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Feb 11, 2013 3:03 PM

Jun 2010
A functional ending for a series as unstructured as this, but given that we never wrapped up anything regarding the Griffin, 47 episodes is a somewhat strange number, and the Wikipedia page tells me the toys didn't sell, I wonder if this show got cancelled.

It must have mustered decent popularity though, since they ended up making that second OVA which I guess continues the story.
Apr 15, 2013 3:26 PM

Apr 2012
Well that was a nice ride. Indeed it was a strange series, not really because of its episodic structure but because of the feel it gave out: a kind of appealing simplicity. It was like watching a light-hearted Ground Mecha 101, and I could have gone for another 50 episodes of that. That said, the best episodes were the serious arcs and I can imagine the audience of the time getting frustrated over not getting enough of them. I wonder what the sequel looks like.
Sep 5, 2014 7:08 PM

Mar 2012
This series definitely could've been better but it was alright. Definitely agree that it should've been less episodic, made most of the episodes feel like watching filler.
Oct 26, 2014 8:55 AM

Nov 2011
Is THAT how it ends?


All of a sudden, this Indian kid comes swooping in with a highly advanced Labor and THEN what?

Not satisfied with this end for this series, but I'm glad there's more.
Oct 4, 2015 4:56 AM

Jul 2014
EratiK said:
Well that was a nice ride. Indeed it was a strange series, not really because of its episodic structure but because of the feel it gave out: a kind of appealing simplicity. It was like watching a light-hearted Ground Mecha 101, and I could have gone for another 50 episodes of that. That said, the best episodes were the serious arcs and I can imagine the audience of the time getting frustrated over not getting enough of them. I wonder what the sequel looks like.

Wow. It's the exact opposite for me. Serious arcs were boring as hell. I really enjoyed the episodic structure of this series.
Oct 8, 2015 3:06 AM

Dec 2010
Aria-da-Capo said:
Wow. It's the exact opposite for me. Serious arcs were boring as hell. I really enjoyed the episodic structure of this series.

I couldn't agree more. Few people seem to appreciate lighthearted episodic shows nowadays, sadly.
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Jan 11, 2016 3:59 AM

Jul 2008
I liked the episodic nature of the's pretty true to real life for people in public service like police and fire.

Could it have used a few more serious arcs, yes. I also wish they had taken down the Griffin team, but other than that it was a great show.

Jan 11, 2016 9:44 PM

Jul 2013
I really don't get why so many anime fans have a pickle with episodic shows. I would say that it's better not to but all egg's in the same basket.

I wasn't biggest fan of the main arc episodes either even though i liked the villains. It was disappointing to see that the original series didn't give a conclusion to that arc. I was fully expecting to that to be the ending finale and when there was just two episodes left i was like "you fucking assholes".

At least there is a ending to that arc but it's not right to start an arc in a series and then finish it elsewhere.

But who knows. If i'm not mistaken the series is based on the manga so maybe it wasn't finished at the time.

Anyways. The series was very entertaining and it's now one of my favorites. There were barely any weak episodes which is admirable.
Apr 20, 2016 6:33 AM

Nov 2011
And at the end of the series, we are left with an important turning point in history, a step that involves a bit all the characters, but especially Izumi and chief mechanic, very good! Pleasant and fun, to this day remains the best anime series as regards the couple slice of lifeXmecha, no one has managed to do better or match it. Excellent soundtrack, interesting characters, I hope to find the sequel of this work, not enough for me these 47 episodes, I want the other.

Jun 5, 2016 2:30 AM
Nov 2015
Aria-da-Capo said:
EratiK said:
Well that was a nice ride. Indeed it was a strange series, not really because of its episodic structure but because of the feel it gave out: a kind of appealing simplicity. It was like watching a light-hearted Ground Mecha 101, and I could have gone for another 50 episodes of that. That said, the best episodes were the serious arcs and I can imagine the audience of the time getting frustrated over not getting enough of them. I wonder what the sequel looks like.

Wow. It's the exact opposite for me. Serious arcs were boring as hell. I really enjoyed the episodic structure of this series.

Me too, I didn't expect to like the last cour (10 last episodes) this much. Sure the serious action arc had me glued to the screen, the dialogs to find clues, to watch the fighting, to remember all the players and plots of the game. But I especially like the slice of life take on mecha.
The last 2 ep reminds me of an anime named Aria the Natural, an episode where the girl undine had to part with her gondola. Patlabor did so well with these parting episodes, the Kanuka farewell ep previously and these 2. I cried when Noa touched the grass on Alphonse the First's grave, but overall it is so hopeful, subtle, not too melo and the chars don't do much whining, crying. Which really impressed me.
Dec 31, 2016 1:38 AM
Mar 2016
I'm not sure how I feel about this series, except I really would've liked to get to know the characters better. I did appreciate the light feel of it though. I will have to watch it again someday. That said its been a long time since I saw the other OVA plus The Movie, especially for someone with a memory like myself, and I think my expectations were totally skewed, given how fulfilling I remember the other series was. This was greatish in its way.
Oct 14, 2017 6:52 AM

Jun 2009

too much episodic anime (some of them interesting some of them kinda boring).
and the arc's plot was weak.
oh, and one more thing. Ohta was (mostly useless). if this anime based on real japanese society (and in my opinion they tried to make it so), he should be fired around 10-20 episode.
IZUMI64Oct 14, 2017 7:03 AM
Oct 6, 2019 2:32 AM

Apr 2011
Okay, so I'm just gonna go ahead and admit that this episode made me cry; I also lost a beloved dog and it's still hard to not cry when I think about him.
So I related to Noa in a big way there.

I also love how this show does little subtle things with the character interactions, it's one of the best things about it imo.
Patlabor doesn't TELL you what the characters are feeling, it shows you. That's fantastic directing.

And I also liked the callbacks to the first episode between Goto and Nagumo, and Asuma and Noa. Made me smile. :)

All in all, a great series, more light hearted than the movie timeline [which is good because it helps differentiate between the two], and I appreciate how the series got so much better in the 2nd half, and less episodic.

The continuation from the movie timeline of having a fantastic soundtrack and charming lovable characters elevates this series above many others imo, tack onto the fact that it's essentially a blend of my favorite genres combined just seals it as a favorite for me.

AngelicTotoroOct 6, 2019 2:45 AM
Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
Oct 10, 2019 4:09 PM

Feb 2017
Oota's antics dragged down this show by a lot for me.
Jul 13, 2020 1:33 PM

Nov 2016
Nice episode to wrap things and with the parallels to episode one it somewhat came full circle.

All in all it was a good watch. It's a series with a unique charm, one that managed to balance down to earth storytelling and craziness.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Mar 21, 2021 5:39 AM

Nov 2008
Aria-da-Capo said:
EratiK said:
Well that was a nice ride. Indeed it was a strange series, not really because of its episodic structure but because of the feel it gave out: a kind of appealing simplicity. It was like watching a light-hearted Ground Mecha 101, and I could have gone for another 50 episodes of that. That said, the best episodes were the serious arcs and I can imagine the audience of the time getting frustrated over not getting enough of them. I wonder what the sequel looks like.

Wow. It's the exact opposite for me. Serious arcs were boring as hell. I really enjoyed the episodic structure of this series.

Same for me. <- the largest collection of anime Openings & Endings on the Web <- guess an anime from your list by it's Opening/Ending music browser game
Jul 3, 2021 7:10 PM
Jun 2014
It does suck a little that there are some loose ends that weren't tied up. It makes me wonder what the situation was at the time, whether they thought they'd have another series or whether they just wanted to end the project and move on. But overall the show was great for what it is.
Dec 5, 2023 3:19 PM
Jan 2021
So was the dog a bait? The second OP showed a new dog on the team and he never appeared. One of the episodes was called "His Name is Zero" and it opened with a flashback to Noa's old dog and I thought finally, we get to see the dog's appearance but Zero was just the new patlabor. I actually thought the new dog was the culprit in the thefts that lead everyone down to explore the sewer with the giant gator but was fooled then too. Maybe the dog was season 2 bait to get you to watch it? I was going to anyway, just curious what his deal was.
Sep 6, 2024 9:57 AM
Dec 2019
Why does this show end like this? And by that I do mean that this was a totally arbitrary way to end the series but I also mean that the last 15 episodes or so were mostly awful and pointless. This could've been a great show if it were half as long. Normally I think its very dumb when people make watch guides for shows that are like "Start with episode 7, then go back to 2-5, then from episode 10 watch all the even numbered ones, then the first movie" etc but this show would be much better with that kind of editing. Episodic shows are fine but this one is not just episodic but its also completely directionless.

Noa's character honestly develops completely backwards and at the end of the show she's a confused mess that has no faith in her skills despite carrying Division 2 for like 40 episodes. Kanuka was set up to leave the show at some point and that they acted on that is mind-numbingly stupid because she's the best character and every episode she comes back for is better than the trash that follows her departure. Shinohara is a main character that basically doesn't change in any meaningful way despite them setting up his backstory with his dad, his potential romance with Noa, his identity as a cop, etc. Ota starts off as a funny parody of insane cops and then just stays that way for the whole show and for some reason gets increasing screen time throughout the show and benefits from a weird pr gaslighting campaign about how effective he is as a cop (he is dogshit and the show keeps telling you how talented he is) which would be a good gag if it was played for laughs but they're serious for some reason. Nobody else in the show does enough to really be worth talking about. Goto almost makes the cut but by the end he doesn't even do anything anymore.

I wonder what happened with this show and why it turned out like this. The OVA also had very odd pacing but the episode budget and short run time made up for it. This show had maybe 24 episodes worth of ideas and they got paid to make 47 instead and its kind of shit because of it.
Sep 7, 2024 9:12 AM

Jun 2010
Reply to LotteGiants
Why does this show end like this? And by that I do mean that this was a totally arbitrary way to end the series but I also mean that the last 15 episodes or so were mostly awful and pointless. This could've been a great show if it were half as long. Normally I think its very dumb when people make watch guides for shows that are like "Start with episode 7, then go back to 2-5, then from episode 10 watch all the even numbered ones, then the first movie" etc but this show would be much better with that kind of editing. Episodic shows are fine but this one is not just episodic but its also completely directionless.

Noa's character honestly develops completely backwards and at the end of the show she's a confused mess that has no faith in her skills despite carrying Division 2 for like 40 episodes. Kanuka was set up to leave the show at some point and that they acted on that is mind-numbingly stupid because she's the best character and every episode she comes back for is better than the trash that follows her departure. Shinohara is a main character that basically doesn't change in any meaningful way despite them setting up his backstory with his dad, his potential romance with Noa, his identity as a cop, etc. Ota starts off as a funny parody of insane cops and then just stays that way for the whole show and for some reason gets increasing screen time throughout the show and benefits from a weird pr gaslighting campaign about how effective he is as a cop (he is dogshit and the show keeps telling you how talented he is) which would be a good gag if it was played for laughs but they're serious for some reason. Nobody else in the show does enough to really be worth talking about. Goto almost makes the cut but by the end he doesn't even do anything anymore.

I wonder what happened with this show and why it turned out like this. The OVA also had very odd pacing but the episode budget and short run time made up for it. This show had maybe 24 episodes worth of ideas and they got paid to make 47 instead and its kind of shit because of it.
LotteGiants said:
This could've been a great show if it were half as long.

Many such cases..

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