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Jan 3, 2024
This forms a split cour with its followup movie, so I'll 'forgive' it the aprupt end one got watching this at release.
First off, yes, its 3d, no, you should watch it anyway, you'll get used to it before they finished their first exposition dump
This series greatest strength is its world building, instead of its characters, in fact, I'd like to call the world itself the main character. A higher suspension of disbelief will be required of you than of a hardcover book, but it does not rise to to the all too comnon level of continuing to fight with a stomach stab wound through the
power of friendship, thus I dont think this is a problem with the writing, as anime is a medium not unfamiliar with such over dramatization of what's physically possible.
Without spoiling the plot, I'd advise to pay careful attention to the unspoken visual worldbulding, As there wont be a omniscient narrator to hold your hand and make sure you don't miss something. Something I greatly respect this series for, but which likely is also the reason for the low audience score, cause let's face it, being expected to pay attention is a thing not usually expected from an animes audience.
Overall, decent show, greatly held back by its unusual look and trust in their audience's intelligence, although I must note that intentionally using the uncanny effect of bad liquid physics for the snow sea to make it terrifying to the viewer is a great show of artistic ability.
Another aspect that makes it obvious the people that made this cared to get it right is how both the sociological and environmental aspects of the world building is generally very clever and well telegraphed if you take a step back and think about this world from the perspective of the audience, instead of the characters.
If I may mention my favorite example that becomes relevant later into the story without spoiling it, the way the great snow chasm, something initially seeming utterly nonsensical, "works" is a great example of this. I do not wish to ruin the "aha!" moment for you, but feel free to DM me if you cant figure it out yourself after youre done with the followup movie.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 3, 2024
This finishes the story of the main anime, its a direct continuation.
The world building continues to be as interesting as before, although the heightened suspension of disbelief continues to stay necessary.
I dont think this is a problem with the writing, as anime is a medium not unfamiliar with such over dramatization of what's physically possible.
Without spoiling the plot, this movie will confirm your theories about the state of the world and it's likely purpose if you have been paying careful attention until now, there isnt some huge trigger esk plot twist coming here.
Overall, decent show, greatly held back by its unusual look, although I must
note that intentionally using the uncanny effect of bad liquid physics for the snow sea to make it terrifying to the audience is a great show of artistic ability.
Another aspect that makes it obvious the people that made this cared to get it right is how both the sociological and environmental aspects of the world building is generally very clever and well telegraphed if you take a step back and think about this world from the perspective of the audience, instead of the characters. The way the great snow chasm, something initially seeming utterly nonsensical, "works" is a great example of this. I do not wish to ruin the "aha!" moment for you, but feel free to DM me if you cant figure it out yourself
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 30, 2023
I'm not sure if I am watching this show wrong by wanting to be the cat spoiling my overworked human (even my mannerisms are the same dangit!), but alas, there's definitely some enjoyment to be had. This was one of those rare series that might just actually be improved by the weekly release format, with small, self-contained episodes of light humor, pretty food, and general cuteness.
Thats about it, the biggest plot twist you'll find is the animation studio ABSOLUTELY FLEXING ON YOU for a silly lil show about a ridiculously tall cat and his pet drunk, so even if caretaker type shows arent your deal,
watch the first 5 minutes for the crazy rotoscope shots
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 27, 2023
One of those stories that just really *makes you care*.
Care for the characters, care for the world building, care for the side characters, care for the cute airhead and the softhearted big guy to have lots of cute kids.
Its really hard to make me genuinely care for a story like this, and sadly, wholly subjective, I would still ask you to watch this regardless.
The plot is a typical story of romance and acceptance, and well executed at that, not unlike the Beauty and the Beast, which it is being compared to left and right, but also quite unique in its execution.
Also, fluffy furry designs left
right and center, I suppose you already know if thats an added benefit for you or not!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 8, 2023
This is shaping up to be one of the most faithful and well adapted stories out there, and the story it is adapting is incredible on its own already.
(well adapted as in making meaningful additions that support the medium it's in, instead of just copying the original in a second format)
I cannot tell you enough to watch this and settle in for the ride, no matter if you played the game or not.
The first episode cgi is a bit iffy, but just bear with it for the first few minutes, the art style itself is gorgeous and the added dialogue between characters has
good chemistry
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 25, 2021
I dont like to judge a work early, but I dont expect this to become outdated by the 12th episode, and thus (Also please dont hate parade me, I'll just delete it anyway, thankies) :
Pacing, animation, voiceacting and even lots of deeper themes are superb, in many cases top of the industry, so why the low rating? Simply: Im sick of the Mc being a pedo. Yes, yes I lambasted critcques of the previous season for "not getting it", but tbh, it doesnt seem like the author does either, the pace at which this "redemption" takes place seems to be slower than a fairytale love
triagle, meaning it slowly inces and teases towards the slightest hint of progress over hours and hours of screentime, only to be completly rolled back under a comedic pretense, I am sick of it and am geniunly questioning the underlying motivations of this story at this point, cause incompetence to do better can be excluded through this work's more impressive aspects.
Argh, I really wanna like this show. Heres a prayer to this being irrelevant by the end of the season
Here's the obligatory section breakdown
Sound:___ 10
Overall :__ 4
(edit: removed a double pasted section)
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 15, 2021
No spoilers, but I do discuss some generalized aspects of the manga past the show.
Before I actualy get into a review, please be cautious in reading the manga from here on.
It just pathetically fizzles out and slowly looses what made it interesting until the plot is a joke.
Legoshi gets a brick for a brain, Haru stops existing as a character Louis becomes a plot device with Juno appearing just enough to remind you how interesting she would be with some actual screentime.
However, I'll now review this season and not what will become of it.
Now then, The opening rocks!
I really love worldbuilding of beastars, this dark,
fucked up world on paper
with every character having their own take on it, their own way to deal with the tension and their own failures to do so. It really makes for a compelling story, feeling so much more lifelike and real than most story's that decide to go with plain humans.
The ending's still a bit dumb, but ah well, at least they adapted it well.
Story:____7 (I kinda wish I had a worldbulding and narrative split here)
Art:______8 (3d still looks odd to me, but they really did a hecking good job)
Sound:___ 10 normaly I dont count opening and ed themes, but DAYUM.
Overall :__ 7
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Apr 27, 2021
I don't like writing early reviews.
But I think ill give it a pass due to the nature of this spin off, as it is a myriad of small stories giving Our secondary cast more everyday screen time and I wanna get people off the fence about it.
The artstyle is noticeably lower quality compared to the main series, but there's also excellent shots mixed in, for what I take it this is the studio using a less high stakes series for some improvement and experimentation, with quite impressive results.
As I kind of mentioned before this story gives us a glimpse in the daily life of the
citizens of Jura, no big overarching story, no looming threat, just more of this thoroughly entertaining world.
So far it seems this season is entirely set in the period after the orc lord arc
Art:______8 (with some very impressive shots <.<)
Sound:___ 8
Overall :__ 9
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 24, 2021
It is profoundly scary to see so many people miss the point again and again.
You know, I wont even go into the age of consent into this medieval, magical fantasy world clearly not being 18 if it exists at all and the main character 'legally' being a child, and this being a work of fiction.
Or about how the degenerate piece of shit the MC is at the start doesn't only massively grow. but also backslides like a real human would, the reason why so many doesn't understand this concept might be due to them never having experienced personal growth, nor been taught the concept in
our lacking education system, but what do I know. Heck, there is literally a line of him denounching his former 'body' and a very graphic display of bullying to show how people get fucked up like that, but no lets throw all nuance in the wind cause it doesn't ignore that sexual drives exist in the real world.
Hmmm. that turned into quite the rant. You know what. im going into my review now.
First, I really, really like how meaningfully death and trauma is handled in this. it's probably the best (and least traumatizing to the audience) use of these concepts ive seen to date. In any media in fact, not just anime, wich usually heavily papers over stuff like this.
Then the pacing, can we appreciate for a moment that this work doesnt just skip the "boring" parts, but actually makes them profoundly more interesting than the "meaty" stuff other animes jump straight into with reincarnation plots?
Then art, you know, I realized I'm just throwing out random things and im gonna keep going. Simply said, its very VERY pretty. Its would be worth watching for this alone even if the story was dogshit, really all there is to say on this one.
Now for said story, spoken simply, I like it. But if I'm to extrapolate a bit more: its very slow in terms of big ticket events. But is features amazing world building, and makes the mundane things that normally would be filler the thing you actually stick around for. (kinda reminds me of bookworm actually.)
The character designs are pretty good. They arent perfect shelf figurines like Re:zero's, but id recognize them anywhere.
And they bring enough personality along to justify being recognizable. The animation in fact gives them a lot of expressiveness. besides consistent and fleshed out personalities, the faces in this series are incredibly expressive for modern anime, small smirks and changes in complexion through a conversation were other studios just flick back and forth between mouth open and closed frames, its quite amazing.
Hmmm, enough rambling. time for scores.
Art:______10 (This is actually the first time id like to go to a 11, cause of the previously mentioned facials)
Sound:___ 8 (I.... actually dont remember any of the soundtracks, so pardon me if I do it it injustice here.)
Character:_10 (flawed, and in places unlikable and jarring to watch. But very much expressive and consistent.)
Enjoyment:10 (In the beginning I was slightly weirded out by the lewdness, but I think that's very much the point, and certainly makes up for it later.)
Overall :__ 10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 25, 2020
Its late and im definetly not composed enough to write a well thought out review.
But I NEED to praise this show, NOW.
Sound:___ 8
Overall :__ 10
Everthing bejond here will be kinda spoilery due to
bla bla
you gone? good.
The incredible twists the story takes. There is no reason to spoil any in particular but they are so increbile that I woudnt wanna tell anybody it happens.
There are Cool af , iconic characters, sakrua magic everywhere. well thought out dialouge, dynamic action scenes meaningful sacrifces and an end shot that made me cry a bit
Yee sorry I know this is a mess but I just needed to thanks
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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