Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan
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Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Watashi-tachi no Shiawase na Jikan, Our Happy Hours, Our Happy Time
Japanese: 私たちの幸せな時間


Type: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 8
Status: Finished
Published: Mar 28, 2008 to Aug 22, 2008
Genres: Drama Drama, Romance Romance
Themes: Music Music, Psychological Psychological
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Serialization: Comic Bunch
Authors: Yumeka, Sumomo (Art)


Score: 8.501 (scored by 5585455,854 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #1492
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #117
Members: 118,734
Favorites: 4,786


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Preliminary Spoiler
Dec 18, 2009
One reason why I like seinen and josei manga is that the themes, characters, and messages presented are sophisticated. Not to say that shoujo and shounen manga aren't, but the percentage of the latter manga that actually contain such attributes is minimal. Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan (Our Happy Time) was a surprisingly astounding read I came across around one in the morning, hoping to find something short, sweet, and rid of filler material. Upon reading the first few pages of the manga, I realized that what I discovered was much, much more than just that, and consequently provided a MEANINGFUL literary experience -- ...
Nov 4, 2009
Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan (1 Volume/8 Chapters)

One brilliant story created by the famed mangaka Yumeka Sumomo, who's various works have comprised themes of elegance, beauty, and emotion. I don't believe words can summize just how magnificent and wonderful this artistic piece actually is. There was literally nothing wasted in the emotional impact delivered by the characters and their progressive development throughout the story.

Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan poses the hard questions that plague the human conscience, is it right to contemplate suicide in order to escape your life's seeming hardships? Does someone who's murdered three people in cold blood deserve the death penalty? Can ...
Nov 1, 2014
Some may consider this review to contain spoilers, but please read on.

Our Happy Time is not just a mediocre manga, it's plenty pretentious too. This pure cheese story starts off with some grim subject matter and continues to vomit more grim subject matter at you until you are beaten and bored. It's a cliche narrative about an inmate on death row who finds a reason to live again through love. With no exceptional visuals and no original characters, this manga reads like the pulpiest young adult fiction imaginable. There's no nuance, there's no subtlety, and the self-righteousness of the main character is suffocating.

If this ...
Apr 23, 2016
In my previous review I commented at the end that, in my opinion, fixation on scores can often lead people to feel pressured into taking a specific position. This can often lead to two different outcomes, depending on how little capacity the individual has to stop giving a shit about public opinion: in one, the person evaluating the specific work can end up taking an extreme position, considering it’s a naturally divisive work, in order to fit into the group that shares that position. The other outcome, however, is something that I find even more worrying: it can create around certain works the status of ...
Nov 13, 2009
Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan is not your stereotypical romance/drama manga. Consisting of only 8 chapters, it is not one of the longest series out there. But I can assure you that these 8 chapters contain some of the most heartwarming moments you'll ever be able to find in manga.

The stroy doesn't aim to attract young males with promises of fan service or battles. It is a simple, realistic manga, adapted from a short novel of the same name. However, since the story is empty of any kind of any innecessary ornaments, you can appreciate its true, sheer beauty.

This story deals with some moral issues ...
May 17, 2013
Losing something is never easy whether it's part of your dream, someone important to you in life, or a property that you hold dearly. It is a burden to bear and the wound sometimes may never be healed. It is because times are hard to come by that we should treasure them and enjoy the happy hours we live through.

Watashi-tachi no Shiawase na Jikan (also known as Our Happy Hours, Our Happy Time) is a manga illustrated by Yumeka Sumomo and Sahara Mizu (who the latter is also an author of the work) However, the manga is actually adapted from Gong Ji-Young's novel. She ...
Mar 13, 2015
As far back as I can recall, I've always had a soft spot for tragic romances (I blame you, Shahrukh Khan and your Kal Ho Naa Ho!). There's a melancholic charm to be found in these stories that makes everything more heartfelt and sincere and those are two things that a lot of conventional romances these days tend to lack. Of course, with that said there's always something underwhelming to be found with these kinds of romances as well. The way these stories present themselves makes it painfully obvious that it will end in a certain way, and that just takes some of the fun ...
Jun 28, 2012
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (4/8 chp)
The story is really heavy on the drama. I’m not sure exactly weather I like it or not so I feel a bit stuck in the middle. I have never been much into Romance when it doesn’t have some type of comedy within it. I do feel rather sorry for the people within the story. The Nun who only wants to do good, a women who isn’t feeling any love from her mother or the other people around her, and a man who all his life he had seen people turn on their words.

The story seems to speak of forgiveness a lot. Forgiveness of ...
Jan 5, 2013
I knew it would be good from the beginning. Juri's first lines within every chapter were always captivating. What was particularly special about this piece of literature was that the characters were so relatable, so honest and so real. I felt immediately close to them. Every monologue was special, and read twice, three times, just to fully enjoy it.

This story was simple, but carried questions and thoughts that we all ponder when we're alone. You can read this manga in a day, but it's one that can really change you, one you'll think about for a long time.
Feb 24, 2011
[ Note: This is my very first review, so please bear with me ]

Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan is one of those unexpected mangas that you randomly read out of curiosity just to see why everyone else gave it a perfect score (at least that's what happened to me) .. I'm not really a huge fan of tragic and dramatic plot lines that are suppose to be very meaningful, but this one in particular was an exception.

Juri is a pianist who attempted suicide 3 times, her aunt tries to help her out and therefore takes her to a prison where murderers are sentenced to death, ...
Mar 26, 2010
I've been in a slump. Recently every manga/manhwa/manhua that I have clicked on has been thoroughly disappointing. Resulting in a poor plot and sloppy characters, so I wasn't expecting much from this little piece. Boy, didn't I get a surprise!

The story drew me in from the get-go, capturing my attention and refusing to let my mind wander off topic. It really is a little masterpiece. The emotions that pour forth, clutch tightly to your conscience and you're unable to stop the tears from free falling. The characters are so believably realistic that you feel as though you know them personally. Not only that, ...
Jan 24, 2012
though i have to say i'm not a fan of reviewing art or reviews in general, as art is an entirely subjective form, i have to say a few words about this - this is the story of how two very lost people are saved by each other and fall in love for a very short time - sad to say, but our greatest loves are sometimes far too short - a suicidal girl agrees against her will to start visiting a murderer on death row and over a very short time each teaches the other what it means to really live each day to ...
Aug 31, 2023
I've never written a review for any work of art, be it movies, music, video games, comics, books, anything.. but reading this made me want to write how I felt about it and share it here. Even if no one ever reads this, I'll feel better having written down my feelings and thoughts about this manga.

I'm new to anime and manga. So far, this whole world of media has connected with me in ways no other modes ever have. Anime and manga storied have made me feel things I didn't know anything other than real life could- Care for characters, being seriously invested in them ...
Feb 16, 2013
Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan was a wonderful read. It's nice finding a manga like this once in a while. I read a lot of Shounen and Shoujo mangas and they don't have as deep of meaning as mangas like these ones. Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan is one of the most realistic, heart felt mangas I've ever read. I love the psychological and romantic aspect of the story. There was neither too much of anything nor too little of the elements. The story was easy going and at times made me tear up. The lesson is definitely something one can live by. We all ...
Nov 14, 2014
Well, actually I'm not sure to write a review since I'm not quite good on writing stuffs like this but, to sum up, I just want to share my thoughts and lingering feelings about thing Manga.

"dreaming of death... is nothing more than proof that you're alive, and just living is a part of life " - Mutou, Juri

While I was looking for Manga to read, I looked up to my Manga files saved to my HDD, then I found this thing, at first I didn't know its genre and synopsis. But I've decided to worked on it and read it for few chapters which ...
Feb 6, 2015
Story: 90%
The story of "Watashitachi no Shiawase na Jikan" may seem a bit too simple and even cliché at first, but after about two chapters we realize that this is not like this... The manga depicts the love as it really is: a pure love, without ulterior motives by the characters or stupid things like: "I met you today, let's get married!". It's a mature and poetic love, which is emphasized with the beautiful phrases present in the script. Good joob!

Art: 50%
The art is the worst part of the manga. Sometimes a simple thing can be better than a complex one, but in this case ...
Apr 25, 2010
Heh, I was very sceptical about reading this, I see it every time every time i look up the top manga, but i never got to reading it. So after a while, i was like, "Eh.. Why not?" It showed to have a story, a tear jerker if you would say. Even i cried at this, overall i enjoyed this manga because it shows the pain of other people you would never think about.

Jul 29, 2010
Although a not very well known manga, I can say it's the best I've read.
The story is original, heartwarming and sad, without being cheesy and stupid. It's so touching and exhibits human nature in a mature and interesting way. Very well put together. Rating: 10/10
In many mangas, the story is raelly great but the art lacks or vice versa. Not in this one. The art is more realistic than most but I think it just contributes to the brute reality of the piece. All round, really beautiful, especially the cover. Rating: 10/10
Yay! No Mary Sue characters here. Juri is both real and fresh. She's ...
Feb 26, 2015
About storyline,
This story really make me crying.Falling love with a criminal not a good idea but we can know their painful life in this world.We must become a brave person in this world if want continue life.Don't give up with life.
It's painful when Yuu crying when hear Juri playing a piano.I think this manga can make other people crying.

About Art
The arts in this manga not bad.It's good and can be understand.This arts look like oil painter but it's okay.

The characters in this manga also good.Yuu as a criminal and Juri as a lecturer.Juri can play a piano but she quit play piano because she is ...
Jun 9, 2012
Would you be able to forgive a person who has killed people? Do you judge a book by its cover? Would you love someone who has done something so terrible?

Watashitachi no shiawase na jikan is by far the most touching manga I have ever read. I wasn't too sure if I'd like it when I first started reading it, but in the end, it ended up being my favourite one.

Story (10/10): The thing that I'd like to point out the most is how the story is told. Every sentence is so well written, the dialogs flows with emotion. You are captivated by ...