is at it climax and the mangaka don't explain many mysterious things that have been wondering at our head from the start.I also feel the ending also should not be like that,the mangaka had lefted many untold story,but again,the little is about "Hero"which is our MC ,the others things beside the MC IS NOT THE PRIORITY.How is the life of the MC after the incident?How he feel about it ?What is he doing the whole time?THAT IS THE POINT!So after thinking sometime later,I changed my mind and accepted the ending which is probably the most suitable ending for the MC and mangaka.9.5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 22, 2020
Although it's a short manga,but after I read it, I know why it get some high attention.
The manga contains humors,pain,happiness ,struggles just like our real life.Some time good,some time bad.The manga remind us about the good old days while we were teen and young who always wonder about the future.Am I doing the right choice?What if I fail?And the most obviously question,should I follow my dreams or just play safe.We so scared is we choose the wrong decision and screwed up,but guess what, there are not any right or wrong decision, it is just up to you which you wanna choose.
The manga is
so easy to read,while reading it ,it feel like look back while we at our teen time,where we just relax & chill all the time,hang up with your funny & stupid friend,and discussing about what gonna do after gratitude.
Conclusion:"Rather regret doing it wrong then regret never doing it " & "always move forward,put down your past-self just accepted it."
Ps:btw very enjoyable while seeing the 3 friends always doing some weird and funny stuff,and their impressions is so funny.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 22, 2020
Story-This is a not mainstream shonen manga ,instead of battle between the good and the bad,it used the complete the manga every week before deadline and competing with other with paper & ink.It's very interesting idea and it's good.The manga let us reader more know about the side of the manga industry,which is pretty dark and sometime good.Like U don't have result, u out of the business.It have up and down like battle manga,but the mangaka succesfull put this consent inside.They failed but learn and start over again,and this manga let us know that between love drawing and make manga is totally two different things.Manga
is a product that need to be sell, so be mangaka is no very easy and have many money and relax.
Character -The characters are well draw, almost every one u can remember it own name and it own personality.The face have many feeling and can tell us clearly what the character fell about .The development also very good,not only the MC but like minor C like editor also improve along the way.And it's all +,they also show character that we have,like nakai or some bitchers.Many ppl said that female character is less development and I agree of it,just have little female but I think coz it's Shonen manga.
Art-It is good like death note's art.All the character have a his own unique look,and I must admit that ONLY THOSE GUYS CAN REALLY MAKE WRITING OR DRAWING ON PAPER like Goddamn epic.
Enjoyment-I pretty enjoy coz the plot story is very uniq & very enjoy while reading form act to act but at the same time, it's very heavy dialogs, sometime need a rest and continue to read it,
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 22, 2020
Story-The story is like not original,I not saying that not original story is bad ,but the concept of the breathing and demons stuff is very common.Gladly the mangaka put effort on the every characters small story & background,it's the best things on this manga.Sometimes the little story is very sad,and u just can't not refuse do empathetic with it,but some story like just make up to it.7/10
Art-The art is good at the early,and get bad when the chapter in the final act.The Art of characters is very good ,everyone gone it own unique hair ,and the thing I like about the art is when the
mangaka drew they very relaxing and funny like the characters not seriously time.I found up that the mangaka drew very good while 1 on 1 battle but it got not got when like 3 vs 1 battle,the 1 on 1 u can see their attack clearly ,but when many ppl fight it's just like a mass. 7.5/10
Character-I found that the characters is the most unsatisfied things to me.I feel that every characters very rush,like here a new character and it got it own little story and not else,a little development. I just feel that many characters inside are empty ,inside only his or her little sad story and background and that's is it.
Enjoyment-not very enjoy coz the story is so damn fast &rush.They don't have a break to let us and the characters rest a bit.Just battle ,battle and battle until the endings.I expected much coz the anime,the anime make the skills very fancy and make the story very slow.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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May 22, 2020
This is a great psychological thriller manga.It have an intelligent plot, Unpredictable plot twists, Memorable deep characters & overall atmosphere of the series.
I was surprised at how well-written this manga is, it maintained a constant level of quality throughout the 18 volumes. Whenever I read it I just couldn't stop. Monster's atmosphere and cliff hangers left me at the edge of my seat every time, always leaving me waiting for more, that's how a thriller is supposed to be.
And it is always give us reader intense & tension while the plot peak happen .Coz by the unpredictable plot,will always be surprised of the truth.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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May 22, 2020
I never read anything that depressing like Oyasumi Punpun before.The dark side of the manga is so powerful,when reading it,you will also been affected by it.You may feel disgust, bad and very hard to follow the story,but it definitely one of the best psychological manga I ever read.
The manga topic is so open & mature,it contain some topic that not everyone willing to discuss like rape,killing,alcoholic, abusing, sex,depression,dysfunctional family or relationships & etc.
Almost every characters in this manga,rarely have characters development, but rather all of them have self-destructive. The story of the manga can be worse chapter by chapter,and when I read it I
just can't guess & imagine the next tragedy,and that is it that this manga make me wanna read more and more.
The plot usually turn up to be worse that it precious,so basically I 'll be surprised & hooked when reading the next plot.The main protagonist is punpun shows us that a pure ,kind-hearted person can be turning to an asshole or psycho coz by the bad environment ,society & people.
And the manga shows that people usually treat their closet people bad but very good when treat stranger.People always shows the negative side or complaining to their lover one .And mostly time don't show the true feeling and lie about them,and people will regrets it when they losing it.
Usually most of the manga will be written to
fantasy,cool,family-friendly world to let us escaping from reality and relax.But Oyasumi punpun is just a cool-hearted,cruel,negative story,it falling us than some people always suffering from living,living is very pain.Some people just don't have luck for their whole life and always misfortunes their whole life.Maybe people have working hard enough and the luck just not around then.
Conclusion:The manga is a MASTERPIECE,ever u don't feel good while reading,coz it's not our usually manga , but it's don't make it a bad manga ,& actually it's a very
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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