Mata, Onaji Yume wo Miteita
I Had That Same Dream Again
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Mata, Onaji Yume wo Miteita

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: I Too Saw the Same Dream
Japanese: また、同じ夢を見ていた
English: I Had That Same Dream Again
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 3
Chapters: 12
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 23, 2017 to Aug 25, 2018
Genre: Drama Drama
Serialization: Monthly Action
Authors: Kirihara, Idumi (Art), Sumino, Yoru (Story)


Score: 8.381 (scored by 98919,891 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #2372
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #816
Members: 23,830
Favorites: 870



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Nov 27, 2020
I read this with high expectations knowing how highly it is rated.. so here goes.

Story: Great story. The ending is a bit iffy for me, but I know if I spend some time dissecting it I will all come together (I hope).

Art: Art is crisp and clean.

Character: The characters of the story were great, they played integral parts of the plot and I loved it.

Enjoyment: I wanted to read more and more about this little girl's life. I wanted to know what all the characters had to do with each other. I definitely enjoyed it.

Overall: Very good. I do recommend it.
Sep 15, 2018
'Happiness does not walk on its own to you. You have to use your own feet to reach it.'

What is happiness to you?

A simple question, but the number of answers is almost infinite...

This may be a manga that could help you find your own meaning of happiness.

Story: 9
I decided to read this because it was done by the same author and artist involved in 'Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai' (KimiSui). This is based on the novel of the same name.
Nov 11, 2020
What is happiness? A simple question that this manga tries to answer beautifully.
Its hard to write a review with out spoiling too much of this brilliantly written story

Over All 10/10
The story is short. In the 12 chapters the author says what they need to and does not drag out the story. the pacing felt right. nothing was rushed and nothing felt like the author dragging it out

Story 10/10
the story is simply amazing. It is very well done. It follows a young girl as she tried to find the meaning of happiness. The story shows many different forms of happiness. Each one special and stands ...
Mar 8, 2021
"Happiness is to have someone acknowledge that it's okay for you to be here."

I will say I'm not a person who really reads a lot of manga at all and especially random ones that I picked up at the book store without any research or knowledge about it. I mainly only read manga of anime I'm currently watching that won't have a season 2 or a final season that I just want to know the ending. But something about this book and it's title caught my attention and I decided I want to pick it out and read it.
I don't really enjoy reading manga ...
Jul 15, 2023
This whole manga is kind of but not really an attempt to define happiness, which is something that can't really be defined as it is different for everybody.
The story bittersweet with a surprising twist that left the audience filled with multiple feelings at once and I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry, but maybe that had to do with the fact that I completed this at night alone.
Manga like this one are always some of my favorites because they get you thinking about them after you finish, because they have such a subtle and strong message.
Wishing everyone to find their happiness 🥰🥰

Aug 19, 2021
"What is happiness?" simple question but difficult to answer.

Tell the story of a girl who has a duty to find the meaning of happiness, the girl has three friends of different age. Everyone view of happiness changes according to their situation. Everyone wants to be a happy person, however, what kind of person is said to be happy?

According to abazure-san happiness is thinking about someone sincerely, where when we think about someone sincerely your heart will feel full. According to Minami, happiness is being accepted, where her work can be accepted by many people. For grandmother happiness is when we can now say "I'm happy"
Jul 8, 2021
‘What is happiness?’

The introduction at the first page brought the readers a question consisting of three simple words, but somehow it was quite difficult to find a satisfying response. The respective answer would depend on social, religious, philosophical and educational variants, takes different shapes from person to person, and in conclusion, there is for sure no definitive model. Nevertheless, it is safe to say that for kids, it’s family and friends, young adults, relationships, and for the pillar of society, grown-ups, to have what essential and necessary, which could all be summed up in a short word, yet still hard to interpret, 'love'. That is ...
Feb 1, 2021
I found this piece by chance, not knowing who wrote the story or what's even written in the synopsis. It's marked as completed at 12 chapters long and at a glance, the art seemed nice so I decided to give it a go.

The story is not something that hasn't been told before, but the way it was told is brilliant and makes it abundantly more enticing. Almost as if you felt for Nanoka Koyanagi's enthusiasm to meet up with her unlikely group of friends. The characters are the best part of this piece for me. How the main character is set center-stage and how she ...
Jan 29, 2021
This story is an absolute masterpiece, and no, this might not be the best manga I have ever read but I would still consider it a masterpiece, a masterpiece in comfort, I have never sat down to read a book and had such a comfortable time.

I feel like a few of the plot twists were a tad expected but I don't think that took away from the story at all, in fact it just made the experience all the more comfortable.

All of the characters in the book are super fleshed and fun to interact with as well, the art only does wonders to make ...
Jul 21, 2024
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're going to get" just like me when i first read this manga.

When i read or watch a story the first thing that comes into my mind is not "how the story will end" or "what twist that will happen in the end of story" but it's always "what is the author trying to tell the readers with this story in the end". This manga is the best representation of that. This one may not have an amazing plot or amazing twist but this one definitely has many amazing lessons that you will learn ...
Jun 8, 2021
What is happiness? This question gets complicated as time goes by. The manga piqued my interest because of its high ratings, but this question made me turn the pages up to its end-as I also wanted to know what makes me happy.

"Life is like pudding; it might have some bitter moments, it's also filled with sweet and bitter moments. People live to have a taste of those moments."
Pudding is enjoyed as a whole —
a taste of bitterness and sweetness.
Just as a pudding, life has its bitter and sweet moments. Sometimes happy then gloomy, vice versa. Life goes on, gets tough, and makes ...
Sep 13, 2021
what a deep story to read its really rare to find something like this on the market , trust me the story itself is a story of each one of us you gonna ask me how ? basically this is the same question that all ppl looking for , whats is the happiness

at the beginning the events is kinda slow and a bit boring but at the end the story will rewards u with a ton of questions lmfaoo like oh damn even tho i liked it i felt peace deep inside me reading this

it does worth your time so give it ...
Oct 26, 2021

This is simply something I'd like to get out of the way, I am fairly new when it comes to manga and have only read 3 other series before this, So please excuse my lack of knowledge. It would also be my first time writing a review.
Another point to mention is, This likely won't be a long or thought out review with much to say comparison and will likely be from my perspective, The perspective of a beginner.

I had that same dream again
(Mata, Onaji Yume wo Miteita)

Authored by Yoru Sumino, a writer best known for I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, the novel that became ...
Nov 26, 2022
A charming story about the meaning of happiness, delivered through the unfolding life stories of three individuals as seen through the eyes of a little girl, who has her own life and worries.

I don't think it's useful to give the normal story/art/character ratings because that's not really what this is about. The characters and plot are a vehicle for the question and answer presented in this manga, "what is happiness?".

That's not to say the characters are flat or boring, we can all relate to someone in this manga. Perhaps we could have been one of these people if our lives had turned out a bit ...
Jan 30, 2023
What an amazing story. Very sweet and suitably melancholy. Essentially being the story of a little girl trying to understand the world around her and what happiness means. Honestly a lesson here for most of us, especially those of us more firmly entrenched in our own daily lives.

The characters are interesting and compelling, the story takes interesting turns but it never feels melodramatic, nor does it put any real weight on the twists it has. Actually this almost reminds me of fables, or allegorical tales. It's an incredibly relaxing tale that requires it's reader to read it earnestly and honestly.
Mar 17, 2025
I can’t use words to describe this manga.
After reading few negative reviews, I’ll admit that it does bring up the overall theme quite frequently, and it’s not exactly a subtle story. But why does that make it bad? It certainly isn’t shallow.

This is one of the reasons why I’m an avid anime and manga fan, unique stories like these that genuinely made me cry, and tackle issues, whether big or small in such nuanced ways. The whole series had so much emotion packed into it, whether you agree or not it certainly makes you question yourself.

To be more specific, one thing that ...
Feb 20, 2023
Mixed Feelings
If you're going into this having read I Want to Eat Your Pancreas (another work by the same author and artist), you will be disappointed. If you're going into this without having read I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, stop and go read that instead. The first half of this manga pissed me off. Every message it reaches is used to beat you over the head, drilling it into you in an unbearably obvious and condescending way. The plot doesn't feel like it's going anywhere until a little over halfway through. Even near the end when I realized what it was trying to do, I ...
Jan 2, 2021
Ok hold up.

You probably seen the other reviews and you might also be aware that this manga comes from the author of "I want to eat your pancreas" and "Kakushigoto", but unlike those previous works that I mentioned, this one is garbage, the only reason that I didn't rate this any lower, is because it's short and I'd rather read this again, than to watch SAO. This manga's main gimmick is "happiness" or at least how the characters and narrative discusses it, and the execution was as bland as it's premise. It was uninspired and it feels like a 5 years old child wrote it. ...