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May 1, 2013 11:25 AM

Nov 2011
Lmao @ that catsuit with Cecil. Oh God.

>Bingo, bingo, bingo!

So I guess the episode focuses on Ittoki. I can't believe Nanami got lost shopping, rofl. Nanami seems to be scared of the haunted house. What a joke.

Cute episode imo. :3. Ittoki was about to confess and then gets cock blocked by some ghost? Oh wait, it's just silly Cecil. Too many bear outfits this episode.
May 1, 2013 11:43 AM

Oct 2011
Aww I wanted to hear more of his song in the beginning : ( Cecil's impersonation of Saotome was perfect. Aww Otoya grew up there. What a cute haunted house XD. Another amazing song !!!!" SMILE MAGIC" OMG the others in bear costumes. So cute I want to hug them. This episode reminded me of Kobato. The Kindergarten and the bazaar.

Next week is Ren Jinguji episode!!!!
AnimeFan500May 1, 2013 12:16 PM
May 1, 2013 11:48 AM

Aug 2011
Cecil is a damn cockblock, and he was just starting to win me over with his Wakamoto SHINING Norio impression too.
May 1, 2013 12:23 PM

Dec 2009
I put 5/5 for this episode, maybe because I'm biased and I love Otoya
I didn't really like Cecil at first but now he's sort of growing on me, I loved his Shining Saotame impression
Otoyan was just too cute all the way through this episode, lucky Haruka :c
May 1, 2013 12:37 PM

Aug 2010
That was a cute episode :)

I lol'd so much at Cecil's imitation of Saotome XDXDXD

I really wonder who Nanami will end up with (if she does end up with one)???? Because they all want her hahaha
May 1, 2013 12:39 PM

Jun 2008
I don't really like Cecil. He steals all the screentime.
There's to many characters and not enough episodes.
So the characters doesn't get enough screen time.

And i know this is based on a otome game, but i wish they didn't to the everyone get's their own episode thing.
I kinda wish this was more like those idol shows. Focusing on training and putting on shows and such.

But i still enjoy this show :3
May 1, 2013 1:16 PM

May 2010
Some Ittoki x Nanami fan serviceness. I likes it. :3
She's been with Ittoki sense the very start, I wish she would pick him. :')

Nanami was scared if a Haunted House made by kids. LMAO. XD
Too bad Ittoki didn't get to confess, but I knew something would happen where he didn't get too. =.=

Still a very cute episode overall. 5/5 ^-^
May 1, 2013 1:57 PM

Mar 2012
again so funny
so lovely Ittoki-kun >..<

Because of this Ittoki Otoya can't be beaten as my fav member of Starish, he just too cute
And IttokixNanami is just the best pairing, well there were also some nice OtoyaxTokiya scenes
But I haven't seen Nanami blush so much in an episode before
She must like him, please!

again a failure of a confession D:
this time it's Cecile's fault, but we still got to see a freaking cute scene
with Nanami and Ittoki in the haunted house and more

His singing was really beautiful and cheerful
I love it when he plays the guitar
He even was amazing and very radiant just practicing
and the bears were also very cute XD
and lol at variety shows, I've seen Takuma Terashima before in one too with some other voice actors

btw why is only Camus appearing, where are the others?
other notice, Ittoki didn't wear any red clothes again. He wore blue, I think that suits him, but when he wore yellow, that's not good. I start to dislike yellow even more.
And I really want to know who's Ittoki's father. If Shining Saotome is really Ittoki's father then he would become suddenly very rich if he took over his dad's business and the others are all rich, aren't they?
xxanimeeeMay 1, 2013 2:52 PM
May 1, 2013 2:08 PM

Aug 2011
Adkjfasf why is Ittoki so fucking cute that face HOW.

This episode was great, full of Ittoki not to mention full of Ittoki. Cecil cockblocking as usual (I still like him though). I feel like Ittoki and Cecil are the only ones who actually try to confess to her.
May 1, 2013 2:47 PM
Feb 2008
How can someone of that age be scared of a hounted house? lol
May 1, 2013 2:57 PM

Nov 2007
Ittoki with his character song SMILE MAGIC, I wonder if the kids' call would be included in the CD, though.

Cecil and Ittoki on variety show. lol @ Cecil's Shining, and Ittoki's tsukkomi!

The magazine cover is the actual image on one of the magazines they sell (I saw it at the bookstore)!!

So the secret behind his disappearance is to where he grew up. It's nice that they gave them alone time, even Cecil! Rest of ST☆RISH helping out as well at the end.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
May 1, 2013 3:09 PM

Jun 2009
A cute episode!! Last week I was dying of laughter and this week... cuteness overload!!

Cecil's impression of Shinning his hilarious!! why was he in a cat suit? lol

Otoya is so cute! I didn't know much about his background so it was interesting to learn something new bout him. I liked both of the songs he sang.

And that magazine Haruka had....i want it!!!
May 1, 2013 3:17 PM

Aug 2009
Did this episode remind anyone else about that episode of Kobato where the kids in the school also had the bazaar?

nostalgic ^__^ <3
May 1, 2013 3:47 PM

Dec 2007
Very cute episode! and LOL for cockblocker Cecil XD
May 1, 2013 5:17 PM

Oct 2009
I was rather nervous for this episode.. with Otoya being my favorite chara, but I loved it! I haven't fangirled this much since the start of season 2.. amazing episode! (:
May 1, 2013 5:51 PM

Feb 2013
Nice Otoya episode ^.^ That awkward moment that after you save all your pictures, you took over 40 screenshots of the episode. Whoops.

May 1, 2013 5:56 PM
Jan 2013
I loved that song in the beginning. His insert songs and the Tokiya inserts are always my favorite. Ittoki isn't my favorite one of the guys, but in terms of potential romance, he's my favorite for Nanami. I think similar to something like Amnesia, this will end without her picking a guy (just using another vg reference show). I do feel as though the show has really only established reciprocated feelings for Tokiya and Ittoki. Nanami really only shows interest for them, where her feelings for the other guys come off more as support. But back to the episode, it was so cute (especially that little bit at the end, Natsuki seemed to really be enjoying himself).
Still HATE Cecil. I just don't get what he's doing. I understand he'll end up in the group, but his character is so annoying and his singing voice is awful.
May 1, 2013 6:01 PM

Apr 2007
Ittoki's voice annoys me, but he really is adorable. And Cecil did a great job impersonating Wakamoto lol

fun fun episode~ Just what I'd expect from Ittoki.
May 1, 2013 9:12 PM
Sep 2012
This was the episode I was waiting for and it did not disappoint me. Otoya is so adorable and this episode was proof.
May 1, 2013 11:26 PM
Mar 2010
Yes, Otoya episode. I felt there was not much humor in this episode but it had some touching moments. On to Ren's episode! I can't wait for him to say 'Little Lamb'. >///<
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May 2, 2013 12:28 AM

Jun 2011
xxanimeee said:

And IttokixNanami is just the best pairing, well there were also some nice OtoyaxTokiya scenes?

This I agree with. XD Otoya is my favorite of the Starish members, but Masato has my most favorite voice of the members. I'm glad Otoya got the spotlight this time.

T.T I feel your pain, Otoya, I don't have a mom anymore either...
"Aiming for the mark takes precision, balance, and patience."

....Screw that, let's shoot the damn thing!
May 2, 2013 4:46 AM

Feb 2010
Aw, man, I hate Cecil even more now. ._. Even though his Saotome impersonating was kinda funny, why the hedgehog is he taking so much screentime?!

On the other hand, for me it's still easy 5/5 for episode, since it was Otoya's. <3 He's so cheerful and cute, gotta love him. ><
May 2, 2013 6:57 AM

Oct 2011
Vistach said:
Aw, man, I hate Cecil even more now. ._. Even though his Saotome impersonating was kinda funny, why the hedgehog is he taking so much screentime?!

On the other hand, for me it's still easy 5/5 for episode, since it was Otoya's. <3 He's so cheerful and cute, gotta love him. ><

Cecil is learning the STARISH life. So you will be seeing him throughout this season. During Ren, Natsuki and Tokiya's episode.
May 2, 2013 7:24 AM

Apr 2013
Fitting Ittoki episode, playing with children
Ittoki was left by his father and mother when he was still a child :"(
I don't know how he get that genki personality ><
Itoki is so cute and cool, my favorite STARISH member ~
May 2, 2013 7:47 AM

Oct 2011
Lulexiaa said:
Did this episode remind anyone else about that episode of Kobato where the kids in the school also had the bazaar?

nostalgic ^__^ <3

Yes it did : ) I love Kobato
May 2, 2013 10:33 AM

Dec 2012
i would love to see nanami and ittoki together :3 he still fits her the best imo. shou is my personal favorite, but ittoki is just so nice and cute and since season 1 i think they would be a pretty cute couple. i wouldn't have any problem if they ended up together.

i still don't really like that cecil is always butting in. wait for your own episode like the other guys do! (or am i just not used to him and he actually doesn't appear that often?)

phoenixalia said:
Yes, Otoya episode. I felt there was not much humor in this episode but it had some touching moments. On to Ren's episode! I can't wait for him to say 'Little Lamb'. >///<
ohh, so next episode will be ren's? i'm excited!
May 2, 2013 4:37 PM

Sep 2007
gawd....even though it was so short I couldn't help watch Cecil's Saotome impersonation twice.

Oh my.....they talked about Otoya's history a bit =O I was surprised they managed to put mention of that...

gawd... Nanami's lack of reaction (or denial for that matter) when the kids called her Otoya's boyfriend... *FACEPALM*

Cecil stopped the confession -indirectly- but yayz~ the others need screen time too after all~~ o3o
May 2, 2013 8:16 PM

Aug 2011
Fangirl mode explosion IUAFHLIHSDLJASDHLSDHLIUWDH >//////////////////<
Do not feed the trolls! They bite ;D
May 2, 2013 8:48 PM

Oct 2008
Otoyaaaa~! <3 This is the episode I was waiting for! If I got to walk through a haunted house with Otoya I'd pretend to be scared too just so I could hold his hand, hehehe. <3
I really wish he got to finish his confession though... >.<
May 3, 2013 1:51 AM

Oct 2012
I loved this ep, but I still wish for my senpais.
Nanami gets frightened easily it seems. It's a Haunted House made by kids, how bad would it be? Then again Cecil just went there and "SURPRISE MUTHAFAKKA".

And talking about Cecil, I loved his impression of Shining!

Ah another orphan sad backstory again. At least Ittoki isn't always depressed or an asshole unlike the other billion similar.

Alone on a Friday night? Remember that DIO did nothing wrong!
May 3, 2013 6:15 AM

Dec 2008
This show always makes me giggle like a school girl with a crush everytime I watch it...especially when they break out in random song. Go, go, Oto-nii!!

Cecil doing an impersonation of the President...I laughed so hard I think I hurt myself!

Sent with Mal Updater
May 3, 2013 7:27 AM

Feb 2012
Frankly, I'd rather watch a shounen-ai anime than to endure Nanami's annoying personality.
Oh well... episode was okay.
I've got my school leaving exam this week and this anime is perfect for relaxing. Lol at the bear costumes though.
The only thing you can rely on is that you can't rely on anything.
May 3, 2013 10:06 AM

Feb 2010
Otoya was damn cute. Loved scene with those bear costumes.
May 3, 2013 2:35 PM

Feb 2012
Best episode so far! 5/5
Otoya ftw!
May 3, 2013 3:20 PM

Oct 2011
DEAR GOD Ittoki is THE CUTEST THING EVER!!!! Just... everything he does is cute. @3@ His voice is sooooo nice too. <3 I was squealing like a little school girl the whole episode. xD

Ittoki x Nanami pairing is still the most genuine in my opinion. They fit each other perfectly and she looks like she's always having fun and always smiling with him. :)

I STILL can't understand why Cecil is in this show. He's a waste of space and screen time. Yes that impression was funny, but that doesn't make me hate him less. He's clueless and anoying and UGH. =_=
May 3, 2013 7:44 PM

Nov 2011
Itermin8rX said:


May 3, 2013 8:02 PM

Nov 2007
Ittoki episodes are always so awesome! Somehow I always want Nanami to end up with Ittoki! My second favourite STARISH member (after Tokiya of course, even though I don't want Nanami to end with him).

And Ittoki episodes mean more chibi faces! ^_^

There is always a tension between Ittoki and Nanami. And her blushes when she is with Ittoki are completely different compared to when her blushes in front of any other STARISH member. The chemistry between them is different, more warm and fuzzy I think. And thus it always makes me think that Ittoki is the right person for her.

Finally an episode worth a 5/5!
shanimebibMay 3, 2013 8:06 PM
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
May 6, 2013 1:38 PM

Apr 2013
Yay! I was waiting for this episode, Otoya is my favorite!

Some parts of this episode were really cheesy, I can't imagine being scared in a haunted house that's made by kids, and believe me, I avoid haunted houses like nobody else, silly Haruka. I was actually expecting for someone to intercept Haruka and Otoya throughout the episode before they arrived at the "Happy room" when they were holding hands and such, really glad that didn't happen. Glad we got to learn about Otoya's past, it's so cute to see how he got along with those kids. I feel like the Otoya/Haruka pairing is the most natural, not just because Otoya is my favorite one out of the bunch. Other than Otoya I only feel like Tokiya/Haruka would feel natural.

For some reason I'm not liking Cecil's appearance as much as I'd hoped, as I experience it they put him significantly a lot in each character episode because he has to catch up his lost screentime from Season 1 to make him grow on watchers, but it's not working for me.

Sorry for the long post. ಥ_ಥ I got carried away.
May 7, 2013 1:02 AM
May 2010
I wish people would stop insisting Cecil has no place in this series and is wasting screen time.

In case you people forgot, this is the SECOND SEASON. The main 6 boys already got an entire season dedicated to them, in which Cecil (who is still an important character in canon) only had roughly 5 minutes of screen time. Excluding his time as Kuppuru though.

Its only fair they make up for excluding him so much in Season 1, but letting him adjust and feature more in Season 2.

Now granted I could do with more senpai screen time, but its not like the main 6 have been deprived of their share of screen time. They still dominate 90% of the episode.

The only reason Cecil doesn't seem that important in the anime is because of how season 1 portrayed him. That's the anime's fault. If half of people did their research, they would see he's a lot more important in the games.
May 7, 2013 5:23 AM

May 2010
This episode was so cute and yet HILARIOUS at the same time :D
Otoya is my no.1 favorite (second one is Shou <3) so I had to enjoy it. Though now, when my most liked characters are done, I don't know if rest of the series will be as much enjoyable. Though, Masato's episode was really good, and I'm not big fan of this guy, so I might be wrong ;)
I like how Cecil is muuuch more important in this series than Haruka :D Yaoi vibes anyone? Even though this series is titled "MAJI LOVE 2000%" I see only some innocent guys with first feelings, aww, cute <3 Not big fan of reverse harems, but UtaPri is so colorful and cute... Can't dislike it.
And I love the ending. Cranks me every single time I see it.

Time to play the original visual novel soon, I guess.
May 7, 2013 8:17 AM

Dec 2009
I love this episode!So far so good. Full of fluffiness! It's so cute but it's just me that it felt so short? And the confession part, why do Cecil needs to pop out? Well blame his man-made ghost. XD

As for Cecil, I love his impersonation! Got me laughing there. That neon-cat-looking-mascot? And yeah he got a role, he is always there when the leads is in trouble, maybe because, in that process, he's learning too? And yeah, I want to hear him sing again! ^____^

As for Ittoki, he's so cute and bright and warm! *u*
I can't believed he grew without his parents. He's just one of a kind guy! I do love this guy! And I believed, he'll treasured this day very much, a time with his beloved Haruka-chan! (Feel jealous. XD)

As for Haruka, I like her more (so far as I watched) here in Season 2, unlike in season 1 'cause she's a little bit boring? Well, that's Haruka's side! That one lucky girl! But bad in directions! Thanks to Ittoki, he's always been her lifesaver! Lol

PS: Cecil, you'll definitely love him too! That adorable neon-green mascot
PSS: Those guys (Toki, Masa, Ren, Natsu, Sho) are so adorable wearing that bear-looking-mascot! I want to take them home! XD
May 8, 2013 10:22 PM

Jul 2012
Weee finally found the time to watch this episode. It's an OK ep, it literally had me yawning a lot though... Especially the "Horror House" scene; it was so frustrating to watch. /flips table/ He should have finished his sentence dammit

As for Cecil, I love this guy. I like how he's so blunt. But his voice irks me sometimes.... Though he's like, my second/third favorite character idk but Shining will always be ichiban.
May 12, 2013 7:40 AM
Mar 2012
KingLear said:
Frankly, I'd rather watch a shounen-ai anime than to endure Nanami's annoying personality.
That's what I think about most reverse harem series. :/
Jun 16, 2013 9:12 PM

Feb 2011
LOL I just love how Cecil impersonate as Shining Saotome. he just sound exactly like him :). It's nice to know about Ittoki background it must be very terrible for him :(. at least now i know why he is such a cheerful type of person. If it wasn't for the orphanage?/school and the people around him. I doubt he can be cheerful like now.
Sep 20, 2013 2:07 AM
Dec 2011
In the beginning I could only think of airhead there but as it went on it was cutsy but I didn't laugh as much, and when and why the hell did cecil magically appear near the end there?? Put the ghost in I didn't think the kids knew who he was..

Then the ending I awed, bear costumes ahhhhhhhhh!! <33 precious

Want to talk more about this message or comment my page!
Nov 9, 2013 3:25 AM

Oct 2013
It's taking me forever to plod through these episodes :/ Nanami is so slow, even half her lines are just her repeating other characters. Is it too much to ask for a reverse harem heroine to be intelligent and witty?

I love the boys, though.
Nov 26, 2013 11:55 PM

Jul 2012
violets said:
It's taking me forever to plod through these episodes :/ Nanami is so slow, even half her lines are just her repeating other characters. Is it too much to ask for a reverse harem heroine to be intelligent and witty?

KingLear said:
Frankly, I'd rather watch a shounen-ai anime than to endure Nanami's annoying personality.

This is the first time I've watched a show that I actually wished that there would be more gay moments (like Free! and Oofuri). Why? I just find that it would make this show more tolerable to watch, even if I'm not really into shipping yaoi couples. Also, it's just so much more entertaining to have BL context. It's pure comedy.
Dec 22, 2013 11:54 PM

Nov 2011
Realistically, only Otoya, Tokiya and Cecil really have a chance with Nanami. The others are all lovely, but are just there to make it a reverse harem and nothing more. I want my Tokiya episode soon OuO His inserts are humorous so far, but they are so different from the first season.

Cecil was cooler in the first season. Honestly, I'd rather it was a battle between Otoya and Tokiya. I'm glad everyone else is here because they are drool-worthy, though.

For some reason, I'm not enjoying this season as much as the first. But the quality is still very good, so I'm going to finish this completely
These faces are so cute that I might just leave them here (#`Д´)´∀`)・ω・) ゚Д゚)゚∀゚)・∀・) ̄ー ̄)´_ゝ`)
Jul 9, 2014 1:56 PM

Aug 2009
Widelle said:
Otoya was damn cute. Loved scene with those bear costumes.

Those bear costumes were truly adorable!
Great episode! very heartwarming :)

Dec 4, 2014 2:08 PM
Oct 2013
awwww, that was sweet. Itoki is my favorite person. I feel like he and Cecil could be best friends......
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