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Sep 22, 2021
I'll admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong about this show. I honestly at first thought it was gonna be another typical Isekai with a over power main character who isn't any bit interesting at all. But as the story progresses, we actually get some good character development. And a guy who doesn't really care for harem, they did this one in a way that was funny and enjoyable.
We have so many Isekai this year and it's not something I really personally enjoy, I would say this is one of the few better ones I've watched. It was entertaining and there's a dark
undertone somewhere in here.
Visually - the visual was pretty neat to this. It had some pretty good fight scene.
Character - I enjoyed the cast, I didn't at first but they grew on me. And who doesn't love a Yandere waifu that's a spider that can eat you lol...
Also a great ending song as well.
So overall, this was fun to watch. If you just want something more chill and simple to watch it's worth a watch. It's not like gonna blow you out of the water or anything. It's more of a simple story. Though I would say it did have some moments that boy it can go a dark route and it would be interesting to explore those path in the future.
Will I watch a season 2? Sure, I'll give season 2 a watch, since I ended up enjoying it towards the second half of the show. And as I stated, i was wrong before about it, it was entertaining.
Note I just rate base on personal enjoyment
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 18, 2021
Sad to see this beautiful anime ended today - hoping for season 2. Will give this a rewatch in the future.
You ever go into a show and have no idea what a shamisen is and decided to watch it on a whim? Well I am glad I did, because I did not expect to fall in love with this anime. From all that it gave us from start to finish, I felt like I was caught in the middle of a storm waiting because I was so captivated by this show because of all the sound it produced. Truly a beautiful anime that deserves more
recognition. Sorry if this review is a little all over the place, since I'm just typing as I go with whatever comes to my mind.
To review, I'm gonna mainly start by focusing on the beautiful OP Blizzard and will work from there on.
Blizzard returns for the final episode!!! I love that OP and I think it is the perfect opening for this anime, nothing against the second opening. Those are both great in their own respect to demonstrate where Setsu stands.
Now just to review my final thought on this show with mainly his final performance. Why Blizzard was the perfect song choice to demonstrate the beauty to this anime.
We see throughout the entire series, he was chasing after his grandpa. Chasing after the sound that is lose, it is like chasing someone through a blizzard, you can only go so far before you lose sight of their footsteps in the blizzard. We see how Setsu is lost and eventually he does get free from it which we have the second OP. Which features all his friends, because now he has found a new path before him. But with the final couple episode, reality comes crashing down again when we are met again with his mother and father. He is again caught up in the storm (which blizzard was the perfect choice for the final episode).
What a way to close off this anime and truly one of my favorite this season. With his final piece being broken into two part, the sound he was chasing and his own sound. Instead of trying to keep following a path, we must create our own path even through the storm. We can only hope for season 2 where Setsu must find his own footing and path and walk it. As his friends seem distant now and lost. Sometimes we are just caught in the midst of everything and we forget about those who are with us.
If we were to talk about the visual and art style, it is beautiful. Along with the sound created, this was a delight to the ear. How they portray the sound with nature, how beautiful the sound of the shamisen captivated me so much. It was not a show I was expecting to love but this turned out to be one of my favorite of spring 2021. Is it a masterpiece? Well that is up to you to decide, but base on my own personal enjoyment, I would give it a perfect score. Since I absolutely loved everything about it. From the art, to the sound and the characters. I was happy with the plot as well, especially since with the final result being what it was.
So now I wait here patiently hoping one day I will hear season 2 being announced and jump for joy. Until then, I will just enjoy what was presented and I love both the OP and ED. It is truly a great work of art and deserve more praise. A hidden gem of this season for sure.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 15, 2021
A anime I've been waiting for a while to watch when I first heard about it being made. I am glad to finally get the chance to watch it and boy, it did not disappoint. After all the waiting, I was greatly satisfied with what I witnessed.
I will say this, Josee is not someone you'll like right away (unless you're like me, you liked her right away). She does get time to really developed into a more likable character who learns to overcome her short coming. There are dreams that sometimes seem too far out of our reach, but we just have to keep
trying and trying without giving up. So that's basically who she is and if you don't like that type of story or character development, well it isn't for you.
It'll be tough to enjoy this anime if you just base your whole enjoyment on what's presented right at the start. I do know the feeling of getting your taste sour right away by someone you don't like and hard to accept their redemption arc. So decide for yourself if it's something you can do before watching it. Or it won't be fair to just go in to hate on this anime.
The overall plot is pretty straightforward and predictable, sure. Does it mean it isn't worth watching or good? I don't think it ruins or take away from anything at all. The romance is sweet and given enough time to really show their affection for one another. It isn't rushed or anything and treated in a good manners. The supporting cast was great along with our awesome two lead who are both are amazing!
There are a lot of beautiful shots too, though the art is probably the weakest part to it, it is still great. It does have moments that were beautiful when needed to be, but for the most part, it is just pretty average. Nothing that really stands head and shoulder above a lot of other shows or what you would expect of a movie.
I do recommend this to anyone who loves a good story about overcoming your weakness. As that is a key plot in this movie along with the romance element. Learning to conqueror your fears. Like a fish trapped in a tank free to wonder the ocean.
If it does sound like something you would enjoy, I highly recommend it. But look pass the first couple minutes as some people will hate Josee early on. It does have some pretty good comedy parts and worth your time if you really invest into the story and the characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 15, 2021
Well let's start out with the most obvious positive thing about this show is it's visual. I cannot praise it enough for the art style it has and the beauty behind it. Now with that being said, there's not much more to be praised about this show.
Now I don't believe this show is not watchable, as it does have some good parts to it. A good first episode and the final arc was good. Apart from that, the rest of it was just ehh... forgettable. Because I felt like it was a mess of a story, where we are introduced to a bunch
of characters early on and never seen them again. The plot seem to be everywhere with no clear direction. And the characters were like good then bad then good then bad... so it was hard to follow.
The overall enjoyable of this is like how the ending felt, beautiful but tragic, such a bitter sweet story. This had a chance to really been something special with it's great art. But without a clear direction and the characters weren't anything special with the lack of interactions that were memorable. It can be very forgettable.
If they gave more screen time to really flush out some relationship, I believe this could've been something worth watching. With so little to any real relationship being built as everyone seems to want to kill one another and saved each other by betraying each other? I was like what is going on here? I guess they wanted to get the point across that "history repeats itself." But could've done it such a better way then what we were presented.
Overall, not a terrible anime, but not one I will remember or talk about in the future. I don't hate it, I just didn't enjoyed it. It has it's good moments, the final arc did save it from being a terrible anime. If you enjoyed it, that's awesome, but this is just my personal opinion.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 29, 2021
What the heck did I just watch? Before I knew it, it was already over... before I can even process what I'm watching, it ended so fast. Life can hit you like that... so can anime too.
Well how to describe this anime? Well, just watch it yourself, it's not like you got anything else better to do. Since it's only a short anime, less then 30 minutes, basically one whole episode.
A bunch of random things happening, can't really say there's a plot? No character development either. Just things to make you laugh and confused and enjoy. It is simple and not sure how
to really write a review on this? Since it's one of those you just gotta see it for yourself type of anime.
Premise is simple as we just witness three HS girls doing "ordinary" things. As they go about their daily life with whatever happens happen. So yeah, that's all I can really say to describe the show lol...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 28, 2021
The plot is pretty straightforward and simple that there's not much explanation needed. Simply put, a girl who's a introvert and only ever have one friend, that one friend told her she needed to befriend her classmate if they are to be friends again. And there you have it, she goes through the whole season just trying to make friends.
If you don't love Bocchi by like the first 3 episode, you won't really enjoy this show at all. Either you find her annoying or cute, that's how you will feel about this show. As I stated above, the plot isn't anything special. It is
all about the characters and how you feel about them. I personally love them all and it's easy to love Nako, because she's the most level headed person.
There's nothing too special or crazy with the plot or amazing character growth the out. Sure Bocchi slowly changes, but nothing to a point you'll see a big change. It's just gags and a repeated story that's just CGDCT.
Anyways, I loved it though, I found it easy to enjoy the characters. I love all the characters, there was a good amount of humor in it too. And who doesn't love Aru, her beam just makes you're day better. It was one of those simple and cute SOL show that you can just sit back and have a good laugh and simply smile. But if you find her annoying, best to drop it, because I rather you not waste your time on watching all 12 episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 18, 2021
I'll give this a 9 for now, it almost can be a 10 for me but I'll probably do that after I finish reading the manga first lol....
Princess Jellyfish - when I first heard the title, I honestly thought it was gonna be a Isekei or some fantasy setting type of anime base on the picture I saw. So I went into this anime expecting those things but what I got, I was far more pleased with a simple setting and enjoyable characters. Thought none of these supporting character would really shine on their own, but as a group, they work well together. And
I love our two main lead, they have such great chemistry.
I will admit, the OP is legit, the insane amount of reference was worth watching it every time.
One of the main reason I watched this anime was because I recently picked up a manga called "Blank Canvas" and I know this is part of her work as she mentioned it in there too. So I enjoyed her style of writing so I decided to watch this and pick up the manga too. I'm glad I did.
The focus of the romance is pretty simple but it done well. It is more mature in how they handle it. It wasn't really rushed and it was given time to really flush out the character and build them up. And giving us a chance to know each of them.
There's a lot you can say about this anime but it's one you need to really give a chance. It was not what I expected at all. I thought it was gonna be your generic, "odd couple" as in she's a Otaku and he's a cool guy and they have nothing in common and fall in love. But it is treated more kindly and given a chance to make them have a reason to start to fall in love. Though it is probably still unrequited for now.
There's a decent amount of humor in here too.
Well anyways, apart from my first thought of what I was gonna get myself into, I am glad to see what I got when I finished it. It's just sad that there was never a second season. The voice cast was a great choice too, Kana did amazing as always :D
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 17, 2021
So if you're expecting this to be like a certain other anime where the girls play light music, it isn't.
I came into this not knowing to what to expect and left with not knowing what I just watched lol... it's not your typical "cute girls" doing cute stuff type of anime that's for sure. It is almost a parody of itself and the amount of 4th wall break is insanely funny.
There are a ton of references and I honestly feel sad that a lot of them went over my head. I realized how uncultured I was lol... hang my head in shame...
really honestly hard to describe what this anime is about. It reference a ton of stuff and the more you know, the better your enjoyment of it. Even without understanding all of them, it is still enjoyable. Now would it take away from your enjoyment? I don't know, that's up to you to decide.
It was a fun watch overall with what it presented. Having a ton of different type of jokes and running gags. It for sure isn't your cute girl type of anime. It even made fun of itself being a anime instead of just being a manga, which is hilarious.
Let's just say Kigu is best girl... not the cute side of her, her inner personality lol... the real her is my favorite character.
I can't wait to see season 2... the live action lol
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 12, 2021
Well obviously the main issue everyone's been having is the animation style, like watching a manga but with some minor movement. I didn't like it at first, but after a bit, I stopped caring about it and focused on all the other elements being presented.
The voicing acting! Let's give credit there, it was on point! It was excellent and I think they had a great cast for that part.
I didn't like it at first but after watching a bit, I got used to the animation and I had some genuine laugh. So yes, I will give it a good score base on how
I enjoyed it, but I did wish it was animated better and I can see people who didn't like that. But to say it was unwatchable... nah... it was still hilarious. So just to judge it on one element is unfair for this show.
A fun watch overall, very simple and to the point. No real plot what so ever. Just one of those shows you can just binge shortly and enjoy it for it's simplicity.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 3, 2021
Overall this was a fun anime to watched. It had a nice romance element going for it. Though it is a rom-com I felt more romance then comedy and is that a bad thing? Not at all, I love the romance in it. Was there comedy? Yeah there were a decent amount of comedy but I didn't enjoy it as much until the second half. I mean comedy is subjective, so you might've enjoyed it more earlier on.
One thing that I say this show does great at that I can appreciate it for that a few people won't enjoyed is how it handled it's
side characters. Though the show is about our main two, they kinda took a back seat at times so that the other characters can shine. Which at first I was kind of worry about because I didn't know how I would feel about these people as I loved our main two (Hori best girl of 2021). But I was genuinely surprised and moved by the side characters. They were well written and their had great character development. They weren't just side characters that you can easily end up forgetting or being comedy relief.
Horimiya treated it's characters well and overall was a fun watch. Though I can see one issue with the overall plot feeling rushed. As in they didn't developed their relationship much at all and they ended up getting married and stuff. Well not everyone dates for 100 years before they even hold hands. There was nothing really wrong with that because everyone has their own timing. And if you don't like that? Watch some harem anime because those usually take forever... not saying harem are bad or anything.
In all, Horimiya was a fun watch and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Went into it blind and glad I stuck to the end. One of my favorite of winter 2021. It has a simple plot and has a great cast of voice actors. And the visual was unique. Though personally it wasn't my favorite part of them having the same hair color and eyes. Just me nick picking lol...
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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