I read three chapters of this manga, shut down my computer, and called my Mother
to say hello for the first time in too long. If you're as lucky as me, you'll do
the same.
It is good when a piece of fiction that's rooted in the fictional concept of
rebirth acknowledges the importance of "family" in the development of character.
This is rare in Manga. Oda once said something along the lines of "Good
parents don't let their kids grow up to become pirates" and can you really say
that's inaccurate? I can't.
The sense of childlike wonder in the romance of adventure is synonymous with the
concept of premature independence. Link's a child who's probably too young to be
saving Hyrule, and Miyamoto was probably too young to be exploring the
countryside on foot collecting bugs, which inspired The Legend of Zelda in the
first place.
Immaturity and naivete are necessary to healthfully consume young-adult fiction;
at least it is as you begin to grow older.
Consequently, I'm not sure if the growing popularity of Isekai says something
about the maturity of aging fans of Japanese media, or if it says something
about the desires and fantasies that these fans hold dear to themselves.
I expected just another one.
Another light novel adaptation with okay art.
Another protagonist who's tired of it here on this plague infested planet, lucky
enough to escape to a fantasy world with a unique and privileged set of
challenges granted to him by a benevolent, fiction-crafting God.
Then we met William. Saw William. The art is beautiful.
He introduces us to his family. They're the only plot in sight.
"It's hardly a Manga at all" I thought to myself.
"There's no substance except for the Mistborn-esque magical rule explanation."
I'm bored already.
Then there's a simple secret. Everything is simple. It's so juvenile.
Then... a church. Religion? Non-trivial acknowledgement of the ethics underlying
Chapter 2. This is what I was expecting. I've read four dozen Isekai that start
this way, and I hate them all. I hate the protagonist... Wait, the protagonist
also hates the protagonist.
"Maybe this is another one of my punishments..."
His mother takes him outside, a baby no more than a few weeks old.
The scenery is beautiful and overwhelming.
"After living in such a hopeless vague manner...
I had though that waking up in this world was my punishment for not being filial
and retribution for looking down on life.
However, this is by no means a punishment.
This is forgiveness.
The thing that I had carelessly thrown away was granted back to me by someone."
Here's where you know it's a different kind of Manga.
William is, for lack of a better word, blessed. He's dutifully being raised by
a capable, knowledgeable, and passionate family. They forgive his faults,
nurture his curiosity, and, barring the occasional uncharacteristic hostility,
are kind to him.
There's really, honestly, nothing in the slightest wrong here. There's no plot
and you don't understand why you're okay with that.
You're told by the parents that there's a "lot going on" and you believe them.
You're certain that whatever it is, everything will be okay.
Will is living this Manga with the exact same vision that I have while reading
it. An adult "inhabiting" the life of a younger person and trying to make the
most of it.
To me, as I read through the lovely, comfortable, and masterfully crafted
atmosphere woven for me by the first few chapters, I found it asking me
I forget these questions.
As we age we attempt to comprehend the emotional states of our parents.
First they protect us, and as we age we come to better understand them.
I don't know how old I was when I first realized "Oh, my parents are mortal and
have flaws and weaknesses just like me" but I think it was however old William
is in Chapter 3.
The plot has been there all along. You still can't put your finger on what the
plot is yet, but you finally realize it's there.
You're not reading this any more to solve a mystery.
You're reading this because, just like Will, you want to understand what Wills
parents are saying, doing, and feeling.
The narrative continues. It focuses on Will. His teachings from his Father and
Mother grow more involved, and the teachings from his uncle grow increasingly
unreasonable and hostile.
You don't know why. It doesn't matter.
I've beaten this bush enough. I recall my question.
... What the hell is wrong with you? Yes, you. How can you consume this genre?
How fucking dare you think that you'd be okay after being forced to leave behind
everyone who's ever loved you?
How fucking dare you so easily accept fiction reliant on your identification
with self loathing, self hating, regressive, and distraction obsessed main
Saihate no Paladin understands these questions.
They form the cornerstone of the first arc of this Manga.
When you're young, it never once occurs to you that the people who raised you
won't be with you forever.
The time comes when Will is at his weakest. He's old enough to learn what his
family is and what his existence means. His existence is born of a malevolent
scheme that exploits the fundamental goodness of his family, and they may be
killed for having raised him.
The restraint I show by keeping this review free of spoilers is causing me
genuine anguish and suffering.
I found myself incapacitated by a piece of fiction I was reading.
Under the weight of having learned the harm that he did by merely existing, he
utters aloud the words "... It's all my fault."... And the way that his parents
repair his emotional well-being is just... Peerless. Un-Improvable. World-view
I've frozen at this impasse in the review for four months now.
Eleven thousand words and I can't find a single combination of them that
satisfies me.
Every time Will cries in this Manga, I do too.
This is no mere sympathy, but empathy.
You can't relive life, and you can't truly reread this.
I've tried. It injures me every time I do. Every time I reread this, the feeling
of childlike wonder I felt never returns. The realization Will lacks until
adulthood, that the lives of those he loves are fleeting, haunts me and prevents
me from suspending disbelief. How can I suspend disbelief? This isn't fiction
This is a beacon of what fiction is capable of.
Will is tormented by his memory for failing to express his love when he
could. In whatever feeble way this is, I will make that mistake no longer.
Read this in any form you can. I can say the Light Novel is just as astounding
as the Manga, and neither is better than the other. The correct answer is to
read both, and then tell me what you thought of it.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Paladin of the End, Ultimate Paladin Japanese: 最果てのパラディン More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Sep 25, 2017 to ?
Comic Gardo Statistics Ranked: #13542 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #612
Members: 30,981
Favorites: 367 Available AtResources | Reviews
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Your Feelings Categories Dec 26, 2020
I read three chapters of this manga, shut down my computer, and called my Mother
to say hello for the first time in too long. If you're as lucky as me, you'll do the same. It is good when a piece of fiction that's rooted in the fictional concept of rebirth acknowledges the importance of "family" in the development of character. This is rare in Manga. Oda once said something along the lines of "Good parents don't let their kids grow up to become pirates" and can you really say that's inaccurate? I can't. ... Nov 14, 2020
Sadly underapprieciated on this site.
This manga is very similar to others that deal with fantasy/magic and mortality - Fumetsu no Anata e and Sousou no Frieren for example. Charecters are nice, but the reader will only see the parts of them that are relevant to the story. Its not a bad thing and you can get a sense of what they are like in other situations. The characters seems alive, with their own reasons and desires. Even those who are close to William don't stop showing this. Events will change a charecters personality in a scene, something that others might consider to be "acting out ... Feb 2, 2020
Honestly this manga hits me deeper than any other manga , usually the tittle of rebirth is like you've gained some power and become OP immediately but this manga is different.
This hit me hard that i've cried for a whole 30 minutes while reading the "Parting" and "Departing" chapter , tbh this is the first manga i've been cried for and i never cried watching anime and reading some any manga but this is different This manga is a MASTERPIECE , its the real SLICE OF LIFE genre that having some deep good shit to know like how life's work Any other Anime / Manga its probably ... Dec 26, 2019
「Saihate no Paladin」is an amazingly good and refreshing read.
The premise is very promising - A priest of a goddess who is all but forgotten coming from a faraway land to save the world. So far the delivery has not disappointed and exceeds my expectations. The storytelling is done extremely well and at a good pace. It's so interesting that I am willing to read each page slowly while eagerly awaiting the next one. The earlier chapters that go over William's early life with Mary, Blood, and Gus gave me the emotional chills and hooked me in to become emotionally invested. It is the perfect setup to ... Mar 15, 2019
Saihate no paladin has become one of my favorite manga. I had read a lot of Isekai manga and found that most of manga has genres like ecchi and harem as it looks like they set trend to have ecchi and harem with isekai genre. It ruins the manga or anime though they have good story. I am disappointed whenever read a new isekai manga.But when l read Saihate no paladin, it eases my disappointment. It has unique story unlike other trashy isekai manga. It starts with a boy born from another world in undead city and raised by undead. That makes the story
Sep 4, 2018
I'm not going to give an in-depth review of this manga. Just know that it's an action/adventure isekai unlike any I've read until now(which has been dozens). Isekais usually consist of the same generic story with the same bland characters and some extremely convenient op skill that allows the protagonist to glide through the story with no real challenge. This isn't that. At first, it's just a boy being raised by his family in a deserted area. While some would think that it starts off slow that isn't the case to me. No, it does not start off action-packed but starts off focusing on character
Nov 16, 2022
It may start off something people might put the manga down immediately - but I promise you, this is easily one of the best manga I've read in the fantasy genre, thus far.
For anyone that loves deep characters and a world that actually tries to capture the idea of fantasy, this manga is for you. Story: 9 The story definitely starts with something generic and slightly slow to something that feels unimaginably fast, a guy from another life; the typical isekai. It does introduce a character that is extremely strong early on that the protagonist defeats, but people drop the manga so quickly without realizing how important ... Jun 29, 2019
[Spoiler Warning]
Why. What the hell happened. Imagine. Please hold on for a second and imagine this... Our writer was on the path to creating a masterpiece. Literally. This story was up there with the greats in terms of prose, atmosphere, tension mystery, and world-building. Please don't get me wrong, this wasn't perfect in EVERY way. For example, the characters where lacking. I would imagine this is one of the writers weaker points albeit they still weren't bad by any means, and one could be willing to forgive this aspect in light of what he/she had presented us with. More specifically, the Re-incarnation plot device really holds no ... Apr 17, 2021
I really like the story because it deals with themes that few other isekai stories do.
Without going too much into spoilers, it's not exactly clear how or why the MC got isekai'd. One thing that is clear about the MC's past (he doesn't know much either) is that he was not a great person. However, for some reason he got blessed by a certain Goddess (there are others) and was reincarnated in another world where he grew up in a nice but strange family. There is a vague yet strong attachment which the MC has with his Goddess. It is not forced, and it is ... Jan 4, 2022
Faraway Paladin is an excellent departure from the norm for fantasy isekai stories. From believable characters and strong emotional beats, to solid worldbuilding, action, and magic systems. And to top it all off, Faraway Paladin features none of the squick that so commonly plagues similar isekai manga. While it's certainly not a perfect story, and there are always improvements to be had, Faraway Paladin is an enjoyable read to be sure.
Story: 8 the plot is quite solid, and the author makes solid use of foreshadowing. The first several chapters have more of a mystery vibe to them, while it transfers to a more broad-in-scope story later ... Apr 9, 2022
It's really good, I refuse to deny that. Although I dropped it, I did give it a high rating because even if something isn't for me, I can still tell that it's very high quality. The reason I dropped it despite the quality is personal taste. When I read manga, the main purpose for me is to just lose myself in some other universe and enjoy some fights, good story, and silly jokes. This, unfortunately, did not meet those requirements, which is why I dropped it.
I only dropped it because it simply wasn't what I was looking for. This manga has a really interesting and ... Feb 23, 2022
Simply one of the best manga that exists. Beautiful art, unique characters that aren't simple cookie cutter tropes, fantastic world building, an awesome magic system, heart-wrenching emotional scenes, a large overarching storyline involving gods and the complexities between labeling things as good and evil, incredibly well designed monsters, no perv pandering. It genuinely doesn't get much better than this.
If you like action/adventure I can't recommend this one enough. Personally I think this is one that everyone should read at least once, even if action or adventure aren't your cup of tea it's just such a well told story it hardly matters. Edit: I genuinely forget ... Nov 17, 2020
Story: 9/10
Saihate no Paladin starts off pretty "slow" by showing the protagonist Will growing up being raised by his.... unusual 3 "parents", but it somehow it's not as boring as it sounds, since it sprinkles some mysteries and tasteful worldbuilding, just enough to leave you curious. Telling more would be spoilers but it's enough to say that the story is pretty consistent and interesting as it's never too predictable or contrived and I'd say is pretty well-paced. The only faults I can find with the plot is the whole isekai thing since it doesn't impact the story at all so far, it could've just been ... Apr 4, 2022
This manga is right up my alley. Exploring what it means to be a hero, to be human. The Faraway Paladin is a diamond that, in my opinion, outshines Mushoku Tensei. I highly suggest to go read this manga first before reading this review, or any review.
As of chapter 33, the story has some cliches but they are dealt with wonderfully. No struggle Will has gone through felt unrealistic or deus ex machina. Every character, even side ones, feel like you could see them as real people in front of you. They could exist somewhere on Earth and you could completely buy it. The world ... Apr 12, 2022
Story - Amazing. It makes sense and is beautifully thought through. It hits you right in the feels, and I felt a wave of nostalgia, gratefulness, and anticipation as I go through each episode. Yes, it is tear-jerking, but it is done beautifully so.
Art - I deducted some points because I personally don't enjoy the style and the lack of color, but some might prefer it this way because it is quite similar to other Japanese mangas. IYKYK. Characters - Very human. I can understand their motives and I find even the bad guy interesting enough. Spoilers: My only issue is 'Gracefell', a god, who doesn't ... Feb 9, 2021
I'm just gonna a write a short review, the start of the manga is really good it has a good atmosphere and characters with good world building and a lot of intrigue but after you get into the manga it just slowly becomes less and less interesting I stopped reading after a certain point but i would recommend reading the beginning latest because it is actually really good but after that it becomes quite boring. I would say the world building and the atmosphere are the best parts of the manga and the family are great characters that you grow to love but as but
Dec 21, 2023
The Faraway Paladin is a true gem in the world of fantasy storytelling. With its intricately woven narrative and vibrant, detailed art and world building, it immerses readers in our protagonist's life in a captivating realm of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. The characters are skillfully developed, each with their unique arcs that add emotional depth to the overarching world and plot. The protagonist's journey feels both inspiring and refreshing, making it easy for readers to resonate with the story on a personal level. The balance between action, mystery, and heartfelt moments is masterfully maintained, keeping the narrative dynamic and engaging. Overall, The Faraway Paladin is
Dec 13, 2024
It comes a bit late in the series, but this manga has one of the most intense, most accurate depictions of an "evil dragon" in any piece of fantasy I've come across. The build up to this reveal and the ensuing battle is so good, it's well worth reading through the whole story just for that part alone.
Thankfully, the rest of the story is also very good, and it does a superb job of building on itself over time. The manga does a good job of building up other characters besides the protagonist. Their actions and motivations are believable, and that makes the whole story ... Sep 1, 2021
So this manga, from what I've read, seems to have immensely good world building. There's a clear history, the system of magic is quite a unique and very detailed system that follows clear rules. The way that society is structured around various gods is also very intriguing. However, I feel like the author is not making full use of this.
The characters that we are introduced to at the start are somewhat bland. They seem to follow a lot of somewhat uninteresting character tropes, with some small dilemmas that aimed to give them more depth as a character, but only did so to a minimal extent. One ... Nov 22, 2023
This manga is atrociously bad. The characters are bland, the exposition drones on, and the plot is the most generic of isekai nonsense. However, the biggest negative is the religious circlejerking. There are ways to write a good religious story - this is not one of them.
The religious philosophy is bland, as if it's written by a freshman university philosophy student. The characters, especially the supposedly "evil" ones in relation to the protagonist, say cartoonish nonsense. The gods never truly earn the devotion that is given to them - they are simply granted such devotion because they are powerful. The followers are rewarded when they ... |