I enjoy the fact that this story is not totally focused on a girl who has a crush on a boy (like so many shojo titles out there). I like it when a girl first feels bitter towards the boy and then slowely falls in love. Those, to me, are the cutest twists of all. Every side story involving other characters are also fun to tie into the story.
Neh...not the best I've come across. The art starts sloppy, but then gets better and better. However, the artwork of one chapter may not be drawn as good as another, more earlier one. Sometimes one chapter will
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Mikansei Chorus, Incomplete Chorus, Shoku no Miyako, Food Paradise Japanese: S・A スペシャル・エー More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 17
Chapters: 104
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 26, 2003 to Mar 19, 2009
Hana to Yume Authors:
Minami, Maki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #10042 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #432
Members: 42,601
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Filtered Results: 23 / 23
Your Feelings Categories Mar 9, 2009
Special A is truly something of a treat for readers of all genres. Since I'm more of a shoujo reader, I'm going to focus on that aspect, but it's kind of impossible to not point out the outrageous humor which laces every single panel of SA.
Most importantly, this story couldn’t possibly have ran for 99 chapters like it did if it were JUST about two people falling love, no matter HOW dense one party was portrayed. So while the various romances which keep popping up are significant in keeping the story light, more pressing adolescent issues and elements are dealt with as well, lending this ... Jul 29, 2009
Special A is for me, the definition of an average shoujo series.
Characters: We have Hikari, an initially refreshing female lead with a certain wide-eyed innocence and a strong desire to defeat her eternal rival Takishima Kei. Hikari’s got fighting spirit, something that is so often lacking in shoujo heroines of late. On the other hand she’s incredibly dense, a trait which becomes all the more prevalent as the manga progresses much to my chagrin. An important plot device is that the students in the SA class are the crème de la crème of an already prominent school for the wealthy. We are not so much ... Feb 16, 2008
Ok, lets explain my points a bit:
Story.. The story is one I hadn't encountered in either manga or anime yet, it keeps on amazing me what happens and it doesn't grow old at all. Art.. You can't get perfect but this is more than good enough. Character.. How the characters unfold is quite something but we still have to see something from quite a few people, so far it has been limited to hikari and kei, while they sometimes talk about a person's past, it always ends up getting connected to hikari or kei(often its both) ... Nov 9, 2008
I picked up a copy of SA during a random manga buying spree, and I wasn't sure if I'd think much of it at the time, but it sounded interesting enough for me to give it a shot.
I am so relieved that I did. That was in February 2008, and now SA has become my favourite manga of all time. It starts off like your average shoujo, but as I read more I was just so surprised how much I enjoyed the story and characters. It's very well written, every chapter is entertaining and the re-read value is very high for me. Needless to ... Aug 28, 2009
This has to be the funniest manga I've read yet. The main character is really dense but very noble and kindhearted so she didn't bother me like other lead females and the lead male, though seems perfect does actually have some believable flaws. A few of their ablities are unrealistic, but it's usually for a comedic effect so you tend to over look it. I also like how this series doesn't focus solely on the leads' romance, the author takes side roads and shows the budding romances of the friends, which tends to be ignored in most shojo so you don't get bored with the
Apr 1, 2015
When I was younger, I absolutely loved this series. Hikari was tough but kind and Kei was the silent but cool type (aka, my type). Then as the years passed by, I reread it. And reread it again. And realized…meh. SA wasn’t as good as I thought it was. The first few volumes were enjoyable and I loved the relationship between all the SA members, especially Hikari and Kei. But everything sort of went downhill for me.
What essentially ruined my reading experience was Kei and Hikari’s relationship. Their relationship became too repetitive. They’d have a misunderstanding, then start to drift apart until their friends put ... May 14, 2009
This is going to be the first review I'll be giving. . . .so I don't really know if this would be helpful or not. :) Anyway, Special A is a brilliant masterpiece, in my opinion. I usually prefer the anime over the manga version (I wasn't so good at reading manga before, I just couldn't get used to reading right to left - it confused me!) but I am pleased to say that this particular manga bested its anime version. There are a couple of reasons I can give to explain myself. . . .
To summarize everything up before you get bored of the ... May 23, 2008
Well this was the first time I read a manga and idea was emerged from just coincidence (although I am pretty much into anime) So about Special A.
It has a kind of a feeling I get from Ouran as every character is formalized and steoretyped in one class of being exteremly diffrent (Every-Aspect-Perfect Kei, Hikari who is just tries and tries more, Tadashi who only responds to Food, Akira with a good taste and so on...) Manga was just really to much fun to read that in just one night I read all 34 chapters and now really anxious to get my hands on the ... Jul 22, 2009
Special A is what truly portrays a story with a happy ending. Each and every well written character in the series was paired up with another character by the end. Also, how nice of the author to start off the story with two characters who are endlessly in the battle of love and triumph. The author also ends the story with these on going battle.
This story also went through how the paths in life aren't always limited to A and B. You are always entitled to the path that would bring you the most happiness if you truly desire for it. It also went through ... Feb 27, 2010
i watched the anime before the manga and i was surprised to read the manga
any way i love the story its like ouran and i also love ouran STORY: basically its just a love story between a poor girl an a super rich guy Hikari was a daughter of a carpenter. she was introduced to Kei, Kei is one of the most rich kid in Japan. Hikari always challenged Kei into match and it always have a bet on it an Hikari always lose but it never stop her. Hikari followed Kei into high school, in a prestigous school were a class called Special A was formed it ... May 20, 2010
***Contains spoilers from the first few chapters***
(but no worries about ending spoilers. I haven't gotten there yet ^-^) For me this series started out like a ton of other manga that I've read before. A highly skilled and well-rounded female character out to compete with the one person she can never defeat: the flawless bishonen who can do anything better than she can with little to no effort. Having recently read Kaichou wa Maid-sama in particular (yes I know which one was published first but that doesn't change the order in which I read them) I can see so many parallels and typical cliches that made ... Oct 16, 2011
It's not your typical "boy likes girl, girl doesn't realize she likes him" story. Lol, it also doesn't focus on just those two people.
It's a high school story about great friends, troublesome encounters, family dilemmas, and love, but love for nearly every character, which is great cause you won't end up feeling bad for anyone cause the characters in this manga are lovable to where you admire all of them. Even the characters you disliked will change your opinion about them by the end. The story: The seven highest ranking students of Hakusenkan High School are placed into a separate program then the rest of the school, and ... Sep 14, 2010
I first saw the anime, so, i didn't even know that there is a corresponding manga of special A, since i finish first the anime, i had a "HUGE" conclusion w/ it's manga :)
For me, the manga is more EXCITING of course! Didn't you notice? there are lots of enjoying and exciting scenes and events in the manga that didn't appear in the anime, so it has been a little "FAILED!" to me :p The only scenes that appeared in the anime from the manga are those important ones alone that could make the story flow and go on, got it? :) but nah! It ... Apr 25, 2016
Ahahaha xD! It appalled me when I realized that I had not written a review for a manga that occupied 80% of my lonely high school life and also, introduced me to the world of manga.
Note: This review will contain personal bias xD So I had grown up with anime as my sibling, but my entry into the world of reading manga came at a fairly later stage, aka, middle school to high school transition period. I had seen AMVs of this anime on youtube and decided to watch it and what do you know, I loved it. However, after learning it had a manga behind ... Nov 18, 2010
To some this up in one sentence Special A is Boys Over Flowers ( ) but with a more comedic twist. I'm having a hard time not putting spoils in this review...
Story: Pretty much the main duo start off as enemies then become a couple then have trial and tribulations to the same ultimate end. It's retard how much the story matches Boys over Flowers... The only difference is the side characters. I'm Dead serious if you have already read boys over flowers pass this one it's like you are reading the same exact story. In short: Special A - Comedy / Boy over Flowers - ... Jan 27, 2013
Special A, just Laying it out there on the outset, is really good. Not so typical of a shoujou manga where it concentrates solely on a romantic relationship development, it's refreshing in that it focusses more on maintaining the general bonds of friendship and creating the story line based on that.
Story 8/10: The story, even though I'm currently only half way through, is captivating in that ridiculously addictive sort of a way, and, more surprising for a shojou manga, not as predictable as they are of wont to be. I like that particularly because there's nothing more annoying than knowing exactly how something is going ... May 26, 2010
Special A is your typical shojo rom-com which has a dense main female character which can be somewhat annoying. Despite her denseness, this manga makes up for it by having a nice line up of characters with different personalities. The comedy is also funny, but not to the point that you would laugh your head off. The art is the typical shojo type so nothing very remarkable about it. But despite all these flaws, I enjoyed it pretty wel so I guess you can enjoy this too. My one advice is if you already read a lot of shojo manga, it would be hard for
Mar 19, 2013
I actually watched the Special A anime first before reading the manga. I read a blog which says that the manga story is slightly different from the anime series and since I enjoyed watching Special A anime, I went ahead and read the manga. To be honest, I really enjoyed reading Special A. I love the humor, characters, and the story itself. I love the romance between Hikari, who is thickheaded, and the serious Kei. I would definitely recommend this manga for those who wants to read something light with romance and comedy all together.
Sep 20, 2013
Special A is one of the best shoujo mangas among the ones I've read. I think any story related to school, romance and friendship can't get any better than this. I understand this can't be everyone's cup of tea but all I can say is it's too good to let it pass by.
STORY: 9/10 While there were a few draggy or dull parts in between, the story never lost its grip. It's a fairly easy and smooth flowing story which manages to keep you invested in the plot. It does get repetitive towards later on but there are parts which are really cute and heartwarming. Of ... |