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Alternative Titles

Japanese: ちょびっツ
English: Chobits
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 8
Chapters: 88
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 25, 2000 to Oct 28, 2002
Genres: Comedy Comedy, Romance Romance, Sci-Fi Sci-Fi, Ecchi Ecchi
Theme: Psychological Psychological
Demographic: Seinen Seinen
Authors: CLAMP (Story & Art)


Score: 7.781 (scored by 3766537,665 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #14012
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #235
Members: 70,653
Favorites: 2,888

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A guy who lives alone finds a hot naked girl who doesn't speak japanese and he has to teach her the ways of life. In the mean time people try to capture her because she's deffective. The only real difference is that this time she's an alien instead of a computer. 
reportRecommended by RazorToTheRosary
Human fall in love with a "robot" 
reportRecommended by doorotka
A girl is found -> she is taken home -> she is innocent, childlike, and she cannot speak but one syllable (so she is named) -> she is found to be unique of her kind, and seems to have a darker "version of herself" lurking somewhere deep in her subconscious. (Note though, that Chobits does not delve into the level of gore Elfen Lied does, and Elfen Lied, though it does contain nudity, does not focus primarily on ecchi as comic relief like Chobits.) 
reportRecommended by SoneAnna
Both mangas are about a guy who happens upon a girl who was created through technology then falls for her. Both mangas touch on the question "what makes someone human?" If you liked one of them, its easy to get into the other one. 
reportRecommended by AceOp
Both manga revolve around men falling in love with a girl, but not under normal circumstances... Chobits features a robot girl, while the other features a real girl stuck on the main character's hand... Both weird but lovable. 
reportRecommended by tama-kunXX
I read A.I after reading Chobits and the number of parallels in the story was interesting. I found these two stories appeared to have almost identical ideas. The story of Chobits, however, is perhaps that little bit deeper and that little bit more thought-provoking; if you enjoyed A.I. for it's humor alone, you might not enjoy this so much. The main character is much like the one in Chobits; hopeless with girls and slightly shy about his sexual drive (it's very true). The female is just as hopelessly sweet and clueless. The later additions to the cast made for some comical moments not found within  read more 
reportRecommended by Lirael
Both are ecchi with a "robot" that calls the main character (hideki, tomoki) master and both are pretty similar. 
reportRecommended by jadsanime
Both explore what it means to be a human. In both a boy meets a robot girl by accident and develops feelings for her. Chobits is more romantic and pure Chii has a more sweet childlike nature, while the robot girl from 3 Level Combination is more mature and cold and the manhwa itself is darker, exploring bullying and not always portraying the main characters as likeable.  
reportRecommended by Terako-chan
both a romances centering around robot and master,though eko is a lot more of a joke series compared to Chibots  
reportRecommended by modoki8
A cute, curious, young robotic girl goes through her life the best she can while learning and making friends and, maybe, more then friends. Chobits has more of a older and mysterious look whilst Karakuri Odette is more relaxing and funny feel. Both are amazing and worth you're time! 
reportRecommended by Nanukana
Concept of androids iin both series. Both series also feature the building of an android resembling someone.  
reportRecommended by Dunkjoe
Well...although these two manga doesn't have excatly the same type of plot, but the chatacter are re-used. This is Clamp's method of how they make manga. They are using the same character in another serie and made a cross-over-ish effect. You will find a lot of clamp's character again in the current serie you are reading. Of course, you have to read something that's written by Clamp. Tsubasa is the biggest and longest story Clamp have written so far. It consists 28 volums and it both has romance and fighting. It suits both for people who likes action and a slight of romance in the plot.  read more 
reportRecommended by _Yuyuz
If you’d like to read conflict of romance between humans and androids, Chobits is your best bet. Even though both series depict the consequences differently, their end goal is to merge androids with human society. Rizelmine has this weird focus on child marriage while Chobits focuses on technology that affects society in every day life. Rizelmine is only one volume with episodic chapters, and Chobits is 8 volumes long but has a very fleshed out world that could be believable. Trust me, Chobits has everything that Rizelmine doesn’t have.  
reportRecommended by azenobio
Both manga are about guys who come across a very cute, and extremely rare, creature. The art styles are somewhat similar, and both have mostly a light atmosphere with slightly dark undertones (very mild). The female creatures also have the same personalities - clueless, to the point of not being able to speak, dedicated to the main character, etc.  
reportRecommended by faeryhne
Both mangas are set in futuristic worlds, where, technology is advanced, robots included. An average ordinary person meets a robot, who is clueless (but later learns) and starts falling for him (her in Chobits). Both robots are "special", they're one of a kind robots that have been made after extensive research. Both robots also believe that they were made for a specific reason/to find the one for them. If you like robots and love between robots and humans, these mangas are right for you (but Chobits has a little ecchi in it).  
reportRecommended by chierii
Both Roid and Chobits use the potential of a romance between a human and a robot to explore larger questions of the role of robots in human society, and where the line between robot and human can be drawn. Roid focuses more on the technical aspects of robotics, while Chobits is more about the emotions involved. 
reportRecommended by MorgantheFae
both of them have androids living together with people and falling in love 
reportRecommended by anala
In both manga, regular people find the androids in a pile of trash and "awaken" them. After that the androids are pretty much stuck to them. The main characters in both first try to figure the whole android situation ( return or get rid of) but later find themselves enjoying their company and gaining feelings for them. Though Zettai Renai Program is a little more on the shoujo side, Chobits is a little more serious but really funny at times. I enjoyed both. If you like the whole robot/android theme, i would highly reccomend either of these. 
reportRecommended by sugoi12344321
Welcome to the NHK, for me, was highly reminiscent of Chobits. the whole time i read it i was thinking "Chobits". NHK has a remarkably similar feel to Chobits, in my opinion. Both, in a way, deal with reality vs the 2D world (anime, manga, games (and persocoms)). Though they have different messages about each. If you want a similar story to NHK, Chobits isn't your best choice, but if you're looking for something that makes you feel the same way, and keep you on the edge of your seat in the same way, it would be a wise decision. 
reportRecommended by jetpackman
A human boy falls in love with a female robot. Both had heartwarming romance, and a little bit of fanservice, but it never feels unnecessary. 
reportRecommended by ObscureObsidian
They are set in the same universe and they both involve girl that aren't human and learn new things about the world every day. They are written by the same author and have great stories. 
reportRecommended by JungTaco
Both involve romance between a loser protagonist and a "girl" who's really more of an A.I. Chobits plays the romance angle harder while Ressentiment is a really cynical and messy version of similar themes, but they make an interesting comparison and each can be compelling if you want a different portrayal of the same theme. 
reportRecommended by lithiumflower
They have almost the same boy-meets-girl ordeal except in Chocotto Sister, of course, she takes the role of the main's younger sister. The story also kinda follows the daily life and experiences of Choko like Chobits does with Chii. If you want a manga with the same feel as Chobits then Chocotto Sister comes very close.  
reportRecommended by XxZeroxX
Despite the futuristic settings and superhuman nature of large sections of the casts, both series are, at heart, bittersweet searches for love and a place to belong as only CLAMP can tell it. 
reportRecommended by lithiumflower
Guy and girl in sort of "teaching about the world" relationship with obvious concequences, the difference? Kohaku is an angel, Chi is a robot chobits is funnier but the characters are just as cool 
reportRecommended by ionamay
Since they share some similar elements, and are about similar main characters, anyone who likes AMG should certainly try out Chobits. I found that Ah! My Goddess, Chobits and A.I. Love You all shared the same formula and their characters all shared the same basic qualities. Chobits is perhaps that little bit more enjoyable than A.I. Love You, which is why I'm recommending it before A.I. Try A.I. after. ;) 
reportRecommended by Lirael
the striking similiarities are especially really cute, beautifull drawings - although their plots are different, when I saw 'Angel Dust', 'Chobits' were the first thing that came to my mind :) 
reportRecommended by jumikao
Rein klar is like a shoujo manga interpretation of Chobits. Chobits and rein klar both contain the theme of robots replacing the roles of humans, either emotionally or as physical labor. The world in rein klar still treats robots mostly as tools, except Haku is a unique model capable of displaying and responding to human emotions. Chi starts with a simplistic mind that is fast to adapt. In contrast, Haku appears to function and communicate normally. Both are human-like robots that attach themselves to a man and want nothing more than to help that person. 
reportRecommended by shinkeikaku
Both are based around an female android-like being(s) searching for the destined man who is the "One for Them." However, the main romantic interest android starts this quest with amnesia. They both have a slight ecchi edge & a harem feel to them. Chobit is an 8 vol series while ADN is only 1 vol. 
reportRecommended by MadaManga
Chobits pretty much takes place in the same universe as Angelic Layer, making it somewhat of a spin-off. If you pay attention, you'll see light references to Angelic Layer. It's even mentioned once later in the manga. The creator of the Angelic Layer game is also the creator of the Chobits persocoms. However, the connection between the anime adaptations is very different. 
reportRecommended by Asrialys
Both mangas deal with falling in love with a robot, which both are "custom made" in both. Chobits, though, is much deeper and serious when compared to Love Neco's light tones. 
reportRecommended by Pyapi
Similar art, same author and both have cute, but interesting story. 
reportRecommended by JungTaco
Hybrid Child could pretty much be the BL version of Chobits. Both involve characters that aren't humans as love interests to the main lead. The plot is kind of similar, but Hybrid Child is tragic while Chobits it a little bit darker than your usual romance. 
reportRecommended by DarkRabbitReaper
The atmosphere in both animes isn't very much alike, but they do have some stuff in common. First of all, a young, pretty character having cat-like ears with lost memories suddenly coming into a relationship with a handsome stranger. They both focus on relatioships, their hardships and, most of all, looking for the only one person to love. This is often mentioned in these two series. They are both very touching, funny at times and romantic. 
reportRecommended by Frisco
Both series involve guys who end up caring for beautiful yet powerful artificial girls.  
reportRecommended by ImJustAPandaBear