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A Certain Magical Index (light novel)
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Feb 25, 2011 7:41 AM

May 2009
At the very end, Index is still like a burden though at the very least she bought enough time to Accel to make his move, thus leading their escape


Well, well, what do you know shit happens when it's about Toaru series, Kihara and Vento met each other (>_<)

We are now at : Streets Beaten by the Cold Rain — Battle_Preparation.

Again, PLEASE! Resist from saying anything that will spoil other people, just give them a hint or a clue.

Well then everyone, DISCUSS!
desolatoMar 2, 2011 3:00 AM

-- I'm looking for "The One" and I'll find her more quickly if I audition two at a time. Think you can do better? --
-- The World God Only Knows -- Toaru Majutsu no Index -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai --
Feb 25, 2011 8:09 AM

Jul 2010
That pedophile finally has been placed on the wanted list...

episode was 5/5
Feb 25, 2011 8:30 AM

Nov 2007
Wow, so much has happened in this ep.! Cannot wait for next ep.!
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 25, 2011 8:33 AM

Nov 2008
Lots of plot advancement and events.


Feb 25, 2011 10:09 AM
Dec 2010
They mashed quite a bit into this episode, the part with Accelerator hunting down the hound dogs in that plant felt rushed, at least they kept the part were he blasted that bitch's jaw off.
LRFeb 25, 2011 10:13 AM
Feb 25, 2011 12:12 PM

Oct 2010
That was just fabulous. Accelerator completely owned back and killed Hound Dog in the most gruesome way that can rival if not surpass to that of the clone arc hence the beautiful shot of Accelerator that started his insane and best part of the episode,

There was a lot of all over the place such as Misaka/Kuroko/Uiharu, Aiho/frog doctor, Index/Accelerator, Vento/Touma/Last Order and Tsuchimikado. Those were all fabulous mixes that enriched and diversified the episode.

About Accelerator, I think it's better to discuss this in 3 parts outlined.

Accelerator and Index, Accelerator was great to start out. The way he barges in the car while Kihara with Hound Dog is wondering about Index was brilliant. Accelerator taking a piece of metal to stab the driver causing him from the looks of his face and that of his bleeding was just the beginning of the gruesome Accelerator as he was in season 1's beginning before Touma taught him a lesson. Amazing was Accelerator's Index snatch to save her was just great. While Index herself is sure carefree when reading a comic book in the car not grasping much of the situation and it dangers, I did enjoy seeing her with Accelerator despite polar opposites that they are. That's what makes the interacting fun. I loved Accelerator's face here with the way it was and Index had a great face here while in the car. What Truly is the way Index touched Accelerator in the following,

it looked a little strange but nice. I am also wondering here if Accelerator was saying that he need batteries for his neck choker. I mean this really runs on batteries? I also loved how Accelerator never stopped being aggressive on that driver shoving that piece of metal as coercion into “Listen to me or else.” Index got my MOE in this part where is lying down and sleeping.

Accelerator and Heaven Canceler, I loved the interaction because for one Heaven Canceler canceler looked so serious that he was bad-ass. Most of all during that part the tone was great and Accelerator's facial expressions in the spoiler
Just brilliant.

Accelerator and Dog Hound, best shit ever! I would not waste my time (got lots of writing to do) in making GIFs if this shit was not amazing! It was fabulous! The compound itself from the outside wa majestic and nicely lit. The insides of it were also nicely done. Accelerator having tied down the lab person was perfect and his “huh?” is really starting to ring a nice sound to my ears. Loved his expression here as he just makes distractions and Dog Hound freaks out shooting possibly at each other known as friendly fire. The best part in the GIFs came from killing this girl. As she searches for Accelerator it was literal surprise bitch and boom! Followed by while on the floor gun pointing at her face and boom blow her off with a nice hint of blood splatter on Accelerator. Oh the joy at her remains! The joy at another Dog Hound female touching her blood on the floor and Accelerator's tongue evil face. His laugh is so contagious as well as his smile. In the end his facial expression at a last member of Dog Hound talking shit about Last Order landed him into gore decapitation with sounds playing a wonderful tune to that. While Accelerator's massive anger got him to blow up the car of Anti-Skill, it also sadly put him on their wanted list. How will he get out of this one as Yumekichi11 wonders?
Rest in spoiler
About preview, looks lie Accelerator is seriously talking about his situation on his cell phone. I really want to know why Vento is coughing out blood. Do her powers have a condition like Tsuchimikado? Looks like the Misaka clones are arming for war! Things are just getting better and better. BTW, found myself laughing and smiling every time Accelerator did and enjoyed it for a first time in this episode. Being in his mind, immersing myself in his personality I did and I should not because it makes me really crazy enough to end up in the psych ward IRL but it was fun.
Yumekichi11Feb 25, 2011 3:13 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 25, 2011 2:17 PM

Oct 2009
Fuck pure love accelerator he is awesome good episode
Feb 25, 2011 2:22 PM

Apr 2008
What a thrilling episode. My blood is pumping with joy from all of this excitement. Accel using guns!?!? Well at least he's still brutally badass. :]
Feb 25, 2011 3:12 PM

Oct 2010
ATTENTION! I need some questions answered so I will put in point format. LN readers get your knowledge out cause I need it to understand.

-Could Kihara's gun be the legendary pea/apple mini nuke one shot rifle based on the reaction of it explosion that it caused? Also what did Vento use to stop it? Some kind of wind power?
-OK WTF is going with: Aiho looking at a pic of Vento, only to have some pulse like thing and falling KO from the looks of her eyes? Same applies to Uiharu here.
-What is this machine? How does it work exactly?
-Is the dropped wallet Touma's or Last Order? Not sure of that.
-Although I loved seeing Tsuchimikado investigating the bead bodies I don't get why he came to a certain place, that has sudden pikes coming out of the ground? What was that light figure? So confusing. Thank you for anyone who take their time on this. First time really confused in this episode about those things.
LordRandus said:
They mashed quite a bit into this episode, the part with Accelerator hunting down the hound dogs in that plant felt rushed, at least they kept the part were he blasted that bitch's jaw off.
I think that part is better as a GIF and also I made one of how great it was to see that tongue action and blood tasting of Accelerator in the spoiler
to add that my avatar of him is pretty nuts.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 25, 2011 3:34 PM
Jul 2018
It need a bit more action against non pawns from Accelerator. Never the less good episode. Next one with Misaka clones looks very promising.
Feb 25, 2011 3:46 PM
Oct 2008
The plot progression was good, but i think it lacked action. Vento vs Touma seemed kinda dull to me.
Feb 25, 2011 4:06 PM

May 2009
Okay here comes the questions;

Please if you're going to tell facts and it wasn't showed in any part of the anime, put it under the spoiler, that's why there's a spoiler button

Yumekichi11 said:

-Could Kihara's gun be the legendary pea/apple mini nuke one shot rifle based on the reaction of it explosion that it caused? Also what did Vento use to stop it? Some kind of wind power?
-OK WTF is going with: Aiho looking at a pic of Vento, only to have some pulse like thing and falling KO from the looks of her eyes? Same applies to Uiharu here.
-What is this machine? How does it work exactly?
-Is the dropped wallet Touma's or Last Order? Not sure of that.
-Although I loved seeing Tsuchimikado investigating the bead bodies I don't get why he came to a certain place, that has sudden pikes coming out of the ground? What was that light figure? So confusing. Thank you for anyone who take their time on this. First time really confused in this episode about those things.

I'm going to mimic Sasha's way of speaking here:

Answer no. 1 : It's a portable anti-tank missile, nobody knows about the details but most likely it suited for combat.

Answer No. 2 on Q1 : It wasn't stated on the novels but you can imagine what happened in there, don't apply any science theories or specualtions here, remember that she's from the Magic side.

Answer No. 3 on Q2 : Her ability/power as a member of God's Right Seat

Answer No. 4 on Q3 : It's some radar detecting equipment, they're doing...

Answer No. 5 on Q5 :


-- I'm looking for "The One" and I'll find her more quickly if I audition two at a time. Think you can do better? --
-- The World God Only Knows -- Toaru Majutsu no Index -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai --
Feb 25, 2011 4:08 PM

Dec 2009
Accelerator really went batshit in this episode, he just laughed his ass off while killing those people. I hope Kihara is next :P

Great episode , because of Madoka and Index 2 every friday is a win =D
Feb 25, 2011 4:57 PM

May 2009
Fuck with Accelerator at your own risk.

They certainly jammed a ton of awesome in this episode.
Feb 25, 2011 4:57 PM

Nov 2008
HOLY SHIZZLE SO MUCH STUFF HAPPENED!!! GAAH MY BODY WASN'T READY xDD I was kinda expecting Index to do something but yeah that would be impossible, buying time will suffice though xDD

Next episode added more characters to get involved with the mess, can't wait to see it xDD Now this is the first time I consider Magic and Science crossed paths ever since the first season xDD

I don't know if it's a good move to shower yourself up against tracing devices before saving Last Order but if it's Accelerator, he's unstoppable even if they could trace him xDD I guess he don't want some ruckus yet heck, look at all he have done to the hound dogs xDD

Yumekichi11 said:
-Is the dropped wallet Touma's or Last Order? Not sure of that.
^that's a cellphone not a wallet xDD that design can't be Touma's unless he has that kind of a hobby xDD

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feb 25, 2011 5:01 PM

Jan 2009
Was going to mention this after the last episode, but I forgot. I find it funneh how Kihara has a shirt similar to Accelerators old one.
Oh Accelerator, you're such a meanie. ‿‿
But really, it's great that this is getting better again.

And there's really way too much Kuroko these days.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Feb 25, 2011 5:24 PM

Oct 2009
Shit just got, fucking, real.


To Aru SHITJUSTGOTREAL no Accelerator.
YanofliesFeb 25, 2011 5:28 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 25, 2011 5:49 PM
Jun 2010
DoubleDango said:
To Aru SHITJUSTGOTREAL no Accelerator.

i wanted to write EXACTLY this lol

epic episode, finally
Feb 25, 2011 5:58 PM

Apr 2010
DoubleDango said:
To Aru SHITJUSTGOTREAL no Accelerator.

QFT. <3 Accel fighting and Kuroko's voice balanced it nicely. Gotta say I was surprised he decided to crush the hound dog girl under some elevator after shooting her in the face. Damn.

I hope Vento has some other powers, or it'll seem a bit too much like that one annoying nun in the first arc. Another week to look forward to!
Feb 25, 2011 6:12 PM
Jan 2010
Accelerator killing the Hound dogs seemed way to short and i'm sure it was shorter then it was in the novels but i don't read them. Vento seemed rather weak aswell.
Feb 25, 2011 6:18 PM

Oct 2010
holy crap this ep was intense.
Touma and Accelerator are on totally opposite sides of the spectrum especially with the way they deal with bad guys.
Feb 25, 2011 6:20 PM
Mar 2010
what was Vento talking about when she was talking to Touma, where she's like "we've clashed a few times here and there but you've never asked for my name" because im pretty sure thats the first time touma met her, im assuming her real name is her magic name
Feb 25, 2011 6:27 PM

Jul 2010
wow. it got really better... i wish if we had setting like this from the beginning. go accelerator beat the crap out of everyone.
Feb 25, 2011 6:33 PM
Dec 2007
christian33215 said:
what was Vento talking about when she was talking to Touma, where she's like "we've clashed a few times here and there but you've never asked for my name" because im pretty sure thats the first time touma met her, im assuming her real name is her magic name
I have no bloody idea what you are talking about. Was that from ayako's sub? You might want ti say what part of the fight was that. The one I saw had them having some banter about how her attacks wouldn't worth easily on him due to his famed Imagine Breaker and how they would kill anything so long as they could kill Touma since anyone else was insignificant in comparison.

Feb 25, 2011 6:34 PM
Jan 2011
Papajan said:
DoubleDango said:
To Aru SHITJUSTGOTREAL no Accelerator.

QFT. <3 Accel fighting and Kuroko's voice balanced it nicely. Gotta say I was surprised he decided to crush the hound dog girl under some elevator after shooting her in the face. Damn.

I hope Vento has some other powers, or it'll seem a bit too much like that one annoying nun in the first arc. Another week to look forward to!

her other power is whats making evryone faint
JoJo10Feb 25, 2011 6:40 PM
Wanna read the"To aru majutsu no index" Light novels in English? Go here.

Feb 25, 2011 7:01 PM
Dec 2007
IndexFanboy214 said:

So, is she also responsible for those bubbly spiky things that almost skewered Tsuchimikado? Quite an impressive scheme she has, trying to destroy all of Academy City under the guise of killing Kamijou Touma.

Dan777 said:
Accelerator killing the Hound dogs seemed way to short and i'm sure it was shorter then it was in the novels but i don't read them. Vento seemed rather weak aswell.

Its was actually more gruesome in the novel
Sadly they HAVE to tone it down for tv, damn self-imposed censorship. They still gave us a side of Accelerator that they never truly showed properly in season 1. Back there, for all the talk about how he was a sadistic bastard all we got to see is him do was kill one or two misaka sisters and then fight Touma. Seeing him throw away all limits of self-control was awesome.

Feb 25, 2011 7:30 PM

Apr 2008
Vent blocked clear view to the car...
oh well, I'll shoot anyway

Yumekichi11 said:
I really want to know why Vento is coughing out blood. Do her powers have a condition like Tsuchimikado?
Maybe being in a city full of those despicable abomination called science and esper just made her sick :P

In the other hand, her proportion looks weird... too small body.
Camera angle's fault ?
nseikaFeb 25, 2011 7:34 PM
Feb 25, 2011 7:47 PM

Oct 2010
Iisan-kun said:
Is it just me or is Accelerator more worthy of being called a 'Main Character' than Misaka this season?
I would take Accelerator over Misaka anytime. I did not find myself imitating Accelerator as I would ever even try Misaka. I should do a recording of myself trying to laugh like Accelerator. It really is addicting.
nseika said:
Yumekichi11 said:
I really want to know why Vento is coughing out blood. Do her powers have a condition like Tsuchimikado?
Maybe being in a city full of those despicable abomination called science and esper just made her sick :P
In the other hand, her proportion looks weird... too small body.
Camera angle's fault ?
I see, it may be she feels too much the area around her.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 25, 2011 7:53 PM
Oct 2010
Iisan-kun said:
Is it just me or is Accelerator more worthy of being called a 'Main Character' than Misaka this season?
Technically, Accelerator is a protagonist, unlike Mikoto (or even the nun naming the series.)
Yumekichi11 said:
I see, it may be she feels too much the area around her.
That's not it... but I don't feel like spoiling it either, just wait till next week.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Feb 25, 2011 7:55 PM

Jun 2009
Omg Accelerator.... that Michael Jackson smile in the stair case....
Feb 25, 2011 7:57 PM

Dec 2007
So much happening. O_O

Touma's fight is once again not that interesting. Just the situation makes it more worth watching. It'd be nice if his power wasn't done by contact. :/

Looking forward to next episode with Misaka getting involved. :)

Yumekichi11 said:
nseika said:
Yumekichi11 said:
I really want to know why Vento is coughing out blood. Do her powers have a condition like Tsuchimikado?
Maybe being in a city full of those despicable abomination called science and esper just made her sick :P
In the other hand, her proportion looks weird... too small body.
Camera angle's fault ?
I see, it may be she feels too much the area around her.

It was sarcasm...
Feb 25, 2011 8:08 PM
Dec 2007
Iisan-kun said:
Is it just me or is Accelerator more worthy of being called a 'Main Character' than Misaka this season?

Anyway- I'm loving this arc so much, but I know I can't give this series good rating because of the first 17 episodes which you would have to be masochistic to enjoy.
Sad I know, they could have and should have limited a few of those arcs, like the lame school tournament arc, or the pointless arc on those ice ships. That said, many novel readers know for a fact Accelerator is basically the face of the Science side. He isn't the strongest Level 5 in Academy City just for show.

Feb 25, 2011 8:12 PM

May 2010
Maybe we shouldave had a show about Accelerator?
Real Hell is inside a person-Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae)
Do you know where hell is? Inside your head-Chrona (Soul Eater)

Feb 25, 2011 8:12 PM

Sep 2008
Accelerator should just get a new job as a kidnapper.
His girl grabbing skills are top notch.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 25, 2011 8:18 PM

Feb 2009
This arc has been pure gold so far. As for the episode, it was epic, Accelerator killing in awesome ways Dog Hound was amazing, as for the duel between Touma and the Seat of God it was interesting and entertaining. Also this episode was done brilliantly, the scenes in red, green and blue color used when Accelerator was getting rid of Dog Hound where superb. Can't wait to see Touma and Accelerator meet again as for Kihara's fight against Accelerator, if they fight again, which I believe that will happen.

Feb 25, 2011 8:23 PM

Jun 2010
You know this show is all fun and great now, and I still love it, but I seriously need to bring some issues up.

When are they seriously gonna have the espers fighting the church members? This show is getting really repetitive… I mean what's the point in including all the other characters and their powers if they aren’t even going to fight (excluding Accelerator)? I’m tired of seeing Kamijou’s hand do all the work. Currently the most interesting character is Accelerator, because he actually DOES stuff to make him interesting, ie. killing people. All Kamijou does is use his hand and say "Herp derp, here's my hand, you can't do anything!"

I hope this show stops digging itself a hole with all this repetition with the church battles against solely Kamijou (you can't call those battles cooperative. It works out so Kamijou is always going one on one with the boss in the end, and all his partner's efforts to help are for naught). Its just really disappointing how he does so much with one hand, while everybody else is either a pathetic sidekick (Tsuchimikado), there for moe (sadly Biribiri and Kuroko, I wished to see more of their fighting), or cannon fodder; they could be doing so much more with these characters by including them in the fight.

The one reason I still stick (and many of you, I bet) with this series is partly for Biribiri and Accelerator, and partly for when eventually science and magic actually clash. In this entire series, this has yet to actually happen.
Feb 25, 2011 8:36 PM

Feb 2008
Accelerator's getting very violent again... great.. just great..

Index is definitely useless, but i don' really feel annoyed of her... i just hope she'd be more useful next time...

though i feel the episode lacks some more action...

btw, i know a lot of people here don't understand why everyone's fainting... Yomikawa just looked at Vento's pic, then she fainted... basically a spoiler, but i feel people won't understand much of what's happening if they don't know Vento's most basic power, that is

epic arc needs more epic action. and more Accelerator.
agent535Feb 25, 2011 8:45 PM
Feb 25, 2011 8:46 PM
Dec 2007
Zeream said:

The one reason I still stick (and many of you, I bet) with this series is partly for Biribiri and Accelerator, and partly for when eventually science and magic actually clash. In this entire series, this has yet to actually happen.
Agreed with you on many parts but I disagree onthe part that magic and science ARE clashing in this arc. In fact, the whole reason Dog Hound was not merely to kill Accelerator but rather to recover Last Order and activate their defenses against Vento should Touma not be able to stop her (he proved rather incapable of stopping the situation during the last Academy City invasion attempt after all). Also, the preview seems to hint they will be activating Fuze=Kazahiri next which will be our first direct science vs magic battle it seems. Technically Touma's Imagine Breaker should be considered an Esper skill in it's own right but I imagine Aleister decided to not consider it an esper skill in order to keep it hidden.

Feb 25, 2011 8:48 PM
Oct 2010
agent535 said:
btw, i know a lot of people here don't understand why everyone's fainting... Yomikawa just looked at Vento's pic, then she fainted... basically a spoiler, but i feel people won't understand much of what's happening if they don't know Vento's most basic power, that is

It's not like it will remain a mystery, so for those who don't read the novels there's no reason to open the spoiler unless they can't wait, it'll be properly explained eventually.
AjunkyFeb 25, 2011 8:53 PM
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Feb 25, 2011 9:51 PM

Sep 2008
Great episode. Felt rushed. They snipped a lot. It's a shame that they felt the need to cut down on the violence and gore to such a degree, especially considering that I can't imagine it would have hurt the rating too much to keep it all at this point. Not as if this is considered family friendly or anything.

A lot of fun stuff. Accelerator was awesome. The moment when he escapes kihara is my favorite accel moment thus far.

Vento has a horrible VA. That sucked, because her character could have been really awesome, but now she just seems annoying and oddly nonthreatening. Didn't help that they cut out just about all the harm she did in her battle with Touma.

Overall though it turned out well, and was a great watch. I might have more to say later. For now... Last Order looks weird without the blush. Cute though. I like it.
Feb 25, 2011 10:13 PM

Jun 2008

A GREAT episode from Index season 2, this is one of the FEW episodes which I will give a 5/5.

There was so much action, Accelerator was at his best, and we're finally getting major plot advancement.

This is obviously the final arc, and it also looks like the BEST arc of the season.

I'm pleased with what I saw I hope the final 4 episodes are as good as this.
Feb 25, 2011 10:15 PM

Jul 2009
Interesting subplot mixing going on: Touma's being hunted down by the Roman Catholics, and Last Order being hunted down by Aleister(for some reason)

Looks like next week has a healthy dose of Touma, Misaka, AND Accelerator actionnnnnnn!!
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Feb 25, 2011 10:26 PM

Jun 2010
Theres so many situations happening. There's uh God's right hand seat (I think that's wrong, the person with the piercings), there's Accelerator beating all those people and people think he's the cause of the destruction of Academy City (I think), and Kamijou is with Last Order trying to avoid all this chaos while trying to find Accelerator even though Kamijou doesn't it.

Feb 25, 2011 11:10 PM

Jan 2011
Really, 5/5
Nuff said.
Feb 26, 2011 12:11 AM
Dec 2010
alexcampos said:

This is obviously the final arc, and it also looks like the BEST arc of the season.
Except that it isn't. There's one more.
Feb 26, 2011 12:19 AM

Feb 2010
Tsuki-Hime said:
wow. it got really better... i wish if we had setting like this from the beginning. go accelerator beat the crap out of everyone.


i would rate this 9 or even 10 if i could ignore the first 16 episodes.

btw index looked cute with accelerator.

awesome episode , love accelerator , he is the only one capable to kill someone in this anime so far.
VanisherFeb 26, 2011 12:25 AM
Feb 26, 2011 12:37 AM
Feb 2011
what i could say is... A helluva bloodbath episode.
I thought index going to use magic or something but she got saved instead lol.
Accel shooting in the girl face and crushing her under elevator made me surprise not at all, that's his 'crazy'ness afterall.
Feb 26, 2011 1:08 AM
Mar 2010
What's with the rush?
Where's my epic Frog Doctor speech? That was way too short of a speech. They really like to skip to the action too much, we need more character developments. But nevertheless, insane Accelerator is always good
Feb 26, 2011 1:41 AM

Sep 2009
...I'm still waiting for the real Misaka to do something.

A good episode though.
Feb 26, 2011 2:05 AM

Nov 2008
Excellent episode with completly badass Accelerator.
DoubleDango said:
To Aru SHITJUSTGOTREAL no Accelerator.

No better words for that xD
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