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Days: 57.1
Mean Score: 7.70
  • Total Entries174
  • Rewatched11
  • Episodes3,373
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Feb 13, 7:31 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
Chainsaw Man
Chainsaw Man
Jul 7, 2024 9:47 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 9
Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season
Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season
Jun 30, 2024 4:22 PM
Completed 23/23 · Scored 9
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 64.1
Mean Score: 7.13
  • Total Entries610
  • Reread1
  • Chapters7,955
  • Volumes1,110
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Chainsaw Man
Chainsaw Man
Jul 20, 2024 7:07 PM
Reading 41/? · Scored -
Kieta Hatsukoi
Kieta Hatsukoi
Jun 8, 2024 9:02 PM
Reading 5/39 · Scored -
Kare no Iru Seikatsu
Kare no Iru Seikatsu
Jun 8, 2024 8:11 PM
Completed 11/11 · Scored 8

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MoonPhos Oct 24, 2020 12:01 AM
MauroJD Sep 22, 2018 3:58 PM

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OnionSoda Oct 22, 2017 8:44 AM

(*) En votación desde el 20/10 hasta el 24/10
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Moi-gibbs Sep 20, 2017 7:14 AM

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Marsune Jul 24, 2017 5:03 PM

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Moi-gibbs Jun 19, 2017 2:34 AM

(*) En votación desde el 17/06 hasta el 20/06
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Marsune May 23, 2017 5:40 PM

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Kotoneko-chan Mar 21, 2017 2:11 PM
¡Muy buenas gente! Ya estamos en marzo y se nos acercan tiempos muy interesantes, entre ellos: el tercer año juntos :D
Pero aún falta un poco y hasta entonces les tenemos dos grandes anuncios:

Estás invitado/a el 25 a las 6pm (utc-3) a participar de nuestro tradicional maratón de PVs y tráilers de la temporada Spring 2017. Diversión asegurada
Aún es tiempo de participar, no digas después que no te lo advertimos. ¿Podrás con la dificultad hardcore?
Más completo y mejor que nunca. ¿Podrás superarlo?
Se escoge una serie a ver todos juntos, después compartimos nuestras opiniones sobre la misma. ¡Ven y comparte con nosotros!
Este mes: Koi Kaze y Schwarzesmarken
Misma historia que el anterior, pero con Mangas. ¡Ahora renovado y con badges para los participantes!
Esta semana: Doll Star: Kotodama Tsukai Ihon
Ven al Vampire's Bar donde cada semana transmitimos un anime escogido por nuestros participantes.
La próxima semana tendremos Genshiken Nidaime
Del 20 al 23
El desafío favorito de los federastas. ¿Aún no has participado? ¿Qué esperas?
Somos club pionero en tener nuestro propio blog comunitario, y actualmente buscamos ampliar nuestros horizontes con aún más contenido. ENTERATE MÁS SOBRE ESTA GRAN ACTIVIDAD Y SIÉNTETE MÁS QUE INVITADO A PARTICIPAR
Recuerda visitarnos en nuestras diversas páginas

Kotoneko-chan Feb 22, 2017 6:34 AM
Febrero: Para algunos, mes del amor; para otros sólo es mercadotecnia y consumismo y otros lloran en una esquina por no haber encontrado al amor de su vida... aún. Apenas van dos meses del año y el Internet ha tenido bastante movimiento con esos memes te hablo a ti, maldita paloma mientras que en el mundo del anime parece que todo va tranquilo cofcoflolisfascistascofcof. Te invitamos a que pases tiempo de provecho en el Club, que tenemos muchas actividades para ti:
Nuestra edición de cards empezó el 14. ¡Aún tienes tiempo para pedir las tuyas!
Aún es tiempo de participar, no digas después que no te lo advertimos. ¿Podrás con la dificultad hardcore?
Más completo y mejor que nunca. ¿Podrás superarlo?
Se escoge una serie a ver todos juntos, después compartimos nuestras opiniones sobre la misma. ¡Ven y comparte con nosotros!
Este mes terminamos con: Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (TV) y Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
¡Votación para el siguiente AeC ya se encuentra disponible!
Misma historia que el anterior, pero con Mangas. ¡Ahora renovado y con badges para los participantes!
Esta semana: Mousugu Shinu Hito
Ven al Vampire's Bar donde cada semana transmitimos un anime escogido por nuestros participantes.
La próxima semana tendremos Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu.
Del 27 al 02
El desafío favorito de los federastas. ¿Aún no has participado? ¿Qué esperas?
Somos club pionero en tener nuestro propio blog comunitario, si te interesa participar
¡Estás más que invitado!
Recuerda visitarnos en nuestras diversas páginas

nerostrife Jan 13, 2017 10:48 AM
¡Bienvenido al 2017! Arrancamos otro año más con el típico optimismo y vitalidad que irá muriendo a medida que pasan los meses para encarar nuevos horizontes. Y qué decir de lo promisorio que parece ser este año en muchos aspectos, como el anime, y qué mejor momento para hacer una retrospectiva y celebrar lo que nos dejó el 2016 en:

Premios La Fede 2016
Nueva edición, nuevos desafíos, el reto de siempre mejorado. ¿Podrás con la dificultad hardcore?
Más completo y mejor que nunca. ¿Podrás superarlo?
Se escoge una serie a ver todos juntos, después compartimos nuestras opiniones sobre la misma. ¡Ven y comparte con nosotros!
Este mes: Isshuukan Friends. y Barakamon
Misma historia que el anterior, pero con Mangas. ¡Ahora renovado y con badges para los participantes!
Esta semana: Chimoguri Ringo to Kingyobachi Otoko
Ven al Vampire's Bar donde cada semana transmitimos un anime escogido por nuestros participantes.
La próxima semana tendremos Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
del 16 al 20
El desafío favorito de los federastas. ¿Aún no has participado? ¿Qué esperas?
Somos club pionero en tener nuestro propio blog comunitario, si te interesa participar
¡Estás más que invitado!
Recuerda visitarnos en nuestras diversas páginas

Josafat Dec 12, 2016 11:13 AM
¡Gente, se nos termina el año!

Así te haya resultado bueno o malo, toca despedirlo a lo grande para recibir un gran 2017 y qué mejor manera que participando en las interesantísimas actividades que preparamos!
Estás invitado el 28 a las 6pm (utc-3) a participar de nuestro maratón de PVs y tráilers de Winter 2017 y a continuación de este ven a nuestra Peña de Fin de Año donde charlaremos sobre los mismos y despediremos el año. NO TE LO PIERDAS
¿Te portaste mal y el gordo cabrón, digo, Santa te va a traer carbón (o hielo si estás en el hemisferio sur)? Pues ven con nosotros a participar de este evento y, de paso, afianzar lazos con compañeros de club.
¿Te gusta el ajedrez? ¿Eres bueno o quieres ver qué tan lejos llegarás? ¡Cualquiera sea el caso, te invitamos a pasar a divertirte!... Y quién sabe, quizá le ganes a el campeón defensor ;)
Por un lado, se escogen dos series a ver todos juntos, después compartimos nuestras opiniones sobre la misma y te llevas una badge. Este mes: Natsume Yuujinchou y Kamisama Dolls
Por el otro lado, misma historia pero con un manga. Esta semana: Hadi Girl
¡Ven y comparte con nosotros!
Se terminan las ediciones anuales de nuestros desafíos. ¿Te has olvidado de actualizar tu formulario o te falta poco para terminar? ¡No te olvides!
Ven al Vampire's Bar donde cada semana transmitimos un anime escogido por nuestros participantes.
La próxima semana tendremos Ano Natsu de Matteru del 19 al 22
Somos club pionero en tener nuestro propio blog comunitario, si te interesa participar
¡Estás más que invitado!
Recuerda visitarnos en nuestras diversas páginas

¡Muchas gracias por formar parte de esta gran comunidad y por acompañarnos otro año más!

blackblue40 Oct 10, 2016 6:15 AM
2 months by now, alot of family member disapprove of her husband and his attitude, also they say that my sister has been changing over he years they've been together... almost as if the stupidity of her husband is transferring to her. Its pretty toxic and very bad for the little guy.

He will find out the hard way that its not that easy, ive been there haha..

Haha 19 already and bigger than you, do you address him like 'oi little bro'? ^^
Oh Dexter, I can watch alot of series but Dexter aint one of them, I dont like it at all. But the animes you mention are great, ive seen them all. Haikyuu is one of my favorites sports animes, exciting and extremely funny. The new season has started, cant wait for episode 2 woo.. Baby Steps was great, really enjoyed it, but nothing spectacular though. Wont spoil anything about 91 Days but I can tell you its rough. Ive been alot busier now with school but I will always make time for sleep and animes.

Well I can make pasta I guess, actually I think I could cook if I would put some effort in it but I just dont want to cook lol. Oh well, I will just buy take-out, premade food or just eat bread. Im like my dad, when he lived alone he would do the same haha. But what would you make when you had to cook for yourself?

I dont think Argentina is a hotspot for Dutch tourists. They either go to Germany/Belgium since its close by or to Spain/Turkey/France for the great weather.

We shall see in a few months when you graduate eh? :D

Yeah I can be lazy and still complete this first semester with passing grades, though Im a bit behind... Gotta pick up the slack soon as the 4 tests are only a month away. Oh well im pretty confident seeing how hard the last study was haha. And yes, pretty young, its a shame but it doesnt bother me all too much.

Im not sure, the game took another big hit, they disabled all the tracker sites again which made alot of people quit. Only the dedicated players and the extremly casual players will keep playing this game. Personally I have the goal to get to lvl 30 and get 142 pokes in the dex and will probably quit after that point if they dont add new features soon. (100k exp away from lvl 30 and 137 in the dex)

Oh I havent completed the story either but because of the crashes I didnt bother with it anymore, I bought I new phone Samsung S7

Damn that doesnt sound good, having tests while you're sick, cant you ask for a delay, probably not eh? And yes, stress can be a great factor, Ive known some people that are sick alot of the time, they have high stress studies/jobs. Anyways, I hope this wont affect your graduation. Feel better soon, and yes, health > grades though grades are pretty important too.
blackblue40 Sep 28, 2016 2:16 PM
It happens haha, dont worry about it, remember its nothing compared to my year eh :P

Yeah that seems right, oh well I havent given it any thought since I wrote to you, after I wrote that bit I felt less angry and more disappointed somehow.. Mmh..... I see her once in awhile and I mostly either ignore her existence (or respond to her but that rarely happens) or casually greet her... apparently she is waiting for an apology from me and thats NEVER going to happen.. So Im good, I have never been a family person anyway so I couldn't care less at this point.

Ah thats good to hear, so what will your cousin do now since he is not going to school anymore? Haha I remember, how old is your 'little brother' now? Animes or Tv -series? And damn, I wish I had a personal cook, you dont want to know what Im eating when I have to cook for myself... (I STILL can't cook) ;(

'Everyone' is actually overexaggerated now I think about it lol....... Haha that would would be cool, though I wont have any use for Dutch where you live eh? :P

Well there is no rush yet right? I bet when you graduate you have plenty of choice... My mate that graduated a few months ago got like 2 offers without doing anything for it.
Yep, school has started for me... 4 classes with 1 groups project... Its nothing compared to the previous study, but I guess it will pick-up next semester... We will see haha.... I will start studying after I get the scedule for when we have to make the tests, it will get released tomorrow I believe. (Oh btw, my class is pretty young compared to me, 0 classmates are 20+)

Nice, lvl 20 is a great milestone for hatching eggs.. The max. pokémon lvl from eggs is lvl 20. And yep, the lures disappeared, and the hype died down here sadly... But Im still playing and im probably the most active from my friends... 66% into lvl 28 with 132 in my pokédex and 350km walked. They added new spawn points recently, it went from 1 spawn to 6 spawns near my house, all common pokémons but it will help to reach my lvl 30 goal. (though the struggle for pokeballs is real now)

I believe I also have that game on my phone... 'FFEXVIUS' its called I think.. I stopped playing that game because when I tried to gift friend it would crash.. mmh....

Dont tire yourself out, be sure to take enough breaks.
OnionSoda Sep 10, 2016 7:35 AM
Woah, llevas mucho tiempo en MAL. Saludos!

¡Buenas! ¡Se viene la época más alegre del año: la primavera :D! *(si sos del hemisferio sur :P)
Y nosotros en La Fede te traemos muy divertidas novedades, empezando por algo que ya es tradición en cada nueva temporada:

El sábado 24 de septiembre a las 19:00hs (UTC-3) estaremos haciendo la tradicional maratón de PVs y Trailers de Fall 2016 por Cytube.

¡No te lo pierdas!
Después de tanto tiempo y dificultades, regresa está divertidísima actividad CON TODO. Primero les traemos las dos joyas pendientes, los OPs de Barakamon y JoJo.

Y esta vez cantaremos un verdadero temazo que no te puedes perder.

El desafío favorito de los federastas. ¿Aún no has participado? ¿Qué esperas?
El mejor club hispanohablante de MAL no se hace solo, sino con la participación de una grandiosa comunidad.
Atrévete a dar un paso adelante y contribuir a la comunidad.

Se escoge una serie para verla todos juntos, después se comenta que tal nos pareció. ¡Ven y comparte con nosotros!
Este mes: Boogiepop Phantom y Magi: Sinbad no Bouken
Misma historia que el anterior, pero con Mangas.
Este mes: Train Man: Densha Otoko
¿Tienes insomnio o te encuentas aburrido a altas horas? Ven con nosotros al Vampire's Bar, cada semana transmitimos un anime escogido por nuestros participantes entre los que nadie haya visto.
Te invitamos al regreso de nuestro Torneo Anime Battle, ahora en sus últimas instancias.
¿Quién se proclamará campeón?

Somos club pionero en tener nuestro propio blog comunitario, si te interesa participar estás más que invitado
blackblue40 Aug 18, 2016 5:45 AM
Haha rewriting those long comments is pretty annoying, I know all about that... Back when I was active on MAL I would write a lot, sometimes 1 or 2 pages long, that would take me close to an hour or 3 depending on what I was doing..... AND THEN you accidentally hit backspace or click close browser ARGH the horror!!! That happened roughly 5-10 times. ;(

Great that he did all the work for you haha, how do you even fail to miss the deadline of something this important, says alot about his character.

Oh and talking about family conflicts, I think I have one with my sister at the moment, mainly me being mad at her. My brother-in-law is kinda an unreliable man child that treats my sister terribly, hes pretty selfish (while he has a child) but my sister keeps defending him. My parents and brother dont like this guy for my sister and are pretty vocal about it, or atleast used to be. Personally I think the same but im not vocal about it, I just think it. My sister is happy with him (OR SO SHE SAYS) so I kinda ignore every stupid thing that he does because 1. its not my business and 2. my sister will defend him anyways and apparently shes fine with it. I only say something when it affects me really.
So a few days ago we had a party here for my birthday and my brother in law rarely comes here.
So here comes where the conflict started, I hate cheaters and my brother-in-law is one, he cheats in boardgames, video games and even in PokemonGo! So I heard a rumor of Niatic banning people IP wise so I asked him to not log in on the WIFI as I dont want to be banned for something he did, he found it funny obviously - .- so I explained how and why and if he didnt listen I would just change the WIFI password. AND THEN MY WHITE KNIGHT SISTER came to join the conversation and defend his ass with arguements like its just a game and other pointless crap, and let me tell you, when she said 'it is just a game' I FLIPPED, I was so furious and when im furious I cant talk like a normal human being as the rage takes over... So I might have called him and my sister retards, that guy is as stupid as they come and my sister defends him so I thought it was fitting. Since that discussion I havent spoken to her and I dont plan to until my rage calms down as IM still mad about it. I have spend many hours gaming and few hours of those ruined because of cheaters and then defending one with the arguement of its just a game!!! SO MAD, I will remember this and my connection with my sister will never be the same, I feel so disrespected... Sorry again for the rant but this has been on my mind since it happend and I really needed to vent haha. (I guess I do have a story to share eh? haha xD)

You think? I feel like everyone know atleast 2 or 3 languages and write/speak on an higher level than me :P Haha keep it up, do you have anyone to talk Chinese with?

Yep, I will try to work on my networking at this school, make some contact with the teachers as they might have some business contacts haha.

Yeah thats so hard to find what you want to do the rest of your life, after school you will be spending roughly 40 hours a week doing the same work for roughly 40 years long. Its kinda depressing when you look at it that way. Its awesome if you could find work that you enjoy but you probably wont be enjoying it for 40 years. I I think you are right, I think the best way to find an enjoyable job by trying out all sorts of different jobs. Oh! thats great, hopefully you will get a job that way, how great would it be to have a job right after your graduation! Funny note, a friend of mine got his job 3 years ago in the same way, through his mothers friend.

I havent had server issues for a long time now and they actually made pokemons trackable now! Seems like the game is improving again, and they are finally starting to ban cheaters hooray! . Too bad the pokemons are still so hard to catch, at lvl 13 its alright I think but once you reach lvl 20 you will be getting high CP pokemons that are hard to catch, especially evolutions. Personally Im not playing as much as I used to back in the beginning but Im still enjoying the game when Im out playing. And Im lvl 25 Valor. Haha yes, the memes are great, poor instinct... (I wanted to take Instinct but I got pressured into Valor..)

Ahw, I have a few more weeks until I have to start school again, gonna be so tough after not using my brain for a couple of years haha...
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