Ayu is a teenage girl whose life seems to be filled with only despair and emptiness, and she deals with it by prostituting herself. The story, from beginning to end, basically follows her life as she struggles through it- the people she meets, the choices she makes, and the impact those encounters had on her character and life.
With a premise like that, it is likely already obvious that this is not exactly a happy and light-hearted story. In fact, reading this manga is almost like watching a disastrous car accident about to happen- you know it's coming, you cringe, you can't do anything about it
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Deep Love: The Story of Ayu, Deep Love: Ayu's Story Japanese: Deep Love アユの物語 InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 2
Chapters: 8
Status: Finished
Published: May 13, 2004 to Sep 13, 2004
Bessatsu Friend Statistics Ranked: #8912 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1086
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Your Feelings Categories Feb 21, 2009
Deep Love - Ayu no Monogatari is definitely not your typical girl-finds-guy and falls in love type of romance manga. I started reading with that mindset, and after 8 chapters, I was blown away. Deep Love - Ayu no Monogatari was not only atypical, but delivers such deep themes and story to readers that will fill you with either sympathy, happiness, or anguish by the time you finish.
The story is quite simple and straightforward. Ayu is a teenage girl who finds life meaningless, and thus sells her body in a society she sees as decadent and immoral. However, an encounter with a granny changes her ... Mar 17, 2008
Let me begin by stating that this review is for all the Deep Love Mangas (Ayu no Monogatari, Host, Reina no Unmei). This is my first review and i chose this manga to appraise, because it was the first one that made me cry.
I won't state the contents here, because it's difficult to describe without revealing something. Just read it yourself! I'd say you have to read it, because these topics are current and concern everybody. The drawings aren't cute, but very pretty. The characters develop throughout the Manga. Love and friendship play an important role. First they seem to perish due to the cruel ... Mar 8, 2011
After reading a review that compared Deep Love to a car wreck, that alone was enough to spike my interest. It was on the last page that I realized why it was like a car wreck. At the end you’re left there frozen in your tracks staring, at nothing, long after the car and everyone else is gone. Unable to form any coherent thoughts just a dumbstruck expression on your face.
That’s what Ayu’s life was, a huge accident, one you see coming long before it hits you, yet you’re there staring at it getting closer because you are so stunned by its complexity. Wondering, ... Apr 9, 2009
Synopsis: A 17 year old girl, named Ayu, is selling her body for money. She is depressed, doesn't believe in happiness, and thinks that the world is rotten and that the only way to make it in this rotten, immoral world is to become rotten yourself. She thinks that love is nothing more than an unwanted burden that will get in the way of her job. She leads a miserable life, until she meets a very kind old lady, and an abandoned dog whose tongue has been cruelly cut out...
Just from observing the old lady, her persistence, and will to do good, Ayu starts ... Jan 24, 2021
[Spoiler Review!]
After reading all the reviews here, I came to realize something. This manga is a sick attempt at using horrible events and circumstances to create a sense of "meaning" and evoke pity within the minds of readers who take the bait. Story: 2/10 The "story" here has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. The "story" revolves around our main character, Ayu, and the horrible life she lives. Many questions arise when reading this manga, such as: What happened to her parents, what caused her to start prostituting herself, what did she need the money for, and many more. The only character trait Ayu has ... May 20, 2015
One can define “Deep Love” as an eternal love running so deep one will do anything for the person they love. This eternal love doesn't just involve an intimate love between two people romantically, but the love of family and friendship. Such a love is beautiful and the work “Deep Love: Ayu no Monogatari” portrays the beauty of such love through all three aspects. Under the beauty of this particular piece is a very dark side as the work also manages to portray the life of a teenage prostitute as she tries to find some kind of beauty in her day to day life except
Aug 31, 2010
This was the first manga, and the only manga that has made me weep with sadness. This is a coming of age story. Ayu finds meaning to her life. She learns of love and loss as do all the other people around her, they start to learn what truly matters.
Story-10 Even though this is a rather short story, it gave me an emotional connection, I've yet to expierence in any novel, movie, or story. Art-8 It was very good. Nice and neat and clean, in my opinion. Characters-10 All the characters in this story were incredibly realistic. Ayu was an extremely relatable character. There was outstanding character development within the ... Oct 3, 2009
Deep Love: Ayu's Story was very realistic. fast-paced, and tragic - so much so that I'd classify it as a psychologically realistic horror story. There is not a joyous part to be found in the entire 8 chapters. It's one blow to the heart after another. Tears will stream down your face so much that not only will you need tissue for you nose but a towel for your tears.
Some characters reach so far out to you with their story and their past that you pray they can live until the next chapter. This was - I admit - well done at first ... Jan 6, 2013
Like the title, this manga is deep, really deep. I found tears going down my cheek when i finish to read it. The main character is strong and full with hope. Even though it is a sad manga, the sadness is enjoyable and the moral of this story is for every teenage girl. I did enjoy this manga.
Jan 2, 2014
This is the first story of the deep love series, i highly recommend you start with this as to not confuse the order the order of the manga.
This is an unforgettable manga which shows the heart -touching , TRAGIC life of the protagonist. Brave , determined characters are found in this manga who inspire you with their strong wills , decisions and actions. However this manga describes a deeply tragic life. And sad incidents around the protagonist. All the deep love mangas contain different and painful situations and happenings I promise you , If you cry easily ( Which I do :') ... Nov 6, 2008
This story will definately leave you teary eyed at some point or another. If you are capable of reading something very dramatic then i definately recommend this manga.
Aug 14, 2020
My hands literally can't stop shaking and my head can't wrap itself after I read this manga like it is so so sad man. We see a young schoolgirl being handled by shady people as well as having unprotected sex with dirty b**tards for the sake of money. My non continuous question throughout reading this manga, where was her parents in all of this taking place??!!!!!!
She then befriends the old woman and then later on, she befriends her adopted son Yoshiyoki who has a chronic illness (there was not much information about the cause). To tell you the truth, I f*cking hated Yoshiyoki's father for ... Jul 4, 2022
Ok, this is my first review and english is not my language, sorry for any mistake!
The story itself might be good if you like drama, but I find it really bad developed. Everything seems extremely rushed, we don't have time to know the characters well, nor their stories and backgrounds, it's like the author have thrown two buddies on the pages and that's all. In my opinion, the author should have done a little bit longer story, but with better development. *spoilers* The two main characters known each other since literally 5 minutes and they are the love of each others life. That itself make no sense. ... Nov 19, 2017
Well i finished few mangas in my life and after finishing this i could tell it would be masterpiece even if i finished 100+.
Story follow girl that sells body,use heroin, falling in * narco trap * ( when you need to get money for someone who is drug addict ),stealing,... but everything she does is for someone else except prostitution.She is the girl that everyone hates just because, no reason or anything.Like for example * you are selling your body * so they hate her...But actually she is angel which thinking influenced thinking of others about her.It's very, very, very, very sad story ... Jun 23, 2021
This is the only manga I've wrote a review for.
Just so you understand how much I liked it. ( Also sorry for my spelling errors. ) Story: 9/10 The reason why I give the story a 9/10 is because it was obviously to unrealistic all those bad things can't happen to someone. But why I rate it so high is because I find the story unique and the amount of emotion going through it is insane and to be fit into only 8 chapters, the book leaves you dumbstruck just staring at one spot trying to "take hold" of what you just read and sure to leave you ... Apr 19, 2023
If you are looking for a one-shot-esque torture session, this one should be a fairly good one.
Since it's a kind of "old" manga, the art style might feel subpar for some people - and the story is short, too, everything is squeezed into these few chapters. So if you want to try to enjoy the manga to its best capacity, I'd recommend reading only a single chapter per day. The problems that the manga focus on are heavy, and the characters are not in good shape, either. At least there is a glint of hope in the middle of the story. I wish the ... Feb 25, 2024
I'm shocked. I didn't expect this manga to be so different from any manga I've read. The plot itself is very interesting and different but the ending is very well-thought in my opinion.
Ayu is a teenage girl that has no dreams, who doesn't aim for happiness and is involved in prostitution. The athmosphere is well presented and you can feel so much emotion like the emptiness, despair, misery, new founded hope by many characters. The story also gives a good life lesson, the choices you make have consequences whether you like it or not and not everyone in a bad place is a bad person, ... |