Umarekawattemo Mata, Watashi to Kekkon shitekuremasu ka
Will you marry me again if you are reborn?
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Umarekawattemo Mata, Watashi to Kekkon shitekuremasu ka

Alternative Titles

Japanese: 生まれ変わってもまた、私と結婚してくれますか
English: Will you marry me again if you are reborn?
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 4
Chapters: 26
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 20, 2017 to Sep 20, 2019
Genre: Romance Romance
Serialization: Gene pixiv
Authors: Morinaga, Miku (Story & Art)


Score: 8.591 (scored by 1084810,848 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #1052
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #636
Members: 30,095
Favorites: 921

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Preliminary Spoiler
Mar 30, 2021
Never did I expect that I would cry and be happy at the same time literally in every chapter in a manga.

This manga is mainly about an old couple that survived a horrific world war. That’re twenty years later, now reminiscing and remembering the good and the bad memories they’ve had and made. Now what makes this completely different and unique, is how the story goes and it’s pacing in particular. It isn’t that special or really different but overall how it shows you the scenes and how captivating it is. Like really, you’d only understand me if you’ve read the manga.

~ Thoughts ~

First ...
Jul 20, 2019
Preliminary (18/26 chp)
This manga is a touching piece.

STORY (8/10)
Although the title, Will you marry me again if you are reborn?, sounds like something straight out of a fantasy, this manga is actually a rather sad love story between a young boy and girl who are reminiscing on the past as an elderly couple. It's a very unique premise that is being executed extremely well.
Each chapter builds the relationship between them further, giving input from both the boy and the girl's side of the story, and what the defining moments in their relationship were for them. Each beginning of a chapter has some sort of significance that is ...
May 15, 2021
"War doesn't allow for any emotion"

This is one of those hidden-in-the-rough gemstones you'll find every so often, it changes your perception, messes with your emotions, and leaves you crying with a smile on your face. As emphasis, I'd like to say I'm pretty good at holding in my emotions, especially when it comes to storytelling, but this was clearly just not the same for me.

The setting revolves around post-war japan, more specifically, a collage of both before, after, and during the actual war. We see the characters we're introduced to get ripped from their lives, see characters grow old, and then, unfortunately never see them ...
Mar 25, 2021
Its my first manga review ever so yeah i dont know much but i felt like this manga needs to have a proper review
Well Well ! What A Tear jerking ride it has been
A beautiful story of a beautiful couple which just makes you happy and sad at the same time
The characters are all likeable and every character has his own story that somehow connects with the main couple
The Art is beautiful but the thing i liked the most was narration How beautifully the author proceeded with the story he knew when exactly he had to make people laugh and when ...
Nov 3, 2021
I made an account just to write my thoughts on this specific manga. This is my very first time reviewing, so forgive me if it isn't very informative.

This story is about an elderly couple reminiscing about their youth. A beautiful love story that will move you to tears, whether it be happy or sad. I am not educated enough to know about the war and era the story took place in howbeit, I can truly feel the emotion it was trying to convey; how people had been sacrificed and how helpless they can feel. I was drawn to the characters. They had personalities that ...
May 8, 2020
Preliminary (14/26 chp)
Grab a box of tissues and prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of feelings. From the title and picture, I thought it was just going to be a lighthearted manga. Well, that turned out to be really wrong. Sure, I'm a crybaby for stories that force your emotions, but I've been non-stop crying since chapter 1.

Story: Some parts seemed forced so I gave it a 9. Also, it tends to jump around so it was hard to differentiate characters. Otherwise, it's very smooth and emotional.

Art: 9. Characters and scenes are well drawn. My only issue is some characters are hard to tell apart. I question it ...
Aug 1, 2021
I don't write reviews but I just need to lay out my thoughts and emotion in someway to show the blessing I received by accidentalIy stumbling on this manga, so here it is.

I originally thought that this story would be a simple "present to past then to present again" type of romance story. Where we see a cute loving couple reminisce about how they first met which led to the present in some romcom way.

Oh was I wrong. Indeed it had a really cute story building between our FMC and MC and it touch a bit on family and the social treatment on poors ...
Aug 22, 2020
Preliminary (16/26 chp)
The title speaks for itself, "Will you marry me again if you are reborn?"

The story is about Ibuki and his wife Kaoru who have been devotedly in love ever since they could remember. They are now grandparents. Ibuki is bedridden in a hospital and recalls their past together along with the people around them.

The manga is pretty sad and realistic so do have some tissues with you when reading this. It shows how their relationship developed and how the experiences they and their friends and family went through.

I believe the title is basically Ibuki asking his wife, "Will you marry me again ...
Jun 18, 2020
Preliminary (16/26 chp)
You read this title and think, aww this is probably one of those sweet ass manga that make you fall in love.


This is a tearjerking sadistic manga that will fill bucket loads of tears as you get hit by the feels. You think its only happy moments then get the hell outta here as you will cry like a little bitch if unprepared. This is a story about love yes, but its also about heartbreak.

you got your marriages, you got your losses, everything that happened to this couple shall eventually end in a bittersweet way as one of them is bound to die and you ...
Aug 22, 2024
Loved the feelings and emotions behind this story. The characters were suddenly put out right off the bat in the first chapter, which was surprising, but their development and history were covered, which brought depth to them. This manga, by Morinaga, Miku, connected the reader with the characters, who were well drawn out and realistic. Some of the harsh realities of life were covered, along with the sweet romance. This brought out the realistic part of the story.
It's a comforting art style. With Showa Japan as the background, the storyline was good. It was simple to understand the character expressions and the text inside the ...
Feb 27, 2024
This is such a amazing manga with so many intense feelings and moments. I seriously have lost count of how many times I held back my tears and how many times I simply failed in doing so. The way it portrays different kinds of strength in people and the unwavering love people carry in their hearts even when the whole world is against their very own existence, it seriously makes me want to look ahead into my own life. Though I know this is fiction, the fact that this fiction came from the reality of many in the past, it's simply heartbreaking and beautiful ...
Mar 6, 2021
Preliminary (21/26 chp)
I don't usually write reviews, but I believe this manga deserves more attention so bare with me for a couple of lines.

STORY - 9/10
Will You Marry Me Again If We're Reborn starts off with the main characters reminiscing about their life, family, and love as they're getting older.

If you're expecting 100% fluff, turn away because this manga talks about child abuse, war, affects of poverty, etc. Don't get me wrong though, I've laughed, smiled, and cried while reading this; it will get sad when it wants to be and wholesome when it wants to be.

I would like to highlight how the past memories are ...
Nov 2, 2021
I think a review I had read earlier puts it best; it's incredible just how happy and sad this story can make you through every chapter. I don’t know what else to say other than it’s a beautifully composed story illustrating the darkest hardships of life, but also how love, connection, and understanding can balance that to make life worth living. The pains the characters and families go through are experiences no one should have to endure, and yet they rely on one another to continue finding the light in the world.

Of course, Tora ...
Jul 2, 2022
I write reviews as personal notes but, I'll try to write it in a way that'll remind a future-Me of how good this is without spoiling incase I ever forgot about the events in this Gem.

I love romance. I stand for the idea the mangaka has of it. and of course, I loved it.
It isn't often I feel included in a group or family when I'm watching an anime or reading a Manga, but with this one? I not only felt like a member, but I felt their pains as if they were my own. Like they were my family's suffering I felt and wanted ...
Sep 21, 2022
One of the best works I've ever seen in my life.

I started reading this manga knowing only that it was the story of Okouchi Kaoru and Ibuki Toranosuke, an elderly couple who now remember their past together and I recommend that you read it knowing only that. I guarantee the experience will be worth it.

This story very delicately portrays the ups and downs of the couple's life and the people around them and how circumstances can influence everyone involved in happy or catastrophic ways. It shows that sometimes just being born in a certain time and/or region is enough to determine a lot in our ...
Feb 23, 2023
I was looking for a lovey-dovey old couple like the grandparents I've never had, but it doesn't come without the punch-in-the-gut feeling of loosing them.

This is a gemstone thru and thru, the story makes well-balanced jumps between the distant past, the not so distant one and the present, and touching a sensitive topic such as the war was quite unexpected for me, but it was conducted with perfection, focusing on the individual characters and how they dealt with something I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to relive if given the choice.

No character is added in vain, they are all relatable and fit well in the ...
Oct 28, 2023
You can hardly find anything you hate about this manga because you will learn to forgive any imperfection that is in this workpiece.

This JOSEI Manga ls 10/10
The theme of this manga is: family, brotherhood, marriage between husband and wife, and kindness.
Love is a healing balm when we choose to extend it to others while also receiving it for ourselves.

It taught me that it all comes down to an individual's choice to do good and love regardless of one's circumstances and background: being poor and past mistreatment are not obstacles or hurdles to doing good and carving a great future ahead.
Allow yourself to be ...
May 20, 2024
"A story about one Big Family that live on Japan during World war"


Why I recommend this manga?
Because this manga start with a simple plot,but the story and plot will getting bigger and bigger
And I almost cry when see the ending
Dec 31, 2021
No, this isn’t an isekai. And it’s questionable whether reincarnation is actually involved. You have been clickbaited. Which is probably for the best.

Umarekawattemo is the kind of work that will gather a lot of traction and praise from people weak to drama who are able to cry at the slightest sight of touching things happening. That said, this manga is actually good, but the “tear-jerking” part isn’t the sole reason. At the start, it unleashes the rather usual setup of trying to get your heart with bad things happening to good people and then the good people with bad things happening to them find another ...
Jan 29, 2022
I made an account just to write a review for this manga.
I'm really good at bottling up my emotions but this made me ball my eyes out, and even so at the end of it all, it had me smiling. This manga changed my views on war, it made me realize that the people fighting in these wars all have a family that they want to go back to, they are all humans and have something that they wish to protect and some of them don't even have a choice whether to fight in the war or not. War is cruel, it tears families ...