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Jul 2, 2010 11:43 PM

Apr 2007
So it's finally over. It was nice for some closure but it still feels like we were meant to see more. Pity. So, your thoughts on the ending?

Jul 3, 2010 2:38 AM

Jun 2007
The ending was pathetic. The Deus Ex Machina dog once again got used to explain why someone got killed/injured, and sleep walking was seriously used to explain why there were cries for help engraved in a hidden room... which Shu shouldn't have even known about since he'd only gone to the room whilst sleep walking, supposedly.

It was beyond stupid how a SMALL dog kept appearing at key moments and, angered by a weapon being held in an aggressive manner, *somehow* kept pushing people off high places. And I can't be arsed to even go into detail about how good people grinned in a sinister manner for no reason other than to misled the reader and the final 'IT WAS ALL THE EVIL RAPIST LOLI GUY!' twist was the most predictable of all the options.

There wasn't a story worth spending even one volume on, and only the usual survival addictiveness kept me coming back for more. I'm still as a loss as to why kids would even get sent to a school located on an island where under ten people live, but when the story involved people falling to their deaths and *somehow* surviving I guess it'd be dumb to think any more about that...
Jul 3, 2010 7:02 AM

Jul 2007
Jesus H. Christ. The ending was a fucking piece of god-damned bull poop. I initially gave it a score of 7 but it just kept on sliding down until it jumped off the cliff, ending in a bloody mess worth a score of 2.

Good God, it's even worse than the ending wherein everything was just a dream. It makes me rage so much, I actually feel disappointed that the would-be child killer and loli rapist didn't get what he wanted.
YuunagiJul 3, 2010 7:26 AM
Jul 3, 2010 2:06 PM

Nov 2007
I don't know, maybe it was our expectation that come in the way, but I find it a lil' dull ending and a lil' too predictable (especially the ghost on the top of the house).
One of the magnetism of the manga is the lil' dark fantasy in it and the logical end kind of take it and ruined the all concept of this (even with the lil' girl ghost in the end that was just unnecessary).

Feed us cause we are definitely cute
Thanks for whom ever upgrade it :)
Jul 6, 2010 6:03 AM
Sep 2007
Give it a 6 the ending turned out to be really crappy.
Jul 7, 2010 7:23 PM

Oct 2009
loved the manga but the ending let it down...still enjoyed it through :-)
Jul 12, 2010 9:49 PM

Feb 2009
One word "disappointing"

Such nice built up to end up like that. I think some authors do have a problem with ending stories.
Aug 15, 2010 9:29 PM
Apr 2010
it was a good manga till the last chapter the ending was so bad what was Sanbe thinking it was wrapped up to nicely and it was really cliché and what was up with the 2 filler side stories that had nothing to do with the story at all
Aug 20, 2010 7:51 AM

Feb 2010
another fail ending :(
Mar 24, 2011 2:41 PM

Dec 2007
well i the only shity thing is that the dog were in too many key sceene and that some grinning were unnessecary (just to trick the reade). I like the fact that to much imagination leads to misunderstandings.
That it was predictable that it wasn't about the money people got "killed" was clear, i mean you won't gain so much money from it. So i was searchin for another answer, espeacially at the facility from the second WW.
I was just wishing to find something out when nothing was there in the end.

I gave it a 7
Oct 31, 2011 8:16 PM

Oct 2011
it's kinda a let down that i found this predictable even with all the odd facial expressions to try and mislead the reader. it kinda just became too much and you could tell that the little hints here and there were all just to try and confuse you so the actual situation became obvious halfway through anyway. it's another one of those manga that become a read-for-the-sake-of-reading ones
overall it got a 5 from me
Mar 22, 2012 3:02 AM

Apr 2011
Expected a bigger twist and the dog incident was overused (1-2 times maybe), but I'm happy my big breasted teacher who pees in her pants survived.
May 28, 2012 7:38 PM

Apr 2009
I enjoyed it a lot but it kinda falls on its face for the last couple chapters. Some things just make no sense. If the headmaster wasn't evil why the hell is he chasing them with a machete lol....

+ way too much evil grinning for characters that turn out not to be bad (yukino can be explained when shu falls though...but not uzui (sp? and headmaster))
+ characters returning from the dead in ridiculous fashion (also, the fat guy should have died, it makes no sense why he wasn't killed)

kuwadate (sp?) falling off the cliff and somehow making it all the way back to the school just makes absolutely zero sense. very corny but thats fine if it makes sense, but this just didn't make sense
TiamatNMMay 28, 2012 7:41 PM
Sep 27, 2012 4:04 AM
Mar 2008
Although the revelations where a little clumsy and could have used more foreshadowing, they weren't that hard to grasp.

Every clue and dialog had two possibilities and had me thinking about them after finishing each chapter. More than misleading it was mysterious. From the beginning there were hints that everything from both sides could be a lie or mistake, encouraging the reader to tie and compare clues instead of just reading along and expect answers. That's why I read the last chapter as an epilogue instead of an ending. The only new pieces of info were the blood on the drawer and the real girl in the photograph (although the writing in the room was way hard to solve). So I don't think it was meant as a wrap up chapter but as a goodbye one.

I liked how there was the possibility of there being a real ghost. The last appearance of it was not really ghost worthy, just giving the girl what she wanted, courage to speak. When you look back, it could work either way. When the ghost took the weapon from the smart kid, it could have been his subconscious wish to not hurt the headmaster or the ghost protecting the headmaster.

Commenting about other posts:

About the dog, it was actually clever. From the moment the leg wound appeared, just after the chicken cutting flashback, it was clear from where those deep cuts came. Linking it with the reactions against a similar weapon made complete sense. After they healed the dog, I couldn't help but think it was following them all the way through. When it was revealed the dog was the cause of the fall, it was a "oh, that's how it was!" moment for me. Every time a character said to drop the weapon after that, it was obvious they had seen the dog following close by not long ago. It was more like a bound to happen event and not a cheat. If you stopped to think for a second before hand, it didn't feel random at all! Of course, it would have worked better if the dog was more of a present character at the beginning or if we could have seen him slightly following the group after their first encounter on the mountain, but you can't have it all.

About the fat kid not being killed. You have to take into account that no matter how twisted the bad guy was, he was not a killer, or a full blown rapist for that matter (a potential one in a secluded situation), nor he was thinking straight at that moment because of the pain. Those contradictions actually makes him more than a one dimensional villain.

About the grinning. I don't remember the headmaster grinning... Yukino's disturbed personality was touched upon her flashback chapter. And the good guy teacher... yeah that was weird. Oh, and the machete, it is used to cut down paths.

As for the deaths. The kid who fell from the cliff, it was explained at the end. The crazy teacher was most likely the same reason. There was always the possibility of the other two kids being alive. Granted, I expected the fat kid to have exaggerated or lied about what he saw, not completely mistaking the situation. I guess he ran away before seeing what really happened and filled the rest.

I was able to read it in one go and enjoyed it. I'd understand why it wouldn't be fully enjoyed forgetting details between chapters though.
onewithflanSep 27, 2012 4:20 AM
Oct 2, 2012 11:28 AM
Feb 2012
Interesting manga...not the end I expect really but I still found it pretty good read. I gathered that everything being shown or told was not exactly the full truth.
Dec 8, 2012 11:54 PM

Sep 2012
Just finished it, wtf at the end man?
Mar 17, 2013 9:41 AM

Feb 2010
Wow, so everything that happened in Hohzuki Island was caused because of a chain reaction from Kuwadate acting like a jerk. I did think the dog was overused and I thought more people would be killed off... but I guess I am happy all the kids survived anyway.

I love when they went back to the island 7 years later they noticed how much it seemed different because they were older.
Aug 15, 2013 5:48 PM

Nov 2012
As an addendum to onewithflan, I find Rikiya's and Usui's Shinanoka to be yet another great hint. Given that I read it in one go, I didn't interpret too much into it since I know it will be revealed at the end; which is a shame since this manga is great precisely because of such detailed hints that was not shown discreetly. Yukino-sensei's backstory is a great addition as well since it further consolidate the theme, which is to understand and to be understood (between adults and children).

Hence, I don't really find the dog's divine intervention as a letdown since I don't exactly regard it as an adventure but purely a mystery/psychological manga. The story did well in the sense that everything was explained thoroughly, leaving no major mystery unexplained. Shuichiro's cliche role as the smart guy is great since it doesn't hamper the progress of the story in irrelevant whining and despair beyond what is induced by the presence of the adults.

The moment Kuwadate confessed to his wrongdoing, clearing up the greatest mystery that plague the characters, the story practically ended. What occurs thereafter; Kuwadate fell down the cliff, survived and tried to kill Kokoro; Shuichiro miraculously survive; bears no weight to the story beyond rewarding the readers with a Happy End after going through the ordeals. Rather, the fact that the author went out of his way to justify everything down to the reason how Shuichiro survive (albeit forced) is commendable and brilliant.
KenjimaxDec 27, 2013 7:33 PM
Jan 11, 2015 4:49 PM
May 2013
wait does this mean they murdered the head master for no reason?
Jun 16, 2015 7:51 PM

Dec 2014
Jeez, talk about being predictable. The ending really irked me.
Jul 1, 2015 2:26 AM

Jul 2011
Spell dog backwards...?

Naw but I liked it. The ending actually tied together well I think. Basically it was all their over-active imaginations (like the adults kept saying!), but we were caught up in all of it just as the kids were (who ever believed the adults?). Like, everyone actually DID just go to the freakin' hospital like they said. But we didn't believe them! And when I saw the "mother, save me" in the room, I was thinking it was strange since we just learned about Shu's past. I like that aspect of it. We make the connection but we reject it because it just can't be true right? In the end when they returned, they noted how different the island was - that reflects their perspective now that they've grown. They were paranoid, distrustful and fearful children. It really is a psychological series that explores the paranoid children's minds.

And of course the kids all have problems, though that could have been hinted at better, because why else would they be sent to a secluded island? I just wish they were shown to be a bit less normal from the get-go. But nothing really came as a surprise and I like that at the end the ghost girl is shown just hit the possibility of "what if...?"

I enjoyed the chase quite a bit and it was a real page-turner. It was exciting wondering what would happen next and who would survive in the end. I feel almost trolled that the "truth" turned out to be the actual truth!
MirorinJul 1, 2015 2:30 AM
Jan 17, 2017 4:46 AM

Oct 2014
this was a huge letdown 1/10
Dec 12, 2018 10:19 AM

Mar 2015
Damn it, it's basically Gamers! misunderstanding in a survival manga. I was intrigued because this was made by Erased author, but this is kinda disappointing.

Sep 17, 2019 8:30 AM

Aug 2018
Yukina sensei single handedly makes this manga. The Rugrats-style ~kids' imagination makes everything dramatic~ reveal was fairly obvious early on but I wasn't bored
May 22, 2021 6:08 PM

Mar 2014
So I guess the dog died. I actually liked the ending but I can't give it a high score because of the unnecessary, dodgy drawings of an 11 yr old.

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