Well, so long Beastars. I have followed you since the first chapter. And you should had been gone earlier, when you were great and not now. You were supposed to be the chosen one! Either way, time to start my filled with spoilers review:
The setting is pretty much the world we live in nowadays but instead of humans, we have animals of any kind. It's quite interesting and sometimes you can see small details like tiny stairs for mouses, divisions in police force regarding size of the animals (big ones, small ones) or abilities like flying, digging, etc... and worldbuilding in general that makes the
whole world more interesting. Sadly, the author doesn't really explore that and besides a few odd chapters, she puts more attention to the characters which is not a bad thing but it gets tiring after a while because the whole drama is about mixed species animals and interspecies relationships which gets tiring. There was the whole sea animals topic the author didn't really explore and it could have been wonderful, way better than the whole arc about Melon and how dumb is Legosi.
Ah yes, Melon. I don't really know why the author created a character like him but geez, he is the example of a character that should have died 30 chapters earlier. A mixed species animal who is a BPD psycho that everyone fears for some reason even when he is pretty weak compared to most carnivores. We also have Legosi, part lizard part wolf and well, of course Legosi when the series starts and Legosi when the series ends are different in many ways. Mainly in how dumbass he gets to be but also in his confidence. His character really changes a lot in the series but not in the best path in the final run (he gets to be really dumb and nearly killed a few times). There are also Louis, Haru and the others characters in the school who after a certain arc, their importance is barely any except in the ending and it is still pretty eh, like most people actually forgot a few characters exist im sure, like Bill. Haru doesn't seem to be like a real love interest for Legosi and more like a fetish with the way it is described in his mind. And he is always scared of eating her??? So why the heck does he agree in going out with her?! As a note, i find Haru the most realistic character out of everyone and probably my favourite. She's been using boys to validate herself for wo lont at school, and then suddenly Legosi comes along and lifts her up, but she still wants to have her own agency. She wants to have a relationship with Legosi that's male and female as well as carnivore and herbivore (chase me, Legosi) but also she wants him to desire her.
Legosi and Haru are both complicated and flawed characters and they both probably overthink everything. Their relationship may never be easy, but they're so deeply entangled now, they know they'll never be able to be away from each other. Haru is doing her level best to make sure that what they have isn't co-dependent. She wants to have her own self-validation, and she wants Legosi to be able to be a complete person outside of her as well.
The author also does some huge ass pulls that makes you think she is a hack but some of them can be kind of reasonable but stuff like Louis becoming the boss of the lion mafia is just absurd. Or the ending when the whole city unites to destroy the black market of meat and everyone becomes friends. Yeah no, there must be several more cities or countries and destroying one alley where they sell meat isn't gonna stop anything. In the first chapters you could see a really poor animal selling his fingers as a way to get by. Who says there won't be more cases of that in the future?
Nor the ocean animals saying they will trade their dead ones. Why didn't they think of that earlier?
I feel that the series suffers from ending fatigue and that the author should have sticked with the psychological side instead of going full shonen with epic anime fights. Not matter how you put it, a wolf beating a bear in a fist fight is plot armor or the tournament in the black market at the end of the series. It was absurd. I feel that the last arc would have been way better with Legosi struggling to be an adult, his relationship with Haru and others plotlines of characters we already know about. Melon was just a plot device that didn't make much sense from my perspective. He was all over the place and also, the dumb promise Haru made with him amounted to nothing.
Anyway, I give to this series a 6/10. The first arcs are really enjoyable and well done but it gets worse after those arcs, has some ups and down in quality with the ending being quite mediocre in my opinion but not as bad as the ending of Game of Thrones. My main complains are that the author focused too much on Melon, the bpd mixed species and so little in side characters that were quite interesting like Juno.
The art is quite good and evolves. Just compare the first and last chapter.
Overall, this series is enjoyable as hell. Read it.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: BEASTARS More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 22
Chapters: 196
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 8, 2016 to Oct 8, 2020
Shounen Champion (Weekly) Authors:
Itagaki, Paru (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #3892 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #122
Members: 116,160
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Filtered Results: 71 / 74
Your Feelings Categories Oct 15, 2020
Well, so long Beastars. I have followed you since the first chapter. And you should had been gone earlier, when you were great and not now. You were supposed to be the chosen one! Either way, time to start my filled with spoilers review:
The setting is pretty much the world we live in nowadays but instead of humans, we have animals of any kind. It's quite interesting and sometimes you can see small details like tiny stairs for mouses, divisions in police force regarding size of the animals (big ones, small ones) or abilities like flying, digging, etc... and worldbuilding in general that makes the ... Jun 8, 2017
I wasn't expecting much of this manga at first, but it got really good pretty fast, and it keeps getting better with each chapter, so I can currently say that it is very much underrated.
The characters, specially the main ones, are very deep and interesting, so it's always exciting to get to know more about them, their personalities and their secrets, as the story progresses. It's a bit ironic how they all feel much more human than the average character from any other high school story, even though they're all animals... but I really mean it, it's very easy to relate to them and ... Feb 6, 2019
An incredibly complex manga about humanity's many facets, portrayed in an unusual way. At first glance, you might not expect this to be a deep series, but it dives into the core of society, interactions between individuals and how cruel and beautiful the world can be. The thing that surprised me the most is how incredibly well written all of the characters are, everyone has an interesting side in this story. The narrative is exciting, has many unexpected fun twists and turns, as the main protagonist Legosi faces many challenges in this wild world he lives in. The art has a very uniquely strange feel
Dec 3, 2017
I was going to give it a high score. I really was going to. But I just can't anymore.
Story:1 The story is very mediocre, non existent in consistency and the backstories just come in big bulks later on in the manga. Very bad development, nonsensical motives for everything that happens. It just is not enough to hook me on. This is one of the manga that tries to be seinen, as the genre suggests, and some very philosophical elements were showing up. But then all of that was ditched for a mediocre plot that was bland and lacked any real value for reading Random things just pop ... Oct 15, 2020
Anthropomorphism has been a part of cultures in various forms since the prehistoric age. When it comes to stories, it's often been used as a tool by writers to disassociate their messages from humanity so they become analogies, instead of direct teachings or statements. In case of Beastars, the same does ring true too. It allows for a very simple and understandable conflict within the society in the story and keeps it from being openly political. Besides that, the tone also remains reasonably *light* as a result.
But what I really like is how the author's genuine passion for the animal kingdom is visible. Well, I ... Jan 21, 2020
To the credit of this manga’s art and worldbuilding, it takes a while for the thought to settle – but it’s actually just immature and dumb. This is my second attempt at a review of Beastars, because the first one was a detailed analysis it didn’t deserve. After my nerves had calmed down, after the dust had settled, I understood that I was essentially arguing philosophy with a loud tween, just dressed in a fancy suit and with a list of hot twitter hashtags of the year on a crumpled paper in the sweaty palm.
I am pretty sure that the author uses the protagonist of ... Jun 11, 2022
It had some good potential, but not only got prolonged, but also rushed at the end?
It started very good and simple, with a weird but creative Animal world and a murder mystery, but it got to a point where not only that conflict was resolved, but also everything else was going in circles What started as a School Mystery ended up trying to be a new Fighting Shonen with power ups, Instant healing and Special habilities and all that. There were LOTS of things AND EVEN CHARACTERS that got introduced but then were never seen again or never mentioned! And it wasn't just a minor thing, ... Oct 17, 2020
How to make a furry anime melancholic, when all the past evidence suggest that anthropomorphic animals are reserved for satire bits and comedic relief? Paru Itagaki, the Mangaka for Beastars, accomplished this feat via capsizing the outward facade of modern society to reveal its unsightly underbelly and its multitude of (un)conscious biases. She then interwove society’s biggest failings — as she saw it — into the narrative structure of the Beastars universe to open up a dialogue that most are unwillingly to entertain in today’s politically charged climate. It was provocative. It was slightly awkward to read. And it provoked
Jan 17, 2019
Are you a furry? Do you love Zootopia? If you answered yes to either of those questions, give this manga a shot. Need any more info? Well, ok...
Beastars is about animals living in a very human-like society. The story centers around Legosi, a sensitive, honorable young wolf who struggles to overcome his nature and form meaningful relationships. His story begins at Cherryton high school, and that comes with a murder mystery, a taboo romance, tested friendships, bloody brawls... things you might expect from a shonen. But the strong writing and characters always keep it engaging. Once he leaves school, the world-building really expands and we get ... Oct 10, 2019
Story 4/10
I find the author ideas very interesting, my problem is the execution of the same ideas, the world can be cool and compelling but it used it purely for very stupid plots, from a coming of age with murder mystery we jump into a romcom and then a war against the yakuza and then Buddhist martial arts of herbivores return to the Slice of life and then start a whole story with batman horse and an attempt to we live in a society with cheetah / gazella Everything is very stupid, jumps genre in each arc and the tone is the most meme of existence Art ... Oct 15, 2020
And my second manga I write a review for. Sadly beastars last arc severly drives down the score, just as it did in magi, Are last arcs cursed? well what do I know.
BEFORE YOU BOTHER WITH MY STEAMING MESS OF A REVIEW, Please make sure to read this way better one as I agree on pretty much everthing said in it https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=360258 Beastars was my first manga, and hell did I fanboy for it for a long time. Story:____6 9 for the Arcs to be covered in the anime and the hidden Condo arc. 4 for Melon, you joker dumsterfire of doom. The Main problem is that ... May 24, 2020
This manga is hard to rate because it gets worse as it goes. It can't even decide what genre it wants to be. They can't even keep the motivations of the main character straight. Honestly, it's like three different people group wrote this manga and none of them could agree what they wanted it to be about.
Plot: Mystery -> Romance -> Thriller -> Slice of life *rinse and repeat* The plot and setting actively change for the worse. Eventually, all logic and reasoning is tossed out of the window and this story becomes... infuriating. Art It's okay, sometimes it's extremely well-drawn other times it's sketchy and looks ... Nov 4, 2020
I have never been so shellshocked by an ending since Magi. Why? Because both the endings have been total ASS. I've been putting off my review as I digested my emotions.
Beastars was my underdog pick when it came to that next "sleeper" hit. I knew due to its subject matter (anthropomorphic animals), it probably wouldn't have become something as big as a regular shounen series. It comfortably sat in this niche that was neither superbly mainstream nor was it unpopular. Initially, I had highly recommended the series to many of my buddies due to its excellent art, interesting characters, and what I found to be ... Aug 30, 2019
Story: 5. While many of the psychological themes presented are brilliant, it really lacks coherence. There's not much "driving motion" in the story.
It also suffers heavily from characters making obviously terrible life decisions that they're fully aware of because of some sort of superficial ideal of empathy that isn't fleshed out enough to be believable. While it helps bring out some of the psychological themes, it feels extremely unrealistic and makes it hard for a reader to get invested in the story. In essence, it feels like a story created mostly for the sake of social commentary. Art: 10. Nothing to complain about. Very expressive. Anthropomorphic animals ... Nov 1, 2020
In a genre saturated with over the top action sequences and cliche plot points, Beastars is a breath of fresh air. A light-hearted romance/action/drama that effortlessly pulls you into its world and refuses to let go.
Art - 8/10 Most of the panels are breathtaking. Gorgeously detailed characters and intricately designed world bolster the story to new heights. Minute details like adding tiny doors for smaller sized animals or safety warnings around the city for herbivores; improve the world immersion exponentially. Some of the artwork might get too minimalistic or the characters are over-expressive (similar to Tezuka's artwork) which might be offputting to a few readers. Story - ... Oct 16, 2020
Now that Beastars has come to a (personally somewhat unexpected) abrupt end after its 4 year journey, I want to contribute my own review for this Manga. Beastars is Paru Itagaki's first long-lasting piece of literature, which makes it quite impressive that the series went on for its course of 196 chapters in a total of 22 volumes! There may be slight spoilers in my wording but I will try to keep it to only necessary parts.
As the synopsis suggests, the setting of Beastars is a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, a society on a comparable level as our own. Even though the characters in ... Aug 9, 2021
beastars, beastars, beastars.
beastars is an overwhelming balance of embarrassing high-school romance, several murderers, questionably homoerotic scenes, and rabbit boobs. its so crazy. like i don't know how to lay it down other than to say this manga is just kinda bonkers. it feels like it comes from a mind of a person who's watching everything upside down. i don't know if ms. itagaki has seen all of the world or none of it at all. it juggles so many random genres, characters, and plots at once in such a bizarre fashion that it just, works. (fyi im writing this at 5am fresh after finishing the ... Nov 3, 2019
When I started reading manga, it seemed to me that this is a story about how "Zootopia" existed in the real world, without utopias. <Legoshi - a wolf that is forced to bear a heavy burden, its outstanding genetic capabilities, he is a PREDATOR. "Progressive" "justice" society makes all animals equal, encouraging the weak and oppressing the strong. forced predators agree and eat soy and tofu or go to the ghetto. Society oppresses not physically but psychologically. Uses public morality, public estrangement. Everything is like Nietzsche. Antagonist is the Louis deer, who also understands that no matter how hard he tries to be better in
Apr 6, 2020
If you're here after watching the anime you need to read Beastars now, anyway on to the review. This is my favorite manga, the story, the characters, the setting, and just the vibe I get from Beastars is amazing. I don't know how to describe it but have you ever had that feeling from a manga or any piece of media when you just feel empty after you finish it? I had that feeling for a month after I caught up with this manga. Many people stray away from this manga or anime because they think it's for furries and while yes, furries probably love
Oct 7, 2020
Beastars is one of the most unique and memorable manga I've ever read. The vast majority of this series is literal gold, but it unfortunately has a really bad ending. However, I don't think that the ending tarnishes what came before it, although it definitely affects the overall feel.
The first two story arcs for this series are both 10/10's for me. The characters felt extremely fleshed out, and they received incredible character development. This is especially the case for Louis, who goes through one of the best arcs I've read recently. The story for these two arcs will literally keep you reading for hours on ... |