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Feb 22, 2011 8:25 AM

Nov 2007
Kurumi is mad at Sawako and Miura's been punished by Ayane for getting in the way.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Feb 22, 2011 9:04 AM

Jul 2010
manly Kurumi, i respect you
lol'd at Ryuu's comment to Sawako "you are poor talker"

Feb 22, 2011 11:32 AM

Feb 2009
OK, only the RAW is out right now, so I hope I've understood this episode well enough to be rightfully frustrated. :)

It really irked me when in the beginning that one guy (I keep forgetting his name), tells Kazehaya that club activities are already over and Kazehaya is like: I got rejected (I was really surprised I actually understood that part)

I did love how everyone is surprised when both Sawako and Kazehaya tell them they've both been rejected.. ( Pin, LOLLOL)

Stupid Kent, I think he just said what I think he said.. xD Such a clumsy guy. (and I can't believe Kazehaya could walk further so casually.. ARGH)

Anyway, I'm still waiting for something really exciting to happen.
Feb 22, 2011 2:26 PM

Mar 2010
It looks like Kento is just as evil as Kyubei in many ways.

Anyway, it's been quite painful to watch Sawako struggling, but I expect something good to happen in the next episode, which is title "To Reach (届け)".

Feb 22, 2011 7:24 PM

Dec 2009
Nice,Kurumi for scolding Sawako for hurting Kazehaya's feeling twice.Sawako is so lucky to have someone like Ayano and Chizu by her side by helping her and stay by her side all the time.
So,it's finally the time to clear all the misunderstandings.
I very look forward for the next episode.^^

Feb 22, 2011 9:15 PM
Jan 2011
I think this anime really great!because its not only reach ur mind,but also touch ur deeply emotions!!n the viewers really feels what the main characters feels!it hurts sometimes but that was amazing!!
Feb 22, 2011 10:11 PM
Jun 2010
The 2nd season Kimini entertains me with the many scenes of bloodshed.
Feb 22, 2011 10:24 PM

Jul 2010
Pin is surprisingly perceptive. He never ceases to amaze me.

Did it kind of seem like Kazehaya understood what Sawako was saying in the hall? As in it seems like he might know that she doesn't think that he likes her in that way? I'm not quite sure, but I hope maybe he understood.

I feel sorry for Kent. Yeah, he's messing things up for Sawako and Kazehaya, but can you really hate him? That last scene with him standing all by himself in the hallway just felt so sad to me. He's really honest and seems good-natured as well. I just can't dislike him. And I love his "Da yo ne~" Haha.

The scene with Kent and Ayane was just awesome.

Kent: I might've... done something bad. ^_^;;
*Scary music starts*
Ayane: Don't you take that tone with me!
Kent: Da yo ne~

Next episode looks good... please, confession! PLEASE!
Feb 22, 2011 10:26 PM

Aug 2009

Feb 22, 2011 11:40 PM

Oct 2008
Respect to Kurumi.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Feb 22, 2011 11:45 PM

Oct 2010
Kurumi needs to be in every episode
Feb 22, 2011 11:59 PM

Jan 2010
Lulexiaa said:

That's what makes it more frustrating for me to watch!! I sometimes feel like strangling those two. Hope that it will be resolved next episode.
Feb 23, 2011 12:02 AM
Nov 2008
As frustrating as the downs were at the beginning of the season, I admit that they are making the comeback all the more exciting. I love how everyone is yelling "NO!" at Sawako and Kazehaya just like the entire audience has been doing for the entire season. There was so much win in this episode, particularly with Ayane. I absolutely cannot wait for my happy ending. And if this season ends up with anything other than a happy ending, I am going to rage beyond belief! XD
Feb 23, 2011 12:08 AM

Sep 2009
Seems like the episode I have been waiting for will be soon. All of the side characters were great in this episode.
Feb 23, 2011 12:22 AM

Jan 2010
Next season: Dates and other sweet couples stuff.
This season: Bitch Tears, bitch tears galore.
Feb 23, 2011 12:30 AM

Dec 2007
communiist said:
Kurumi needs to be in every episode

This. It's seriously the support cast which makes this show, while the main cast has been dragging it down for ages now.
Feb 23, 2011 12:42 AM

Jan 2010
Sucrose said:
Next season: Dates and other sweet couples stuff.
This season: Bitch Tears, bitch tears galore.

ahaha that could be kinda true if there was a 3rd season I guess!!! BUT

Anyway GREAT EPISODE!!! Loved Kurimi in this ep and especially Ayane!!! Gambatte Sawako chan she finally realized what she has to do!!!
Feb 23, 2011 12:44 AM

Sep 2009
althogh I really started to love kurumi =D ...
solve this missundrstending! be brave sawako~ It's so not ike her...
errrr.... this was a pure filler!!! ><'''
Sorry I'm late. I got lost on the road of life. -Hatake Kakashi (Naruto)
A dropout will beat a genius through hard work. -Rock Lee (Naruto)

Feb 23, 2011 12:51 AM

Sep 2010
this episode was so good but in the same time i didn't like the atmosphere between kuronoma and kazayaha =( they didn't even say "morning" to each other =(
i feel sad when i see them like this =(
hope next week and after it come quickly SO THAT HELL ATMOSPHERE GOES AWAY
and really kurumi was so good in this ep. NOW i'm beginning like her more
RoRo-chanFeb 23, 2011 12:56 AM
Feb 23, 2011 1:54 AM

May 2008
Pin you asshole LOL

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Feb 23, 2011 2:22 AM

Apr 2010
I hope Sawako can confess to Kazehaya in next week's episode. It seems like she's realising now that she needs to say things clearly for people to understand, and that when she does it makes them happy. I loved Ryu saying 'I think you don't say enough'.

If you don't remember something, it never happened. If you aren't remembered, you never existed. <3
Feb 23, 2011 3:33 AM

Jan 2011
Well, Kazehaya and Sawako's misunderstandings continues to be frustrating.
But seeing how everyone (except Kent) Somehow helps them (including Pin) and most especially Kurumi.
Feb 23, 2011 4:06 AM

Nov 2009
Pin you bastard. ;P

I really liked that Kurumi made Sawako THINK finally. I hope the whole story will finally move forward now. (in a positive way)

Feb 23, 2011 4:40 AM

Nov 2007
Very nice that it's Kurumi, who is very clear about her feelings for Kazehaya, to slap some sense into Sawako. Her frustration at losing to someone who can't confess properly was very heartfelt. There's a lot to be said for Yano's tactics: let her figure it out for herself and in her own time. But Sawako appears to be a person who needs feedback to make up her mind, and she hasn't reached the stage yet to seek Yano out for advise.
Well, she got what she needed this ep, with Ryuu giving the last push.
And you know it's bad if Ryuu thinks you don't talk enough :D
Just like Pin did the trick with Kazehaya, giving him the shock he needed imo.

Iilia said:
Did it kind of seem like Kazehaya understood what Sawako was saying in the hall? As in it seems like he might know that she doesn't think that he likes her in that way? I'm not quite sure, but I hope maybe he understood.

I doubt it. He has the impression that she doesn't want people to get the wrong idea about them. And what she says in the hall pretty much confirms that for him.

Iilia said:
I feel sorry for Kent. Yeah, he's messing things up for Sawako and Kazehaya, but can you really hate him? That last scene with him standing all by himself in the hallway just felt so sad to me. He's really honest and seems good-natured as well. I just can't dislike him.

Neither can I. Imo he's a carefree fool, who meant well. But he's missing some vital points to be helpfull at all.
Feb 23, 2011 4:55 AM

Mar 2010
GAAHH SOMEONE JUST LOCK THEM INTO ONE ROOM TOGETHER and let them talk things straight!!
Feb 23, 2011 5:17 AM

Aug 2010
Haha, Miura is so funny how he was actually clueless about what was going on. Hopefully next episode things get straightened out.
Feb 23, 2011 5:56 AM

Sep 2009
MidnightGreen09 said:
Well, Kazehaya and Sawako's misunderstandings continues to be frustrating.
plus painful.

Kurumi's slap was so epic.
Yes! Sadako you can do it! Propose! propose Kazehaya already!
Feb 23, 2011 5:58 AM

Dec 2010
Iilia said:
I feel sorry for Kent. Yeah, he's messing things up for Sawako and Kazehaya, but can you really hate him? That last scene with him standing all by himself in the hallway just felt so sad to me. He's really honest and seems good-natured as well. I just can't dislike him.

Ah true, he turned out pretty nice and who can blame him for getting confused with the relation of Sawako & Kazehaya.

cleo said:
And you know it's bad if Ryuu thinks you don't talk enough :D

The best part of this episode. :D
Feb 23, 2011 6:16 AM
Jul 2018
the character interactions between Sawako and Kazehaya have gone from pleasant to almost painful to watch.
and Kurumi was pretty awesome in this episode, poor Kent
Feb 23, 2011 7:27 AM

Nov 2010
I sometimes want to bang Sawako and Kazehaya's heads for that misunderstanding but I just can't blame them..
Poor Kent-o.. that slap probably hurts less than what Ayane told him.
Feb 23, 2011 8:13 AM

Aug 2010
I heard you like misunderstandings, so we put misunderstandings in your misunderstanding so you can misunderstand while you misunderstand.

Feb 23, 2011 8:27 AM

Apr 2008
Go, Kurumi, go! i do wish she had a bigger role, hey, maybe a whole season of Kurumi awesomeness!

And Ryu telling Sawako to talk more, so much pun.

But seriously, EVERYBODY else knows what went down but why is NOBODY telling them, "hey, stooopid you got it wrong!"?! Fer cryin out loud, even Pin knows! Even the random dudes in the background know. Even clueless Kento knows. There's a mighty sadistic streak in that school.
Feb 23, 2011 8:30 AM

Apr 2010
haha..Pin is really something..! I dont think he fits to be a teacher..:P

Kent's really cute and funny..I like the way he slipped his tongue which is really interfering the 2 for understanding each other. Haha.

And kurumi as well. She's really one of the characters that should always be by sawako's side so she has someone who will straightly tells her that she should wake up and do what she should do :D

I never expected Ryu would advise something to Sawa as well.

great ep. It really sticked to the manga :3
Feb 23, 2011 8:38 AM

Dec 2010
Lylaaz said:
GAAHH SOMEONE JUST LOCK THEM INTO ONE ROOM TOGETHER and let them talk things straight!!

This xD It would've solved everything from the onset and no misunderstandings or anything would've been possible!

I think I seriously scared my dog in this episode with my random moments of screaming at characters. ("Sawako, run after him damn it! For once!")
That aside, I pretty much feel bad for everyone at this point. I had a feeling Kurumi would come back and actually be helpful, but she must feel awful for losing out to someone so painfully clueless. Kent had [some] good intentions but he messed everything up [again and again] unintentionally, which won him no friends, Ayane and Chizu and Ryu have to watch all this happen, and Sawako and Kazehaya are miserable.

Actually, correction, I don't feel bad for Pin. He managed to instantaneously turn my feelings of love into feelings of rage. (Give up? After THIS MANY EPISODES OF AGGRAVATION?! Oh no, no no no....)

I'm glad that Sawako has been "scolded"/"encouraged"/what have you from so many people now, "rivals" and Ryu (and whenever he speaks you know it's important!), that she finally knows what she has to do. I can feel a fantastically amazing episode coming up (and another week of waiting...) I wonder if that table setting book foreshadows that she's making dinner for Kazehaya?
Feb 23, 2011 8:53 AM

Apr 2010
haha..locking them up is a great idea :D
Feb 23, 2011 9:01 AM

Oct 2009
Why is everyone saying that Kent is so freaking evil!?
I don't think he did anything wrong! He just misunderstood a little last episode! And what did he do wrong this episode? He just told Sawako the facts (That Kazehaya likes her) someone had to tell her!))
You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me
Feb 23, 2011 9:04 AM

May 2010
Great episode once again. The side characters really are interesting esp. Kurumi, Ryu and Pin. xD

What they need is time to be alone with each other :)

Hope things will be solved next ep.
Feb 23, 2011 10:14 AM

Sep 2009
Kurumi is seriously my favorite character in the anime.
And kent, he is a good guy, it's just that he is abit stupid. He can't tell kazehaya like sawako, end up messing things up.
Feb 23, 2011 10:20 AM

Sep 2010
The misunderstandings are a real pain to watch xP
but the episode was nice I hope things will get better next week
MiMikuChanFeb 23, 2011 11:40 AM
Feb 23, 2011 10:22 AM

Jul 2010
I think i will cry when it happens next episode or the episode after, this is perfect build up ppl. its going to be so much more satisfying next week, this series is slice of life at its best :D
How to Watch Naruto Without Filler (Complete):
How to Watch Bleach Without Filler (Complete):
Feb 23, 2011 10:52 AM

Dec 2010
Love this ep :D
Kurumi`s words awakened Sawako. Good, because Sawako needed a kick.

And Pin, omg, you`re the man, I like you xD
Feb 23, 2011 11:10 AM

Aug 2010
This show should be called Misunderstandings because everything is always a misunderstanding with Sawako. We're getting there but slowly.
Feb 23, 2011 12:06 PM

Feb 2008
this show is too annoying to watch. everyone is telling her different things and shes getting confused. he gives up after a misunderstanding....that is as far as he was willing to go? lame.
Feb 23, 2011 12:22 PM
Jun 2009
Haha, I knew a lot of you would have respect for Kurumi. :P (I did too

Yeah, Wikipedia says next episode is called "Reach" so....I won't say much but next week should be a little bit more satisfying. ^_-
Feb 23, 2011 12:29 PM

Nov 2009
greenmush said:
Pin you asshole LOL

QFT. I was waiting for at least one of the people to actually tell them that they are being stupid.

Seriously, among misunderstandings this just doesn't work. I love them incomedy, but whenever it comes to serious shows like this it shouldn't be used. Although i have to say this show is pretty darn funny sometimes XD
Feb 23, 2011 12:31 PM

Feb 2009
kisami said:
this show is too annoying to watch. everyone is telling her different things and shes getting confused. he gives up after a misunderstanding....that is as far as he was willing to go? lame.

He confessed to her twice. To rub salt into the fresh wounds, he walks into school to find her vehemetly denying that there is any kind of affection between them besides friendship. She's giving very strong signals (mistakingly) that she doesn't want that type of relationship. Who wouldn't back off for a bit?
Feb 23, 2011 1:05 PM

Nov 2007
Kipcha said:
He confessed to her twice. To rub salt into the fresh wounds, he walks into school to find her vehemetly denying that there is any kind of affection between them besides friendship. She's giving very strong signals (mistakingly) that she doesn't want that type of relationship. Who wouldn't back off for a bit?

Than again, if he had been really clever, he would have tried to get a straight answer out of Sawako when he confessed. Instead he walked off after some vague 'hum', leaving them both miserable.
Feb 23, 2011 1:13 PM

Sep 2009
To echo the voice of many members, every character in this show is great...aside from the two main ones. Damnit, how many times do the side cast have to make it clear to the main couple that they like each other!?!? This is turning into my weekly dose of rage, but it seems we're at the tipping point now. I hope next episode will be the one.
Feb 23, 2011 3:47 PM
Dec 2007
Everything's getting back on tracks. And still the secondary characters shine, especially Pin and Kurumi in this ep.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Feb 23, 2011 3:47 PM
Dec 2007
Everything's getting back on tracks. And still the secondary characters shine, especially Pin and Kurumi in this ep.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
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