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May 6, 2009 7:48 PM

Apr 2009
May 7, 2009 6:31 AM

Dec 2008
May 15, 2009 3:23 PM

Sep 2008
Interesting, there was no talking in the first 11 minutes...that's like a subbers dream, lol. A lot of breathing as well.

May 15, 2009 3:27 PM

Jan 2008
I'm going by dodgy memory but at the time this was released I remember reading that the creator of the show said the first episode was intentonally done this way to scare off casual viewers.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
May 19, 2009 10:03 AM
Jun 2008
Just started watching this, one word sums up this episode, and that's mysterious. You can already tell that this series is gonna be pretty damn unique right from the off, nothing was revealed and you're left wondering about almost everything you can wonder about in an anime, so many questions after only one episode... this has the potential to be awesome!

Oh and the art style is brilliant, everything's done so realistically!
Jun 11, 2009 4:58 PM

Jun 2009
I enjoy the comparison between Ichise getting his arm chop off and a lizard, at the end of the episode (the capacity of creation of new limbs).
Jul 18, 2009 6:58 PM

Dec 2007
Beatnik said:
I'm going by dodgy memory but at the time this was released I remember reading that the creator of the show said the first episode was intentonally done this way to scare off casual viewers.
If that was true than it would make more sense. I was bored out of my mind
Sep 9, 2009 1:29 AM

Feb 2008
What did I just watch.
Sep 11, 2009 12:33 PM

Mar 2008
I'm confused.......
<img src="" border="0">
<img src="" border="0"><img src="" border="0"><img src="" border="0">
<img src="" border="0">
Sep 11, 2009 12:40 PM

Jan 2008
Seems like the first episode is working as planned. Filtering out the waste as it were.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Sep 12, 2009 5:18 AM

Dec 2007
Wow that was kinda of surreal in a sense. I really wish I could marathon it now but its almost 5:30 so I'll do that sometime after I get up.
Oct 5, 2009 5:41 AM

Jan 2009
Wow. That was great.
Oct 20, 2009 12:27 AM

Jan 2009
. . .

WTF did I just watch? I hope it makes more sense down the road.
Oct 20, 2009 11:50 PM
Sep 2007
Wow, this episode really impressed me. The animation is nice, it has a nice atmosphere, the direction was good, and the minimalist style the anime has going for it really captivated me and felt refreshing, especially since I cannot for the life of me remember any anime that could even go 2 minutes without dialogue. Looking forward to the next episode.
Oct 21, 2009 2:50 PM

May 2009
lancelot200 said:
Beatnik said:
I'm going by dodgy memory but at the time this was released I remember reading that the creator of the show said the first episode was intentonally done this way to scare off casual viewers.
If that was true than it would make more sense. I was bored out of my mind

Well i hope damn well that's right.

It was very WEIRD. I don't like WEIRD. I stay away from WEIRD. Cuz it's boring and VERY VERY SLOW and freaky, like you'd start having psychatric problems and start puking because of all the weird noises UGH.
I dun know. My discription of this episode was "gross and weird", and i have no idea why i say gross. probably because gross is weird. whatever.

If this was scaring off casual people then i guess i'll watch another episode. This was down straight boring most of all, this was worst than watching Air and Clannad, even worst than staring at my wall for half an hour.

My limit is three episodes, kids. I won't even guarantee that.

EDIT: graphics are terrible
Oct 24, 2009 3:08 PM

Sep 2007
This show is going to take me forever to watch if every episode is like this. So much to take in, so much atmosphere, so much high tension. I feel like I'm on information overload, even though they hardly said anything in the entire episode. Seems like this one is going to be a lot more like Serial Experiments Lain than Haibane Renmei.

ABe makes fantastic looking characters, as always.
Oct 28, 2009 12:42 PM
Oct 2008
Nanakogin said:
lancelot200 said:
Beatnik said:
I'm going by dodgy memory but at the time this was released I remember reading that the creator of the show said the first episode was intentonally done this way to scare off casual viewers.
If that was true than it would make more sense. I was bored out of my mind

Well i hope damn well that's right.

It was very WEIRD. I don't like WEIRD. I stay away from WEIRD. Cuz it's boring and VERY VERY SLOW and freaky, like you'd start having psychatric problems and start puking because of all the weird noises UGH.
I dun know. My discription of this episode was "gross and weird", and i have no idea why i say gross. probably because gross is weird. whatever.

If this was scaring off casual people then i guess i'll watch another episode. This was down straight boring most of all, this was worst than watching Air and Clannad, even worst than staring at my wall for half an hour.

My limit is three episodes, kids. I won't even guarantee that.

EDIT: graphics are terrible

I love weird and this was definitely on the good side of it.The art and direction were brilliant,music was good although I hate the trans opening and the story seems to carry a lot of potential (obviously I can't say much about it just watching this episode).
I'm not into excessively violent anime shows and so far this one isn't at all.
bottom-line:a very interesting opening episode to a very promising anime.
Oct 31, 2009 5:41 PM

Jan 2008
Aah. Beautiful. I like not being spoon-fed what happens by unnecessary dialogue.
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<img src="" />
Nov 11, 2009 10:20 AM

Jun 2009
kickass first episode. It was a bit strange at first, but picked up and at the end... wow.
Nov 14, 2009 11:57 AM

Jun 2009
I really like the style of the first episode, bare minimum of dialogue and it was heavy on the atmosphere. I like how they kept cutting between Ran and Ichise.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Nov 26, 2009 2:16 AM
Jun 2009
A++ Atmosphere. Just how i like it :) lets see how the following episodes are.
Dec 4, 2009 4:54 AM

Nov 2008
That was really freakin' slow pace, and almost 10 minutes without any dialogues, wtf?
It really built a high tense atmosphere and for some reasons I really enjoyed this episode.
Feb 24, 2010 10:04 PM

Dec 2008
Nanakogin said:
It was very WEIRD. I don't like WEIRD. I stay away from WEIRD. Cuz it's boring and VERY VERY SLOW and freaky

We get it, you're dull as all hell. Hush now, child.

Anyway. Why the fuck does this have to have a closing theme by GACKT?

I mean, how does that even make sense? AWFUL.

Aside from that, very cool first episode. Minimal dialogue, heavy atmosphere, and slow, careful direction. I'm in.

Gotta love something that makes an effort to scare off the rabble, aka casual viewers (and in our case, useless weeaboos).
Jun 20, 2010 12:35 AM

Jul 2009
I realize that bumping old discussion threads is the lamest thing ever but:

the no talking part was more interesting than the talking parts. Also, I accidentally had subs turned off and didn't realize it until they started talking.

That and, I'm sensing that this will be a lot better than lain. I'm hoping.

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Jun 23, 2010 4:39 PM
Sep 2009
The first episode of Texhnolyze has probably scared off more people than any other first episode in anime. It doesn't force-feed the viewer with plot and character exposition and instead takes heart the adage of "Show, don't tell". Much has been made of the fact that there is no dialogue for the first half of the episode but the visual storytelling does a fantastic job of introducing the characters and showing what kind of world they live in.

The slow pace and atmosphere definitely isn't for everyone, but as ABe and the producer Yasuyuki Ueda have said, they were trying to immediately give the viewer the overall feel of the show in one episode. So for anyone who felt overwhelmed, it becomes more straightforward after the first few episodes, so stick with it.

Nanakogin said:

It was very WEIRD. I don't like WEIRD. I stay away from WEIRD. Cuz it's boring and VERY VERY SLOW and freaky

Unless you're this guy.
Jun 25, 2010 6:46 PM

Jun 2009
ESSWHY said:

That and, I'm sensing that this will be a lot better than lain. I'm hoping.

Oh it is. It's leagues ahead of Lain, in my opinion of course. Then again, I didn't have a fucking clue what was going on in Lain so I probably do need to watch it again.
Sep 7, 2010 5:31 PM

Feb 2010

assuming it will make sense later, I'll continue. soon.
Sep 7, 2010 6:41 PM
Sep 2009
Creepy, bizarre, wonderful atmosphere. I am intrigued.
Sep 26, 2010 6:56 PM

Aug 2009
I disliked the 1st episode. It bored the shit out of me.
Nov 12, 2010 9:50 PM
Oct 2010
May I be the first to say, what the fuck just happened...

Beatnik said:
I'm going by dodgy memory but at the time this was released I remember reading that the creator of the show said the first episode was intentonally done this way to scare off casual viewers.
I think it might scare off any kind of viewer... Nevertheless, I will continue watching...
Nov 12, 2010 11:11 PM

Jun 2009
I loved this first episode in all it's atmospheric, non-existent dialogue glory. Honestly the series has a whole has less dialogue than most anime, and it's one hell of a ride.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Feb 8, 2011 4:36 PM

Apr 2009
Very minimal dialogue for a first episode...I was bored at first but then I got curious! :P
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Mar 16, 2011 4:25 PM

Feb 2009
Well directed and atmospheric but it left me with the impression that it tries a bit too hard at times. Guess that's because I haven't watched this kind of show in a while.

I knew very well what i was getting into though. I'm certainly gonna follow this one to the end.
"This Forest isn't going to reveal all its secrets for the likes of you."
May 19, 2011 8:45 PM

Feb 2010
Damn, it took me 11 minutes to learn what language I was watching it in haha And I'm really not used to having like <3 minutes of dialogue in an episode. It was a cool change, but I'm really hoping that there's some more talking in later episodes, cuz I had NO clue what the hell was going on.
It's not breaking in if the door is unlocked.

Aug 14, 2011 7:18 AM

Mar 2011
This has potential.

The art style was good, the setting seems cool (the closest thing I have to imagining a WH40K hive innards) BUT this runs the danger of being more pretentious than thou.

Some of the comments here of 'I only like anime if it makes me feel superior to those who watch stuff I don't like' is just the sort of bullshit I'd expect from your atypical /a/spie fucks who seem to care more about being elitist than being able to sit down and enjoy pulp. Ah well, if it's the only thing they have in their lives to make themselves feel good about themselves so be it.

This anime could be good, or it could be pretentious wank. Either way, it'll be hard work.
Sep 15, 2011 4:44 AM

Sep 2008
Interesting. Very very interesting. Will keep watching.
Sep 15, 2011 10:25 AM
Oct 2009
I seriously loved the eleven minutes of no dialogue of the first half. The atmosphere was awesome and it sparked a lot of interest. Was kind of disappointed that when the talking came, it didn't really resolve much... kind of would've liked the 'silence' to last longer. All in all as an opening episode it definitely makes you think WTF?! - but in a way that makes me want to see more instead of an off-putting way.
Sep 15, 2011 12:44 PM

Jan 2008
PrometheusZero said:
This has potential.

The art style was good, the setting seems cool (the closest thing I have to imagining a WH40K hive innards) BUT this runs the danger of being more pretentious than thou.

Some of the comments here of 'I only like anime if it makes me feel superior to those who watch stuff I don't like' is just the sort of bullshit I'd expect from your atypical /a/spie fucks who seem to care more about being elitist than being able to sit down and enjoy pulp. Ah well, if it's the only thing they have in their lives to make themselves feel good about themselves so be it.

This anime could be good, or it could be pretentious wank. Either way, it'll be hard work.

There's nothing pretentious about a story being told through visuals alone, that takes skill. What is pretentious are those shows that have characters waffling on about philosophical topics with the subtlety of a clown with his cock out*, while the camera pans slowly across inanimate objects in order to kill time. (i.e - Ergo Proxy)

*joke stolen from Yahtzee
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Oct 17, 2011 3:30 AM

Feb 2009
This was very strange, seems like this is one of those mind-fuckish anime that start quite confusing and will eventually make sense by the end contrary to those that start with a pretty understandable concept and as it goes on is just gets more and more surreal. Anyway I think I'm going to be enjoying this one more than I did with Ergo Proxy (which just became a mess in the middle).
Dec 25, 2011 4:48 PM

Dec 2010
At first I was like: wtf.
Then I became serious.

I didn't really felt that there was part without dialogue. For real, I was just getting sucked into the atmosphere. I guess it's because I've already met similar cases, and I'm just kinda used to them. Not bragging about this, but it's just not like I'm watching mindfu**ing anime for a first time.
It would be easiest for me to compare Texhnolyze to Serial Experiments Lain. I know that some of you have already mentioned that show. There is really some kind of similarity between them and I'd lie if I say that I didn't feel this way when I was watching this episode. Of course, it was confusing for me. Just like Serial Experiments Lain's episode with the difference, that the latter made way more sense than Texhnolyze's one for me. I mean - I didn't get a thing out of Serial Experiments, but Texhnolyze I felt like - there's no way any of these scenes would ever make sense. It's ok to assume that this episode will seem clear to me when I watch the whole anime, but still... I can't help but think that this isn't really going to happen.
For now I don't like the art style. It somewhat responds to the atmosphere, I guess, but it's too simple for my taste.
The OP was great for me, I didn't like the ED though.
Tyestor said:
ESSWHY said:

That and, I'm sensing that this will be a lot better than lain. I'm hoping.

Oh it is. It's leagues ahead of Lain, in my opinion of course. Then again, I didn't have a fucking clue what was going on in Lain so I probably do need to watch it again.

I doubt that. Serial Experiments Lain is something unique, which can barely be compared to anything else.

Beatnik said:
I'm going by dodgy memory but at the time this was released I remember reading that the creator of the show said the first episode was intentonally done this way to scare off casual viewers.

When you say it, this episode actually makes some sense in its own way, lol. Now that I have started it, I'd probably watch it to the very end, but this episode really made me feel uncomfortable :D
Jan 6, 2012 11:14 PM

Nov 2011
SelfRevolution said:
Just started watching this, one word sums up this episode, and that's mysterious. You can already tell that this series is gonna be pretty damn unique right from the off, nothing was revealed and you're left wondering about almost everything you can wonder about in an anime, so many questions after only one episode... this has the potential to be awesome!

Oh and the art style is brilliant, everything's done so realistically!

The art is what drew me in. I chose this after I finished Ergo Proxy, read some reviews, so I was ready for the confusion. The violence was a bit hard to take, but I'll keep my seat belt on.
Jan 6, 2012 11:21 PM

Nov 2011
Wow, you guys are harsh. :) This is the first episode 1 discussion I have joined intentionally. I deliberately selected Texhnolyze after watching Ergo Proxy, I passed over Eva and Darker then black for it. I had prepared myself for the loss of a limb, but I didn't know it was a deliberate amputation. I don't know who that woman was that was grinning as the man prepared to cut off the boy's arm. I know she's the one who came up to him in the shower. I'd watch it again if I have time, but I have a lot of anime to work through, so I'm moving on to episode 2. I love the atmosphere in this.
Mar 14, 2012 1:15 AM

Oct 2011
Nothing happened.

...So why am I so fucking intrigued?

Watching the second now.

Apr 5, 2012 4:30 AM

Sep 2008
And not a single word was given... At least not in the first 11 minutes, lol.

May 25, 2012 9:58 PM
May 2012
kurodayuchi said:
I enjoy the comparison between Ichise getting his arm chop off and a lizard, at the end of the episode (the capacity of creation of new limbs).

Wow, thats good. I hadnt' thought about that.
May 29, 2012 6:25 PM
Oct 2011
Lmao first episode makes low sense, but after watching episode 2, dafuq, i wanna watch it all now :P
Jun 2, 2012 7:34 PM

Aug 2010
Very interesting.
Sep 9, 2012 6:31 PM
Apr 2012
The episode was really creepy during the start, but it seems interesting.
Really like the art style, though.
Oct 25, 2012 11:09 AM

Oct 2008
Re watching this now in HD after a few years. It's really nice that now I can understand a lot more of what was going on in this episode.
Oct 29, 2012 11:57 PM

Sep 2012
This had better improve beyond LOLSORANDUMBxDxD!11! in later episodes.
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