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Jul 13, 2008 7:37 PM

Nov 2007
So now we have Kugimiya, Mamiko and Yui Horie in the same show at the same time. I'm liking this better than S2, but JC Staff better not drop the ball.

Episode summary:
-Tiffania has the biggest boobs in the whole series
-Tiffania's boobs bounce a LOT
-Louise is jealous of Tiffania's boobs
-Siesta is also jealous of Tiffania's boobs (they're that huge)
-This Saito's fault
Jul 14, 2008 4:48 AM
Feb 2008
omg tiffanias boobs makes me lol when i saw them xDDDDDDDD
but i think they're too huge...
she should give half of them to louise ;p
Jul 14, 2008 11:44 AM

Jul 2008
NOWAAJan 8, 5:46 PM
Jul 14, 2008 1:36 PM

Jul 2008
BOOBS GALORE!? Yay for Louise and Saito! Guess Gandalfr is back! Tiffania is way over the brim with the boobs but Louise is even more jealous! Louise and Saito really are MOE!
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Jul 14, 2008 10:59 PM

Aug 2007
An alright episode. Now that Saito is back as a familiar it will be all the same as before :/
Jul 15, 2008 1:20 AM

Mar 2008
5 of 5!....

And I literally lol'ed at the OP's username...
Jul 15, 2008 1:27 AM

Apr 2007
Haha I died laughing ! Can't remember how many times did I rewatch the 5sec scene where saito goes BUUSTT REVOOOVVOOLLUTTIOONN !! and the facial expressions of the characters.

On the other hand saito got his powers back and the elf is sure to provide more fun later on :D I just know it with boobs those size hahaha.

Btw... we need an uncensored version later on :D
Jul 15, 2008 1:29 AM

May 2007
Censored_Vagina said:
So now we have Kugimiya, Mamiko and Yui Horie in the same show at the same time
You go it!!!!!! Awesome stack of cast, really. Yui, I mean Siesta was a lot more daring and got pretty intimate with "Miss Vallière", which is something different lol. Tiffania is probably Mamiko's character with biggest BUST. For someone who enjoyed Rosario+Vampire's boobalicious pandemonium, I couldn't help but lol'd at these...

I just LOVE LOUISE when she made all those funny childish loli moves. XD To the naysayers, these past two episodes pretty much shows how Zero no Tsukaima is a lot more comical. Can't really help Louise and Saito's romance relationship at this stage, otherwise it wouldn't be funny at all. I've seen a lot of romance already so I can't imagine if Zero no Tsukaima turns out like Honey & Clover or something like that. Not only that, more service like pantsu and clothes ripping. I guess this is to differentiate the feel of this season from the past two. Not that I'm unhappy~ I like changes and I won't mind if season 3 keep up with this pace, but surely we all expect more seriousness at one point or another.

Overall, satisfying episode. Louise apparently came up with "EXPLOSION!" spell and actually manage to do more on her own in critical situation. For a "baka meido", Siesta was pretty good at battle too lol. I thought they were gonna prolong the diappearance of Gandarf rune but this ep ended pretty good. Louise summoned Saito again, Tiffania is found, and now it's time for the HUMAN Silpheed! Moar Tabitha plz!
Jul 15, 2008 1:34 AM

Mar 2008
Great episode!

Tiffania is so cute. <3

It was a nice scene when she resummoned him again.

But really, the whole "I treat him bad" >>> "I feel sorry about it but can't bring myself to say sorry" >>> "repeat" pattern is really getting on my nerves. It's even worse than in S2 so far.
I mean in S3 she seems to not even need a real reason to get into bitch mode.
Jul 15, 2008 1:38 AM
Apr 2007
BUST REVOLUTION just own'd me...
I can't wait to see Louise and Siesta plotting against Tiffania's boobs xD
Jul 15, 2008 2:20 AM

Aug 2007
Funny episode, its moving fairly quickly- I didn't expect her to try to re-summon him until a lot latter in the season. Seams to be about the same as S2 so far.
Jul 15, 2008 3:05 AM

Dec 2007
A fun episode.. The scene where Louise snapped while preaching Saito and Tiffania was hillarious ^^
It's tending to take the s2 route with the high amount of fanservice..
Jul 15, 2008 3:07 AM

Jan 2007

Tiffania <3

pretty much sums up my thoughts xD
Jul 15, 2008 4:17 AM

Feb 2008
lol pretty funny with the "BUST REVOLUTION", i hate censors...-_-...
Jul 15, 2008 4:43 AM
Oct 2007
SNDK said:
It's tending to take the s2 route with the high amount of fanservice..

That my friend is quite an understatement - the whole fanservice thing is really turning me off this series...
Didn't really enjoy this episode - besides introducing Tiffania (and even then, she had about 4 - 5 lines....) there wasn't much in this episode that seemed to be there besides fan service.
Oh, and that battle was identical to the one last episode...I couldn't see any difference.
Louise is trapped, when all seems lost, Saito comes in and saves her.

tbh I haven't enjoyed this series so far - it seems to pale in comparison to the last two.
Jul 15, 2008 5:34 AM

Oct 2007
It was an OK episode, alot of fanservice but guess that's okay in this series. I don't think it will be a top series but at least better then some off the other Ecchi crap you can find out there...

"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water." -Wystan Hugh
Jul 15, 2008 6:26 AM

Apr 2008
I could have given this episode a 5 out of 5, but because of siestas sudden apperance i rated it down a notch.
ChickenchiefJul 15, 2008 6:31 AM
Jul 15, 2008 6:50 AM

Jun 2007
The fanservice was worse (quality-wise) than last episode, but it never got as bad as season 2. Overall, a decent ep.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Jul 15, 2008 8:58 AM

Jun 2007
Most of the episode was quite boring till they found that bust revolution elf which was quite amusing.
Not really anything more to say. Decent but still better then session 2.
Jul 15, 2008 9:53 AM

Mar 2008
Excellent episode, i liked the temporary association of Louise and Siesta against Tiffania ^^

And wow, these boobs... it's against gravity laws ! ;)
Jul 15, 2008 9:55 AM

Oct 2007
Well I have my quote for the day

Bust Revolution o_o

5 outta 5

And am I the only who enjoyed the ecchi D: The ecchi of season 2 was nothing compared to other animes :P
Jul 15, 2008 10:04 AM

Oct 2007
Forever said:
Great episode!

Tiffania is so cute. <3

I loved that moment in this episode... Bust Revolution!

But this episode managed to cram in so much into the 24min time slot. Sietta's pushy attitude, Louise's tsundere-ness and plenty of development on Saito's behalf. Glad she managed to re-summon him already. ^_^
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 15, 2008 10:11 AM

May 2008
The episode wasn't that great but I agree with every, BUST REVOLUTION was definitely the high point of the episode.
Jul 15, 2008 10:22 AM

Feb 2008
hhhmmmm so she can use magic accurately now. which would also be why she was able to summon him again, seeing as she is a void user and all, its only obvious. tiffania's boobs are quite huge indeed.
Jul 15, 2008 11:28 AM

Dec 2007
kisami said:
hhhmmmm so she can use magic accurately now. which would also be why she was able to summon him again, seeing as she is a void user and all, its only obvious. tiffania's boobs are quite huge indeed.

I think she's just using her inability to use most magic spells to her advantage.

I mean, yeah there's already more fanserivice then S1, but now at the level of S2... however, credit one thing to credit... Saito isn't apes*** anytime he sees a girl w/ big breasts. He used to nuts around Siesta and I would've expected more of a reaction around Tiffania if it was the same Saito from S2. So it's definetly good to see more of the S1 Saito.
Jul 15, 2008 11:32 AM
Feb 2008
extremely good episode. only thing i didnt like about it was the very last part. saito barking didnt fit in with what he usually does. the rest of the episode was amazingly good.
Jul 15, 2008 12:01 PM
May 2008
A good episode shame about the TV edits though.
Jul 15, 2008 12:08 PM
May 2008
Certainly a worthy episode that features its funny and serious moments. The scene where Saito said "bust revolution" was certainly a hilarious moment. Louise complaining about Tiffania's chest size was also hilarious along with the temporary alliance made by Louise and Siesta. XD Its also good to see Louise getting much better with her magic along with resummoning her familiar Saito.
Jul 15, 2008 12:44 PM

Jul 2008
Well the first episode had me a little down considering that I was looking forward to this season but this episode redeemed the show a lot for me. Looks like Ill enjoy the this run after all.
Jul 15, 2008 12:57 PM

Jul 2007
Bust Revolution! o.O
Jul 15, 2008 1:26 PM

Apr 2008
HMmmmm, it was ok. Pretty fast pace, didn't think saito would already be re-summoned in 2nd episode. Damn, I know I"m a guy and all.... but those boobs are just TOO big >_<
I hope the plot will go for the best :)
Jul 15, 2008 1:53 PM
Mar 2008
landlock said:
A good episode shame about the TV edits though.

Loved this ep. btw what was edited?
Jul 15, 2008 2:24 PM

Oct 2007
avatar_j said:
landlock said:
A good episode shame about the TV edits though.

Loved this ep. btw what was edited?

The scenes when Louise was fondling Tiffania's breast... There was some minor cropping at the bottom of the screen but it was barely noticeable. ^_^
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Jul 15, 2008 3:17 PM

Dec 2007
i noticed it immediately... they also digital zoomed the picture, which was why one of the shots looked blurry
Jul 15, 2008 3:31 PM

Oct 2007
omg boobage, it defies physics! o_O
Jul 15, 2008 4:35 PM

Aug 2007
Faust721 said:

Tiffania <3

pretty much sums up my thoughts xD

we usually share the same thoughts. including now.

haha <3 Tiffania
Jul 15, 2008 5:27 PM

Jan 2008
I didn't mind the episode, but the fanservice for this series is getting a little ridiculous. It's turning out to be like every other anime these days, and that turns me off of it.

I can't help but think that this season will be no different than the previous two, and Saito will only be caught at the end of every blast Louise shoots at him because of her constant misunderstandings with hiim. Same cycle put on repeat. I'm honestly hoping that this season brings something new to the table.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Jul 15, 2008 5:28 PM

Jun 2008
I expected more Tiffania, :0 but it was a decent episode ! I imagined they'd have Saito's non Gandarf powers, "off" for a good amount of the season, but i'm glad that their pace is much quicker than the last 2 seasons.

I loved Louise in this episode, and Siesta too, <3 them teaming up against Tiffania made me *heart* Siesta even more this season.

I WANT HUMAN SILPHEED, likeee nowww <333

Jul 15, 2008 5:44 PM
Jul 2008
I really liked this episode especially because of Louise realizing her mistakes and ofc for saito getting summoned tho this was to be expected.
Would really like to see more about Tiffania besides here hugeeeeeee breasts, she probably is the second void user. Really funny episode love to see Louise and Siesta team up instead of Louise being jealous all the time.
Jul 15, 2008 8:18 PM

Sep 2007
Well, I quite liked it... it really seems more decent then season 2, which is a good point... but after two full seasons off hardcore it starts tsun-tsun-dere-dere to get on my freaking nerves xD

Oh... I almost forgot.... BUSTO REVOLUTION
TrineasJul 15, 2008 8:28 PM

Jul 15, 2008 8:27 PM

Jul 2007

klimojakwino said:
omg tiffanias boobs makes me lol when i saw them xDDDDDDDD
but i think they're too huge...
she should give half of them to louise ;p

Jul 15, 2008 9:24 PM

Jun 2007
Mikhael04 said:
SNDK said:
It's tending to take the s2 route with the high amount of fanservice..

That my friend is quite an understatement - the whole fanservice thing is really turning me off this series...
Didn't really enjoy this episode - besides introducing Tiffania (and even then, she had about 4 - 5 lines....) there wasn't much in this episode that seemed to be there besides fan service.
Oh, and that battle was identical to the one last episode...I couldn't see any difference.
Louise is trapped, when all seems lost, Saito comes in and saves her.

tbh I haven't enjoyed this series so far - it seems to pale in comparison to the last two.

I have to agree. I found the first two seasons amazing and now this... so far it has fallen flat of my expectations. Old jokes being reused, plot basically missing, major unanswered questions from the past seasons answered in a shitty short handed way, missing elements from the past season (ie. Saito and Louise got married yet no one seems to remember or even know). I honestly hope this seasons gets better. I've been looking forward to this for so long and now I'm pretty sad at what I'm seeing.

Jul 15, 2008 9:45 PM

May 2008
Censored_Vagina said:
So now we have Kugimiya, Mamiko and Yui Horie in the same show at the same time.

* Exellent all 3 in the same show, that's good news.

The story is really getting good.

TechDragonJul 15, 2008 9:50 PM
Jul 15, 2008 10:25 PM

Oct 2007
Tekky99 said:
I mean, yeah there's already more fanserivice then S1, but now at the level of S2... however, credit one thing to credit... Saito isn't apes*** anytime he sees a girl w/ big breasts. He used to nuts around Siesta and I would've expected more of a reaction around Tiffania if it was the same Saito from S2. So it's definetly good to see more of the S1 Saito.

I don't know if there's any less fanservice vs. S2, but definitely true that Saito is acting more like S1 Saito versus horndog S2 Saito which is a plus.

I liked Tiffania, she was cute, as Noto's characters often are, but a little more umm... human proportions would've been nice.

This was a rare episode that didn't end with Saito getting whipped. Maybe we're in for a change?
Jul 16, 2008 5:03 AM

Apr 2008
"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"
Jul 16, 2008 8:32 AM
Jul 2018
Gah the boobs. Dont u think she would tip over with those??

Its okay so far... but I still can't see why Saito would become a familiar when he could be her equal. Thats annoying! Heaven forbid. Although I like the reverse roll of slave and master. Hehe, Louise is awesome. But shes always PMSing!! RAWR! S'all good though. Shes at least re-thinking her decisions now... after she has acted upon her whims. Ehhh...
Jul 16, 2008 8:34 AM
Jul 2018
Tekky99 said:

This was a rare episode that didn't end with Saito getting whipped. Maybe we're in for a change?

He did get whipped. Around 4:13... heh
Jul 16, 2008 9:05 AM

May 2008
That episode was much better than first xD
It seems that Tiffania boobs were the most important thing in this ep ^^

Oh no. Why this *@$^% Siesta didn't die?
Jul 16, 2008 1:20 PM
Dec 2007
Wow it must be the weakest episode of the 3 seasons of ZnS so far : re-used action sequences, drop in animation quality, too much fanservice, weak characterization and drama, forced plotting and no development whatsoever. Seems like JC Staff ran out of ideas for this one, I didn't remember the first two seasons being that average...

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jul 16, 2008 6:05 PM

Nov 2007
Hmmm.....too much childish fanservice and humor.....Need more serious stuffs soon....
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
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