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Dec 13, 2017
Well i must say i'm blessed to live in this century and this hentai made me realize that.
Story is kinda cliche but who gives a damn about story in hentai. It's about girl that got punished by her sensei and fell in love with him. Shes now getting ripped, but ( episode 1 or 2 i can't remember exactly ) is still best so far, especially intense scene where third girl is watching him while he doing squats in pose when shes down and hes just " training "
Art: well i must say it's medium, it's not perfect and it's not bad around medium but
slightly towards perfect.
Sound well there are some scenes where it doesn't sync with voice acting and that hurt me really lot but i know others aren't like me so they don't care about that.Anyway voice acting is well decent
Characters: well i get turned on easy when i see tails,elf ears, sharp canine tooth and lolis so that is all it takes. Male characters is done like white Ronnie Coleman, looks like he could lift 2 tons.Shes little pervy cutie and hes barbarian lol
Enjoyment: well of course i enjoy in my kingdom with tails and elf ears
Overall: it's pretty decent hentai and i can bet it would be good just for you. Avada kedavra people that readed my whole review.And that LofnEdda above me who said in review "Got to say, this shit's hot. " i reply with MANS NOT HOT, 2+2 IS 4 QUICK MATHS
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 19, 2017
Well i finished few mangas in my life and after finishing this i could tell it would be masterpiece even if i finished 100+.
Story follow girl that sells body,use heroin, falling in * narco trap * ( when you need to get money for someone who is drug addict ),stealing,... but everything she does is for someone else except prostitution.She is the girl that everyone hates just because, no reason or anything.Like for example * you are selling your body * so they hate her...But actually she is angel which thinking influenced thinking of others about her.It's very, very, very, very sad story
if you ask me.
Art: well art is beautifull to me, every single detail is there.But a little thing is about words in manga, they are kinda confusing to me ( maybe cause im not used to them ? )
Character: Characters are awesome, everyone once felt like Ayu or Yoshiyuki or dreamed about story similar to this one ( booth have sad destiny but it is what it is ) and if they say they didn't felt like them or didn't think about similar scenario THEY ARE 100% LYING no matter what they say.
I don't know what to say except they are living different life than .. normal " so their feeling and persona is adjusted to that.
Enjoyment: i finished this manga in a blink of an eye, it was awesome and it just kept attacking me with those feels, definetlly worth reading.
Overall: well i'm not that much intro manga but overall of this one to me is fu*king great, or should i say outstanding :) didn't regret reading it at all, matter of fact i'm so glad that i finished it. So yeah i recommend it to anyone.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 12, 2017
Well i must say that it's rare for me to watch old animes.IM SO FU*KING GLAD THAT I WATCHED THIS.
Story: Story is about young high school girl Honda Tooru that got struck by mothers death.She continue to live with her grandpa but house had to be renovated so she say's shes going to friend but sleeps in Souma family property but she didn't know untill they found out. So she continues to live with 3 members of Souma family in their house, Souma Yuki, Souma Shigure and Souma Kyou. She soon found out about their family secret but she swore that she will keep
it and no one will hear about secret ( that they can transform intro zodiac animals ) but it's curse.And then journey begins with her sad past and with their curse. I must say that story keeps me warm around hearth and it's phenomenal. 10/10
Art: So art for 2001 year is beautifull.Character design you could say it's over the average.Colors of their faces, how their eyes match with hair color, things that they wear and everything is pretty much awesome.
Sound: This show had beautifull opening and that's what first caught my eyes.I never skipped opening while watching 26 episodes in a marathon, and it's awesome cause u know when it will end so you don't have to guess where to start watching.I especially liked part when Momiji ( support character ) started singing song, emotions at that scene were pretty much hard and i learned to sing whole song in like 5 minutes.
Character: This is one of the animes where you don't even have to look hard for character development.The way story was going is the way they were changing. They were opening more and more.
Honda is beautifull girl that loves to smile everytime but she is in deep pain and her laugh is priceless.She can make friends easily but she is kinda shy.I liked everything about her so much.
Kyou is kinda agressive character that can't control his feeling and he can get mad pretty easy.His relation with Yuki is intense and i love it.I love everything about Kyou,hes like tsundere.
Yuki Yuki " Prince " is character that is Mr.Perfect, all girls want him. Hes inteligent,knows how to talk to everyone.Hes extrovert type with sligtly slap of introvert.
Shigure is like their support, he's writter with kinda pervert character.Hes the guy that would be funny at party's.
Enjoyment: Well i didn't enjoy shows like this for a long time.You will get hit with feels so much, and you will die of laught.I noticed its like first half of episode is to make you laugh and other half is to put you down on the floor with hard feels and thats what i really liked in this show.You will never guess about anything that is about to happen so that makes you want more and more.
Overall: Outstanding show, every aspect of this show is perfect, story/art/sound/character/enjoyment everything is right on the spot.You will remember scenes from this anime for a long time and when u hear some after long time you will feel like someone strangles your hearth and than warmness. Definetly one of the greatest i watched ( my opinion of course ). Watch it you won't regret if you want sad/happy show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 9, 2017
Well, when I got intro this series people promised me it will be dark, brutal, evil...
2 eps into this and I felt bored af, quit this anime a few times, never could make it to the end. People were saying "Yo dude, wait for ep3. That shit is one of most gruesome evil shit bla bla bla". And what do I get? Dissapoinment. I was like "eh? That's it? What???" Enough talking about it.
Story: Story so far is pathetic. Leaked conversation between producers and other people:
"Let's put some cute girls to make people think show is cute and than add some
'dark' moments in the show so everyone will talk about it, cause they will think this was supposed to be cute"
"Yeah, let people think it will be the most gruesome thing ever, let them think that hehAHEAHEHAEHH"
"Let's kill one of characters that we made up just for that moment with some poor 'witch'"
And so on.... I kept watching only cause it seemed promising cause of people's reviews, but NO, it's bad and you will want to quit after episode 2. I barely managed to watch it till episode 4. I dropped this anime 5 times till then. 1/10
Art: Well, did you ever have an acid trip, or you were bored in class so you started drawing random creepy/dumb things? Well, this is exactly it. Almost got epilepsy and my eyes are hurting as hell. Not to mention that characters look like a fucking plate. 2/10
Sound: Well, this is only thing I kinda liked in this show. Only outro, cause it sounded nice with good rhythm, but lyrics are bad, so it's 2/10.
Character: This is one of the worst characters I ever saw with no character development or anything. Just girls randomly talking and "killing witches". Not to mention putting a supportive character just so you could kill it and change the main character's mind and will. And there is that one character (I even forgot her name) that is childish, playing hot and cold games, like "Oh I see you 2 together talking so that means you love each other and now I will run away so you will feel sorry for me."
Enjoyment: As I said I dropped this anime 5 times till finishing episode 4, and even the strongest wall can break sometimes, so I quit. I got so surprised at how boring and dumb this overrated anime was, so I had to write this review.
Overall: This was one of the worst show I ever saw, cause of influence of everybody saying "Yo look at this shit, it's lit/bad/evil/cute..."
NO, just no. You will just waste your time if you start watching this. This is how I learned to never trust people on internet talking about which anime is good and which isn't.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Nov 6, 2017
Well i must say i feel very bad for not watching this show sooner.This is what made me feel happy after one of episodes, and i didn't even notice smile on my face.
Story: So story is about trader Lawrence and Holo which is godess/wolf deity, call it whatever u want.Upon some circustances they ended up traveling together ( Lawrence recognised that Holo can ride people easily) and doing trades together.If you really like business and i mean selling things which prices go up and down, and want to train your brain for things like that, this is right thing for you.Chemistry between them is one
of factors of this story, how they laugh together,get in fights together and other things couple do but they don't notice that.A lot of plots ( which is expected from anime where is main story about trading ) maded it feel like you could actualy trade with them in 3rd person standing next in room.And there is church which is dominant so they need to be beware.Also story is developing fast so you won't have to wait till like 6th episode and things like that, in other words u will be intro it from episode 1.
Art: Now art is quite beautifull but art in season 2 is even better so if i could i would give 11 to s2 :) Beautifull views, everything is on spot except few glitches like horse running on epilepsy.
Sound: Now this is what i need to praise the most. This is easily one of the best music/soundtrack i have ever heard in anime and this is full jack pot, using flaute as main instrument in old fashioned surrounding.With all these energetic people ( mainly traders ) its pure satisfaction.Also opening is phenomenal too, one of the best i heard too.Voice acting is also on the spot, and i think they couldn't find better voice actors than Koshimizu Ami and Fukuyama Jun
Character: So Lawrence is confident,shy,sometimes introvert, sometimes extrovert person. He caught my eyes since beggining of series and i could say i know a lot of people like him and you can enjoy while you are with them.Development of him is right on spot, not rushed, not slowed just like it needed to be.
Holo is cute/beautifull girl which is full of herself and so inteligent, and love to teases people and tricking them.Character development with her is also majestic and bond between her and Lawrence is quite strong since begining of the series.
And every supportive character is right on the spot.
Enjoyment: So this is one of few shows i actually keep liking more and more from begining to end and i really wanted it to have more seasons, and i know a lot of more people would love too. Didn't regret this show, not a single second of it.And i actually feel sad cause this doesn't have more seasons.And there was a lot of sad and happy moments.Sad moments would hit so hard, just like getting stabbed in the heart.i remember my eyes being blury cause one of those moments.
Overall: This is easily one of best shows with simple story i ever saw.Not a single thing was wrong with this show.So yeah i suggest you to watch it right now cause u will feel bad if you missed this masterpiece.
And only and only thing that bugs me in this show is their ageing, imagine how broken Holo will be cause Lawrence will get old and change body while she will still be in her teens, and of course he will die before her leaving her and daughter Myuri alone.And she will probably find another man like she did before Lawrence. Damn it.
Hope you liked my review.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 31, 2017
I don't know but after rewatching this hentai for like 4,5 times i just felt urge to write review to this.
Story: Now story is about Rance that is doing quest, and punishing girls with wild sex through story. As the story develops there is cuter and cuter characters, final boss is queen :p 9/10
Art: Art was great but there were some scenes that maded me think what the f*ck. Example scene is when in the middle of thing he start kissing fast af and it doesn't hit with the sound so it was like nonsense. 9/10
Sound: Didn't really heard any music cause i was so
intro it. Voice acting is good. 8/10
Character: Now i will describe them as cute girl that are acting pure, but when Rance ,, the dirty dog '' gets them they turn naughty.As i said queen isn't final boss without reason :p 9/10
Enjoyment: I really enjoyed this every time i saw it, without a doubt. 10/10
Overall: This is without a doubt one of the best hentai's you could find out there and it have 4 episodes so you can enjoy more and more. 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 30, 2017
This synopsis gave me same feeling as Tenkuu Danzai Skelter+Heaven and that is the only reason i started watching this. I was not wrong.
Story: Nothing is explained, you are completely lost,no plot, nothing just girls doing random stuff thinking its cute, AND IT ISN'T DAMN DANIEL.
Art: I will probably get epilepsy till the end of this show. It feels like they didn't even try to make it look nice, it was like fu*k it, lets just make some bad art cause we know from this synopsys its gonna be retarded.So we can maybe go intro history defeating Yoshiteru Satoru masterpieces.
Characters: Now this is what makes
this show bad, i don't even know what to say to these characters, probably writter didn't know himself what to do so he just randomly put girls that eat whole day and do stupid things.
Sound: This is only thing that is good in this show and i meant good compared to other aspects of this anime.
Enjoyment: This is torture, not a single thing of enjoyment, i keep watching this show only cause im not the type that drop shows, just a few.
Overall: Honestly i feel bad for the writter that will get roasted cause of this show, combined with all that was in this show it got its max with overall 4
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 30, 2017
When i finished anime i was blown away. When i was starting to watch it i was like meh, this is gonna be bad. Didn't even think that this underrated anime had this much emotions and journey combined with sport which i love.
Story: Story is about 2 girls Fuuka Reventon and Rinne Berlinetta that were always together since they were children and they only had each other. ( they were orphans ) And so one of the girls got taken away intro rich family and gets changed by the power and other is being left alone intro the world.Under some circumstances girl from rich
family becomes boxing star just to prove to the world that she is strong, and she is trying to forget her past, even her friend from childhood. And other girl is trying to get her back as her friend. To me it's story kinda full of cliches and everything. 8/10
Art: Art was something that got this show quite interesting, didn't expect such a great art. 10/10
Sound: Sound was sometimes bad and sometimes good, they could get you hyped for fights only from songs.Thats why i give 9/10
Character: Now this is what is core of this anime, kinda cliche characters but still they are like some kinda of motivation and you just keep watching show to see how will they progress and everything cause of their past. 9/10
Enjoyment: As i said i was blown away by this show, didn't expect it to be this good, and yes i enjoyed almost whole show but last episodes they could explain it a little more and show characters relationship. 10/10
Overall: 9/10 Now this is something you should see, especialy if you are fan of these story's where MC's are fighting with their past and getting from weak to strong.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 30, 2017
I finished this show back in 2008 but i don't know why i rewatched this and i can say, i got the same emotions i got back then.
Story: Now this is what surprised me most in this show, i tryed to predict a lot of things in this show but i couldn't, it always left me without a word and i would just think can this be more perfect.Last couple episodes got me hooked up on this anime even more, plot twist was brilliant. 10/10
Art: Art is beautifull without a doubt, character design, backgrounds, town, everything in this anime was perfect. 10/10
Sound: Now
sound is what i give 8/10 cause they could put more music in some scenes that feelt like they needed some music to bring out more emotions.And also voice acting is great.
Character: This is best thing in this anime. Yuuichi, always cherfull,friendly, take quite time to adapt to people he talked in past. Bringing his soft side as story develops is jack pot.
Tsukimiya Ayu, also known as Ayu Ayu :) small energetic cute girl, girl that loves taiyaki. Mysterious, she bumps every morning in main protagonist of series. And when they 2 colide you know what that means? Awesomeness :) 10/10
Enjoyment: I mean i wouldn't rewatch it after all these years if it didn't have great enjoyment, prepare to cry,laugh,feels emotions that you through you never would. 10/10
Overall: 10/10 This is one of those shows that you want to forget as soon as possible so you could watch it again. Pure satisfaction in every episode of this anime is what will speak for itself. 10/10 Watch it, you won't regret it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 29, 2017
Now this is what i call good squezer.
Story: Story is about young hero Luka that is being attacked by bunch of succubus,queen of spider and other monster which are being controled by one final boss.They are trying to take his life through semen but his bravery doesn't stop and he keeps destroying them! well who even thinks about story in hentai?
Art: i really loved colorfull art, and a lot of other details.
Sound: Didn't even notice sound in this masterpiece.
Character: There is nothing i can say here. only weird thing about this is that MC
is being voiced by woman but nevermind that, you wouldn't
even notice.
Enjoyment: I rewatched this like 2,3 times so it speaks for itself.
Overall: It was good
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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