Do you love Anime, Manga and Video Games? Well come on down to the Tranquility Tea Room for a chat! We are a fairly new group of users to MAL so we decided to make a club. Of course we are not forcing you to join as it is your choice not ours, but we would love to see you on the club page one day to come have a chat! Thanks for your time and have a lovely day!
Ah, hehe! Valkyria Chronicles var masse morro! Jeg anbefaler du bare bestiller fra Rett i postkassen, lynrask levering, og de har det visst på lager. ;) Forøvrig, for taktiske spill, vurdert Disgaea?
Mye kontakt med lokalmiljøet innen anime? :3
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Do you love Anime, Manga and Video Games? Well come on down to the Tranquility Tea Room for a chat! We are a fairly new group of users to MAL so we decided to make a club. Of course we are not forcing you to join as it is your choice not ours, but we would love to see you on the club page one day to come have a chat! Thanks for your time and have a lovely day!
Norwegian Anime Association
Mye kontakt med lokalmiljøet innen anime? :3
Forøvrig overrasket over at du husket meg. Minnet meg på at jeg kanskje kunne tuklet litt med Vocaloid igjen. :3